nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.utils.APEUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.utils;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.automaton.ModuleAutomaton;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.automaton.TypeAutomaton;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.constraints.ConstraintTemplateParameter;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.constraints.ConstraintTemplate;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.AtomMappings;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.ConstraintTemplateData;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.Module;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.enums.LogicOperation;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.logic.constructs.Atom;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.logic.constructs.TaxonomyPredicate;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;
* The {@link APEUtils} class is used for storing {@code Static} methods.
* @author Vedran Kasalica
public final class APEUtils {
private final static String TOOLS_JSOM_TAG = "functions";
private final static String CONSTR_JSON_TAG = "constraints";
private final static String CONSTR_ID_TAG = "constraintid";
private final static String CONSTR_PARAM_JSON_TAG = "parameters";
private final static Map timers = new HashMap<>();
private final static PrintStream original = System.err;
private final static PrintStream nullStream = new PrintStream(new OutputStream() {
public void write(int b) {
* Private constructor is used to to prevent instantiation.
private APEUtils() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Method read the constraints from a JSON file and updates the
* {@link APEDomainSetup} object accordingly.
* @param constraintsPath Path to the constraint file.
* @param domainSetup Object that represents the domain variables.
* @throws IOException Error in handling the constraints file.
public static void readConstraints(File constraintsFile, APEDomainSetup domainSetup) throws IOException, JSONException {
if (constraintsFile == null) {
String constraintID = null;
int currNode = 0;
List constraints = getListFromJson(constraintsFile, CONSTR_JSON_TAG);
/* Iterate through each constraint in the list */
for (JSONObject jsonConstraint : safe(constraints)) {
try {
constraintID = jsonConstraint.getString(CONSTR_ID_TAG);
ConstraintTemplate currConstrTemplate = domainSetup.getConstraintFactory()
if (currConstrTemplate == null) {
System.err.println("Error in file: " + constraintsFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", at constraint no: "
+ currNode + ". Constraint ID: '" + constraintID + "' does not exist. Constraint skipped.");
List currTemplateParameters = currConstrTemplate.getParameters();
List jsonConstParam = getListFromJson(jsonConstraint, CONSTR_PARAM_JSON_TAG,
if (currTemplateParameters.size() != jsonConstParam.size()) {
System.err.println("Error in file: " + constraintsFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", at constraint no: "
+ currNode + ". Constraint ID: '" + constraintID
+ "'. Number of parameters does not match the required number. Constraint skipped.");
int paramNo = 0;
List constraintParametes = new ArrayList();
/* for each constraint parameter */
for (JSONObject jsonParam : jsonConstParam) {
ConstraintTemplateParameter taxInstanceFromJson = currTemplateParameters.get(paramNo);
TaxonomyPredicate currParameter = taxInstanceFromJson.taxonomyInstanceFromJson(jsonParam,
ConstraintTemplateData currConstr = domainSetup.getConstraintFactory()
.generateConstraintTemplateData(constraintID, constraintParametes);
if ( {
System.err.println("Constraint argument does not exist in the tool taxonomy.");
} else {
} catch (JSONException e) {
System.err.println("Error in file: " + constraintsFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", at constraint no: "
+ currNode + " (" + constraintID + "). Bad format. Constraint skipped.");
* Encode ape constraints string.
* @param domainSetup Domain information, including all the existing tools
* and types.
* @param mappings Mapping function.
* @param moduleAutomaton Module automaton.
* @param typeAutomaton Type automaton.
* @return The CNF representation of the SLTL constraints in our project.
public static String encodeAPEConstraints(APEDomainSetup domainSetup, AtomMappings mappings,
ModuleAutomaton moduleAutomaton, TypeAutomaton typeAutomaton) {
StringBuilder cnf_SLTL = new StringBuilder();
int currConst = 0;
for (ConstraintTemplateData constraint : domainSetup.getUnformattedConstr()) {
if (domainSetup.getConstraintTamplate(constraint.getConstraintID()) == null) {
System.err.println("Constraint ID provided: '" + constraint.getConstraintID()
+ "' is not valid. Constraint skipped.");
} else {
String currConstrEncoding = constraintSATEncoding(constraint.getConstraintID(),
constraint.getParameters(), domainSetup, moduleAutomaton, typeAutomaton, mappings);
if (currConstrEncoding == null) {
.println("Error in constraint file. Constraint no: " + currConst + ". Constraint skipped.");
} else {
return cnf_SLTL.toString();
* Function used to provide SAT encoding of a constrain based on the constraint
* ID specified and provided parameters.
