camundala.helper.setup.GenericFileGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package camundala.helper.setup
import camundala.helper.util.VersionHelper
case class GenericFileGenerator()(using config: SetupConfig):
lazy val generate: Unit =
createOrUpdate(config.projectDir / ".scalafmt.conf", scalafmt)
createOrUpdate(config.projectDir / ".gitignore", gitignore)
createOrUpdate(config.projectDir / "helper.scala", helperScala)
os.proc("chmod", "+x", config.projectDir / "helper.scala").call()
createIfNotExists(config.projectDir / "", changeLog)
os.makeDir.all(config.projectDir / ".run")
os.makeDir.all(config.projectDir / ".vscode")
createOrUpdate(config.projectDir / ".run" / "", workerTestAppIntellij)
createOrUpdate(config.projectDir / ".vscode" / "launch.json", workerTestAppVsCode)
end generate
private lazy val scalafmt =
s"""# $doNotAdjust. This file is replaced by `./helper.scala update`.
|version = "3.7.15"
|project.git = true
|runner.dialect = scala3
|align.preset = none
|align.stripMargin = true
|assumeStandardLibraryStripMargin = true
|binPack.literalsExclude = ["Term.Name"]
|maxColumn = 100 // For my wide 30" display.
|# Recommended, to not penalize `match` statements
|indent.matchSite = 0
|newlines.source = keep
|rewrite.scala3.convertToNewSyntax = true
|rewrite.scala3.removeOptionalBraces = yes
|rewrite.scala3.insertEndMarkerMinLines = 5
|fileOverride {
| "glob:**/project/**" {
| runner.dialect = scala213
| }
| "glob:**/build.sbt" {
| runner.dialect = scala213
| }
private lazy val gitignore =
s"""# $doNotAdjust. This file is replaced by `./helper.scala update`.
private val helperScala = ScriptCreator()
private lazy val changeLog =
s"""# Changelog
|All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
|* Types of Changes (L3):
| * Added: new features
| * Changed: changes in existing functionality
| * Deprecated: soon-to-be-removed features
| * Removed: now removed features
| * Fixed: any bug fixes
| * Security: in case of vulnerabilities
|The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
|and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
private lazy val workerTestAppIntellij =
private lazy val workerTestAppVsCode =
s"""|// DO NOT ADJUST. This file is replaced by `./helper.scala update`.
| "version": "2.0.0",
| "configurations": [
| {
| "type": "scala",
| "request": "launch",
| "name": "WorkerTestApp",
| "mainClass": "${config.projectPackage}.worker.WorkerTestApp",
| "args": [],
| "jvmOptions": [],
| "env": { "FSSO_BASE_URL": "http://host.lima.internal:8090/auth", "WORKER_TEST_MODE": "true"},
| }
| ]
end GenericFileGenerator