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org.eclipse.birt.core.btree.BTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2008,2010 Actuate Corporation.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *  Actuate Corporation  - initial API and implementation

package org.eclipse.birt.core.btree;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.eclipse.birt.core.i18n.CoreMessages;
import org.eclipse.birt.core.i18n.ResourceConstants;

 * @param 
 * @param 
public class BTree implements BTreeConstants

	protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( BTree.class.getName( ) );

	protected NodeFile file;
	protected boolean shareFile;

	private int version;
	private boolean allowDuplicate;
	private boolean allowNullKey;
	private int keySize;
	private boolean hasValue;
	private int valueSize;
	private int headNodeId;
	private int rootNodeId;
	private int freeNodeId;
	private int totalBlocks;
	private int totalLevels;
	private int totalKeys;
	private int totalValues;
	private int cacheSize;

	protected boolean readOnly;
	protected BTreeSerializer keySerializer;
	protected BTreeSerializer valueSerializer;
	protected Comparator comparator;

	public BTree( ) throws IOException
		this( new BTreeOption( ) );

	public BTree( BTreeOption option ) throws IOException
		if ( option.file != null )
			this.shareFile = option.shareFile;
			if ( option.file instanceof NodeFile )
				this.file = (NodeFile) option.file;
				this.file = new ReusableBTreeFile( option.file );

		this.comparator = option.comparator;
		this.keySerializer = option.keySerializer;
		this.valueSerializer = option.valueSerializer;
		this.readOnly = option.readOnly;

		this.version = BTREE_VERSION_0;
		this.rootNodeId = -1;
		this.freeNodeId = -1;
		this.totalLevels = 0;
		this.totalKeys = 0;
		this.totalValues = 0;
		this.allowDuplicate = option.allowDuplicate;
		this.allowNullKey = option.allowNullKey;
		this.keySize = option.keySize;
		this.hasValue = option.hasValue;
		this.valueSize = option.valueSize;
		this.headNodeId = option.headNodeId;
		this.cacheSize = option.cacheSize;

		if ( file != null )
			if ( file.getTotalBlock( ) > headNodeId )
				byte[] bytes = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];
				file.readBlock( headNodeId, bytes );
				DataInput input = new DataInputStream(
						new ByteArrayInputStream( bytes ) );
				readTreeHead( input );
				ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(
						BLOCK_SIZE );
				DataOutput output = new DataOutputStream( buffer );
				writeTreeHead( output );
				file.writeBlock( headNodeId, buffer.toByteArray( ) );
			totalBlocks = file.getTotalBlock( );

	public void close( ) throws IOException
		if ( file == null )
			//has been closed

			if ( !readOnly )
				// write the header
				ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(
						BLOCK_SIZE );
				DataOutput output = new DataOutputStream( buffer );
				writeTreeHead( output );
				file.writeBlock( headNodeId, buffer.toByteArray( ) );

				// flush the nodes
				for ( BTreeNode node : nodeCaches.values( ) )
					if ( node.isDirty( ) )
						writeNode( node );
			if ( !shareFile )
				file.close( );
			file = null;

	LeafEntry getFirstEntry( ) throws IOException
		int nodeId = rootNodeId;
		while ( nodeId != -1 )
			BTreeNode node = loadBTreeNode( nodeId );
				if ( node.getNodeType( ) == NODE_LEAF )
					return ( (LeafNode) node ).getFirstEntry( );
					nodeId = ( (IndexNode) node ).getFirstChild( );
				node.unlock( );
		return null;

	LeafEntry getLastEntry( ) throws IOException
		int nodeId = rootNodeId;
		while ( nodeId != -1 )
			BTreeNode node = loadBTreeNode( nodeId );
				if ( node.getNodeType( ) == NODE_LEAF )
					return ( (LeafNode) node ).getLastEntry( );
					nodeId = ( (IndexNode) node ).getLastChild( );
				node.unlock( );
		return null;

	protected LeafEntry findEntry( K k ) throws IOException
		if ( k == null && !allowNullKey )
			throw new NullPointerException( "k can not be null" );
		if ( rootNodeId != -1 )
			BTreeValue key = createKey( k );
			BTreeNode root = loadBTreeNode( rootNodeId );
				int nodeType = root.getNodeType( );
				if ( nodeType == NODE_INDEX )
					return ( (IndexNode) root ).find( key );
				else if ( nodeType == NODE_LEAF )
					return ( (LeafNode) root ).find( key );
				root.unlock( );
		return null;

	void removeEntry( LeafEntry entry ) throws IOException
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "setEntryValue" );

	protected LeafEntry insertEntry( K k, V v ) throws IOException
		BTreeValue key = createKey( k );
		BTreeValue[] values = (BTreeValue[]) new BTreeValue[1];
		if ( hasValue( ) )
			values[0] = createValue( v );
		return insertEntry( key, values );