* @param constraintID ID of the constraint.
* @param list Parameters for the constraint template.
* @param domainSetup Domain information, including all the existing tools
* and types.
* @param moduleAutomaton Module automaton.
* @param typeAutomaton Type automaton.
* @param mappings Mapping function.
* @return String representation of the SAT encoding for the specified
* constraint.
public static String constraintSATEncoding(String constraintID, List list,
APEDomainSetup domainSetup, ModuleAutomaton moduleAutomaton, TypeAutomaton typeAutomaton,
AtomMappings mappings) {
return domainSetup.getConstraintTamplate(constraintID).getConstraint(list, domainSetup, moduleAutomaton,
typeAutomaton, mappings);
* Used to write the {@code text} to a file {@code file}. If @append is true,
* the {@code text} is appended to the {@code file}, otherwise the {@code file}
* is rewritten.
* @param text Text that will be written in the file.
* @param file The system-dependent file name.
* @param append If true, then bytes will be written to the end of the file
* rather than the beginning.
* @return True if write to file was successful, false otherwise.
* @throws IOException Exception if file not found.
public static boolean write2file(String text, File file, boolean append) throws IOException {
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, append);
return true;
* Updates the list of All Modules by annotating the existing ones (or adding
* non-existing) using the I/O DataInstance from the @file. Returns the list of
* Updated Modules.
* @param toolAnnotationsFile JSON file containing tool annotations.
* @param domainSetup Domain information, including all the existing
* tools and types.
* @return The list of all annotated Modules in the process (possibly empty
* list).
* @throws IOException Error in handling a JSON file containing tool
* annotations.
public static boolean readModuleJson(File toolAnnotationsFile, APEDomainSetup domainSetup) throws IOException {
List modulesNew = new ArrayList<>();
int currModule = 0;
for (JSONObject jsonModule : safe(getListFromJson(toolAnnotationsFile, TOOLS_JSOM_TAG))) {
try {
Module tmpModule = Module.moduleFromJson(jsonModule, domainSetup);
if (tmpModule != null) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
"Error in file: " + toolAnnotationsFile + ", at tool no: " + currModule + ". Tool skipped.");
if (currModule == 0) {
System.err.println("No tools were annotated.");
return false;
return true;
* Return the content of the file provided under the given path.
* @param configPath Path to the text file.
* @return String representing the content of the file.
* @throws IOException Error if the the given file path is not correct or the
* file is corrupted.
public static String getFileContent(String configPath) throws IOException {
if (configPath == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The provided run configuration file path is null.");
File file = new File(configPath);
return FileUtils.readFileToString(file, "utf-8");
* Transforms the propositional formula into the CNF form.
* @param propositionalFormula - propositional formula
* @return CNF representation of the formula
// public static String convert2CNF(String propositionalFormula, AtomMappings mappings) {
// final FormulaFactory f = new FormulaFactory();
// final PropositionalParser p = new PropositionalParser(f);
// Formula formula;
// try {
// formula = p.parse(propositionalFormula.replace('-', '~'));
// final Formula cnf = formula.cnf();
// String transformedCNF = cnf.toString().replace('~', '-').replace(") & (", " 0\n").replace(" | ", " ")
// .replace("(", "").replace(")", "") + " 0\n";
// boolean exists = true;
// int counter = 0;
// String auxVariable = "";
// while (exists) {
// auxVariable = "@RESERVED_CNF_" + counter + " ";
// if (transformedCNF.contains("@RESERVED_CNF_")) {
// transformedCNF = transformedCNF.replace(auxVariable, mappings.getNextAuxNum() + " ");
// } else {
// exists = false;
// }
// counter++;
// }
// return transformedCNF;
// } catch (ParserException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// return null;
// }
// }
* Create the full class URI (ID) based on the label and the OWL prefix.
* @param label Label of the current term.
* @param ontologyPrefixURI OWL prefix information.
* @return String representing full OWL class URI.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Error if the given label is an empty String.
public static String createClassURI(String label, String ontologyPrefixURI) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (label == null || label.equals("")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The OWL object label cannot be an empty String.");
} else if (label.startsWith("http")) {
return label;
} else {
return ontologyPrefixURI + label;
* Create the full set of class URI's (ID) based on the labels and the OWL
* prefix.
* @param taxonomyTerms Tool labels.
* @param ontologyPrefixURI OWL prefix information.
