camundala.bpmn.dmns.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package camundala
package bpmn
import camundala.domain.*
import io.circe
import io.circe.HCursor
import io.circe.syntax.*
import sttp.tapir.*
import sttp.tapir.SchemaType.SchemaWithValue
import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
case class Dmns(dmns: Seq[Dmn]):
def :+(dmn: Dmn): Dmns = Dmns(dmns :+ dmn)
object Dmns:
def none: Dmns = Dmns(Nil)
case class Dmn(path: Path, decisions: DecisionDmn[?, ?]*)
type DmnValueSimple = String | Boolean | Int | Long | Double | LocalDate |
LocalDateTime | ZonedDateTime
type DmnValueType = DmnValueSimple | scala.reflect.Enum
enum DecisionResultType:
case singleEntry // TypedValue
case singleResult // Map(String, Object)
case collectEntries // List(Object)
case resultList // List(Map(String, Object))
case class DecisionDmn[
In <: Product: Encoder: Decoder: Schema,
Out <: Product: Encoder: Decoder: Schema
inOutDescr: InOutDescr[In, Out]
) extends ProcessNode,
Activity[In, Out, DecisionDmn[In, Out]]:
override val label: String =
"""// use singleEntry / collectEntries / singleResult / resultList
| dmn""".stripMargin
lazy val decisionDefinitionKey: String = inOutDescr.id
def withInOutDescr(descr: InOutDescr[In, Out]): DecisionDmn[In, Out] =
copy(inOutDescr = descr)
end DecisionDmn
// String | Boolean | Int | Long | Double |
// LocalDate | LocalDateTime | ZonedDateTime | scala.reflect.Enum
implicit def DmnValueTypeEncoder[T <: DmnValueSimple]: Encoder[T] =
new Encoder[T] {
final def apply(dv: T): Json = valueToJson(dv)
implicit def LocalDateDecoder: Decoder[LocalDate] = new Decoder[LocalDate] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[LocalDate] =
for result <- c.as[String]
yield LocalDate.parse(result)
implicit def LocalDateTimeDecoder: Decoder[LocalDateTime] =
new Decoder[LocalDateTime] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[LocalDateTime] =
for result <- c.as[String]
yield LocalDateTime.parse(result)
implicit def ZonedDateTimeDecoder: Decoder[ZonedDateTime] =
new Decoder[ZonedDateTime] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[ZonedDateTime] =
for result <- c.as[String]
yield ZonedDateTime.parse(result)
"SingleEntry: Output of a DMN Table. This returns one `DmnValueType`."
case class SingleEntry[Out <: DmnValueType: Encoder: Decoder: ClassTag](
result: Out
lazy val toCamunda: CamundaVariable = CamundaVariable.valueToCamunda(result)
val decisionResultType: DecisionResultType = DecisionResultType.singleEntry
"CollectEntry: Output of a DMN Table. This returns a Sequence of `DmnValueType`s."
case class CollectEntries[Out <: DmnValueType : Encoder: Decoder: Schema](
result: Seq[Out]
lazy val toCamunda: Seq[CamundaVariable] =
val decisionResultType: DecisionResultType = DecisionResultType.collectEntries
object CollectEntries:
def apply[Out <: DmnValueType: Encoder: Decoder: Schema](
result: Out,
results: Out*
): CollectEntries[Out] =
new CollectEntries[Out](result +: results)
"SingleResult: Output of a DMN Table. This returns one `Product` (case class) with more than one fields of `DmnValueType`s."
case class SingleResult[Out <: Product: Encoder: Decoder: Schema](result: Out):
lazy val toCamunda: Map[String, CamundaVariable] =
val decisionResultType: DecisionResultType = DecisionResultType.singleResult
"ResultList: Output of a DMN Table. This returns a Sequence of `Product`s (case classes) with more than one fields of `DmnValueType`s"
case class ResultList[Out <: Product: Encoder: Decoder: Schema](
result: Seq[Out]
lazy val toCamunda: Seq[Map[String, CamundaVariable]] =
val decisionResultType: DecisionResultType = DecisionResultType.resultList
object ResultList:
def apply[Out <: Product: Encoder: Decoder: Schema](
result: Out,
results: Out*
): ResultList[Out] =
new ResultList[Out](result +: results)
implicit def schemaForSingleEntry[A <: DmnValueType: Encoder: Decoder](implicit
sa: Schema[A]
): Schema[SingleEntry[A]] =
SchemaType.SCoproduct(List(sa), None) { case SingleEntry(x) =>
Some(SchemaWithValue(sa, x))
for {
na <- sa.name
} yield Schema.SName("SingleEntry", List(na.show))
implicit def SingleEntryCodec[T <: DmnValueType: CirceCodec: ClassTag]
: CirceCodec[SingleEntry[T]] =
CirceCodec.from(SingleEntryDecoder, SingleEntryEncoder)
implicit def SingleEntryEncoder[T <: DmnValueType: Encoder]
: Encoder[SingleEntry[T]] = new Encoder[SingleEntry[T]] {
final def apply(sr: SingleEntry[T]): Json = sr.result.asJson
