loci.utility.ImplicitHints.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package loci
package utility
import java.util
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.SourceFile
import scala.reflect.io.{AbstractFile, NoAbstractFile}
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
object implicitHints {
private implicit object stringOrdering extends Ordering[String] {
override def compare(x: String, y: String): Int = {
val length = math.min(x.length, y.length)
var i = 0
while (i < length) {
val xi = x(i)
val yi = y(i)
if (Character.isLowerCase(xi) && Character.isUpperCase(yi))
return -1
if (Character.isUpperCase(xi) && Character.isLowerCase(yi))
return 1
if (xi != yi)
return xi - yi
i += 1
x.length - y.length
private def mightBeScalaSource(file: AbstractFile): Boolean = {
val path = file.path
if (path.isEmpty ||
(path contains "scala-") ||
file.underlyingSource.nonEmpty &&
file.underlyingSource.get != file &&
return true
var i = path.length - 5
if (i <= 1 || path(i + 1) != '.' || path(i + 2) != 'j' || path(i + 3) != 'a' || path(i + 4) != 'r')
return false
do {
val c = path(i)
if (c != '.' && (c < '0' || c > '9'))
return false
i -= 1
while (i > 1 && path(i) != '-')
i -= 1
do {
val c = path(i)
if (c != '.' && (c < '0' || c > '9'))
return false
i -= 1
while (i > 1 && path(i) != '_')
i > 1 && path(i + 1) == '2' && path(i + 2) == '.'
private val importNamesCache = new util.WeakHashMap[SourceFile, Any]
private def importNames(c: blackbox.Context)(file: SourceFile) = {
import c.universe._
def erasePackageStatements(content: Array[Char]) = {
val builder = new mutable.StringBuilder(content.length)
val length = content.length - 7
var i = 0
while (i < length)
if (content(i) == 'p' &&
content(i + 1) == 'a' &&
content(i + 2) == 'c' &&
content(i + 3) == 'k' &&
content(i + 4) == 'a' &&
content(i + 5) == 'g' &&
content(i + 6) == 'e' &&
!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(content(i + 7)) &&
(i == 0 || !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(content(i - 1)))) {
builder.append(" ")
i += 7
else {
i += 1
while (i < length + 7) {
builder += content(i)
i += 1
importNamesCache.get(file) match {
case names: Set[String] @unchecked =>
case _ =>
val tree =
try c.parse(erasePackageStatements(file.content))
catch { case _: reflect.macros.ParseException => EmptyTree }
val names =
(tree collect {
case Import(expr, selectors) =>
(selectors map { _.name.toString }) ++
(expr collect {
case Select(_, name) => name.toString
case Ident(name) => name.toString
}).flatten.toSet - termNames.WILDCARD.toString
importNamesCache.put(file, names)
private def typeSymbolNames(c: blackbox.Context)(tpe: c.Type) = {
import c.universe._
val symbols = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Symbol]
tpe foreach { tpe => symbols += tpe.typeSymbol }
(symbols flatMap { symbol =>
filter { symbol => !symbol.isParameter }
map { _.name.toString }
filter { name =>
name.nonEmpty &&
(name.head != '<' || name.last != '>') &&
!(name contains '$')
private def findImplicits(c: blackbox.Context)(tpe: c.Type, findConversions: Boolean) = {
import c.universe._
val (maxDepth, maxVisited, resetDepth) =
if (tpe != NoType) {
val related = typeSymbolNames(c)(tpe) ++ importNames(c)(c.enclosingPosition.source)
val normalRelated = related map { _.toLowerCase }
val resetDepth = { name: String =>
val normalName = name.toLowerCase
normalRelated exists { normalRelated =>
if (normalRelated.length < 4 || normalName.length < 4)
normalRelated == normalName
(normalRelated contains normalName) || (normalName contains normalRelated)
(2, 5000, resetDepth)
(5, 5000, (_: String) => false)
