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* Copyright (C) 2023 panpf
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.github.panpf.zoomimage.compose.zoom
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.clipToBounds
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.SuspendingPointerInputModifierNode
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.onSizeChanged
import androidx.compose.ui.node.CompositionLocalConsumerModifierNode
import androidx.compose.ui.node.DelegatingNode
import androidx.compose.ui.node.ModifierNodeElement
import androidx.compose.ui.node.currentValueOf
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import com.github.panpf.zoomimage.compose.internal.format
import com.github.panpf.zoomimage.compose.internal.toShortString
import com.github.panpf.zoomimage.compose.zoom.internal.detectPowerfulTapGestures
import com.github.panpf.zoomimage.compose.zoom.internal.detectPowerfulTransformGestures
import com.github.panpf.zoomimage.zoom.ContinuousTransformType
import com.github.panpf.zoomimage.zoom.GestureType
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
* A Modifier that can recognize gestures such as click, long press, double-click, one-finger zoom, two-finger zoom, drag, fling, etc.,
* and then apply the gesture changes to the component. It can be used on any composable component.
* Since it consumes all gestures, [Modifier.clickable] and [Modifier.combinedClickable] will not work.
* You can pass [onTap] and [onLongPress] parameters instead.
* If the zoomed content does not fill the container, you can set the size, scaling and alignment of the content through
* the contentSize, contentScale, and alignment properties of [ZoomableState]. This will only translate within the content area after scaling.
fun Modifier.zoom(
zoomable: ZoomableState,
onLongPress: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
onTap: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
): Modifier = this
.zoomable(zoomable, onLongPress = onLongPress, onTap = onTap)
* A Modifier that can recognize gestures such as click, long press, double-click, one-finger zoom, two-finger zoom, drag, fling, etc.
* It can be used on any composable component.
* It stores the changes caused by the gesture into [ZoomableState].transform. You need to read the transform and then
* apply it to the component through graphicsLayer. You can also use the [zooming] Modifier directly.
* Since it consumes all gestures, [Modifier.clickable] and [Modifier.combinedClickable] will not work.
* You can pass [onTap] and [onLongPress] parameters instead.
* If the zoomed content does not fill the container, you can set the size, scaling and alignment of the content through
* the contentSize, contentScale, and alignment properties of [ZoomableState]. This will only translate within the content area after scaling.
fun Modifier.zoomable(
zoomable: ZoomableState,
onLongPress: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
onTap: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
): Modifier = this
.onSizeChanged { zoomable.containerSize = it }
.then(ZoomableElement(zoomable, onLongPress, onTap))
* A Modifier that applies changes in [ZoomableState].transform to the component. It can be used on any composable component.
fun Modifier.zooming(
zoomable: ZoomableState
): Modifier = this
.graphicsLayer {
val transform = zoomable.transform
zoomable.logger.v { "ZoomableState. graphicsLayer. transform=$transform" }
scaleX = transform.scaleX
scaleY = transform.scaleY
translationX = transform.offsetX
translationY = transform.offsetY
transformOrigin = transform.scaleOrigin
// Because rotationOrigin and rotationOrigin are different, they must be set separately.
.graphicsLayer {
val transform = zoomable.transform
rotationZ = transform.rotation
transformOrigin = transform.rotationOrigin
internal data class ZoomableElement(
val zoomable: ZoomableState,
val onLongPress: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
val onTap: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
) : ModifierNodeElement() {
override fun create(): ZoomableNode {
return ZoomableNode(
zoomable = zoomable,
onLongPress = onLongPress,
onTap = onTap,
override fun update(node: ZoomableNode) {
zoomable = zoomable,
onLongPress = onLongPress,
onTap = onTap,
internal class ZoomableNode(
var zoomable: ZoomableState,
var onLongPress: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
var onTap: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
