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camundala.helper.setup.SetupConfig.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package camundala.helper.setup
import camundala.BuildInfo
import camundala.helper.util.ReposConfig
import os.RelPath
case class SetupConfig(
projectName: String,
baseDir: os.Path = os.pwd,
modules: Seq[ModuleConfig] = SetupConfig.modules,
subProjects: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
apiProjectConf: ApiProjectConf,
versionConfig: VersionConfig = VersionConfig(),
reposConfig: ReposConfig = ReposConfig.dummyRepos,
// path where the BPMNs are - must be relative to the project path
bpmnPath: os.RelPath = os.rel / "src" / "main" / "resources",
sbtDockerSettings: String = ""
lazy val companyName: String =
lazy val companyClassName: String = companyName.head.toUpper + companyName.tail
lazy val projectShortName: String = projectName.split("-").tail.mkString("-")
lazy val projectClassNames: Seq[String] = projectName.split("-").map(n => n.head.toUpper + n.tail)
lazy val projectShortClassName: String = projectClassNames.last
lazy val projectClassName: String = projectClassNames.mkString
lazy val projectDir: os.Path = SetupConfig.projectDir(projectName, baseDir)
lazy val projectPackage: String = projectName.split("-").mkString(".")
lazy val projectPath: os.RelPath = os.rel / projectName.split("-")
lazy val sbtProjectDir: os.Path = projectDir / "project"
def dependsOn(level: Int): String =
val depsOn = modules
.filter(_.level == level - 1) // depends on one level above
if depsOn.nonEmpty
then depsOn.mkString(".dependsOn(", ", ", ")")
else ""
end dependsOn
end SetupConfig
object SetupConfig:
def apply(
projectName: String,
subProjects: Seq[String],
packageConfRelPath: os.RelPath,
versionConfig: VersionConfig,
reposConfig: ReposConfig,
sbtDockerSettings: String,
bpmnPath: os.RelPath
): SetupConfig = new SetupConfig(
subProjects = subProjects,
apiProjectConf =
ApiProjectConf.init(projectName, projectDir(projectName, os.pwd) / packageConfRelPath),
versionConfig = versionConfig,
reposConfig = reposConfig,
sbtDockerSettings = sbtDockerSettings,
bpmnPath = bpmnPath
def defaultConfig(projectName: String): SetupConfig = SetupConfig(
apiProjectConf = ApiProjectConf.initDummy(projectName)
def projectDir(projectName: String, baseDir: os.Path): os.Path =
if baseDir.toString.endsWith(projectName) then baseDir else baseDir / projectName
import ModuleConfig.*
lazy val modules: Seq[ModuleConfig] = Seq(
end SetupConfig
case class ModuleConfig(
name: String,
level: Int,
hasMain: Boolean = true,
testType: TestType = TestType.None,
generateSubModule: Boolean = false,
doPublish: Boolean = true,
sbtSettings: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
sbtPlugins: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
sbtDependencies: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
hasProjectDependencies: Boolean = false,
projectDependenciesTestOnly: Boolean = false
lazy val nameWithLevel: String =
def packagePath(
projectPath: os.RelPath,
mainOrTest: String = "main",
subProject: Option[String] = None,
isSourceDir: Boolean = true
): RelPath =
val subPackage = subProject.toSeq
val subModule = if generateSubModule then subPackage else Seq.empty
val sourceOrResource =
if isSourceDir
then os.rel / "scala" / projectPath / name / subPackage
else os.rel / "resources"
os.rel / nameWithLevel /
subModule / "src" / mainOrTest / sourceOrResource
end packagePath
end ModuleConfig
object ModuleConfig:
lazy val bpmnModule = ModuleConfig(
level = 2,
testType = TestType.MUnit,
generateSubModule = true,
hasProjectDependencies = true
lazy val apiModule = ModuleConfig(
level = 3
lazy val dmnModule = ModuleConfig(
level = 3,
doPublish = false
lazy val simulationModule = ModuleConfig(
level = 3,
hasMain = false,
testType = TestType.Simulation,
doPublish = false
lazy val workerModule = ModuleConfig(
level = 3,
testType = TestType.MUnit,
sbtSettings = Seq("dockerSettings"),
sbtPlugins = Seq("DockerPlugin", "JavaAppPackaging"),
sbtDependencies = Seq("springBoot", "jaxbXml"),
hasProjectDependencies = true
lazy val helperModule = ModuleConfig(
level = 4
end ModuleConfig
enum TestType:
case MUnit, Simulation, None
case class VersionConfig(
scalaVersion: String = BuildInfo.scalaVersion,
camundalaVersion: String = BuildInfo.version,
customerCamundalaVersion: String = "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT",
sbtVersion: String = BuildInfo.sbtVersion,
springBootVersion: String = "3.1.2",
jaxbXmlVersion: String = "2.3.1",
munitVersion: String = "1.0.0",
otherVersions: Map[String, String] = Map.empty