play.mvc.Http Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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RePlay is a fork of the Play1 framework, created by Codeborne.
package play.mvc;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import play.Play;
import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException;
import play.libs.Codec;
import play.libs.Time;
import play.mvc.Scope.Params;
import play.utils.HTTP;
import play.utils.HTTP.ContentTypeWithEncoding;
import play.utils.Utils;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
public class Http {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Http.class);
public static final String invocationType = "HttpRequest";
public static class StatusCode {
public static final int OK = 200;
public static final int CREATED = 201;
public static final int ACCEPTED = 202;
public static final int PARTIAL_INFO = 203;
public static final int NO_RESPONSE = 204;
public static final int MOVED = 301;
public static final int FOUND = 302;
public static final int METHOD = 303;
public static final int NOT_MODIFIED = 304;
public static final int BAD_REQUEST = 400;
public static final int UNAUTHORIZED = 401;
public static final int PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402;
public static final int FORBIDDEN = 403;
public static final int NOT_FOUND = 404;
public static final int INTERNAL_ERROR = 500;
public static final int NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501;
public static final int OVERLOADED = 502;
public static final int GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 503;
public static boolean success(int code) {
return code / 100 == 2;
public static boolean redirect(int code) {
return code / 100 == 3;
public static boolean error(int code) {
return code / 100 == 4 || code / 100 == 5;
public static class Methods {
public static final String GET = "GET";
public static final String PATCH = "PATCH";
public static final String POST = "POST";
public static final String PUT = "PUT";
public static final String DELETE = "DELETE";
public static final String OPTIONS = "OPTIONS";
public static final String HEAD = "HEAD";
public static final String TRACE = "TRACE";
public static class Headers {
public static final class Values {
public static final String CLOSE = "close";
public static class Header implements Serializable {
public final String name;
public final List values;
public Header(String name, String value) {
this.name = name;
this.values = singletonList(value);
public Header(String name, List values) {
this.name = name;
this.values = values;
* First value
* @return The first value
public String value() {
return values.get(0);
public String toString() {
return name + "=" + values;
public static class Cookie implements Serializable {
public final String name;
public String domain;
public String path = "/";
public boolean secure;
public String value;
* Cookie max-age in seconds
public Integer maxAge;
* Don't use
public boolean sendOnError;
public boolean httpOnly;
public Cookie(String name, String value) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
private static final ThreadLocal currentRequest = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static class Request {
private static final Pattern IP_REGEX = Pattern.compile("[\\s,\\d.:/a-fA-F]*");
private static final Pattern X_FWD_REGEX = Pattern.compile("[\\s,]+");
public String host;
public String path;
public String querystring;
* URL path (excluding scheme, host and port), starting with '/'
* Example:
* With this full URL {@code http://localhost:9000/path0/path1?foo=bar}
* => url will be {@code /path0/path1?foo=bar}
public String url;
public String method;
public String domain;
public String remoteAddress;
public String contentType;
* This is the encoding used to decode this request. If encoding-info is not found in request, then
* Play.defaultWebEncoding is used
public Charset encoding = Play.defaultWebEncoding;
public String controller;
public String actionMethod;
public Integer port;
public Map headers;
public Map cookies;
public transient InputStream body;
* Additional HTTP params extracted from route
public Map routeArgs = emptyMap();
* Format (html,xml,json,text)
public String format;
* Full action (ex: Application.index)
public String action;
public Method invokedMethod;
public Class extends PlayController> controllerClass;
public PlayController controllerInstance;
* Free space to store your request specific data
public final Map args = new HashMap<>(16);
* When the request has been received
public final Date date = new Date();
* HTTP Basic User
public String user;
* HTTP Basic Password
public String password;
* Request comes from loopback interface
public boolean isLoopback;
* ActionInvoker.resolvedRoutes was called?
boolean resolved;
public final Params params = new Params(this);
public Boolean cachedIsSecure = null;
* Deprecate the default constructor to encourage the use of createRequest() when creating new requests.
