loci.transmitter.Transmittable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package loci
package transmitter
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import scala.annotation.{compileTimeOnly, implicitNotFound}
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.util.Try
final class /[D <: Transmittable.Delegating, T <: Transmittable.Any[_, _, _]](
val tail: D, val head: T) extends Transmittable.Delegating {
def tailDelegates = new Transmittables.Delegates(tail)
sealed trait Transmittables extends Any
object Transmittables {
final class Delegates[T <: Transmittable.Delegating](val delegates: T)
extends AnyVal with Transmittables
final class Message[T <: Transmittable.Any[_, _, _]](val message: T)
extends AnyVal with Transmittables
final class None extends Transmittables
object TransmittableBase extends
TransmittablePrimitives with
TransmittableTuples with
TransmittableCollections {
sealed trait Delegating
sealed trait Any[-B, I, +R] extends Delegating {
type Base >: B
type Intermediate = I
type Result <: R
type Proxy
type Transmittables <: transmitter.Transmittables
val transmittables: Transmittables
def buildIntermediate(value: Base)(
implicit context: Context.Providing[Transmittables]): Intermediate
def buildResult(value: Intermediate)(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]): Result
def buildProxy(value: Notice.Steady[Try[Intermediate]])(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]): Proxy
@implicitNotFound("${B} is not transmittable")
final class Wrapper[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](
val transmittable: Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T]) extends AnyVal {
type Base = B
type Intermediate = I
type Result = R
type Proxy = P
type Transmittables = T
type Type = Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T]
sealed trait WrapperAlternation {
implicit def wrapperAlternation[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](implicit
transmittable: Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T])
: Wrapper[B, I, R, P, T] =
new Wrapper(transmittable)
object Wrapper extends WrapperAlternation {
implicit def wrapper[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](implicit
transmittable: Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T])
: Wrapper[B, I, R, P, T] =
new Wrapper(transmittable)
implicit def nothing: IdenticallyTransmittable[Nothing] =
sealed trait SurrogateType[T, U, V]
object SurrogateType {
@compileTimeOnly("loci.transmitter.transmittable.TransmittableBase.SurrogateType is not transmittable")
implicit def surrogateType[T, V]: IdenticallyTransmittable[SurrogateType[T, Nothing, V]] =
@implicitNotFound("${B} is not transmittable")
final class DependantValue[B, I, R, +V] private (val value: V) extends AnyVal
object DependantValue {
implicit def dependantValue[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](implicit
wrapper: Wrapper[B, I, R, P, T])
: DependantValue[B, I, R, wrapper.Type] =
new DependantValue(wrapper.transmittable)
@implicitNotFound("${B} is not transmittable")
final class Resolution[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](
val value: Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T]) extends AnyVal {
type Type = Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T]
def transmittable: Type = value
sealed trait ResolutionFailure {
@compileTimeOnly("Value is not transmittable")
implicit def resolutionFailure[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](implicit
dummy: DummyImplicit.Unresolvable)
: Resolution[B, I, R, P, T] = {
throw new NotImplementedError
sealed trait ResolutionDefault extends ResolutionFailure {
implicit def default[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](implicit
dependant: DependantValue[B, I, R, Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T]])
: Resolution[B, I, R, P, T] =
new Resolution(dependant.value)
sealed trait ResolutionNothing extends ResolutionDefault {
implicit def nothing(implicit
dummy: DummyImplicit.Unresolvable)
: Resolution[Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Future[Nothing], Transmittables.None] ={
throw new NotImplementedError
object Resolution extends ResolutionNothing {
implicit def macroGenerated[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](implicit
dummy: DummyImplicit.Resolvable)
: Resolution[B, I, R, P, T] =
macro TransmittableResolution[B, I, R, P, T]
sealed trait DelegatingFailure {
