io.github.repir.Repository.VocMem3 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.github.repir.Repository;
import io.github.repir.tools.io.buffer.BufferReaderWriter;
import io.github.repir.tools.io.Datafile;
import io.github.repir.tools.io.struct.StructuredFileSort;
import io.github.repir.tools.io.struct.StructuredFileCollision;
import io.github.repir.tools.lib.Log;
import io.github.repir.Repository.VocMem3.File;
import io.github.repir.tools.io.EOCException;
import io.github.repir.tools.lib.ByteTools;
import io.github.repir.tools.io.struct.StructuredFileCollisionRecord;
import io.github.repir.tools.io.struct.StructuredFileSortRecord;
* Fetches the internal term id for a term string. To improve lookup speed, the
* most common terms are kept in memory, while less common terms remain on disk.
* Before requesting the internal term id, the text should be processed by the
* same {@link Extractor} process as used for indexing.
* {@link #get(java.lang.String)} is used to obtain the term id of a single
* term, while {@link #getContent(Extractor.EntityChannel)} is used to obtain
* an array of term id's to represent a multi term text.
* This implementation is limited to vocabularies of max 2^24.
* @author jeroen
public class VocMem3 extends VocabularyToIDRAM {
public static Log log = new Log(VocMem3.class);
//public TermID termfile;
public VocMem3(Repository repository) {
public static VocMem3 get(Repository repository) {
String label = canonicalName(VocMem3.class);
VocMem3 vocmem = (VocMem3)repository.getStoredFeature(label);
if (vocmem == null) {
vocmem = new VocMem3(repository);
repository.storeFeature(label, vocmem);
return vocmem;
public void openRead() {
//only need termid if the memvoc does not contain all terms
//termfile = (TermID) repository.getStoredSystemValue("TermID");
public void openWrite() {
public int get(String term) {
Record record = createRecord();
record.term = term;
Integer termid = io.github.repir.tools.lib.Const.NULLINT;
Record found = (Record)file.find(record);
if (found != null) {
termid = found.id;
return termid;
public File createFile(Datafile datafile) {
return new File(datafile);
public Record createRecord() {
Record record = new Record(file);
return record;
public void reduceInput(int id, String term, long cf, long df) {
Record record = createRecord();
record.id = id;
record.term = term;
record.cf = cf;
public void startReduce(long corpustermfreq, int corpusdocumentfrequency) {
public void finishReduce() {
public static void build(Repository repository) throws EOCException {
VocMem3 vocmem3 = VocMem3.get(repository);
vocmem3.startReduce(0, 0);
TermCF termtf = TermCF.get(repository);
TermString termstring = TermString.get(repository);
for (int id = 0; id < repository.getVocabularySize(); id++) {
long cf = termtf.file.cf.read();
String term = termstring.file.term.read();
//log.info("%d %s %d", id, term, cf);
vocmem3.reduceInput(id, term, cf, 0);
public static void main(String[] args) throws EOCException {
Repository repository = new Repository( args );
build( repository );
* The terms are sorted in a collision table, based on hashcode of the term,
* and secondary on cf desc. The memory table can contain the first 2^24
* terms from the file (sorted on cf desc), if a term is missing it should be
* looked up in the disk-stored term file.
* This file used during indexing, to improve the speed of converting
* tokenized content into termID's.
* @author jeroen
public class File extends StructuredFileCollision {
public String0Field term = this.addString0("term");
public LongField cf = this.addLong("cf");
public Int3Field id = this.addInt3("id");
public File(Datafile df) {
protected int spillThreshold() {
return 1000000;
public File clone() {
File f = new File(new Datafile(getDatafile()));
return f;
public void openRead() {
public void openWriteFinal() {
public StructuredFileSortRecord createRecord() {
Record record = new Record(this);
record.id = id.value;
record.cf = cf.value;
record.term = term.value;
return record;
* used to reversely sort colliding entries based on cf, to slightly
* improve performance.
public int secondaryCompare(StructuredFileSort o1, StructuredFileSort o2) {
return ((File) o1).cf.value > ((File) o2).cf.value ? -1 : 1;
public int secondaryCompare(StructuredFileSortRecord o1, StructuredFileSortRecord o2) {
return ((Record) o1).cf > ((Record) o2).cf ? -1 : 1;
* this function is called by the internal {@link #find(Content.StructuredFileCollision.SortableCollisionRecord)
* }
* method, which seeks the offset at which the bucketIndex is position.
* Because this is a collision table, if a matching entry exists, it is
* always placed after this offset, as close to the offset as allowed, but
* there can be other entries in between. An implementing function should
* therefore readValue until the entry is found or a hashcode is
* encountered that is greater than the search key's hashcode. In the
* latter case, the entry does not exist and null should be returned.
* @param table the resident table to search, with the offset pointing to
* the
* @param r the entry containing the term string to search for
* @return a matching entry, with its id, or null if it doesn't exist.
public StructuredFileCollisionRecord find(BufferReaderWriter table, StructuredFileCollisionRecord r) {
Record rr = (Record) r;
byte needle[] = rr.term.getBytes();
int match;
int offset = table.bufferpos;
while (table.bufferpos < table.end) {
try {
for (match = 0; match < needle.length && table.buffer[table.bufferpos + match] == needle[match]; match++);
if (match == needle.length && table.buffer[table.bufferpos + match] == 0) {
rr.id = table.readInt3();
return rr;
int bucketindex = ByteTools.string0HashCode(table.buffer, table.bufferpos, table.end) & (this.getBucketCapacity() - 1);
if (bucketindex > rr.getBucketIndex()) {
} catch (EOCException ex) {
log.exception(ex, "find( %s, %s )", table, r);
return null;
public class Record extends StructuredFileCollisionRecord {
public String term;
public long cf;
public int id;
public Record(File file) {
protected void writeRecordData() {
((File) file).term.write(term);
((File) file).id.write(id);
public int hashCode() {
return term.hashCode();
protected void writeTempRecordData() {
((File) file).term.write(term);
((File) file).cf.write(cf);
((File) file).id.write(id);
public boolean equals(StructuredFileCollisionRecord r) {
return term.equals(((Record) r).term);
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