	LeafEntry insertEntry( K k, V[] vs ) throws IOException
		if ( !allowNullKey && k == null )
			throw new NullPointerException( "key can not be null" );
		assert vs != null && vs.length > 0;
		BTreeValue key = createKey( k );
		if ( !hasValue( ) || vs == null || vs.length == 0 )
			BTreeValue[] values = (BTreeValue[]) new BTreeValue[1];
			return insertEntry( key, values );
		BTreeValue[] values = (BTreeValue[]) new BTreeValue[vs.length];
		for ( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ )
			values[i] = createValue( vs[i] );
		return insertEntry( key, values );

	private LeafEntry insertEntry( BTreeValue key,
			BTreeValue[] values ) throws IOException
		if ( rootNodeId == -1 )
			LeafNode root = createLeafNode( );
				root.setPrevNodeId( -1 );
				root.setNextNodeId( -1 );
				rootNodeId = root.getNodeId( );
				return root.insert( key, values );
				root.unlock( );
			BTreeNode root = loadBTreeNode( rootNodeId );
				int nodeType = root.getNodeType( );
				if ( nodeType == NODE_INDEX )
					IndexNode indexNode = (IndexNode) root;
					LeafEntry insertEntry = indexNode
							.insert( key, values );
					if ( indexNode.needSplit( ) )
						IndexEntry splitEntry = indexNode.split( );
						if ( splitEntry != null )
							insertIndex( splitEntry.getKey( ),
									splitEntry.getChildNodeId( ) );
					return insertEntry;
				if ( nodeType == NODE_LEAF )
					LeafNode leafNode = (LeafNode) root;
					LeafEntry insertEntry = leafNode.insert( key, values );

					if ( leafNode.needSplit( ) )
						IndexEntry splitEntry = leafNode.split( );
						if ( splitEntry != null )
							insertIndex( splitEntry.getKey( ),
									splitEntry.getChildNodeId( ) );
					return insertEntry;

				throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
						new Object[]{nodeType} ) );
				root.unlock( );

	protected void insertIndex( BTreeValue key, int childNodeId )
			throws IOException
		IndexNode newRoot = createIndexNode( );
			newRoot.setPrevNodeId( -1 );
			newRoot.setNextNodeId( -1 );
			newRoot.setFirstChild( rootNodeId );
			newRoot.insertIndex( key, childNodeId );
			rootNodeId = newRoot.getNodeId( );
			newRoot.unlock( );

	public int getTotalKeys( )
		return totalKeys;

	public int getTotalValues( )
		return totalValues;

	public V getValue( K key ) throws IOException
		if ( !hasValue( ) )
			return null;
		LeafEntry entry = findEntry( key );
		if ( entry != null )
			K entryKey = getKey( entry.getKey( ) );
			if ( key, entryKey ) == 0 )
				BTreeValues values = entry.getValues( );
				BTreeValues.Value value = values.getFirstValue( );
				return getValue( value.getValue( ) );
		return null;

	public Collection getValues( K key ) throws IOException
		if ( !hasValue( ) )
			return null;
		LeafEntry entry = findEntry( key );
		if ( entry != null )
			K entryKey = getKey( entry.getKey( ) );
			if ( key, entryKey ) == 0 )
				BTreeValues values = entry.getValues( );
				ArrayList list = new ArrayList( values.getValueCount( ) );
				BTreeValues.Value value = values.getFirstValue( );
				while ( value != null )
					list.add( getValue( value.getValue( ) ) );
					value = value.getNext( );
				return list;
		return null;

	public boolean exist( K key ) throws IOException
		LeafEntry entry = findEntry( key );
		if ( entry != null )
			K entryKey = getKey( entry.getKey( ) );
			if ( key, entryKey ) == 0 )
				return true;
		return false;

	public void insert( K k, V v ) throws IOException
		if ( readOnly )
			throw new IOException(
					CoreMessages.getString( ResourceConstants.READ_ONLY_TREE ) );
		insertEntry( k, v );

	public void insert( K k, V[] vs ) throws IOException
		if ( readOnly )
			throw new IOException(
					CoreMessages.getString( ResourceConstants.READ_ONLY_TREE ) );
		insertEntry( k, vs );

	public void remove( K key ) throws IOException
		LeafEntry entry = findEntry( key );
		if ( entry != null )
			K entryKey = getKey( entry.getKey( ) );
			if ( key, entryKey ) == 0 )
				removeEntry( entry );

	public BTreeCursor createCursor( )
		return new BTreeCursor( this );

	int compare( BTreeValue k1, BTreeValue k2 ) throws IOException
		K key1 = getKey( k1 );
		K key2 = getKey( k2 );
		if ( key1 == key2 )
			return 0;
		if ( key1 == null )
			return -1;
		if ( key2 == null )
			return 1;
		return key1, key2 );

