camundala.helper.setup.BpmnGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package camundala.helper.setup
case class BpmnGenerator()(using config: SetupConfig):
def createProcess(setupElement: SetupElement): Unit =
bpmnPath(setupElement.processName, setupElement.version) / s"${setupElement.bpmnName}.scala",
isProcess = true
end createProcess
def createProcessElement(setupElement: SetupElement): Unit =
val processName = setupElement.processName
val version = setupElement.version
) / s"${setupElement.bpmnName}.scala",
if setupElement.label == "ServiceTask"
val superTrait = processName.head.toUpper + processName.tail + s"V${version.getOrElse(1)}"
) / s"$superTrait.scala",
serviceTaskTrait(processName, version, superTrait)
end if
end createProcessElement
def createEvent(setupElement: SetupElement): Unit =
bpmnPath(setupElement.processName, setupElement.version) / s"${setupElement.bpmnName}.scala",
private def objectDefinition(
setupObject: SetupElement,
isProcess: Boolean = false
) =
val SetupElement(label, processName, bpmnName, version) = setupObject
s"""package ${config.projectPackage}
|package bpmn.$processName${version.versionPackage}
|object $bpmnName extends ${
if label == "ServiceTask"
then processName.head.toUpper + processName.tail + s"${version.versionLabel}:"
else s"CompanyBpmn${label}Dsl:"
| val ${
label match
case "Process" => "processName"
case "UserTask" => "name"
case "Decision" => "decisionId"
case "SignalEvent" | "MessageEvent" => "messageName"
case "TimerEvent" => "title"
case _ => "topicName"
} = "${setupObject.identifier}"
| val descr: String = ""
if label == "ServiceTask" then
s""" val path = "GET: my/path/TODO"
| type ServiceIn = NoInput
| type ServiceOut = NoOutput
| lazy val serviceInExample = NoInput()
| lazy val serviceMock = MockedServiceResponse.success200(NoOutput())
| """.stripMargin
else ""
| lazy val example = ${
if label == "Decision" then
"""singleResult( // singleEntry or collectEntries or or resultList
| In(),
| Out() // Seq[Out] for collectEntries or or resultList""".stripMargin
s"""${label.head.toLower + label.tail}(
| In(),
| ${if isProcess then "Out.Success" else "Out"}()""".stripMargin
} ${
if label == "ServiceTask" then
| serviceMock,
| serviceInExample""".stripMargin
else ""
| )
|end $bpmnName""".stripMargin
end objectDefinition
private def serviceTaskTrait(
processName: String,
version: Option[Int],
superTrait: String
) =
s"""package ${config.projectPackage}
|package bpmn.$processName${version.versionPackage}
|object $superTrait:
| final val serviceVersion = "${version.getOrElse(1)}.0"
| final val serviceLabel = s"${processName.head.toUpper + processName.tail} $$serviceVersion"
| val description = ""
| val externalDoc = ""
| val externalUrl = ""
|trait $superTrait
| extends CompanyBpmnServiceTaskDsl:
| final val serviceLabel = $superTrait.serviceLabel
| val serviceVersion = $superTrait.serviceVersion
|end $superTrait
private def eventDefinition(
setupObject: SetupElement
) =
val SetupElement(label, processName, bpmnName, version) = setupObject
s"""package ${config.projectPackage}
|package bpmn.$processName${version.versionPackage}
|object $bpmnName extends CompanyBpmn${label}EventDsl:
| val ${
if label == "Timer" then "title"
else "messageName"
} = "${config.projectName}-$processName${setupObject.version.versionLabel}.$bpmnName"
| val descr: String = ""
if label == "Timer" then ""
else """ case class In(
| )
| object In:
| given ApiSchema[In] = deriveApiSchema
| given InOutCodec[In] = deriveInOutCodec
| lazy val example = ${label.head.toLower + label.tail}Event(${
if label == "Timer" then ""
else "In()"
|end $bpmnName""".stripMargin
end eventDefinition
private def bpmnPath(processName: String, version: Option[Int]) =
val subProject = config.subProjects.find(_ == processName)
val dir = config.projectDir / ModuleConfig.bpmnModule.packagePath(
subProject = subProject
) / => os.rel).getOrElse(os.rel / processName) / version.versionPath
end bpmnPath
private def inOutDefinitions(isProcess: Boolean = false) =
s""" case class In(
| //TODO input variables
| ${
if isProcess then
""" @description(
| "A way to override process configuration.\n\n**SHOULD NOT BE USED on Production!**"
| )
| inConfig: Option[InConfig] = None
| ) extends WithConfig[InConfig]:
| lazy val defaultConfig = InConfig()
| end In""".stripMargin
else """ )
| //type In = NoInput // if no input is needed
| """
| object In:
| given ApiSchema[In] = deriveApiSchema
| given InOutCodec[In] = deriveInOutCodec
if isProcess then
""" case class InConfig(
| // Process Configuration
| // @description("To test cancel from other processes you need to set this flag.")
| // waitForCancel: Boolean = false,
| // Mocks
| // outputServiceMock
| // @description(serviceOrProcessMockDescr(GetRelationship.serviceMock))
| // getRelationshipMock: Option[MockedServiceResponse[GetRelationship.ServiceOut]] = None,
| // outputMock
| // @description(serviceOrProcessMockDescr(GetContractContractKey.Out()))
| // getContractMock: Option[GetContractContractKey.Out] = None
| )
| object InConfig:
| given ApiSchema[InConfig] = deriveApiSchema
| given InOutCodec[InConfig] = deriveInOutCodec
| //type InitIn = NoInput // if no initialisation is needed
| case class InitIn(
| //TODO init variables
| )
| object InitIn:
| given ApiSchema[InitIn] = deriveApiSchema
| given InOutCodec[InitIn] = deriveInOutCodec
else ""
if isProcess then
""" enum Out:
| case Success(
| //TODO output variables
| processStatus: ProcessStatus.succeeded.type = ProcessStatus.succeeded
| )
| case NotValid(
| processStatus: ProcessStatus.notValid.type = ProcessStatus.notValid,
| validationErrors: Seq[ValidationError] = Seq(ValidationError())
| )
| case Canceled(
| processStatus: ProcessStatus.canceled.type = ProcessStatus.canceled
| )
| end Out""".stripMargin
else """
| //type Out = NoOutput // if no output is needed
| case class Out(
| //TODO output variables
| )""".stripMargin
| object Out:
| given ApiSchema[Out] = deriveApiSchema
| given InOutCodec[Out] = deriveInOutCodec"""
end BpmnGenerator