PlasticMetal.JMobileSuitLite.IO.IOServer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package PlasticMetal.JMobileSuitLite.IO;
import static PlasticMetal.JMobileSuitLite.LangResourceBundle.Lang;
import PlasticMetal.JMobileSuitLite.Diagnostics.SuitLogger;
import PlasticMetal.Jarvis.ObjectModel.Tuple;
import PlasticMetal.JMobileSuitLite.SuitConfiguration;
import PlasticMetal.JMobileSuitLite.TraceBack;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
* A entity, which serves the input/output of a mobile suit.
@SuppressWarnings({"BooleanMethodIsAlwaysInverted", "unused"})
public class IOServer
* Default IOServer, using stdin, stdout, stderr.
public static final IOServer GeneralIO = new IOServer();
private static final String ClearEffect = "\033[0m";
private final SuitLogger Logger;
* Color settings for this IOServer. (default getInstance)
public PlasticMetal.JMobileSuitLite.IO.ColorSetting ColorSetting;
public PromptServer Prompt;
* Write debug info to log file
* @param content debug info
public void WriteDebug(String content){
* Write exception info to log file
* @param content exception
public void WriteException(Exception content){
* Write exception info to log file
* @param content exception info
public void WriteException(String content){
* Initialize a IOServer.
public IOServer()
Prompt = PromptServer.getInstance();
ColorSetting = PlasticMetal.JMobileSuitLite.IO.ColorSetting.getInstance();
_input =;
Output = System.out;
Error = System.err;
_inputScanner = new Scanner(_input);
* Initialize a IOServer.
public IOServer(PromptServer promptServer,SuitLogger logger,ColorSetting colorSetting)
Prompt = promptServer;
ColorSetting = colorSetting;
_input =;
Output = System.out;
Error = System.err;
_inputScanner = new Scanner(_input);
* Initialize a IOServer.
public IOServer(SuitConfiguration configuration)
Prompt = configuration.Prompt();
ColorSetting = configuration.ColorSetting();
_input =;
Output = System.out;
Error = System.err;
_inputScanner = new Scanner(_input);
* Input stream (default stdin)
private InputStream _input;
private Scanner _inputScanner;
* get Input stream (default stdin)
* @return Input stream
public InputStream GetInput()
return _input;
* set Input stream (default stdin)
* @param value new input stream
public void SetInput(InputStream value)
_input = value;
_inputScanner = new Scanner(_input);
* Checks if this IOServer's input stream is redirected (NOT stdin)
* @return if this IOServer's input stream is redirected (NOT stdin)
public boolean IsInputRedirected()
return !;
* Reset this IOServer's input stream to stdin
public void ResetInput()
_input =;
* Reads a line from input stream, with prompt.
* @param prompt The prompt display (output to output stream) before user input.
* @param newLine If the prompt will display in a single line.
* @return Content from input stream, null if EOF.
public String ReadLine(String prompt, boolean newLine)
return ReadLineBase(prompt, null, newLine, null);
* Reads a line from input stream, with prompt.
* @param prompt The prompt display (output to output stream) before user input.
* @param newLine If the prompt will display in a single line.
* @param customPromptColor Prompt's Color, Color.PromptColor as default.
* @return Content from input stream, null if EOF.
public String ReadLine(String prompt, boolean newLine, ConsoleColor customPromptColor)
return ReadLineBase(prompt, null, newLine, customPromptColor);
* Reads a line from input stream, with prompt. Return something default if user input "".
* @param prompt The prompt display (output to output stream) before user input.
* @param defaultValue Default return value if user input "".
* @param customPromptColor Prompt's Color, Color.PromptColor as default.
* @return Content from input stream, null if EOF, if user input "", return defaultValue.
public String ReadLine(String prompt, String defaultValue,
ConsoleColor customPromptColor)
return ReadLineBase(prompt, defaultValue, false, customPromptColor);
* Reads a line from input stream.
* @return Content from input stream, null if EOF.
public String ReadLine()
return ReadLineBase(null, null, false, null);
* Reads a line from input stream, with prompt.
* @param prompt The prompt display (output to output stream) before user input.
* @return Content from input stream, null if EOF.
public String ReadLine(String prompt)
return ReadLineBase(prompt, null, false, null);
* Reads a line from input stream, with prompt. Return something default if user input "".
* @param prompt The prompt display (output to output stream) before user input.
* @param customPromptColor Prompt's Color, Color.PromptColor as default.
