loci.transmitter.Parser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package loci
package transmitter
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object Parser {
private val escape = """[\[\]\\:,]""".r
private val unescape = """\\.""".r
final class Deserializer private[Parser] (content: String, start: Int, end: Int) {
private def parse(start: Int, end: Int): List[Deserializer] = {
var depth = 0
var first = start + 1
var last = start + 1
var escaped = false
val buffer = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Deserializer]
if (start >= end - 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed signature: "+
"Expected '[...]' but found empty string")
if (content(start) != '[' || content(end - 1) != ']')
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed signature: "+
s"Expected '[...]' but found '${content.substring(start, end)}'")
if (last < end - 1) {
while (last < end - 1) {
if (escaped)
escaped = false
else if (content(last) == '\\')
escaped = true
else if (content(last) == '[')
depth += 1
else if (content(last) == ']') {
depth -= 1
if (depth < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed signature: "+
s"Superfluous ']' in ...${content.substring(start + 1, last + 1)}...")
else if (content(last) == ',' && depth == 0) {
buffer += new Deserializer(content, first, last)
first = last + 1
last += 1
if (depth != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed signature: "+
s"Missing ']' in '${content.substring(start, end)}'")
buffer += new Deserializer(content, first, last)
@throws[IllegalArgumentException]("if the content cannot be parsed as tagged value")
def asTag(tags: String*): (Int, Deserializer) = {
var first = start
var escaped = false
while (first < end && (escaped || content(first) != ':')) {
if (escaped)
escaped = false
else if (content(first) == '\\')
escaped = true
first += 1
if (first >= end)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed signature: "+
s"Expected tag name but found '${content.substring(start, end)}'")
if (start >= first - 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed signature: "+
"Unexpected empty tag name")
val tag = content.substring(start, first)
val index = tags indexOf tag
if (index == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed signature: "+
s"Unexpected tag name '$tag' but expected one of ${tags.mkString("'", "', '", "'")}")
index -> new Deserializer(content, first + 1, end)
@throws[IllegalArgumentException]("if the content cannot be parsed as a sequence of elements")
def asElements(count: Int): List[Deserializer] = {
val elements = parse(start, end)
if (elements.size != count)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed signature: "+
s"Expected $count elements but found ${elements.size} elements in '${content.substring(start, end)}'")
@throws[IllegalArgumentException]("if the content cannot be parsed as a list")
def asList: List[Deserializer] =
parse(start, end)
def asString: String = {
val string = toString
if (string == "[]")
matching => Regex.quoteReplacement(matching.matched(1).toString))
override def toString =
content.substring(start, end)
def parse(content: String) = new Deserializer(content, 0, content.length)
def apply(content: String) = parse(content)
def tag(tag: String, value: Serializer) = new Serializer {
if (tag.isEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected empty tag name")
def toString(builder: StringBuilder) = {
builder ++= escape(tag)
builder += ':'
def elements(elements: Serializer*) = new Serializer {
def toString(builder: StringBuilder) = {
var first = true
builder += '['
elements foreach { serializer =>
if (first)
first = false
builder += ','
builder += ']'
def list(list: List[Serializer]) = elements(list: _*)
def string(string: String) = new Serializer {
def toString(builder: StringBuilder) = {
if (string.isEmpty)
builder ++= "[]"
builder ++= escape(string)
private def escape(string: String): String =
matching => Regex.quoteReplacement(s"\\${matching.matched}"))
abstract class Serializer private[Parser] {
def toString(builder: StringBuilder): Unit
override def toString: String = {
val builder = new StringBuilder
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