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org.saddle.circe.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.saddle
import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros._
import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core._
package object jsoniter {
implicit def indexCodec[T: JsonValueCodec: ST: ORD]
: JsonValueCodec[Index[T]] =
new JsonValueCodec[Index[T]] {
locally {
val _ = implicitly[JsonValueCodec[T]]
val codec0: JsonValueCodec[Seq[T]] = JsonCodecMaker.make
override def decodeValue(in: JsonReader, default: Index[T]): Index[T] =
Index(codec0.decodeValue(in, codec0.nullValue): _*)
override def encodeValue(
x: Index[T],
out: JsonWriter
): _root_.scala.Unit = codec0.encodeValue(x.toSeq, out)
override def nullValue: Index[T] = null.asInstanceOf[Index[T]]
implicit def vecCodec[T: JsonValueCodec: ST]: JsonValueCodec[Vec[T]] =
new JsonValueCodec[Vec[T]] {
locally {
val _ = implicitly[JsonValueCodec[T]]
val codec0: JsonValueCodec[Seq[T]] = JsonCodecMaker.make
override def decodeValue(in: JsonReader, default: Vec[T]): Vec[T] =
Vec(codec0.decodeValue(in, codec0.nullValue): _*)
override def encodeValue(
x: Vec[T],
out: JsonWriter
): _root_.scala.Unit = codec0.encodeValue(x.toSeq, out)
override def nullValue: Vec[T] = null.asInstanceOf[Vec[T]]
implicit def matCodec[T: JsonValueCodec: ST]: JsonValueCodec[Mat[T]] =
new JsonValueCodec[Mat[T]] {
locally { // suppressing unused warning
val _ = implicitly[JsonValueCodec[T]]
val codec0: JsonValueCodec[(Int, Int, Vec[T])] = JsonCodecMaker.make
override def decodeValue(in: JsonReader, default: Mat[T]): Mat[T] = {
val (n, m, v) = codec0.decodeValue(in, codec0.nullValue)
Mat(n, m, v)
override def encodeValue(
x: Mat[T],
out: JsonWriter
): _root_.scala.Unit =
codec0.encodeValue((x.numRows, x.numCols, x.toVec), out)
override def nullValue: Mat[T] = null.asInstanceOf[Mat[T]]
implicit def seriesCodec[T: JsonValueCodec: ST, I: JsonValueCodec: ST: ORD]
: JsonValueCodec[Series[I, T]] =
new JsonValueCodec[Series[I, T]] {
locally { // suppressing unused warning
val _ = (implicitly[JsonValueCodec[T]], implicitly[JsonValueCodec[I]])
val codec0: JsonValueCodec[(Index[I], Vec[T])] = JsonCodecMaker.make
override def decodeValue(
in: JsonReader,
default: Series[I, T]
): Series[I, T] = {
val (i, v) = codec0.decodeValue(in, codec0.nullValue)
Series(i, v)
override def encodeValue(
x: Series[I, T],
out: JsonWriter
): _root_.scala.Unit =
codec0.encodeValue((x.index, x.toVec), out)
override def nullValue: Series[I, T] = null.asInstanceOf[Series[I, T]]
implicit def frameCodec[
T: JsonValueCodec: ST,
I: JsonValueCodec: ST: ORD,
I2: JsonValueCodec: ST: ORD
]: JsonValueCodec[Frame[I, I2, T]] =
new JsonValueCodec[Frame[I, I2, T]] {
locally { // suppressing unused warning
val _ = (
val codec0: JsonValueCodec[(Vec[I], Vec[I2], Vec[T])] =
override def decodeValue(
in: JsonReader,
default: Frame[I, I2, T]
): Frame[I, I2, T] = {
val (i, i2, v) = codec0.decodeValue(in, codec0.nullValue)
Frame.apply(Mat(i.length, i2.length, v), Index(i), Index(i2))
override def encodeValue(
x: Frame[I, I2, T],
out: JsonWriter
): _root_.scala.Unit =
codec0.encodeValue((x.rowIx.toVec, x.colIx.toVec, x.toMat.toVec), out)
override def nullValue: Frame[I, I2, T] =
null.asInstanceOf[Frame[I, I2, T]]