io.github.repir.Repository.Repository Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.github.repir.Repository;
import io.github.repir.Repository.Stopwords.StopWords;
import io.github.repir.Repository.Stopwords.StopwordsCache;
import io.github.repir.Strategy.Strategy;
import static*;
import io.github.repir.MapReduceTools.RRConfiguration;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
* The Repository manages all persistent data for a collection : features that
* were extracted from the collection, configuration settings and additional
* data files.
* The Repository is THE central component in RepIR. Each collection is
* converted into its own Repository of extracted features. The extraction
* process and the StoredFeatures can be tailor made, programs can obtain
* low-level access to the stored data, new features can be added and
* StoredDynamicFeatures can be used as small size tables to store data that can
* be modified.
* The configuration of a Repository, and the communication of settings for
* tasks is done through an extension of Hadoop's Configuration class, of which
* a single instance resides in the Repository, that can be accessed using
* {@link #getConf()}, {@link #configuredString(java.lang.String)},
* etc. The Configuration settings are usually seeded through configuration
* files, but can also be added through the command line or from code.
* For low level access to a {@link StoredFeature}, you should obtain the
* feature through the Repository with {@link #getFeature(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String[])
* }
* using the feature's Class, and optional parameters.
public class Repository {
public static Log log = new Log(Repository.class);
protected HDFSPath basedir; // dir on HDFS containing the repository files
protected String prefix; // prefix for every file, usually configname
protected FileSystem fs = null; // leave null for local FS, otherwise use HDFS
protected static final String MASTERFILE_EXTENSION = ".master";
protected long documentcount; // number of documents in collection
public static final double DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75;
protected int hashtablecapacity; // for the vocabulary hashtable
protected int vocabularysize; // number of words in vocabulary
protected long cf; // number of words in collection
protected VocabularyToID vocabulary;
protected int partitions = 1; // number of partitions the repository is divided in
protected PartitionLocation partitionlocation; // gives fast access to the man location of each patition
public HashMap storedfeaturesmap = new HashMap();
private CollectionID collectionid;
protected RRConfiguration configuration = new RRConfiguration();
* Constructor for the creation of a new Repository with
* {@link VocabularyBuilder}.
* @param basedirname directory where the repository is stored
* @param prefix prefix for all repository filenames (usually the repository
* name)
public Repository(HDFSPath basedirname, String prefix) {
setDirPrefix(basedirname, prefix);
private void setDirPrefix(HDFSPath basedirname, String prefix) {
basedir = basedirname;
this.prefix = prefix;
if (!basedir.exists()) {
log.fatal("Directory %s does not exists, please create", basedir.toString());
private void setDirPrefix(RRConfiguration conf) {
setDirPrefix(new HDFSPath(conf, conf.get("repository.dir", "")), conf.get("repository.prefix", ""));
* Constructor to open an Repository with a fully read Configuration.
* Typically, this is used in MR classes, that get a Configuration object
* passed.
* @param conf
public Repository(RRConfiguration conf) {
* Constructor to open a Repository using command line arguments. Typically
* this is done in non-MR classes. The environment should contain the
* necessary rr variables, and the first real argument should be the name of
* the configuration script that is read from rr.confdir.
