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package camundala
package domain
import io.circe.derivation.Configuration
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveCodec
import sttp.model.Uri
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.util.Base64
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.language.implicitConversions
// circe JsonInOutEncoder/ Decoder
export io.circe.{Codec as CirceCodec}
export io.circe.Json
type InOutCodec[T] = io.circe.Codec[T]
type InOutEncoder[T] = io.circe.Encoder[T]
type InOutDecoder[T] = io.circe.Decoder[T]
// Circe Enum codec
inline def deriveInOutCodec[A](using inline A: Mirror.Of[A]): InOutCodec[A] =
inline def deriveInOutCodec[A](discriminator: String)(using inline A: Mirror.Of[A]): InOutCodec[A] =
Configuration.default // .withDefaults
inline def deriveInOutEncoder[A](using inline A: Mirror.Of[A]): InOutEncoder[A] =
inline def deriveInOutEncoder[A](discriminator: String)(using
inline A: Mirror.Of[A]
): InOutEncoder[A] =
Configuration.default // .withDefaults
inline def deriveInOutDecoder[A](using inline A: Mirror.Of[A]): InOutDecoder[A] =
inline def deriveInOutDecoder[A](discriminator: String)(using
inline A: Mirror.Of[A]
): InOutDecoder[A] =
Configuration.default // .withDefaults
inline def deriveEnumInOutCodec[A](using inline A: Mirror.SumOf[A]): InOutCodec[A] =
given Configuration = Configuration.default
inline def deriveEnumValueInOutEncoder[A]: Encoder[A] =
Encoder.instance: a =>
inline def deriveEnumValueInOutDecoder[A]: Decoder[A] =
Decoder.decodeString.emap: str =>
if str == valueOf[A].toString
then Right(valueOf[A])
else Left(s"Invalid value: $str - expected: ${valueOf[A]}")
inline def deriveEnumValueInOutCodec[A]: InOutCodec[A] =
CirceCodec.from(deriveEnumValueInOutDecoder[A], deriveEnumValueInOutEncoder[A])
/** Decodes a JSON value into a value of type `T`. It will collect all DecodingFailures and create a
* nice error message. This is not the case when using[MyType]
def customDecodeAccumulating[T](c: HCursor)(using InOutDecoder[T]): Either[DecodingFailure, T] =
case err if err.size == 1 =>
case errors =>
message =
errors.foldLeft("")((result, error) =>
s"$result\n - ${error.getMessage.replace("DecodingFailure at ", "")}"
// Tapir encoding / decoding
export sttp.tapir.Schema.annotations.description
type ApiSchema[T] = Schema[T]
inline def deriveApiSchema[T](using
m: Mirror.Of[T]
): Schema[T] =
inline def deriveEnumApiSchema[T](using
m: Mirror.Of[T]
): Schema[T] =
given InOutCodec[IntOrString] = CirceCodec.from(
new Decoder[IntOrString]:
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[IntOrString] =
if c.value.isString
new Encoder[IntOrString]:
final def apply(a: IntOrString): Json = a match
case s: String => Json.fromString(s)
case i: Int => Json.fromInt(i)
type IntOrString = Int | String
given ApiSchema[IntOrString] = Schema.derivedUnion
case class NoInput()
object NoInput:
given ApiSchema[NoInput] = deriveApiSchema
given InOutCodec[NoInput] = deriveCodec
case class NoConfig()
object NoConfig:
given ApiSchema[NoConfig] = deriveApiSchema
given InOutCodec[NoConfig] = deriveCodec
case class NoOutput()
object NoOutput:
given ApiSchema[NoOutput] = deriveApiSchema
given InOutCodec[NoOutput] = deriveCodec
enum ProcessStatus:
case succeeded, `output-mocked`, failed, notValid, canceled
object ProcessStatus:
given ApiSchema[ProcessStatus] = deriveEnumApiSchema
given ApiSchema[ProcessStatus.succeeded.type] = deriveEnumApiSchema
given ApiSchema[ProcessStatus.`output-mocked`.type] = deriveEnumApiSchema
given ApiSchema[ProcessStatus.failed.type] = deriveEnumApiSchema
given ApiSchema[ProcessStatus.notValid.type] = deriveEnumApiSchema
given ApiSchema[ProcessStatus.canceled.type] = deriveEnumApiSchema
given InOutCodec[ProcessStatus] = deriveEnumInOutCodec
given InOutCodec[ProcessStatus.succeeded.type] = deriveEnumValueInOutCodec
given InOutCodec[ProcessStatus.`output-mocked`.type] = deriveEnumValueInOutCodec
given InOutCodec[ProcessStatus.failed.type] = deriveEnumValueInOutCodec
given InOutCodec[ProcessStatus.notValid.type] = deriveEnumValueInOutCodec
given InOutCodec[ProcessStatus.canceled.type] = deriveEnumValueInOutCodec
end ProcessStatus
@deprecated("Use _ProcessStatus_")
enum ProcessEndStatus:
case succeeded, `output-mocked`
object ProcessEndStatus:
given ApiSchema[ProcessEndStatus] = deriveEnumApiSchema
given InOutCodec[ProcessEndStatus] = deriveEnumInOutCodec
@deprecated("Use _ProcessStatus_")
enum NotValidStatus:
case notValid, canceled
object NotValidStatus:
given ApiSchema[NotValidStatus] = deriveEnumApiSchema
given InOutCodec[NotValidStatus] = deriveEnumInOutCodec
@deprecated("Use _ProcessStatus_")
enum CanceledStatus:
case canceled
object CanceledStatus:
given ApiSchema[CanceledStatus] = deriveEnumApiSchema
given InOutCodec[CanceledStatus] = deriveEnumInOutCodec
trait GenericServiceIn:
def serviceName: String
def shortServiceName: String =
end GenericServiceIn
object GenericServiceIn:
def shortServiceName(serviceName: String): String =
val name = serviceName.split("-")
if Seq("get", "post", "put", "delete").contains(name.toLowerCase)
then serviceName // keep the name as it is
else name
end GenericServiceIn
case class FileInOut(
fileName: String,
@description("The content of the File as a Byte Array.")