@compileTimeOnly("Delegation is not transmittable")
implicit def resolutionFailure[D <: Delegating](implicit
dummy: DummyImplicit.Unresolvable)
: Delegating.Resolution[D] = {
throw new NotImplementedError
object Delegating extends DelegatingFailure {
final class Resolution[D <: Delegating](
val transmittables: D) extends AnyVal
implicit def single[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](implicit
resolution: Transmittable.Resolution[B, I, R, P, T])
: Resolution[Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T]] =
new Resolution(resolution.transmittable)
implicit def list[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables, D <: Delegating](implicit
resolution: Transmittable.Resolution[B, I, R, P, T],
delegates: Resolution[D])
: Resolution[D / Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T]] =
new Resolution(new / (delegates.transmittables, resolution.transmittable))
sealed trait IdenticallyTransmittable[B] extends Transmittable.Any[B, B, B] {
override type Base = B
override type Intermediate = B
override type Result = B
type Proxy = Future[B]
type Transmittables = Transmittables.None
object IdenticallyTransmittable {
def apply[B](): IdenticallyTransmittable[B] = implementation: Impl[B]
private sealed trait Impl[-B] extends IdenticallyTransmittable[B @uncheckedVariance]
private val implementation = new Impl[Any] {
val transmittables = new Transmittables.None
def buildIntermediate(value: Base)(
implicit context: Context.Providing[Transmittables]) = value
def buildResult(value: Intermediate)(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) = value
def buildProxy(value: Notice.Steady[Try[Intermediate]])(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) = value.toFutureFromTry
sealed trait TransformingTransmittable[B, I, R] extends Transmittable.Any[B, I, R] {
override type Base = B
override type Intermediate = I
override type Result = R
type Proxy = Future[R]
type Transmittables = Transmittables.None
object TransformingTransmittable {
final class Context private[TransformingTransmittable] (val remote: RemoteRef)
def apply[B, I, R](
provide: (B, Context) => I,
receive: (I, Context) => R) =
new TransformingTransmittable[B, I, R] {
val transmittables = new Transmittables.None
def buildIntermediate(value: Base)(
implicit context: Context.Providing[Transmittables]) =
provide(value, new Context(context.remote))
def buildResult(value: Intermediate)(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) =
receive(value, new Context(context.remote))
def buildProxy(value: Notice.Steady[Try[Intermediate]])(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) =
(value map { _ map buildResult }).toFutureFromTry
sealed trait DelegatingTransmittable[B, I, R] extends Transmittable.Any[B, I, R] {
override type Base = B
override type Intermediate = I
override type Result = R
type Proxy = Future[R]
type Transmittables = Transmittables.Delegates[Delegates]
type Delegates <: Transmittable.Delegating
object DelegatingTransmittable {
type Delegates[D <: Transmittable.Delegating] = Transmittables.Delegates[D]
final class ProvidingContext[D <: Transmittable.Delegating] private[DelegatingTransmittable](
implicit context: Context.Providing[Delegates[D]]) {
val remote = context.remote
def delegate[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](
value: B)(implicit selector: Selector[B, I, R, P, T, Delegates[D]]): I =
context provide value
final class ReceivingContext[D <: Transmittable.Delegating] private[DelegatingTransmittable](
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Delegates[D]]) {
val remote = context.remote
def delegate[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables](
value: I)(implicit selector: Selector[B, I, R, P, T, Delegates[D]]): R =
context receive value
def apply[B, I, R, D <: Transmittable.Delegating](
provide: (B, ProvidingContext[D]) => I,
receive: (I, ReceivingContext[D]) => R)(
delegates: Transmittable.Delegating.Resolution[D]) =
new DelegatingTransmittable[B, I, R] {
type Delegates = D
val transmittables = new Transmittables.Delegates(delegates.transmittables)
def buildIntermediate(value: Base)(
implicit context: Context.Providing[Transmittables]) =
provide(value, new ProvidingContext)
def buildResult(value: Intermediate)(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) =
receive(value, new ReceivingContext)
def buildProxy(value: Notice.Steady[Try[Intermediate]])(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) =
