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package nl.uu.cs.ape.sat;
import guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Rank.RankDir;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.configuration.tags.validation.ValidationResults;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.constraints.ConstraintTemplate;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.core.implSAT.SAT_SynthesisEngine;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.core.implSAT.SATsolutionsList;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.core.solutionStructure.SolutionWorkflow;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.Type;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.enums.SynthesisFlag;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.logic.constructs.TaxonomyPredicate;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.configuration.APEConfigException;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.configuration.APECoreConfig;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.utils.APEDimensionsException;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.utils.APEDomainSetup;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.configuration.APERunConfig;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.utils.APEUtils;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.utils.OWLReader;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyCreationException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;
* The {@code APE} class is the main class of the library and is supposed to be
* the main interface for working with the library.
* @author Vedran Kasalica
public class APE {
/** Core configuration object defined from the configuration file. */
private final APECoreConfig config;
/** Object containing general APE encoding. */
private APEDomainSetup apeDomainSetup;
* Create instance of the APE solver.
* @param configPath Path to the APE JSON configuration file. If the string is
* null the default './config.json' value is assumed.
* @throws IOException Exception reading the configuration
* file.
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException Exception reading the OWL file.
public APE(String configPath) throws IOException, OWLOntologyCreationException {
config = new APECoreConfig(configPath);
if (config == null) {
throw new APEConfigException("Configuration failed. Error in configuration file.");
boolean setupSucc = setupDomain();
if (!setupSucc) {
throw new APEConfigException("Error setting up the domain.");
* Create instance of the APE solver.
* @param configObject The APE configuration {@link JSONObject}.
* @throws IOException Exception while reading the
* configuration file or the tool
* annotations file.
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException Error in reading the OWL file.
public APE(JSONObject configObject) throws IOException, OWLOntologyCreationException {
config = new APECoreConfig(configObject);
boolean setupSucc = setupDomain();
if (!setupSucc) {
throw new APEConfigException("Error in setting up the domain.");
* Create instance of the APE solver.
* @param config The APE configuration {@link APECoreConfig}.
* @throws IOException Exception while reading the
* configuration file or the tool
* annotations file.
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException Error in reading the OWL file.
public APE(APECoreConfig config) throws IOException, OWLOntologyCreationException {
this.config = config;
boolean setupSucc = setupDomain();
if (!setupSucc) {
throw new APEConfigException("Error in setting up the domain.");
* Method used to setup the domain using the configuration file and the
* corresponding annotation and constraints files.
* @return true if the setup was successfully performed, false otherwise.
* @throws AtomMappingsException Exception while reading the provided
* ontology.
* @throws IOException Error in handling a JSON file containing
* tool annotations.
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException Error in reading the OWL file.
private boolean setupDomain() throws APEDimensionsException, IOException, OWLOntologyCreationException {
// Variable that describes a successful execution of the method.
boolean succRun = true;
* Encode the taxonomies as objects - generate the list of all types / modules
* occurring in the taxonomies defining their submodules/subtypes
apeDomainSetup = new APEDomainSetup(config);
OWLReader owlReader = new OWLReader(apeDomainSetup, config.getOntologyFile());
boolean ontologyRead = owlReader.readOntology();
if (!ontologyRead) {
System.out.println("Error occurred while reading the provided ontology.");
return false;
// Update allModules and allTypes sets based on the tool annotations
succRun &= apeDomainSetup
succRun &= apeDomainSetup.trimTaxonomy();
// Define set of all constraint formats
return succRun;
* Method that return all the supported constraint templates.
* @return List of {@link ConstraintTemplate} objects.
public Collection getConstraintTemplates() {
return apeDomainSetup.getConstraintFactory().getConstraintTemplates();
* The method returns the configuration file of the APE instance.
* @return Field {@link #config}.
public APECoreConfig getConfig() {
return config;
* Gets domain setup.
* @return The object that contains all crucial information about the domain
* (e.g. list of tools, data types, constraint factory, etc.)
public APEDomainSetup getDomainSetup() {
return apeDomainSetup;
* Returns all the taxonomy elements that are subclasses of the given element.
* Can be used to retrieve all data types, formats or all taxonomy operations.
* @param taxonomyElementID ID of the taxonomy element that is parent of all the
* returned elements.