	// cache used by the btree
	private LinkedHashMap> nodeCaches = new LinkedHashMap>(
			8, 0.75f, true ) {

		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

		protected boolean removeEldestEntry(
				Map.Entry> arg )
			if ( file == null )
				// we never remove the cache out if there is no file.
				return false;
			if ( size( ) >= cacheSize )
				BTreeNode node = arg.getValue( );
				if ( node.isLocked( ) )
					Iterator>> iter = this
							.entrySet( ).iterator( );
					while ( iter.hasNext( ) )
						Map.Entry> entry = );
						BTreeNode value = entry.getValue( );
						if ( !value.isLocked( ) )
							// remove this node
							if ( value.isDirty( ) )
									writeNode( value );
								catch ( IOException ex )
											"failed to write node "
													+ value.getNodeId( )
													+ " type "
													+ value.getNodeType( ), ex );
									return false;
							remove( entry.getKey( ) );
					return false;
				if ( node.isDirty( ) )
						writeNode( node );
					catch ( IOException ex )
						logger.log( Level.WARNING,
								"failed to write node " + node.getNodeId( )
										+ " type " + node.getNodeType( ), ex );
						return false;
				return true;
			return false;

	private void writeNode( BTreeNode node ) throws IOException
		NodeOutputStream out = new NodeOutputStream( file, node.getUsedBlocks( ) );
			DataOutput output = new DataOutputStream( out );
			output.writeInt( node.getNodeType( ) );
			node.write( output );
			node.setDirty( false );
			out.close( );

	synchronized BTreeNode loadBTreeNode( int nodeId ) throws IOException
		BTreeNode node = nodeCaches.get( nodeId );
		if ( node != null )
			node.lock( );
			return node;

		if ( file == null )
			throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
					ResourceConstants.CANNOT_LOAD_NODE, new Object[]{nodeId} ) );

		NodeInputStream in = new NodeInputStream( file, nodeId );
			DataInput input = new DataInputStream( in );
			int nodeType = input.readInt( );
			switch ( nodeType )
				case NODE_INDEX :
					node = new IndexNode( this, nodeId );
				case NODE_LEAF :
					node = new LeafNode( this, nodeId );
				case NODE_VALUE :
					node = new ValueNode( this, nodeId );
				default :
					throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
							new Object[]{nodeType, nodeId} ) );
			} input );
			node.setUsedBlocks( in.getUsedBlocks( ) );
			node.setDirty( false );
			node.lock( );
			nodeCaches.put( Integer.valueOf( nodeId ), node );
			return node;
			in.close( );

	IndexNode loadIndexNode( int nodeId ) throws IOException
		BTreeNode node = loadBTreeNode( nodeId );
		if ( node instanceof IndexNode )
			IndexNode indexNode = (IndexNode) node;
			return indexNode;
		node.unlock( );
		throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
				new Object[]{node.getNodeType( ), node.getNodeId( )} ) );

	LeafNode loadLeafNode( int nodeId ) throws IOException
		BTreeNode node = loadBTreeNode( nodeId );
		if ( node instanceof LeafNode )
			LeafNode leafNode = (LeafNode) node;
			return leafNode;
		node.unlock( );
		throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
				new Object[]{node.getNodeType( ), node.getNodeId( )} ) );