* @return Set of strings representing full OWL class URI.
public static Set createURIsFromLabels(Set taxonomyTerms, String ontologyPrefixURI) {
Set taxonomyTermURIs = new HashSet<>();
for (String taxonomyTermLabel : taxonomyTerms) {
taxonomyTermURIs.add(createClassURI(taxonomyTermLabel, ontologyPrefixURI));
return taxonomyTermURIs;
* The method return a list of {@link JSONObject} elements that correspond to a
* given key in a Json file. If the key corresponds to a {@link JSONArray} all
* the elements are put in a {@link List}, otherwise if the key corresponds to a
* {@link JSONObject} list will contain only that object.
* @param jsonFile File instance containing a json file.
* @param key Key label that corresponds to the elements.
* @return List of elements that corresponds to the key. If the key does not
* exists returns empty list.
* @throws IOException Error in handling a JSON file.
public static List getListFromJson(File jsonFile, String key) throws IOException, JSONException {
String content = FileUtils.readFileToString(jsonFile, "utf-8");
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(content);
return getListFromJson(jsonObject, key, JSONObject.class);
* The method return a list of {@code } elements that correspond to a given
* key in the given json object. If the key corresponds to a {@link JSONArray}
* all the elements are put in a {@link List}, otherwise if the key corresponds
* to a {@code } list will contain only that object.
* @param Class to which the elements should belong to.
* @param jsonObject {@link JSONObject} that is being explored.
* @param key Key label that corresponds to the elements.
* @param clazz Class to which the elements should belong to.
* @return List of elements that corresponds to the key. If the key does not
* exists returns empty list.
public static List getListFromJson(JSONObject jsonObject, String key, Class clazz) {
List jsonList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
Object tmp = jsonObject.get(key);
try {
if (tmp instanceof JSONArray) {
jsonList = getListFromJsonList((JSONArray) tmp, clazz);
} else {
T element = (T) tmp;
} catch (JSONException e) {
System.err.println("Json parsing error. Expected object '" + clazz.getSimpleName() + "' under the tag '"
+ key + "'. The following object does not match the provided format:\n" + jsonObject.toString());
return jsonList;
return jsonList;
} catch (JSONException e) {
return jsonList;
* The method converts the {@link JSONArray} object to {@link List} of objects
* of the given structure.
* @param Class to which the elements should belong to.
* @param jsonArray JSON array object.
* @param clazz Class type that the elements of the array are.
* @return List of objects of type {@link T}.
public static List getListFromJsonList(JSONArray jsonArray, Class clazz) {
List newList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
T element = (T) jsonArray.get(i);
return newList;
* Method checks whether the provided path corresponds to an existing file with
* required reading permissions.
* @param path Path to the file.
* @return true if the file exists and can be read, false otherwise.
public static boolean isValidReadFile(String path) {
if (path == null || path.equals("")) {
System.err.println("Path is not provided correctly.");
return false;
File f = new File(path);
if (!f.isFile()) {
System.err.println("Provided path: \"" + path + "\" is not a file.");
return false;
} else {
if (!f.canRead()) {
System.err.println("Provided file: \"" + path + "\" is missing the reading permission.");
return false;
return true;
* Debug printout.
* @param debug In case that the debug mode is on, print the constraint
* templates and tool and data taxonomy trees.
* @param domainSetup Domain information, including all the existing tools and
* types.
public static void debugPrintout(boolean debug, APEDomainSetup domainSetup) {
if (debug) {
* Printing the constraint templates
System.out.println("\tConstraint templates:");
System.out.println(domainSetup.getConstraintFactory().printConstraintsCodes() + "\n");
* Printing the Module and Taxonomy Tree
System.out.println("\tTool Taxonomy:");
domainSetup.getAllModules().getRootPredicates().get(0).printTree(" ", domainSetup.getAllModules());
System.out.println("\tData Taxonomy dimensions:");
for (TaxonomyPredicate dimension : domainSetup.getAllTypes().getRootPredicates()) {
System.out.println("\t" + dimension.getPredicateLabel() + "Taxonomy:");
dimension.printTree(" ", domainSetup.getAllTypes());
* Printing the tool annotations
boolean noTools = true;
System.out.println("\tAnnotated tools:");
for (TaxonomyPredicate module : domainSetup.getAllModules().getModules()) {
if (module instanceof Module) {
noTools = false;
if (noTools) {
System.out.println("\tNo annotated tools.");
* Print out the constraints
for (ConstraintTemplateData constr : domainSetup.getUnformattedConstr()) {
if (domainSetup.getUnformattedConstr().isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("\tNo constraints.");
* Print header to illustrate the part of the synthesis that is being performed.