* @return Sorted set of elements that belong to the given taxonomy subtree.
public SortedSet getTaxonomySubclasses(String taxonomyElementID) {
SortedSet elements = null;
TaxonomyPredicate root = apeDomainSetup.getAllTypes().get(taxonomyElementID);
if (root != null) {
elements = apeDomainSetup.getAllTypes().getElementsFromSubTaxonomy(root);
} else {
root = apeDomainSetup.getAllModules().get(taxonomyElementID);
if (root != null) {
elements = apeDomainSetup.getAllModules().getElementsFromSubTaxonomy(root);
if(root == null) {
return getTaxonomySubclasses(APEUtils.createClassURI(taxonomyElementID, apeDomainSetup.getOntologyPrefixURI()));
} else {
return elements;
* Returns the {@link TaxonomyPredicate} that corresponds to the given ID.
* @param taxonomyElementID ID of the taxonomy element
* @return The corresponding {@link TaxonomyPredicate}
public TaxonomyPredicate getTaxonomyElement(String taxonomyElementID) {
TaxonomyPredicate element = apeDomainSetup.getAllTypes().get(taxonomyElementID);
if (element == null) {
element = apeDomainSetup.getAllModules().get(taxonomyElementID);
if(element == null) {
return getTaxonomyElement(APEUtils.createClassURI(taxonomyElementID, apeDomainSetup.getOntologyPrefixURI()));
} else {
return element;
* Setup a new run instance of the APE solver and run the synthesis algorithm.
* @param configObject Object that contains run configurations.
* @return The list of all the solutions.
* @throws IOException Error in case of not providing a proper configuration
* file.
public SATsolutionsList runSynthesis(JSONObject configObject) throws IOException, APEConfigException {
return runSynthesis(configObject, this.getDomainSetup());
* Setup a new run instance of the APE solver and run the synthesis algorithm.
* @param runConfigPath Path to the JSON that contains run configurations.
* @return The list of all the solutions.
* @throws IOException Error in case of not providing a proper configuration
* file.
public SATsolutionsList runSynthesis(String runConfigPath) throws IOException, JSONException, APEConfigException {
JSONObject configObject = APEUtils.readFileToJSONObject(new File(runConfigPath));
return runSynthesis(configObject, this.getDomainSetup());
* Setup a new run instance of the APE solver and run the synthesis algorithm.
* @param runConfig Configuration object that contains run configurations.
* @return The list of all the solutions.
* @throws IOException Error in case of not providing a proper configuration
* file.
public SATsolutionsList runSynthesis(APERunConfig runConfig) throws IOException {
return executeSynthesis(runConfig);
* Setup a new run instance of the APE solver and run the synthesis algorithm.
* @param runConfigJson Object that contains run configurations.
* @param apeDomainSetup Domain information, including all the existing tools
* and types.
* @return The list of all the solutions.
* @throws IOException Error in case of not providing a proper configuration
* file.
* @throws JSONException Error in configuration object.
private SATsolutionsList runSynthesis(JSONObject runConfigJson, APEDomainSetup apeDomainSetup)
throws IOException, JSONException, APEConfigException {
APERunConfig runConfig = new APERunConfig(runConfigJson, apeDomainSetup);
SATsolutionsList solutions = executeSynthesis(runConfig);
return solutions;
* Run the synthesis for the given workflow specification.
* @param runConfig
* @return The list of all the solutions.
* @throws IOException Error in case of not providing a proper configuration
* file.
private SATsolutionsList executeSynthesis(APERunConfig runConfig) throws IOException, JSONException {
// APEUtils.write2file(apeDomainSetup.emptyTools.toString(), new File("~/Desktop/tools"), false);
// APEUtils.write2file(apeDomainSetup.wrongToolIO.toString(), new File("~/Desktop/wrongToolIO"), false);
/* List of all the solutions */
SATsolutionsList allSolutions = new SATsolutionsList(runConfig);
/* Print the setup information when necessary. */
APEUtils.debugPrintout(runConfig, apeDomainSetup);
int i = 1;
for (Type input : runConfig.getProgramInputs()) {
System.out.println((i++) + ". program input is " + input.toShortString());
i = 1;
for (Type output : runConfig.getProgramOutputs()) {
System.out.println((i++) + ". program output is " + output.toShortString());
* Loop over different lengths of the workflow until either, max workflow length
* or max number of solutions has been found.