implicit def SingleEntryDecoder[T <: DmnValueType: Encoder: Decoder: ClassTag]
: Decoder[SingleEntry[T]] = new Decoder[SingleEntry[T]] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[SingleEntry[T]] =
for result <- c.as[T]
yield SingleEntry[T](result)
implicit def schemaForCollectEntries[A <: DmnValueType: Encoder: Decoder](
implicit sa: Schema[A]
): Schema[CollectEntries[A]] =
SchemaType.SCoproduct(List(sa), None) { case CollectEntries(x) =>
x.headOption.map(SchemaWithValue(sa, _))
for {
na <- sa.name
} yield Schema.SName("CollectEntries", List(na.show))
implicit def CollectEntriesEncoder[T <: DmnValueType: Encoder: Decoder]
: Encoder[CollectEntries[T]] = new Encoder[CollectEntries[T]] {
final def apply(sr: CollectEntries[T]): Json = sr.result.asJson
implicit def CollectEntriesDecoder[T <: DmnValueType: Encoder: Decoder: Schema]
: Decoder[CollectEntries[T]] = new Decoder[CollectEntries[T]] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[CollectEntries[T]] =
for result <- c.as[Seq[T]]
yield CollectEntries[T](result)
implicit def schemaForSingleResult[A <: Product: Encoder: Decoder](implicit
sa: Schema[A]
): Schema[SingleResult[A]] =
SchemaType.SCoproduct(List(sa), None) { case SingleResult(x) =>
Some(SchemaWithValue(sa, x))
for {
na <- sa.name
} yield Schema.SName("SingleResult", List(na.show))
implicit def SingleResultEncoder[T <: Product: Encoder: Decoder: Schema]
: Encoder[SingleResult[T]] = new Encoder[SingleResult[T]] {
final def apply(sr: SingleResult[T]): Json = sr.result.asJson
implicit def SingleResultDecoder[T <: Product: Encoder: Decoder: Schema]
: Decoder[SingleResult[T]] = new Decoder[SingleResult[T]] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[SingleResult[T]] =
for result <- c.as[T]
yield SingleResult[T](result)
implicit def schemaForResultList[A <: Product: Encoder: Decoder](implicit
sa: Schema[A]
): Schema[ResultList[A]] =
SchemaType.SCoproduct(List(sa), None) { case ResultList(x) =>
x.headOption.map(SchemaWithValue(sa, _))
for {
na <- sa.name
} yield Schema.SName("ResultList", List(na.show))
implicit def ResultListEncoder[T <: Product: Encoder: Decoder: Schema]
: Encoder[ResultList[T]] = new Encoder[ResultList[T]] {
final def apply(sr: ResultList[T]): Json = sr.result.asJson
implicit def ResultListDecoder[T <: Product: Encoder: Decoder: Schema]
: Decoder[ResultList[T]] = new Decoder[ResultList[T]] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[ResultList[T]] =
for result <- c.as[Seq[T]]
yield ResultList[T](result)
object DecisionDmn:
def init(id: String): DecisionDmn[NoInput, SingleEntry[String]] =
InOutDescr(id, NoInput(), SingleEntry("INIT ONLY"))
"A wrapper, to indicate if an Input is a Variable."
case class DmnVariable[In <: DmnValueType: ClassTag](
value: In
implicit def schemaForDmnVariable[A <: DmnValueType](implicit
sa: Schema[A]
): Schema[DmnVariable[A]] =
SchemaType.SCoproduct(List(sa), None) { case DmnVariable(x) =>
Some(SchemaWithValue(sa, x))
for {
na <- sa.name
} yield Schema.SName("DmnVariable", List(na.show))
implicit def DmnVariableEncoder[T <: DmnValueType: Encoder: ClassTag]
: Encoder[DmnVariable[T]] = new Encoder[DmnVariable[T]] {
final def apply(sr: DmnVariable[T]): Json = sr.value.asJson
implicit def DmnVariableDecoder[T <: DmnValueType: Decoder: ClassTag]
: Decoder[DmnVariable[T]] = new Decoder[DmnVariable[T]] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[DmnVariable[T]] =
for value <- c.as[T]
yield DmnVariable[T](value)
extension (output: Product)
def isSingleEntry =
output.productIterator.size == 1 &&
(output.productIterator.next() match
case _: DmnValueType => true
case _ => false
def isSingleResult =
output.productIterator.size == 1 &&
(output.productIterator.next() match
case _: Iterable[?] => false
case p: Product =>
p.productIterator.size > 1 &&
case _ => false
def isCollectEntries: Boolean =
output.productIterator.size == 1 &&
(output.productIterator.next() match
case p: Iterable[?] =>
p.headOption match
case Some(p: DmnValueType) => true
case o => false
case o => false
def isResultList =
output.productIterator.size == 1 &&
(output.productIterator.next() match
case p: Iterable[?] =>
p.headOption match
case Some(p: Product) =>
p.productIterator.size > 1 &&
case o => false
case o => false
def hasManyOutputVars: Boolean =
isSingleResult || isResultList
end extension // Product
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