* @param argument TODO
* @param title TODO
public static void printHeader(Integer argument, String... title) {
String arg = (argument == null) ? "" : (" " + argument);
System.out.println("\t" + title[0] + arg);
if (title.length > 1) {
System.out.println("\t" + title[1] + arg);
* Provide a safe interface for iteration trough a list/set.
* @param Any type.
* @param currList List/set that is being evaluated.
* @return An empty list in case of {@code currList == null}, or
* {@code currList} otherwise.
public static Collection safe(Collection currList) {
return currList == null ? Collections.emptyList() : currList;
* Provide a safe interface for getting an element from the list. In order to
* bypass "index out of bounds" error.
* @param Any type.
* @param currList List of elements.
* @param index Index of the element that is to be returned.
* @return Element of the list, or null if the index is out of bounds.
public static E safeGet(List currList, int index) {
if (currList == null || index < 0 || currList.size() <= index) {
return null;
} else {
return currList.get(index);
* Functions sets an element into the list at a specific place, if the element
* already exists, it overrides it. If the element is out of bound it creates
* null elements to fit the given size of the array and then adds the new
* element. If the index is negative number it does not change the array.
* @param Any type.
* @param list List that is manipulated.
* @param index Absolute position of the new element.
* @param element New element to be added to the list.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException Exception if the index is out of range
* (index < 0).
public static void safeSet(List list, int index, E element) {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if (list.size() == index) {
} else if (list.size() >= index) {
list.set(index, element);
if (list.size() < index) {
for (int i = list.size(); i < index; i++) {
* Count number of new lines in a Sting.
* @param inputString String that is evaluated.
* @return Number of lines in the String.
* @throws IOException In case that the string.
public static int countNewLines(String inputString) throws IOException {
try (InputStream stream = IOUtils.toInputStream(inputString, "UTF-8")) {
byte[] c = new byte[1024];
int readChars =;
if (readChars == -1) {
// bail out if nothing to read
return 1;
// make it easy for the optimizer to tune this loop
int count = 0;
while (readChars == 1024) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1024;) {
if (c[i++] == '\n') {
readChars =;
// count remaining characters
while (readChars != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < readChars; ++i) {
if (c[i] == '\n') {
readChars =;
return count == 0 ? 1 : count;
* Read the file to a String.
* @param path Path to the file.
* @param encoding The charset encoding.
* @return File content as a String.
* @throws IOException Error while reading the file.
public static String readFile(String path, Charset encoding) throws IOException {
byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path));
return new String(encoded, encoding);
* Timer start.
* @param timerID the timer id
* @param debugMode the debug mode
public static void timerStart(String timerID, Boolean debugMode) {
if (debugMode) {
timers.put(timerID, System.currentTimeMillis());
} else {
timers.put(timerID, (long) -1);
* Timer restart and print.
* @param timerID the timer id
* @param printString the print string
public static void timerRestartAndPrint(String timerID, String printString) {
if (timers.get(timerID) == -1) {
long printTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - timers.get(timerID);
System.out.println(printString + " setup time: " + (printTime / 1000F) + " sec.");
timers.put(timerID, System.currentTimeMillis());
* Timer print solutions.
* @param timerID the timer id
* @param solutionsFound the solutions found
public static void timerPrintSolutions(String timerID, int solutionsFound) {
if (timers.get(timerID) == -1) {
long printTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - timers.get(timerID);
"\nAPE found " + solutionsFound + " solutions. Total solving time: " + (printTime / 1000F) + " sec.");
* Timer print text.
* @param timerID the timer id
* @param text the text
public static void timerPrintText(String timerID, String text) {
if (timers.get(timerID) == -1) {
long printTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - timers.get(timerID);
System.out.println("\n" + text + " Running time: " + (printTime / 1000F) + " sec.");
* Method converts tools annotated using '' standard (see
* API), into standard supported by the APE library.
* In practice, the method takes a {@link JSONArray} as an argument, where each
* {@link JSONObject} in the array represents a tool annotated using ''
* standard, and returns a {@link JSONObject} that represents tool annotations
* that can be used by the APE library.
* @param bioToolsAnnotation A {@link JSONArray} object, that contains list of
* annotated tools ({@link JSONObject}s) according the
* specification (see
* API)
* @return {@link JSONObject} that represents the tool annotation supported by
* the APE library.