String globalTimerID = "globalTimer";
APEUtils.timerStart(globalTimerID, true);
int solutionLength = runConfig.getSolutionLength().getMin();
while (allSolutions.getNumberOfSolutions() < allSolutions.getMaxNumberOfSolutions()
&& solutionLength <= runConfig.getSolutionLength().getMax() && APEUtils.timerTimeLeft("globalTimer", runConfig.getTimeoutMs()) > 0) {
SAT_SynthesisEngine implSATsynthesis = new SAT_SynthesisEngine(apeDomainSetup, allSolutions, runConfig,
APEUtils.printHeader(implSATsynthesis.getSolutionSize(), "Workflow discovery - length");
/* Encoding of the synthesis problem */
if (!implSATsynthesis.synthesisEncoding()) {
System.err.println("Internal error in problem encoding.");
return null;
/* Execution of the synthesis - updates the object allSolutions */
allSolutions.addNoSolutionsForLength(solutionLength, allSolutions.getNumberOfSolutions());
/* Increase the size of the workflow for the next depth iteration */
if ((allSolutions.getNumberOfSolutions() >= allSolutions.getMaxNumberOfSolutions() - 1)) {
} else if (solutionLength == runConfig.getSolutionLength().getMax()) {
} else if(APEUtils.timerTimeLeft("globalTimer", runConfig.getTimeoutMs()) <= 0) {
} else {
APEUtils.timerPrintSolutions(globalTimerID, allSolutions.getNumberOfSolutions());
return allSolutions;
* Validates all the tags in a configuration object. If
* {@link ValidationResults#success()} ()} returns true, the configuration
* object can be safely used to setup the the APE framework and create an
* APERunConfiguration.
* @param config configuration file
* @return the validation results
public static ValidationResults validate(JSONObject config) {
ValidationResults results = APECoreConfig.validate(config);
if (results.hasFails()) {
return results;
try {
APE ape = new APE(config);
results.add(APERunConfig.validate(config, ape.getDomainSetup()));
} catch (IOException | OWLOntologyCreationException ignored) {
return results;
* Write textual "human readable" version on workflow solutions to a file.
* @param allSolutions Set of {@link SolutionWorkflow}.
* @return true if the writing was successfully performed, false otherwise.
* @throws IOException Exception if file not found.
public static boolean writeSolutionToFile(SATsolutionsList allSolutions) throws IOException {
StringBuilder solutions2write = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < allSolutions.size(); i++) {
solutions2write = solutions2write
allSolutions.getRunConfiguration().getSolutionDirPath2("solutions.txt").toFile(), false);
return true;
* Generating scripts that represent executable versions of the workflow
* solutions and executing them.
* @param allSolutions Set of {@link SolutionWorkflow}.
* @return true if the execution was successfully performed, false otherwise.
public static boolean writeExecutableWorkflows(SATsolutionsList allSolutions) {
Path executionsFolder = allSolutions.getRunConfiguration().getSolutionDirPath2Executables();
Integer noExecutions = allSolutions.getRunConfiguration().getNoExecutions();
if (executionsFolder == null || noExecutions == null || noExecutions == 0 || allSolutions.isEmpty()) {
return false;
APEUtils.printHeader(null, "Executing first " + noExecutions + " solution");
APEUtils.timerStart("executingWorkflows", true);
final File executeDir = executionsFolder.toFile();
if (executeDir.isDirectory()) {
.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.toLowerCase().startsWith("workflowSolution_")))
} else {
/* Creating the requested scripts in parallel. */
allSolutions.getParallelStream().filter(solution -> solution.getIndex() < noExecutions).forEach(solution -> {
try {
String title = "workflowSolution_" + solution.getIndex() + ".sh";
File script = executionsFolder.resolve(title).toFile();
APEUtils.write2file(solution.getScriptExecution(), script, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error occurred while writing a graph to the file system.");
APEUtils.timerPrintText("executingWorkflows", "\nWorkflows have been executed.");
return true;
* Generate the graphical representations of the workflow solutions, in top to
* bottom orientation, and write them to the file system. Each graph is shown in
* data-flow representation (in top to bottom orientation), i.e. transformation
* of data is in focus.
* @param allSolutions Set of {@link SolutionWorkflow}.