val implicitConversions = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(MethodSymbol, List[(Symbol, Symbol)])]
val implicitValues = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(MethodSymbol, List[(Symbol, Symbol)])]
val queue = mutable.Queue.empty[(Symbol, List[(Symbol, Symbol)], Int)]
val visited = new util.HashSet[Symbol]
val (rawInfoMethod, associatedFileMethod) =
try {
val symbolClass = Class.forName(s"scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$$Symbol")
(symbolClass.getMethod("rawInfo"), symbolClass.getMethod("associatedFile"))
catch { case _: ClassNotFoundException | _: NoSuchMethodException => (null, null) }
def rawInfo(symbol: Symbol) =
try rawInfoMethod.invoke(symbol) match {
case tpe: Type => tpe
case _ => NoType
catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => NoType }
def associatedFile(symbol: Symbol) =
try associatedFileMethod.invoke(symbol) match {
case file: AbstractFile => file
case _ => NoAbstractFile
catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => NoAbstractFile }
if (rawInfoMethod != null)
queue.enqueue((c.mirror.RootClass, List.empty, 0))
while (queue.nonEmpty) {
val (symbol, path, depth) = queue.dequeue()
if (visited.add(symbol) && mightBeScalaSource(associatedFile(symbol))) {
val info =
try if (symbol.pos == NoPosition) symbol.info else rawInfo(symbol)
catch { case NonFatal(_) => NoType }
info.members foreach { member =>
val root = symbol == c.mirror.RootClass
val name = member.name.toString
val knownPackage =
root && (name match {
case "java" | "javax" | "jdk" | "netscape" | "sun" => true
case _ => false
}) ||
(name == "sun" &&
member.owner.name.toString == "com" &&
member.owner.owner == c.mirror.RootClass)
if (!knownPackage &&
member.isTerm &&
member.isPublic &&
!member.isImplementationArtifact &&
!(member.name.toString contains '$') &&
info.member(member.name) != NoSymbol) {
val currentPath = if (root) path else symbol -> member.owner :: path
if (member.isModule && depth < maxDepth && visited.size < maxVisited)
if (resetDepth(member.name.toString)) 0 else depth + 1))
if (member.isMethod &&
member.isImplicit &&
symbol != definitions.ScalaPackageClass &&
symbol != definitions.PredefModule.moduleClass) {
val method = member.asMethod
val tpe = method.info.finalResultType
if (isMeaningfulType(c)(tpe, tpe.typeSymbol))
method.paramLists match {
case List() =>
implicitValues += method -> currentPath
case List(arg :: _)
if arg.isImplicit =>
implicitValues += method -> currentPath
case List(List(conversion))
if findConversions && !conversion.isImplicit =>
implicitConversions += method -> currentPath
case List(List(conversion), arg :: _)
if findConversions && !conversion.isImplicit && arg.isImplicit =>
implicitConversions += method -> currentPath
case _ =>
implicitValues.toList -> implicitConversions.toList
private def isMeaningfulType(c: blackbox.Context)(tpe: c.Type, tpeSymbol: c.Symbol) = {
import c.universe._
!tpeSymbol.isParameter &&
!(tpe =:= definitions.AnyTpe ||
tpe =:= definitions.AnyValTpe ||
tpe =:= definitions.AnyRefTpe ||
tpe =:= definitions.ObjectTpe ||
tpe =:= definitions.NothingTpe ||
tpe =:= definitions.NullTpe)
private def isMeaningfulMethod(c: blackbox.Context)(symbol: c.Symbol) = {
import c.universe._
symbol.isTerm &&
symbol.isPublic &&
!symbol.isConstructor &&
!symbol.isImplicit &&
definitions.ObjectClass) contains symbol.owner)
private def ancestors(c: blackbox.Context)(symbol: c.Symbol): List[c.Symbol] =
if (symbol != c.universe.NoSymbol)
symbol :: ancestors(c)(symbol.owner)
private def associatedImplicitScope(c: blackbox.Context)(tpe: c.Type) = {
import c.universe._
def owner(tpe: Type): Symbol = tpe match {
case TypeRef(pre, _, _) => pre.typeSymbol
case tpe => tpe.typeSymbol.owner