	ValueNode loadValueNode( int nodeId ) throws IOException
		BTreeNode node = loadBTreeNode( nodeId );
		if ( node instanceof ValueNode )
			return (ValueNode) node;
		node.unlock( );
		throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
				new Object[]{node.getNodeType( ), node.getNodeId( )} ) );

	protected int allocBlock( ) throws IOException
		if ( file != null )
			return file.allocBlock( );
		return totalBlocks;

	protected void releaseBlock( int blockId ) throws IOException
		if ( file != null )
			file.freeBlock( blockId );

	public LeafNode createLeafNode( ) throws IOException
		int nodeId = allocBlock( );
		LeafNode valueNode = new LeafNode( this, nodeId );
		this.nodeCaches.put( nodeId, valueNode );
		valueNode.lock( );
		return valueNode;

	public IndexNode createIndexNode( ) throws IOException
		int nodeId = allocBlock( );
		IndexNode indexNode = new IndexNode( this, nodeId );
		this.nodeCaches.put( nodeId, indexNode );
		indexNode.lock( );
		return indexNode;

	public ValueNode createValueNode( ) throws IOException
		int nodeId = allocBlock( );
		ValueNode valueNode = new ValueNode( this, nodeId );
		this.nodeCaches.put( nodeId, valueNode );
		valueNode.lock( );
		return valueNode;

	ExternalValueList createExternalValueList( BTreeValues values )
			throws IOException
		ExternalValueList list = new ExternalValueList( this );
		BTreeValues.Value value = values.getFirstValue( );
		while ( value != null )
			list.append( value.getValue( ) );
			value = value.getNext( );
		return list;

	private final BTreeValue NULL_KEY = new BTreeValue( );

	BTreeValue createKey( K key ) throws IOException
		if ( key == null )
			assert allowNullKey == true;
			return NULL_KEY;
		byte[] keyBytes = keySerializer.getBytes( key );
		int keySize = getKeySize( );
		if ( keySize != 0 && keySize != keyBytes.length )
			throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
					ResourceConstants.KEY_SIZE_ERROR, new Object[]{
							keyBytes.length, keySize} ) );
		return new BTreeValue( key, keyBytes );

	protected K getKey( BTreeValue key ) throws IOException
		if ( key == NULL_KEY )
			return null;
		K k = key.getValue( );
		if ( k != null )
			return k;
		byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes( );
		if ( keyBytes != null )
				k = keySerializer.getObject( keyBytes );
				key.setValue( k );
			catch ( ClassNotFoundException ce )
				throw new IOException( ce.getMessage( ) );
		return k;

	int writeKey( DataOutput out, BTreeValue key ) throws IOException
		int size = 0;
		if ( allowNullKey )
			if ( key == NULL_KEY )
				out.writeBoolean( true );
				return 1;
			out.writeBoolean( false );
			size = 1;
		byte[] bytes = key.getBytes( );
		int keySize = getKeySize( );
		if ( keySize != 0 && keySize != bytes.length )
			throw new IOException(
							.getString( ResourceConstants.MISMATCH_KEY_LENGTH ) );
		if ( keySize == 0 )
			out.writeInt( bytes.length );
			out.write( bytes );
			return size + 4 + bytes.length;
		out.write( bytes );
		return size + bytes.length;

	BTreeValue readKey( DataInput in ) throws IOException
		if ( allowNullKey )
			boolean isNull = in.readBoolean( );
			if ( isNull )
				return NULL_KEY;
		int keySize = getKeySize( );
		if ( keySize == 0 )
			keySize = in.readInt( );
		byte[] keyBytes = new byte[keySize];
		in.readFully( keyBytes );
		return new BTreeValue( keyBytes );

	protected V getValue( BTreeValue value ) throws IOException
		V v = value.getValue( );
		if ( v != null )
			return v;
		byte[] valueBytes = value.getBytes( );
		if ( valueBytes != null )
				v = valueSerializer.getObject( valueBytes );
				value.setValue( v );
			catch ( ClassNotFoundException ex )
				throw new IOException( ex.getMessage( ) );
		return v;

	private BTreeValue createValue( V value ) throws IOException
		byte[] valueBytes = valueSerializer.getBytes( value );
		int valueSize = getValueSize( );
		if ( valueSize != 0 && valueSize != valueBytes.length )
			throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
					ResourceConstants.Value_SIZE_ERROR, new Object[]{
							valueBytes.length, valueSize} ) );
		return new BTreeValue( value, valueBytes );


	int writeValue( DataOutput out, BTreeValue value ) throws IOException
		byte[] bytes = value.getBytes( );
		if ( valueSize != 0 && valueSize != bytes.length )
			throw new IOException(
							.getString( ResourceConstants.MISMATCH_VALUE_LENGTH ) );
		if ( valueSize == 0 )
			out.writeInt( bytes.length );
			out.write( bytes );
			return bytes.length + 4;

		out.write( bytes );
		return valueSize;

	BTreeValue readValue( DataInput in ) throws IOException
		int size = getValueSize( );
		if ( size == 0 )
			size = in.readInt( );
		byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
		in.readFully( bytes );
		return new BTreeValue( bytes );