* Cannot hide it with protected because we have to be backward compatible with modules - ie
* PlayGrizzlyAdapter.java
public Request() {
headers = new HashMap<>(16);
cookies = new HashMap<>(16);
public static Request createRequest(String _remoteAddress, String _method, String _path,
String _querystring, String _contentType, InputStream _body, String _url, String _host,
boolean _isLoopback, int _port, String _domain, Map _headers,
Map _cookies)
Request newRequest = new Request();
newRequest.remoteAddress = _remoteAddress;
newRequest.method = _method;
newRequest.path = _path;
newRequest.querystring = _querystring;
ContentTypeWithEncoding contentTypeEncoding = HTTP.parseContentType(_contentType);
newRequest.contentType = contentTypeEncoding.contentType;
newRequest.encoding = contentTypeEncoding.encoding;
newRequest.body = _body;
newRequest.url = _url;
newRequest.host = _host;
newRequest.isLoopback = _isLoopback;
newRequest.port = _port;
newRequest.domain = _domain;
newRequest.headers = _headers != null ? _headers : new HashMap<>(16);
newRequest.cookies = _cookies != null ? _cookies : new HashMap<>(16);
return newRequest;
static void validateXForwarded(Header xForwardedFor) {
if (xForwardedFor == null) return;
if (!IP_REGEX.matcher(xForwardedFor.value()).matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unacceptable X-Forwarded-For format: " + xForwardedFor.value());
private void parseXForwarded() {
String _host = this.host;
if (Play.configuration.containsKey("XForwardedSupport") && headers.get("x-forwarded-for") != null) {
if (!"ALL".equalsIgnoreCase(Play.configuration.getProperty("XForwardedSupport"))
&& !asList(X_FWD_REGEX.split(Play.configuration.getProperty("XForwardedSupport", ""))).contains(remoteAddress)) {
throw new RuntimeException("This proxy request is not authorized: " + remoteAddress);
} else {
if (Play.configuration.containsKey("XForwardedHost")) {
this.host = Play.configuration.getProperty("XForwardedHost");
} else if (this.headers.get("x-forwarded-host") != null) {
this.host = this.headers.get("x-forwarded-host").value();
if (this.headers.get("x-forwarded-for") != null) {
this.remoteAddress = cleanupRemoteAddresses(this.headers.get("x-forwarded-for").value());
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(Play.configuration.getProperty("XForwardedOverwriteDomainAndPort", "false"))
&& this.host != null && !this.host.equals(_host)) {
if (this.host.contains(":")) {
String[] hosts = this.host.split(":");
this.port = Integer.parseInt(hosts[1]);
this.domain = hosts[0];
} else {
this.port = 80;
this.domain = this.host;
static String cleanupRemoteAddresses(String remoteAddress) {
int index = remoteAddress.lastIndexOf(',');
return index == -1 ? remoteAddress : remoteAddress.substring(index + 1).trim();
public boolean isSecure() {
if (cachedIsSecure != null) return cachedIsSecure;
Header xForwardedProtoHeader = headers.get("x-forwarded-proto");
Header xForwardedSslHeader = headers.get("x-forwarded-ssl");
// Check the less common "front-end-https" header, used apparently only by
// "Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server" and Squid (when using Squid as
// an SSL frontend).
Header frontEndHttpsHeader = headers.get("front-end-https");
boolean result = ("https".equals(Play.configuration.getProperty("XForwardedProto"))
|| (xForwardedProtoHeader != null && "https".equals(xForwardedProtoHeader.value()))
|| (xForwardedSslHeader != null && "on".equals(xForwardedSslHeader.value()))
|| (frontEndHttpsHeader != null && "on".equalsIgnoreCase(frontEndHttpsHeader.value())));
cachedIsSecure = result;
return result;
protected void authorizationInit() {
Header header = headers.get("authorization");
if (header != null && header.value().startsWith("Basic ")) {
String data = header.value().substring(6);
// In basic auth, the password can contain a colon as well so split(":") may split
// the string into 3 parts: username, part1 of password and part2 of password.
// So, don't use split here.