content: Array[Byte],
mimeType: Option[String]
lazy val contentAsBase64: String = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(content)
end FileInOut
object FileInOut:
given ApiSchema[FileInOut] = deriveApiSchema
given InOutCodec[FileInOut] = deriveCodec
/** In Camunda 8 only json is allowed!
case class FileRefInOut(
fileName: String,
@description("A reference to retrieve the file in your application.")
ref: String,
mimeType: Option[String]
object FileRefInOut:
given ApiSchema[FileRefInOut] = deriveApiSchema
given InOutCodec[FileRefInOut] = deriveCodec
// Use this in the DSL to avoid Option[?]
// see
case class Optable[Out](value: Option[Out])
object Optable:
given fromOpt[T]: Conversion[Option[T], Optable[T]] = Optable(_)
given fromValue[T]: Conversion[T, Optable[T]] = v => Optable(Option(v))
def throwErr(err: String) =
throw new IllegalArgumentException(err)
def toJson(json: String): Json =
parser.parse(json) match
case Right(v) => v.deepDropNullValues
case Left(exc) =>
throwErr(s"Could not create Json from your String -> $exc")
val testModeDescr =
"This flag indicades that this is a test - in the process it can behave accordingly."
// descriptions
val deprecatedDescr =
@deprecated("Change to serviceTask")
def serviceNameDescr(serviceName: String) =
s"As this uses the generic Service you need to name the Service to '$serviceName'."
"If you mock another Service or Subprocess - use `serviceOrProcessMockDescr` - otherwise:\n\n" + deprecatedDescr
def outputMockDescr[Out: InOutEncoder](mock: Out) =
def serviceOrProcessMockDescr[Out: InOutEncoder](mock: Out) =
s"""You can mock the response variables of this (sub)process.
|Class: `${mock.getClass.getName.replace("$", " > ")}`
|Here an example:
|General to mocking:
|- `outputMock` mocks this process.
|- `someSubProcessMock` mocks a sub process
val defaultMockedDescr =
"This flag will mock every Service that this Process calls, using the default Mock."
def outputServiceMockDescr[ServiceOut: InOutEncoder](mock: ServiceOut) =
s"""You can mock the response variables of this Http Service.
|Class: `${mock.getClass.getName.replace("$", " > ")}`
|Here an example:
| ${mock.asJson.deepDropNullValues}
|General to mocking:
|- `outputMock` mocks this process.
|- `someSubProcessMock` mocks a sub process
val handledErrorsDescr =
"A comma separated list of HTTP-Status-Codes, that are modelled in the BPMN as Business-Exceptions - see Outputs. z.B: `404,500`"
val regexHandledErrorsDescr =
"""If you specified _handledErrors_, you can specify Regexes that all must match the error messages.
Otherwise the error is thrown.
You can use a JSON Array of Strings or a comma-separated String.
Example: `['java.sql.SQLException', '"errorNr":20000']` or 'java.sql.SQLException,"errorNr":20000'
extension (str: String)
// changes ids to nice strings - the-coolDaddy -> The Cool Daddy
def niceName: String =
val result = str.foldLeft(""):
case r -> c if c.isUpper =>
s"$r $c"
case r -> c =>
.map: p =>
p.head.toUpper + p.tail
.mkString(" ")
end niceName
end extension
def prettyUriString(uri: Uri) =
def prettyString(obj: Any, depth: Int = 0, paramName: Option[String] = None): String =
val indent = " " * depth
val prettyName = paramName.fold("")(x => s"$x: ")
val ptype = obj match
case _: Iterable[Any] => ""
case obj: Product => obj.productPrefix
case _ => obj.toString
val nameWithType = s"\n$indent$prettyName$ptype"
obj match
case None => ""
case Some(value) => s"${prettyString(value, depth, paramName)}"
case uri: Uri => s"\n$indent$prettyName${prettyUriString(uri)}"
case seq: Iterable[Any] =>
val seqStr =, depth + 1))
if seqStr.isEmpty then "" else s"$nameWithType[${seqStr.mkString}\n$indent]"
case obj: Product =>
val objStr = (obj.productIterator zip obj.productElementNames)
.map { case (subObj, paramName) => prettyString(subObj, depth + 1, Some(paramName)) }
if objStr.isEmpty then s"$nameWithType" else s"$nameWithType{${objStr.mkString}\n$indent}"
case _ =>
end match
end prettyString