) : DelegatingNode(), CompositionLocalConsumerModifierNode {
private var longPressExecuted = false
private var doubleTapPressPoint: Offset? = null
private var oneFingerScaleExecuted = false
private val tapPointerDelegate = delegate(SuspendingPointerInputModifierNode {
onPress = {
longPressExecuted = false
doubleTapPressPoint = null
oneFingerScaleExecuted = false
coroutineScope.launch {
onTap = {
onLongPress = {
val updatedOnLongPress = onLongPress
if (updatedOnLongPress != null) {
longPressExecuted = true
onDoubleTapPress = { touchPoint ->
doubleTapPressPoint = touchPoint
onDoubleTapUp = { touchPoint ->
doubleTapPressPoint = null
val supportDoubleTapScale =
if (supportDoubleTapScale && !oneFingerScaleExecuted && !longPressExecuted) {
coroutineScope.launch {
val centroidContentPoint =
zoomable.switchScale(centroidContentPoint, animated = true)
private val gesturePointerDelegate = delegate(SuspendingPointerInputModifierNode {
panZoomLock = true,
canDrag = { horizontal: Boolean, direction: Int ->
val supportDrag = zoomable.checkSupportGestureType(GestureType.DRAG)
val canScroll = zoomable.canScroll(horizontal, direction)
val supportOneFingerScale =
val doubleTapPressPoint = doubleTapPressPoint
(supportDrag && canScroll) || (supportOneFingerScale && doubleTapPressPoint != null)
onGesture = { centroid: Offset, pan: Offset, zoom: Float, rotation: Float, pointCount ->
coroutineScope.launch {
val longPressExecuted = longPressExecuted
val doubleTapPressPoint = doubleTapPressPoint
val supportOneFingerScale =
val supportTwoFingerScale =
val supportDrag = zoomable.checkSupportGestureType(GestureType.DRAG)
zoomable.logger.v {
"ZoomableState. zoomable. onGesture. " +
"longPressExecuted=$longPressExecuted, " +
"pointCount=$pointCount, " +
"doubleTapPressPoint=$doubleTapPressPoint, " +
"supportOneFingerScale=$supportOneFingerScale, " +
"supportTwoFingerScale=$supportTwoFingerScale, " +
if (longPressExecuted) return@launch
if (supportOneFingerScale && pointCount == 1 && doubleTapPressPoint != null) {
oneFingerScaleExecuted = true
val oneFingerScaleSpec = zoomable.oneFingerScaleSpec
val scale = oneFingerScaleSpec.panToScaleTransformer.transform(pan.y)
zoomable.continuousTransformType = ContinuousTransformType.GESTURE
centroid = doubleTapPressPoint,
panChange = Offset.Zero,
zoomChange = scale,
rotationChange = 0f
} else {
oneFingerScaleExecuted = false
if (supportTwoFingerScale || supportDrag) {
val finalPan = if (supportDrag) pan else Offset.Zero
val finalZoom = if (supportTwoFingerScale) zoom else 1f
zoomable.continuousTransformType = ContinuousTransformType.GESTURE
centroid = centroid,
panChange = finalPan,
zoomChange = finalZoom,
rotationChange = rotation
onEnd = { centroid, velocity ->
coroutineScope.launch {
val longPressExecuted = longPressExecuted
val doubleTapPressPoint = doubleTapPressPoint
val oneFingerScaleExecuted = oneFingerScaleExecuted
val supportOneFingerScale =
val supportTwoFingerScale =
val supportDrag =
zoomable.logger.v {
"ZoomableState. zoomable. onEnd. " +
"centroid=${centroid.toShortString()}, " +
"velocity=${velocity.x.format(2)}x${velocity.y.format(2)}, " +
"longPressExecuted=$longPressExecuted, " +
"doubleTapPressPoint=$doubleTapPressPoint, " +
"oneFingerScaleExecuted=$oneFingerScaleExecuted, " +
"supportOneFingerScale=$supportOneFingerScale, " +
"supportTwoFingerScale=$supportTwoFingerScale, " +
if (longPressExecuted) return@launch
if (supportOneFingerScale && oneFingerScaleExecuted && doubleTapPressPoint != null) {
if (!zoomable.rollbackScale(doubleTapPressPoint)) {
zoomable.continuousTransformType = 0
} else {
val rollbackScaleExecuted =
supportTwoFingerScale && zoomable.rollbackScale(centroid)
var flingExecuted = false
if (!rollbackScaleExecuted) {
val density = currentValueOf(LocalDensity)
flingExecuted = supportDrag && zoomable.fling(velocity, density)
if ((supportTwoFingerScale || supportDrag) && (!rollbackScaleExecuted && !flingExecuted)) {
zoomable.continuousTransformType = 0
fun update(
zoomable: ZoomableState,
onLongPress: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
onTap: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
) {
val zoomableChanged = this.zoomable != zoomable
val callbackChanged = (this.onTap == null) != (onTap == null) ||
(this.onLongPress == null) != (onLongPress == null)
this.zoomable = zoomable
this.onLongPress = onLongPress
this.onTap = onTap
if (zoomableChanged || callbackChanged) {
if (zoomableChanged) {