* @param args
* @param template
public Repository(String args[], String template) {
RRConfiguration conf = new RRConfiguration(args, template);
public Repository(String args[]) {
this(args, "");
public Repository(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf) {
public void changeName(String newIndex) {
String dir = configuration.get("repository.dir").replaceAll(prefix, newIndex);
configuration.set("repository.dir", dir);
configuration.set("repository.prefix", newIndex);
basedir = new HDFSPath(configuration, configuration.get("repository.dir", ""));
prefix = newIndex;
public boolean exists() {
return basedir.exists();
public String getPrefix() {
return prefix;
public PartitionLocation getPartitionLocation() {
if (partitionlocation == null) {
partitionlocation = PartitionLocation.get(this);
return partitionlocation;
public String[] getPartitionLocation(int partition) {
return getPartitionLocation().read(partition);
public Repository(String conffile) {
this(new String[]{ conffile });
protected void useConfiguration(RRConfiguration conf) {
this.configuration = conf;
conf.setBoolean("fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache", false);
protected void readSettings() {
partitions = configuredInt("repository.partitions", 1);
setVocabularySize(configuredInt("repository.vocabularysize", 0));"vocsize %d", configuredInt("repository.vocabularysize", 0));
setCF(configuredLong("repository.corpustf", 0));
documentcount = configuredInt("repository.documentcount", 0);
hashtablecapacity = configuredInt("repository.hashtablecapacity", 0);
protected void getStoredFeatures(String features[]) {
for (String s : features) {
StoredFeature f = (StoredFeature) getFeature(s);
public void setFileSystem(FileSystem fs) {
this.fs = fs;
public FileSystem getFS() {
return fs;
public HDFSPath getBaseDir() {
return basedir;
public HDFSPath getIndexDir() {
return (HDFSPath) getBaseDir().getSubdir("repository");
static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d{4})"); // segments limited to 10000
public static int getSegmentFromFilename(String filename) {
filename = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(filename);
if (matcher.find()) {
return Integer.parseInt(;
return -1;
public String getFilename(String extension) {
return basedir.getFilename(prefix + extension);
public Datafile getMasterFile() {
return new Datafile(getFS(), basedir.getFilename(prefix + MASTERFILE_EXTENSION));
public String getTestsetName() {
return this.configuredString("");
protected Datafile getStoredValuesFile() {
return new Datafile(getFS(), basedir.getFilename(prefix + ".storedvalues"));
public long getCF() {
return cf;
public long getDocumentCount() {
return documentcount;
public void setDocumentCount(int documentcount) {
this.documentcount = documentcount;
public void setPartitions(int nodes) {
this.partitions = nodes;
public int getPartitions() {
return partitions;
* stores the Repository data in a masterfile, so that it can be reopened
* with Repository.get()
public void readConfiguration() {
Datafile df = getMasterFile();
Datafile storedvalues = this.getStoredValuesFile();
if (basedir.exists() && df.exists()) {
if (storedvalues.exists()) {
* The configurationstring can contain settings
* @param configurationstring
public void addConfiguration(String configurationstring) {
if (configurationstring != null) {
if (configurationstring.contains(",")) {
for (String s : configurationstring.split(",")) {
} else {
public void deleteMasterFile() {
Datafile df = getMasterFile();
if (df.exists()) {
private void initConfiguration() {
configuration.set("repository.dir", basedir.getCanonicalPath());
configuration.set("repository.prefix", prefix);
configuration.setInt("repository.partitions", partitions);
for (Map.Entry entry : storedfeaturesmap.entrySet()) {
StoredFeature f = entry.getValue();
configuration.addArray("repository.feature", f.getCanonicalName());
configuration.setLong("repository.vocabularysize", this.getVocabularySize());
configuration.setLong("repository.corpustf", this.getCF());
configuration.setLong("repository.documentcount", this.getDocumentCount());
public void writeConfiguration() {
Datafile masterfile = getMasterFile();
configuration.writeString(masterfile, "repository.dir");
configuration.writeString(masterfile, "repository.prefix");
configuration.writeInt(masterfile, "repository.partitions");
for (Map.Entry entry : storedfeaturesmap.entrySet()) {
StoredFeature f = entry.getValue();
configuration.addArray("repository.feature", f.getCanonicalName());
configuration.writeStrings(masterfile, "repository.feature");
configuration.writeLong(masterfile, "repository.vocabularysize");
configuration.writeLong(masterfile, "repository.corpustf");
configuration.writeLong(masterfile, "repository.documentcount");
public Collection getConfiguredFeatures() {
return storedfeaturesmap.values();
public HashMap getConfiguredFeaturesMap() {
return storedfeaturesmap;
public void featuresWriteCache() {
for (StoredFeature f : getConfiguredFeatures()) {
public CollectionID getCollectionIDFeature() {
if (collectionid == null) {
String collidclassname = CollectionID.class.getSimpleName();
for (String f : configuredStrings("repository.feature")) {
if (f.startsWith(collidclassname)
&& (f.length() == collidclassname.length()
|| !Character.isLetter(f.charAt(collidclassname.length())))) {
collectionid = (CollectionID) getFeature(f);
if (collectionid == null) {
collectionid = CollectionID.get(this);
return collectionid;
* Use this method to obtain access to StoredFeatures, which allows the
* system to reuse single instances of the exact same feature.