(value map { _ map buildResult }).toFutureFromTry
sealed trait ConnectedTransmittable[B, I, R] extends Transmittable.Any[B, I, R] {
override type Base = B
override type Intermediate = I
override type Result = R
type Proxy = Future[R]
type Transmittables = Transmittables.Message[Message]
type Message <: Transmittable.Any[_, _, _]
object ConnectedTransmittable {
final class Context[B, I, R, P, T <: Transmittables] private[ConnectedTransmittable] (implicit
context: transmitter.Context[Transmittables.Message[Transmittable.Aux[B, I, R, P, T]]]) {
val remote = context.remote
val endpoint: Endpoint[B, R] = context.endpoint
def apply[B, R, B0, I0, R0, P0, T0 <: Transmittables](
provide: (B, Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => B0,
receive: (R0, Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => R)(
message: Transmittable.Resolution[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) =
new ConnectedTransmittable[B, I0, R] {
type Message = Transmittable.Aux[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]
val transmittables = new Transmittables.Message(message.transmittable)
def buildIntermediate(value: Base)(
implicit context: Context.Providing[Transmittables]) =
context provide provide(value, new Context)
def buildResult(value: Intermediate)(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) =
receive(context receive value, new Context)
def buildProxy(value: Notice.Steady[Try[Intermediate]])(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) =
(value map { _ map buildResult }).toFutureFromTry
sealed trait Proxy[B, I, R] extends Transmittable.Any[B, I, R] {
override type Base = B
override type Intermediate = I
override type Result = R
type Transmittables = Transmittables.Message[Message]
type Message <: Transmittable.Any[_, _, _]
type Internal
object Proxy {
def apply[B, R, P, N, B0, I0, R0, P0, T0 <: Transmittables](
provide: (B, Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => B0,
receive: (R0, Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => N,
direct: (N, Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => R,
proxy: (Notice.Steady[Try[N]], Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => P)(
message: Transmittable.Resolution[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) =
new Proxy[B, I0, R] {
type Message = Transmittable.Aux[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]
type Internal = N
type Proxy = P
val transmittables = new Transmittables.Message(message.transmittable)
def buildIntermediate(value: Base)(
implicit context: Context.Providing[Transmittables]) =
context provide provide(value, new Context)
def buildResult(value: Intermediate)(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) = {
val ctx = new Context
direct(receive(context receive value, ctx), ctx)
def buildProxy(value: Notice.Steady[Try[Intermediate]])(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) = {
val ctx = new Context
proxy(value map { _ map { value => receive(context receive value, ctx) } }, ctx)
def apply[B, R, P, N, B0, I0, R0, P0, T0 <: Transmittables](
internal: => N,
provide: (B, Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => B0,
receive: (N, R0, Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => Unit,
direct: (N, Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => R,
proxy: (N, Notice.Steady[Try[Unit]], Context[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) => P)(
message: Transmittable.Resolution[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]) =
new Proxy[B, I0, R] {
type Message = Transmittable.Aux[B0, I0, R0, P0, T0]
type Internal = N
type Proxy = P
val transmittables = new Transmittables.Message(message.transmittable)
def buildIntermediate(value: Base)(
implicit context: Context.Providing[Transmittables]) =
context provide provide(value, new Context)
def buildResult(value: Intermediate)(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) = {
val ctx = new Context
val inst = internal
receive(inst, context receive value, ctx)
direct(inst, ctx)
def buildProxy(value: Notice.Steady[Try[Intermediate]])(
implicit context: Context.Receiving[Transmittables]) = {
val ctx = new Context
val inst = internal
val completion = value map { _ map { _ => () } }
val result = proxy(inst, completion, ctx)
value foreach { _ foreach { value => receive(inst, context receive value, ctx) } }
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