val prefixes = ancestors(c)(owner(tpe)) ++ ancestors(c)(owner(tpe.dealias))
val symbol = tpe.dealias.typeSymbol
val baseCompanions =
if (symbol.isClass)
symbol.asClass.baseClasses.distinct map { symbol =>
val companion = symbol.companion
if (companion.isModule) companion.asModule.moduleClass else companion
(baseCompanions ++ prefixes).toSet - NoSymbol
private object Variance extends Enumeration {
val Covariant, Contravariant, Invariant = Value
def apply(c: blackbox.Context)(symbol: c.universe.TypeSymbol) =
if (symbol.isCovariant) Covariant else if (symbol.isContravariant) Contravariant else Invariant
private def typeInstantiations(c: blackbox.Context)(
pattern: c.Type,
scrutinee: c.Type,
variance: Variance.Value): Option[Map[c.Symbol, c.Type]] = {
import c.universe._
val parameter = pattern.typeSymbol.isParameter
val covariant = variance == Variance.Covariant &&
(pattern.baseClasses contains scrutinee.typeSymbol)
val contravariant = variance == Variance.Contravariant &&
(scrutinee.baseClasses contains pattern.typeSymbol)
val invariant = variance == Variance.Invariant &&
(pattern.baseClasses contains scrutinee.typeSymbol) &&
(scrutinee.baseClasses contains pattern.typeSymbol)
if (parameter || covariant || contravariant || invariant) {
val patternBase = if (covariant) pattern.baseType(scrutinee.typeSymbol) else pattern
val scrutineeBase = if (contravariant) scrutinee.baseType(pattern.typeSymbol) else scrutinee
val patternArgs = patternBase.typeArgs
val scrutineeArgs = scrutineeBase.typeArgs
if (parameter && patternArgs.isEmpty)
Some(Map(pattern.typeSymbol -> scrutinee))
else if (patternArgs.size == scrutineeArgs.size)
((patternArgs zip scrutineeArgs zip patternBase.typeConstructor.typeParams
map { case ((pattern, scrutinee), parameter) =>
typeInstantiations(c)(pattern, scrutinee, Variance(c)(parameter.asType))
.fold(Some(Map.empty[Symbol, Type])) { case (pattern, scrutinee) =>
pattern flatMap { pattern => scrutinee map { scrutinee => pattern ++ scrutinee } }
map { instantiations =>
if (parameter) instantiations + (pattern.typeSymbol -> scrutinee) else instantiations
private def importStatement(c: blackbox.Context)(path: List[(c.Symbol, c.Symbol)]) =
path.size ->
(path.reverseIterator map { case (stable, _) =>
}).mkString("import ", ".", "._")
private def finalResultType(c: blackbox.Context)(symbol: c.Symbol, path: List[(c.Symbol, c.Symbol)]) =
path.foldLeft(symbol.info.finalResultType) { case (tpe, (stable, owner)) =>
val info = if (stable.isType) stable.asType.toType else stable.info.finalResultType
tpe.asSeenFrom(info, owner)
private def relatedImportStatements(c: blackbox.Context)(
implicitValues: List[(c.universe.MethodSymbol, List[(c.Symbol, c.Symbol)])],
symbol: c.universe.MethodSymbol,
tpe: c.Type,
path: List[(c.Symbol, c.Symbol)]) = {
import c.universe._
val result = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(Int, (Int, String))]
val queue = mutable.Queue.empty[(MethodSymbol, Type, List[(Symbol, Symbol)], Int)]
val visited = new util.HashSet[(MethodSymbol, List[(Symbol, Symbol)])]
queue.enqueue((symbol, tpe, path, 0))
while (queue.nonEmpty) {
val (symbol, tpe, path, level) = queue.dequeue()
if (visited.add(symbol -> path)) {
val resultType = finalResultType(c)(symbol, path)
typeInstantiations(c)(resultType, tpe, Variance.Covariant) foreach { instantiations =>
val (from, to) = instantiations.toList.unzip
symbol.paramLists.lastOption.toList foreach {
_ foreach { arg =>
val tpe = finalResultType(c)(arg, path).substituteTypes(from, to)
if (isMeaningfulType(c)(tpe, tpe.typeSymbol))
implicitValues collect { case (symbol, path @ (stable, _) :: _) =>
val resultType = symbol.info.finalResultType