* @return Content from input stream, null if EOF, if user input "", return defaultValue.
public String ReadLine(String prompt, ConsoleColor customPromptColor)
return ReadLineBase(prompt, null, false, customPromptColor);
* Reads a line from input stream, with prompt. Return something default if user input "".
* @param prompt The prompt display (output to output stream) before user input.
* @param defaultValue Default return value if user input ""
* @return Content from input stream, null if EOF, if user input "", return defaultValue
public String ReadLine(String prompt, String defaultValue)
return ReadLineBase(prompt, defaultValue, false, null);
* Reads a line from input stream, with prompt. Return something default if user input "".
* @param prompt The prompt display (output to output stream) before user input.
* @param defaultValue Default return value if user input "".
* @param newLine If the prompt will display in a single line.
* @return Content from input stream, null if EOF, if user input "", return defaultValue.
public String ReadLine(String prompt, String defaultValue, boolean newLine)
return ReadLineBase(prompt, defaultValue, newLine, null);
* Reads a line from input stream, with prompt. Return something default if user input "".
* @param prompt The prompt display (output to output stream) before user input.
* @param defaultValue Default return value if user input "".
* @param newLine If the prompt will display in a single line.
* @param customPromptColor Prompt's Color, Color.PromptColor as default.
* @return Content from input stream, null if EOF, if user input "", return defaultValue.
public String ReadLine(String prompt, String defaultValue, boolean newLine, ConsoleColor customPromptColor)
return ReadLineBase(prompt, defaultValue, newLine, customPromptColor);
private String ReadLineBase(String prompt, String defaultValue, boolean newLine, ConsoleColor customPromptColor)
if (prompt != null && prompt.equals(""))
if (defaultValue != null && !defaultValue.equals(""))
Prompt.Update("", prompt, TraceBack.Prompt);
Prompt.Update("", prompt, TraceBack.Prompt,
Lang.Default + ": " + defaultValue);
if (newLine)
Scanner sc = _inputScanner;
if (!sc.hasNextLine()) return null;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(sc.nextLine());
while (stringBuilder.length() > 0 && stringBuilder.charAt(stringBuilder.length() - 1) == '%')
stringBuilder.deleteCharAt(stringBuilder.length() - 1);
if (!sc.hasNextLine()) break;
return (stringBuilder.length() == 0 ? defaultValue : stringBuilder.toString());
* Reads the next character from input stream.
* @return The next available character.
* @throws IOException ignore.
public int Read() throws IOException
* Check if this IOServer's error stream is redirected (NOT stderr)
* @return if this IOServer's error stream is redirected (NOT stderr)
public boolean IsErrorRedirected()
return !System.err.equals(Error);
* Check if this IOServer's output stream is redirected (NOT stdout)
* @return if this IOServer's output stream is redirected (NOT stdout)
public boolean IsOutputRedirected()
return !System.out.equals(Output);
* Error stream (default stderr)
public PrintStream Error;
* Output stream (default stdout)
public PrintStream Output;
* The prefix of WriteLine() output, usually used to make indentation.
public String Prefix()
return PrefixBuilder.toString();
* set The prefix of WriteLine() output, usually used to make indentation.
* @param value The prefix of WriteLine() output, usually used to make indentation.
public void SetPrefix(String value)
private final StringBuilder PrefixBuilder = new StringBuilder();
private final Stack PrefixLengthStack = new Stack<>();
private ConsoleColor SelectColor(OutputType type, ConsoleColor customColor)
if (customColor == null || customColor == ConsoleColor.Null)
switch (type)
case Default:
return ColorSetting.DefaultColor;
case Prompt:
return ColorSetting.PromptColor;
case Error:
return ColorSetting.ErrorColor;
case AllOk:
return ColorSetting.AllOkColor;
case ListTitle:
return ColorSetting.ListTitleColor;
case CustomInfo:
return ColorSetting.CustomInformationColor;
case MobileSuitInfo:
return ColorSetting.InformationColor;
return customColor;
private static String GetLabel(OutputType type)
switch (type)
case Default:
return "";
case Prompt:
return "[Prompt]";
case Error:
return "[Error]";
case AllOk:
return "[AllOk]";
case ListTitle:
return "[List]";
case CustomInfo:
case MobileSuitInfo:
return "[Info]";
* Reset this IOServer's error stream to stderr
public void ResetError()
Error = System.err;
* Reset this IOServer's output stream to stdout
public void ResetOutput()
Output = System.out;
private void ResetWriteLinePrefix()
* append a {@code '\t'} to Prefix, usually used to increase indentation
public void AppendWriteLinePrefix()
* append a str to Prefix, usually used to increase indentation
* @param str the str to append
public void AppendWriteLinePrefix(String str)
* Subtract a str from Prefix, usually used to decrease indentation
public void SubtractWriteLinePrefix()
if (PrefixLengthStack.size() == 0) return;
int l = PrefixLengthStack.pop();
PrefixBuilder.delete(PrefixBuilder.length() - l, PrefixBuilder.length());
* Writes some content to output stream. With certain color in console.