* @return true if the generating was successfully performed, false otherwise.
* @throws IOException Exception if graph cannot be written to the file system.
public static boolean writeDataFlowGraphs(SATsolutionsList allSolutions) throws IOException {
return writeDataFlowGraphs(allSolutions, RankDir.TOP_TO_BOTTOM);
* Generate the graphical representations of the workflow solutions and write
* them to the file system. Each graph is shown in data-flow representation,
* i.e. transformation of data is in focus.
* @param allSolutions Set of {@link SolutionWorkflow}.
* @param orientation Orientation in which the graph will be presented.
* @return true if the generating was successfully performed, false otherwise.
* @throws IOException Exception if graph cannot be written to the file system.
public static boolean writeDataFlowGraphs(SATsolutionsList allSolutions, RankDir orientation) throws IOException {
Path graphsFolder = allSolutions.getRunConfiguration().getSolutionDirPath2Figures();
Integer noGraphs = allSolutions.getRunConfiguration().getNoGraphs();
if (graphsFolder == null || noGraphs == null || noGraphs == 0 || allSolutions.isEmpty()) {
return false;
APEUtils.printHeader(null, "Geneating graphical representation", "of the first " + noGraphs + " workflows");
APEUtils.timerStart("drawingGraphs", true);
/* Removing the existing files from the file system. */
File graphDir = graphsFolder.toFile();
if (graphDir.isDirectory()) {, name) -> name.toLowerCase().startsWith("SolutionNo")))
} else {
/* Creating the requested graphs in parallel. */
allSolutions.getParallelStream().filter(solution -> solution.getIndex() < noGraphs).forEach(solution -> {
try {
String title = "SolutionNo_" + solution.getIndex() + "_length_" + solution.getSolutionlength();
Path path = graphsFolder.resolve(title);
solution.getDataflowGraph(title, orientation).getWrite2File(path.toFile(),
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error occurred while writing a graph to the file system.");
APEUtils.timerPrintText("drawingGraphs", "\nGraphical files have been generated.");
return true;
* Generate the graphical representations of the workflow solutions, in left to
* right orientation and write them to the file system. Each graph is shown in
* control-flow representation (in left to right orientation), i.e. order of the
* operations is in focus.
* @param allSolutions Set of {@link SolutionWorkflow}.
* @return true if the generating was successfully performed, false otherwise.
* @throws IOException Exception if graphs cannot be written to the file system.
public static boolean writeControlFlowGraphs(SATsolutionsList allSolutions) throws IOException {
return writeControlFlowGraphs(allSolutions, RankDir.LEFT_TO_RIGHT);
* Generate the graphical representations of the workflow solutions and write
* them to the file system. Each graph is shown in control-flow representation,
* i.e. order of the operations is in focus.
* @param allSolutions Set of {@link SolutionWorkflow}.
* @param orientation Orientation in which the graph will be presented.
* @return true if the generating was successfully performed, false otherwise.
* @throws IOException Exception if graphs cannot be written to the file system.
public static boolean writeControlFlowGraphs(SATsolutionsList allSolutions, RankDir orientation)
throws IOException {
Path graphsFolder = allSolutions.getRunConfiguration().getSolutionDirPath2Figures();
Integer noGraphs = allSolutions.getRunConfiguration().getNoGraphs();
if (graphsFolder == null || noGraphs == null || noGraphs == 0 || allSolutions.isEmpty()) {
return false;
APEUtils.printHeader(null, "Generating graphical representation", "of the first " + noGraphs + " workflows");
APEUtils.timerStart("drawingGraphs", true);
/* Removing the existing files from the file system. */
File graphDir = graphsFolder.toFile();
if (graphDir.isDirectory()) {, name) -> name.toLowerCase().startsWith("SolutionNo")))
} else {
/* Creating the requested graphs in parallel. */
allSolutions.getParallelStream().filter(solution -> solution.getIndex() < noGraphs).forEach(solution -> {
try {
String title = "SolutionNo_" + solution.getIndex() + "_length_" + solution.getSolutionlength();
Path path = graphsFolder.resolve(title);
solution.getControlflowGraph(title, orientation).getWrite2File(path.toFile(),
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error occurred while writing a graph to the file system.");
APEUtils.timerPrintText("drawingGraphs", "\nGraphical files have been generated.");
return true;