viz.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2024 quafadas
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package viz
import scala.scalajs.js
import com.raquo.laminar.api.L.*
import scalajs.js.JSON
import viz.vega.facades.EmbedOptions
import viz.vega.facades.VegaView
import viz.vega.facades.EmbedResult
import viz.vega.facades.Helpers.*
import org.scalajs.dom.ResizeObserverEntry
import org.scalajs.dom.ResizeObserver
object LaminarViz:
def dataClickBus: (EventStream[js.UndefOr[js.Dynamic]], (x: js.Dynamic, y: js.Dynamic) => Unit) =
val (dataClickedBus, callback) = EventStream.withJsCallback[js.UndefOr[js.Dynamic]]
val fromFct = (x: js.Dynamic, y: js.Dynamic) => callback(dataClickHandler.apply(x, y))
(dataClickedBus, fromFct)
end dataClickBus
def signalBus: (EventStream[js.Dynamic], (x: String, y: js.Dynamic) => Unit) =
val (hoverBus, callback) = EventStream.withJsCallback[js.Dynamic]
val handler: js.Function2[String, js.Dynamic, js.Dynamic] = (str: String, dyn: js.Dynamic) => dyn
val fromFct = (x: String, y: js.Dynamic) => callback(handler.apply(x, y))
(hoverBus, fromFct)
end signalBus
/** Embed a chart in a div. This method is a good choice if you are not at all worried about performance (mostly you
* won't be), you want to get started quickly, and you want things to "just work".
* There is one "gotcha". If _you_ choose to provide your own div, it _must_ have a well defined width and height.
* If it does not the chart will not initialize properly, and it will not recover from this failure.
* @param chart
* \- the chart you wish to plot
* @param inDivOpt
* \- optionally, the div you wish to plot into. If you don't provide one, one will be created for you.
* @param embedOpt
* \- optionally, the embed options you wish to use
def viewEmbed(
chart: Spec,
inDivOpt: Option[Div] = None,
embedOpt: Option[EmbedOptions] = None
): (Div, Signal[Option[VegaView]]) =
val specObj = JSON.parse(chart.spec).asInstanceOf[js.Object]
val (embeddedIn, embedResult) = (inDivOpt, embedOpt) match
case (Some(thisDiv), Some(opts)) =>
val p: js.Promise[EmbedResult] = viz.vega.facades.embed(thisDiv.ref, specObj, opts)
(thisDiv, p)
case (Some(thisDiv), None) =>
val specObj = JSON.parse(chart.spec).asInstanceOf[js.Object]
val p: js.Promise[EmbedResult] = viz.vega.facades.embed(thisDiv.ref, specObj, EmbedOptions())
(thisDiv, p)
case (None, Some(opts)) =>
val newDiv = div(
width := "100%",
height := "100%"
val p: js.Promise[EmbedResult] = viz.vega.facades.embed(newDiv.ref, specObj, opts)
(newDiv, p)
case (None, None) =>
val newDiv = div(
width := "100%",
height := "100%"
val p: js.Promise[EmbedResult] = viz.vega.facades.embed(newDiv.ref, specObj, EmbedOptions())
(newDiv, p)
val view: Signal[Option[VegaView]] = Signal.fromJsPromise(embedResult).map(er =>
val resizeMontitor = new EventBus[ResizeObserverEntry]
val resizer = inDivOpt match
case None =>
val resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries: scala.scalajs.js.Array[ResizeObserverEntry], _) =>
entries.foreach(entry => resizeMontitor.emit(entry))
case Some(embeddedIn) => None
embedResult.`then`(in =>
embeddedIn.amend( --> Observer {
(valu: (ResizeObserverEntry, Option[VegaView])) =>
valu._2.foreach { view =>
onUnmountCallback { _ =>
(embeddedIn, view)
end viewEmbed
/** Embed a chart in a div. This method is a good choice if you are not at all worried about performance (mostly you
* won't be), you want to get started quickly, and you want things to "just work".
* There is one "gotcha". If _you_ choose to provide your own div, it _must_ have a well defined width and height.
* If it does not the chart will not initialize properly, and it will not recover from this failure.
* @param chart
* \- the chart you wish to plot
* @param inDivOpt
* \- optionally, the div you wish to plot into. If you don't provide one, one will be created for you.
* @param embedOpt
* \- optionally, the embed options you wish to use
def simpleEmbed(chart: Spec, inDivOpt: Option[Div] = None, embedOpt: Option[EmbedOptions] = None): Div =
viewEmbed(chart, inDivOpt, embedOpt)._1
end simpleEmbed
end LaminarViz