if (isMeaningfulType(c)(resultType, resultType.typeSymbol))
typeInstantiations(c)(resultType, tpe, Variance.Covariant).toList foreach { _ =>
queue.enqueue((symbol, tpe, path, level + 1))
if (!(associatedImplicitScope(c)(tpe) contains stable))
result += level -> importStatement(c)(path)
private def hints(c: blackbox.Context)(tpe: c.Type, tpeIsBaseOfConversion: Boolean) = {
import c.universe._
noReporting(c.universe, List.empty[(List[(MethodSymbol, Type, List[(Symbol, Symbol)], (Int, String))], String, String)]) {
val (implicitValues, implicitConversions) = findImplicits(c)(tpe, tpeIsBaseOfConversion)
val scope = associatedImplicitScope(c)(tpe)
val implicits =
if (tpeIsBaseOfConversion)
implicitConversions flatMap { case (symbol, path) =>
val baseType = finalResultType(c)(symbol.paramLists.head.head, path)
val resultType = finalResultType(c)(symbol, path)
if (isMeaningfulType(c)(baseType, baseType.typeSymbol) &&
isMeaningfulType(c)(resultType, resultType.typeSymbol))
typeInstantiations(c)(baseType, tpe, Variance.Contravariant) map { instantiations =>
val (from, to) = instantiations.toList.unzip
(symbol, resultType.substituteTypes(from, to), path)
implicitValues flatMap { case (symbol, path) =>
val resultType = finalResultType(c)(symbol, path)
if (isMeaningfulType(c)(resultType, resultType.typeSymbol))
typeInstantiations(c)(resultType, tpe, Variance.Covariant) map { instantiations =>
val (from, to) = instantiations.toList.unzip
(symbol, resultType.substituteTypes(from, to), path)
val sortedEntries = ((implicits
collect { case (symbol, tpe, path @ (stable, _) :: _) =>
if (!(scope contains stable)) importStatement(c)(path) else 0 -> "")
groupBy { case (_, _, _, importStatement) => importStatement }).toList
sortBy { case (importStatement, _) => importStatement })
val selectedEntries =
if (tpeIsBaseOfConversion)
sortedEntries map { case entry @ (importStatement, entries) =>
val typeCheckingEntries = entries filter { case (symbol, _, _, _) =>
c.typecheck(q"$symbol(${c.prefix.tree})", silent = true).nonEmpty
if (typeCheckingEntries.nonEmpty)
(importStatement, typeCheckingEntries)
selectedEntries map { case ((_, importStatement), entries) =>
val importStatements =
((entries flatMap { case (symbol, tpe, path, _) =>
relatedImportStatements(c)(implicitValues, symbol, tpe, path)
}).sorted map { case (_, (_, importStatement)) =>
val related = importStatements filterNot { _ == importStatement }
val relatedHint =
if (related.nonEmpty) s"\n${related map { related => s" (related `$related`)" } mkString "\n"}" else ""
(entries, relatedHint, importStatement)
def conversions(c: blackbox.Context)(tpe: c.Type): String =
if (!(c.settings contains "loci.macro.no-implicit-hints")) {
val hint =
(hints(c)(tpe, tpeIsBaseOfConversion = true)
map { case (entries, relatedHint, importStatement) =>
val identifiers = (entries flatMap { case (symbol, _, _, _) =>
symbol.info.finalResultType.members collect {
case symbol if isMeaningfulMethod(c)(symbol) =>
if (identifiers.nonEmpty) {
val importHint = if (importStatement.nonEmpty) s"\n (via `$importStatement`)" else ""
s"\n\nHint: You may use one of the following:\n ${identifiers mkString ", "}$importHint$relatedHint"
if (hint.nonEmpty) s"$hint\n " else hint
def values(c: blackbox.Context)(tpe: c.Type): String =
if (!(c.settings contains "loci.macro.no-implicit-hints")) {
val hint =
(hints(c)(tpe, tpeIsBaseOfConversion = false)
collect { case (_, relatedHint, importStatement) if importStatement.nonEmpty =>
s"\n- `$importStatement`$relatedHint"
if (hint.nonEmpty) s"\n\nHint: You may consider the following imports:$hint\n " else hint
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