String decoded = new String(Codec.decodeBASE64(data), UTF_8);
// splitting on ONLY first ':' allows user's password to contain a ':'
int indexOf = decoded.indexOf(':');
if (indexOf < 0) return;
String username = decoded.substring(0, indexOf);
String thePasswd = decoded.substring(indexOf + 1);
user = !username.isEmpty() ? username : null;
password = !thePasswd.isEmpty() ? thePasswd : null;
* Automatically resolve request format from the Accept header (in this order: html > xml
* > json > text)
public void resolveFormat() {
if (format != null) {
if (headers.get("accept") == null) {
format = "html";
String accept = headers.get("accept").value();
if (accept.contains("application/xhtml") || accept.contains("text/html") || accept.startsWith("*/*")) {
format = "html";
if (accept.contains("application/xml") || accept.contains("text/xml")) {
format = "xml";
if (accept.contains("text/plain")) {
format = "txt";
if (accept.contains("application/json") || accept.contains("text/javascript")) {
format = "json";
if (accept.endsWith("*/*")) {
format = "html";
* Retrieve the current request
* @return the current request
public static Request current() {
return currentRequest.get();
public static void setCurrent(Request request) {
public static void removeCurrent() {
* This request was sent by an Ajax framework. (rely on the X-Requested-With header).
* @return True is the request is an Ajax, false otherwise
public boolean isAjax() {
Header header = headers.get("x-requested-with");
return header != null && "XMLHttpRequest".equals(header.value());
public String getUserAgent() {
Header agent = headers.get("user-agent");
return agent != null ? agent.value() : "n/a";
* Get the request base (e.g.: http://localhost:9000)
* @return the request base of the url (protocol, host and port)
public String getBase() {
if (port == 80 || port == 443) {
return String.format("%s://%s", isSecure() ? "https" : "http", domain).intern();
return String.format("%s://%s:%s", isSecure() ? "https" : "http", domain, port).intern();
public String toString() {
return method + " " + path + (querystring != null && !querystring.isEmpty() ? "?" + querystring : "");
* Return the languages requested by the browser, ordered by preference (preferred first). If no Accept-Language
* header is present, an empty list is returned.
* @return Language codes in order of preference, e.g. "en-us,en-gb,en,de".
public List acceptLanguage() {
final Pattern qpattern = Pattern.compile("q=([0-9.]+)");
if (!headers.containsKey("accept-language")) {
return Collections.emptyList();
String acceptLanguage = headers.get("accept-language").value();
List languages = asList(acceptLanguage.split(","));
languages.sort((lang1, lang2) -> {
double q1 = 1.0;
double q2 = 1.0;
Matcher m1 = qpattern.matcher(lang1);
Matcher m2 = qpattern.matcher(lang2);
if (m1.find()) {
q1 = Double.parseDouble(m1.group(1));
if (m2.find()) {
q2 = Double.parseDouble(m2.group(1));
return (int) (q2 - q1);
List result = new ArrayList<>(10);
for (String lang : languages) {
return result;
public boolean isModified(String etag, long last) {
if (headers.containsKey("if-none-match") && headers.containsKey("if-modified-since")) {
String browserEtag = headers.get("if-none-match").value();
if (browserEtag.equals(etag)) {
try {
Date browserDate = Utils.getHttpDateFormatter()
if (browserDate.getTime() >= last) return false;
} catch (ParseException ex) {
logger.error("Can't parse date", ex);
return true;
public void setCookie(String key, String value) {
cookies.put(key, new Cookie(key, value));
public void setHeader(String key, String value) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
headers.put(key, new Header(key, value));
public T getActionAnnotation(Class annotationClass) {
T annotation = invokedMethod.getAnnotation(annotationClass);
if (annotation == null) {
annotation = controllerClass.getAnnotation(annotationClass);
return annotation;
private static final ThreadLocal currentResponse = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static class Response {
public int status = StatusCode.OK;
public String contentType;
public final Map headers = new HashMap<>(16);
public Map cookies = new HashMap<>(16);
public ByteArrayOutputStream out;
public Object direct;
public Charset encoding = Play.defaultWebEncoding;
public static Response current() {
return currentResponse.get();
public static void setCurrent(Response response) {
public static void removeCurrent() {
* Get a response header
* @param name
* Header name case-insensitive
* @return the header value as a String
public String getHeader(@Nonnull String name) {
for (Map.Entry entry : headers.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
if (entry.getValue() != null) {
return entry.getValue().value();
return null;
public void setHeader(String name, String value) {