* @param canonicalname
* @return a Feature instance identified by the canonicalname
public Feature getFeature(String canonicalname) {
//"getFeature( %s )", canonicalname);
Feature f = storedfeaturesmap.get(canonicalname);
if (f == null) {
String parts[] = canonicalname.split(":");
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
parts[i] = parts[i].trim();
String classname = stripPackageNames(parts[0], getClass().getPackage().getName(), Strategy.class.getPackage().getName());
switch (parts.length) {
case 1:
f = createFeature(classname);
case 2:
f = createFeature(classname, parts[1]);
case 3:
f = createFeature(classname, parts[1], parts[2]);
return f;
protected void storeFeature(String label, StoredFeature feature) {
//"storeFeature %s %s", label, feature.getCanonicalName());
storedfeaturesmap.put(label, feature);
protected StoredFeature getStoredFeature(String label) {
//"getStoredFeature %s", label);
return storedfeaturesmap.get(label);
private Feature createFeature(String classname, String... field) {
Feature f = null;
Method cons;
Class clazz = tryToClass(classname, getClass().getPackage().getName(), Strategy.class.getPackage().getName());
if (clazz != null) {
//"createFeature %s %s", clazz.getSimpleName(), StrTools.concat(' ', field));
switch (field.length) {
case 0:
cons = tryGetMethod(clazz, "get", Repository.class);
f = (Feature), null, this);
case 1:
cons = tryGetMethod(clazz, "get", Repository.class, String.class);
f = (Feature), null, this, field[0]);
case 2:
cons = tryGetMethod(clazz, "get", Repository.class, String.class, String.class);
f = (Feature), null, this, field[0], field[1]);
return f;
public void unloadStoredDynamicFeatures() {
Iterator> iter = storedfeaturesmap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry entry =;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof StoredDynamicFeature) {
public void unloadTermDocumentFeatures() {
Iterator> iter = storedfeaturesmap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry entry =;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof TermDocumentFeature) {
public void unloadStoredDynamicFeature(Set sdf) {
for (StoredFeature f : sdf) {
public void unloadStoredDynamicFeature(StoredFeature sdf) {
Iterator> iter = storedfeaturesmap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry entry =;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof StoredFeature) {
if (entry.getValue() == sdf) {
public Integer termToID(String term) {
//"termToID %s", term);
return TermID.get(this).get(term);
public void setVocabularySize(int size) {
vocabularysize = size;
//hashtablecapacity = calculateCapacity();
public int getVocabularySize() {
return vocabularysize;
public void setCF(long cf) { = cf;
* @return the Hadoop Configuration container that is used to maintain and
* communicate all settings for the repository
public RRConfiguration getConf() {
return this.configuration;
* @return the Hadoop Configuration container that is used to maintain and
* communicate all settings for the repository
public String[] configuredStrings(String key) {
return configuration.getStrings(key);
public ArrayList configuredStringList(String key) {
return configuration.getStringList(key);
public ArrayList configuredIntList(String key) {
return configuration.getIntList(key);
public ArrayList configuredLongList(String key) {
return configuration.getLongList(key);
public String configuredString(String key) {
return configuration.get(key);
public String configurationName() {
return configuration.get("rr.conf");
public String configuredString(String key, String defaultvalue) {
return configuration.get(key, defaultvalue);
public int configuredInt(String key, int defaultvalue) {
return configuration.getInt(key, defaultvalue);
public int configuredInt(String key) {
return configuredInt(key, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
public long configuredLong(String key, long defaultvalue) {
return configuration.getLong(key, defaultvalue);
public long configuredLong(String key) {
return configuredLong(key, Long.MIN_VALUE);
* @return the Hadoop Configuration container that is used to maintain and
* communicate all settings for the repository
public boolean configuredBoolean(String key, boolean defaultvalue) {
return this.configuration.getBoolean(key, defaultvalue);
* Note: Hadoop 0.20 does not support double, so these are stored as
* strings, if the value is not empty or a valid double a fatal exception is
* the result
* @return the double value of the key.
public double configuredDouble(String key, double defaultvalue) {
double d = defaultvalue;
String value = this.configuration.get(key);
try {
if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
d = Double.parseDouble(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
log.fatalexception(ex, "Configuration setting '%s' does not contain a valid double '%s'", key, value);
return d;
public String getParameterFile() {
return configuredString("testset.queryparameters");
* @return A {@link Datafile} that is configured in "testset.topics" as the
* file containing the topics for evaluation.
public Datafile getTopicsFile() {
Datafile df = new Datafile(configuredString("rr.localdir") + "/" + configuredString("testset.topics"));
if (!df.exists()) {
df = new Datafile(getFS(),
configuredString("repository.dir") + "/" + configuredString("testset.topics"));
if (!df.exists()) {
log.fatal("topicfile %s does not exists", df.getCanonicalPath());
return df;
* @return A list of {@link Datafile}s that is configured in "testset.qrels"
* as the files containing the query relevance labels for evaluation.