* @throws JSONException the json exception
public static JSONObject convertBioTools2Ape(JSONArray bioToolsAnnotation) throws JSONException {
JSONArray apeToolsAnnotations = new JSONArray();
for (int i = 0; i < bioToolsAnnotation.length(); i++) {
JSONObject bioJsonTool = bioToolsAnnotation.getJSONObject(i);
List functions = APEUtils.getListFromJson(bioJsonTool, "function", JSONObject.class);
int functionNo = 1;
for (JSONObject function : functions) {
JSONObject apeJsonTool = new JSONObject();
apeJsonTool.put("label", bioJsonTool.getString("name"));
apeJsonTool.put("id", bioJsonTool.getString("biotoolsID") + functionNo++);
JSONArray apeTaxonomyTerms = new JSONArray();
JSONArray operations = function.getJSONArray("operation");
for (int j = 0; j < operations.length(); j++) {
JSONObject bioOperation = operations.getJSONObject(j);
apeJsonTool.put("taxonomyOperations", apeTaxonomyTerms);
// reading inputs
JSONArray apeInputs = new JSONArray();
JSONArray bioInputs = function.getJSONArray("input");
// for each input
for (int j = 0; j < bioInputs.length(); j++) {
JSONObject bioInput = bioInputs.getJSONObject(j);
JSONObject apeInput = new JSONObject();
JSONArray apeInputTypes = new JSONArray();
JSONArray apeInputFormats = new JSONArray();
// add all data types
for (JSONObject bioType : APEUtils.getListFromJson(bioInput, "data", JSONObject.class)) {
apeInput.put("data_0006", apeInputTypes);
// add all data formats (or just the first one)
for (JSONObject bioType : APEUtils.getListFromJson(bioInput, "format", JSONObject.class)) {
apeInput.put("format_1915$OR$", apeInputFormats);
apeJsonTool.put("inputs", apeInputs);
// reading outputs
JSONArray apeOutputs = new JSONArray();
JSONArray bioOutputs = function.getJSONArray("output");
// for each output
for (int j = 0; j < bioOutputs.length(); j++) {
JSONObject bioOutput = bioOutputs.getJSONObject(j);
JSONObject apeOutput = new JSONObject();
JSONArray apeOutputTypes = new JSONArray();
JSONArray apeOutputFormats = new JSONArray();
// add all data types
for (JSONObject bioType : APEUtils.getListFromJson(bioOutput, "data", JSONObject.class)) {
apeOutput.put("data_0006", apeOutputTypes);
// add all data formats
for (JSONObject bioType : APEUtils.getListFromJson(bioOutput, "format", JSONObject.class)) {
apeOutput.put("format_1915$OR$", apeOutputFormats);
apeJsonTool.put("outputs", apeOutputs);
return new JSONObject().put("functions", apeToolsAnnotations);
* Convert cnf 2 human readable string.
* @param temp_sat_input the temp sat input
* @param mappings the mappings
* @return the string
public static String convertCNF2humanReadable(InputStream temp_sat_input, AtomMappings mappings) {
StringBuilder humanReadable = new StringBuilder();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(temp_sat_input);
while (scanner.hasNextInt()) {
int intAtom = scanner.nextInt();
if (intAtom > 0) {
Atom atom = mappings.findOriginal(intAtom);
.append(atom.getUsedInStateArgument().getPredicateID()).append(") ");
} else if (intAtom < 0) {
Atom atom = mappings.findOriginal(-intAtom);
.append(atom.getUsedInStateArgument().getPredicateID()).append(") ");
} else {
return humanReadable.toString();
* Return the string without its last character.
* @param str Given string.
* @return A copy of the given string without its last character.
public static String removeLastChar(String str) {
if (str != null && str.length() > 0) {
str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1);
return str;
* Method creates a label based on the list of predicates and the logical
* operator.
* @param relatedPredicates List of predicates that should be used to create the
* new label.
* @param logicOp Logical operator that configures the label.
* @return String representing a new label made based on the predicates and the
* logical operator.
public static String getLabelFromList(SortedSet relatedPredicates, LogicOperation logicOp) {
StringBuilder abstractLabel = new StringBuilder(logicOp.toStringSign());
for (TaxonomyPredicate label : relatedPredicates) {
return abstractLabel.toString();
* Print a warning to the console for the user to see.
* @param message The warning message.
* @param params additional parameters (uses String.format)
public static void printWarning(String message, Object... params) {
System.out.println("\u001B[35mWARNING: " + String.format(message, params) + "\u001B[0m");
* Disable System.err temporarily, enable again with {@link #enableErr}.
* @param debug
public static void disableErr() {
* Reset System.err to normal.
* @param debug
public static void enableErr() {
* Clone the given JSON object
* @param original - original JSON object
* @return copy of the original JSONObject.
public static JSONObject clone(JSONObject original) {
return new JSONObject(original, JSONObject.getNames(original));