* @param content Content to output .
* @param customColor Customized foreground color in console
public void Write(String content, ConsoleColor customColor)
WriteBase(content, OutputType.Default, customColor);
* Writes some content to output stream. With certain color in console.
* @param content Content to output .
* @param foreGroundColor foreground color
* @param backGroundColor background color
public void Write(String content, ConsoleColor foreGroundColor, ConsoleColor backGroundColor)
if (!IsOutputRedirected())
Output.print(ConsoleColor.getColor(foreGroundColor, backGroundColor) + content + ClearEffect);
* Writes some content to output stream.
* @param content Content to output .
public void Write(String content)
WriteBase(content, OutputType.Default, null);
* Writes some content to output stream. With certain color in console.
* @param content Content to output .
* @param type Type of this content,this decides how will it be like.
public void Write(String content, OutputType type)
WriteBase(content, type, null);
* Writes some content to output stream. With certain color in console.
* @param content Content to output .
* @param type Type of this content,this decides how will it be like.
* @param customColor Customized color in console
public void Write(String content, OutputType type, ConsoleColor customColor)
WriteBase(content, type, customColor);
private void WriteBase(String content, OutputType type, ConsoleColor customColor)
if (!IsOutputRedirected())
ConsoleColor color = SelectColor(type, customColor);
Output.print(color + content + ClearEffect);
if (type != OutputType.Prompt)
* Writes a new line to output stream, with line break.
public void WriteLine()
WriteLineBase("", OutputType.Default, null);
* Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain color in console.
* @param content Content to output
* @param customColor Customized color in console.
public void WriteLine(String content, ConsoleColor customColor)
WriteLineBase(content, OutputType.Default, customColor);
* Writes some content to output stream, with line break.
* @param content Content to output
public void WriteLine(String content)
WriteLineBase(content, OutputType.Default, null);
* Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain color in console.
* @param content Content to output
* @param type Type of this content,this decides how will it be like(color in Console, label in file).
public void WriteLine(String content, OutputType type)
WriteLineBase(content, type, null);
* Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain color in console.
* @param content Content to output
* @param type Type of this content,this decides how will it be like(color in Console, label in file).
* @param customColor Customized color in console.
public void WriteLine(String content, OutputType type, ConsoleColor customColor)
WriteLineBase(content, type, customColor);
private void WriteLineBase(String content, OutputType type, ConsoleColor customColor)
if (!IsOutputRedirected())
ConsoleColor color = SelectColor(type, customColor);
Output.println(color + Prefix() + content + ClearEffect);
String sb = "[" + +
"]" +
GetLabel(type) +
* Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain color for each part of content in console.
* @param contentArray TupleArray. For each Tuple,
* first is a part of content second is optional,
* the color of output(in console)
public void WriteLine(Iterable> contentArray)
WriteLine(contentArray, OutputType.Default);
* Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain color for each part of content in console.
* @param contentArray TupleArray. For each Tuple,
* first is a part of content second is optional,
* the color of output(in console)
* @param type Type of this content,this decides how will it be like(color in Console, label in file).
public void WriteLine(Iterable> contentArray, OutputType type)
if (!IsOutputRedirected())
ConsoleColor defaultColor = SelectColor(type, null);
Output.print(defaultColor + Prefix() + ClearEffect);
for (Tuple t : contentArray)
if (t.Second == null || t.Second==ConsoleColor.Null) t.Second = defaultColor;
Output.print(t.Second + t.First + ClearEffect);
for (Tuple t : contentArray)
String sb = "[" + +
"]" +
/// TupleArray.
/// FOR EACH Tuple, first is a part of content;
/// second is optional, the foreground color of output (in console),
/// third is optional, the background color of output.
/// Optional. Type of this content, this decides how will it be like (color in Console, label in file).
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