public ArrayList getQrelFiles() throws IOException {
String qr = configuredString("testset.qrels");
if (qr == null) {
log.fatal("testset.qrels not set");
String qrs[] = qr.split(",");
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
for (String p : qrs) {
Datafile f = new Datafile(configuredString("rr.localdir") + "/" + p);
Path d = f.getDir();
if (!d.exists()) {
f = new Datafile(getFS(), configuredString("repository.dir") + "/" + p);
d = f.getDir();
return list;
public int[] tokenize(ExtractChannel attr) {
if (vocabulary == null || !(vocabulary instanceof VocabularyToIDRAM)) {
for (Feature f : this.getConfiguredFeatures()) {
if (f instanceof VocabularyToIDRAM) {
vocabulary = (VocabularyToIDRAM) f;
//"VocMem opened %s", vocabulary.getCanonicalName());
if (vocabulary == null) {
for (Feature f : this.getConfiguredFeatures()) {
if (f instanceof VocabularyToID) {
vocabulary = (VocabularyToID) f;
//"Voc opened %s", vocabulary.getCanonicalName());
if (vocabulary == null) {
log.fatal("you cannot tokenize if there is no Vocabulary in the repository");
return vocabulary.getContent(attr);
public int getPartition(String docid) {
return getPartition(docid, getPartitions());
public static int getPartition(String docid, int partitions) {
return MathTools.mod(docid.hashCode(), partitions);
public Repository[] getTuneRepositories() {
//"crossevaluate %s", getConfigurationString("testset.crossevaluate"));
String cross[] = StrTools.split(configuredString("testset.crossevaluate"), ",");
if (cross.length == 1 && cross[0].equalsIgnoreCase("fold")) {
return new Repository[]{this};
Repository r[] = new Repository[cross.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < cross.length; i++) {
r[i + 1] = new Repository(cross[i]);
r[0] = this;
return r;
public String[] getStoredFreeParameters() {
String freeparameters[] = configuredStrings("strategy.freeparameter");
HashSet list = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < freeparameters.length; i++) {
if (freeparameters[i].indexOf('=') > 0) {
list.add(freeparameters[i].substring(0, freeparameters[i].indexOf('=')).trim());
} else {
if (configuredString("testset.crossevaluate").equalsIgnoreCase("fold")) {
return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
public Map getFreeParameters() {
String freeparameters[] = configuredStrings("strategy.freeparameter");
HashMap tuneparameters = new HashMap();
for (String s : freeparameters) {
if (s.indexOf('=') > 0) {
String parameter = s.substring(0, s.indexOf('=')).trim();
String value = s.substring(s.indexOf('=') + 1).trim();
tuneparameters.put(parameter, value);
} else {
String value = configuredString(s);
tuneparameters.put(s, PrintTools.sprintf("%s..%s..%d", value, value, 1));
return tuneparameters;
HashSet stopwords;
public HashSet getStopwords() {
if (stopwords == null) {
StopwordsCache sw = StopwordsCache.get(this);
stopwords = sw.getStopwords();
if (stopwords.size() == 0) {
stopwords = StopWords.get(this).getIntSet();
return stopwords;
private ExtractorConf collectionExtractor;
public ExtractorConf getCollectionExtractor() {
if (collectionExtractor == null) {
collectionExtractor = new ExtractorConf(this.getConf());
return collectionExtractor;
public Term getTerm(String term) {
if (term == null) {
return null;
if (term.startsWith("@#")) {
int termid = Integer.parseInt(term);
if (termid < 0) {
return null;
TermString termstring = TermString.get(this);
String stemmed = termstring.readValue(termid);
return new Term(termid, null, stemmed, getStopwords().contains(termid));
} else {
if (term == null) {
return null;
String processedterm;
if (term.startsWith("@")) {
processedterm = term.substring(1);
term = null;
} else {
processedterm = englishStemmer.get().stem(term.toLowerCase());
int termid = termToID(processedterm);
return new Term(termid, term, processedterm, getStopwords().contains(termid));
public Term getProcessedTerm(String term) {
if (term == null) {
return null;
int termid = termToID(term);
return new Term(termid, null, term, getStopwords().contains(termid));
public Term getTerm(int termid) {
if (termid < 0) {
return null;
TermString termstring = TermString.get(this);
String stemmed = termstring.readValue(termid);
return new Term(termid, null, stemmed, getStopwords().contains(termid));
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