	// opened cursor and entries, nodes, once a node is locked, we should never
	// remove it out from the key
	void lockEntry( LeafEntry entry )
		entry.getNode( ).lock( );

	void unlockEntry( LeafEntry entry )
		entry.getNode( ).unlock( );

	int getKeySize( )
		return keySize;

	int getValueSize( )
		return valueSize;

	int getKeySize( BTreeValue key )
		if ( allowNullKey )
			if ( key == NULL_KEY )
				return 1;
			if ( keySize == 0 )
				return 5 + key.getBytes( ).length;
			return keySize + 1;
		if ( keySize == 0 )
			return 4 + key.getBytes( ).length;
		return keySize;

	int getValueSize( BTreeValue value )
		if ( valueSize == 0 )
			return 4 + value.getBytes( ).length;
		return valueSize;

	boolean hasValue( )
		return hasValue;

	boolean allowDuplicate( )
		return allowDuplicate;

	int getRootNodeId( )
		return rootNodeId;

	protected class ReusableBTreeFile implements NodeFile

		BTreeFile file;

		ReusableBTreeFile( BTreeFile file )
			this.file = file;
			freeNodeId = -1;

		public int getTotalBlock( ) throws IOException
			return file.getTotalBlock( );

		public int allocBlock( ) throws IOException
			if ( freeNodeId != -1 )
				int blockId = freeNodeId;
				byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
				file.readBlock( freeNodeId, bytes );
				freeNodeId = BTreeUtils.bytesToInteger( bytes );
				return blockId;
			return file.allocBlock( );

		public void freeBlock( int blockId ) throws IOException
			byte[] bytes = new byte[8];
			BTreeUtils.integerToBytes( freeNodeId, bytes );
			file.writeBlock( blockId, bytes );
			freeNodeId = blockId;

		public Object lock( ) throws IOException
			return file.lock( );

		public void readBlock( int blockId, byte[] bytes ) throws IOException
			file.readBlock( blockId, bytes );

		public void unlock( Object lock ) throws IOException
			file.unlock( lock );

		public void writeBlock( int blockId, byte[] bytes ) throws IOException
			file.writeBlock( blockId, bytes );

		public void close( ) throws IOException
			file.close( );

	protected void readTreeHead( DataInput in ) throws IOException
		long tag = in.readLong( );
		if ( tag != MAGIC_TAG )
			throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
					new Object[]{Long.toHexString( tag )} ) );
		version = in.readInt( );
		if ( version != BTREE_VERSION_0 )
			throw new IOException( CoreMessages.getFormattedString(
					new Object[]{version} ) );
		readV0( in );

	private void readV0( DataInput in ) throws IOException
		allowDuplicate = in.readBoolean( );
		keySize = in.readInt( );
		hasValue = in.readBoolean( );
		valueSize = in.readInt( );
		rootNodeId = in.readInt( );
		freeNodeId = in.readInt( );
		totalLevels = in.readInt( );
		totalKeys = in.readInt( );
		totalValues = in.readInt( );
		allowNullKey = in.readBoolean( );

	protected void writeTreeHead( DataOutput out ) throws IOException
		out.writeLong( MAGIC_TAG );
		out.writeInt( BTREE_VERSION_0 );
		out.writeBoolean( allowDuplicate );
		out.writeInt( keySize );
		out.writeBoolean( hasValue );
		out.writeInt( valueSize );
		out.writeInt( rootNodeId );
		out.writeInt( freeNodeId );
		out.writeInt( totalLevels );
		out.writeInt( totalKeys );
		out.writeInt( totalValues );
		out.writeBoolean( allowNullKey );

	void increaseTotalKeys( )

	void increaseTotalValues( int count )
		totalValues += count;

	public void dump( ) throws IOException
		System.out.println( "BTREE:" + rootNodeId );
		System.out.println( "keySize:" + keySize );
		System.out.println( "hasValue:" + hasValue );
		System.out.println( "allowDuplicate:" + allowDuplicate );
		System.out.println( "valueSize:" + valueSize );
		System.out.println( "rootNodeId" );
		System.out.println( "freeNodeId" );
		System.out.println( "totalLevles:" + totalLevels );
		System.out.println( "totalKeys:" + totalKeys );
		System.out.println( "totalValues:" + totalValues );

	public void dumpAll( ) throws IOException
		dump( );
		if ( rootNodeId != -1 )
			BTreeNode rootNode = loadBTreeNode( rootNodeId );
				rootNode.dumpAll( );
				rootNode.unlock( );

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