headers.put(name, new Header(name, value));
public void setContentTypeIfNotSet(String contentType) {
if (this.contentType == null) {
this.contentType = contentType;
public void setCookie(String name, String value) {
setCookie(name, value, null, "/", null, false);
public void removeCookie(String name) {
removeCookie(name, "/");
public void removeCookie(String name, String path) {
setCookie(name, "", null, path, 0, false);
* Set a new cookie that will expire in (current) + duration
* @param duration the cookie duration (Ex: "3d")
public void setCookie(String name, String value, String duration) {
setCookie(name, value, null, "/", Time.parseDuration(duration), false);
public void setCookie(String name, String value, String domain, String path, Integer maxAge, boolean secure) {
setCookie(name, value, domain, path, maxAge, secure, false);
public void setCookie(String name, String value, String domain, String path, Integer maxAge, boolean secure, boolean httpOnly) {
if (cookies.containsKey(name) && cookies.get(name).path.equals(path)
&& ((cookies.get(name).domain == null && domain == null) || (cookies.get(name).domain.equals(domain)))) {
cookies.get(name).value = value;
cookies.get(name).maxAge = maxAge;
cookies.get(name).secure = secure;
} else {
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(name, value);
cookie.path = path;
cookie.secure = secure;
cookie.httpOnly = httpOnly;
if (domain != null) {
cookie.domain = domain;
if (maxAge != null) {
cookie.maxAge = maxAge;
cookies.put(name, cookie);
* Add a cache-control header
* @param duration
* Ex: 3h
public void cacheFor(String duration) {
int maxAge = Time.parseDuration(duration);
setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=" + maxAge);
* Add cache-control headers
* @param etag
* the Etag value
* @param duration
* the cache duration (Ex: 3h)
* @param lastModified
* The last modified date
public void cacheFor(String etag, String duration, long lastModified) {
int maxAge = Time.parseDuration(duration);
setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=" + maxAge);
setHeader("Last-Modified", Utils.getHttpDateFormatter().format(new Date(lastModified)));
setHeader("Etag", etag);
* Add headers to allow cross-domain requests. Be careful, a lot of browsers don't support these features and
* will ignore the headers. Refer to the browsers' documentation to know what versions support them.
* @param allowOrigin
* a comma separated list of domains allowed to perform the x-domain call, or "*" for all.
public void accessControl(String allowOrigin) {
accessControl(allowOrigin, null, false);
* Add headers to allow cross-domain requests. Be careful, a lot of browsers don't support these features and
* will ignore the headers. Refer to the browsers' documentation to know what versions support them.
* @param allowOrigin
* a comma separated list of domains allowed to perform the x-domain call, or "*" for all.
* @param allowCredentials
* Let the browser send the cookies when doing an x-domain request. Only respected by the browser if
* allowOrigin != "*"
public void accessControl(String allowOrigin, boolean allowCredentials) {
accessControl(allowOrigin, null, allowCredentials);
* Add headers to allow cross-domain requests. Be careful, a lot of browsers don't support these features and
* will ignore the headers. Refer to the browsers' documentation to know what versions support them.
* @param allowOrigin
* a comma separated list of domains allowed to perform the x-domain call, or "*" for all.
* @param allowMethods
* a comma separated list of HTTP methods allowed, or null for all.
* @param allowCredentials
* Let the browser send the cookies when doing an x-domain request. Only respected by the browser if
* allowOrigin != "*"
public void accessControl(String allowOrigin, String allowMethods, boolean allowCredentials) {
setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", allowOrigin);
if (allowMethods != null) {
setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", allowMethods);
if (allowCredentials) {
if ("*".equals(allowOrigin)) {
"Response.accessControl: When the allowed domain is \"*\", Allow-Credentials is likely to be ignored by the browser.");
setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
public void print(String text) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new UnexpectedException("Failed to print response '" + text + "'", ex);
public boolean chunked;
private final List> writeChunkHandlers = new ArrayList<>();
public void writeChunk(Object o) {
this.chunked = true;
if (writeChunkHandlers.isEmpty()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Your HTTP server doesn't yet support chunked response stream");
for (Consumer
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