io.github.scala_tessella.ring_seq.RingSeq.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.scala_tessella.ring_seq
import scala.collection.{Seq, SeqOps}
/** Adds implicit methods to `[[ Seq]]`
* (immutable / mutable and subtypes) for when a sequence needs to be considered '''circular''', its elements forming a ring.
* @author Mario Càllisto
object RingSeq {
/** For improved readability, the index of a `Seq`. */
type Index = Int
/** For improved readability, the index of a circular `Seq`.
* @note any value is a valid index, provided that `Seq` is not empty
type IndexO = Int
private def floor(i: IndexO, size: Int): Index =
java.lang.Math.floorMod(i, size)
private def emptied[A, CC[B] <: SeqOps[B, CC, CC[B]]](seq: CC[A]): CC[A] =
private def multiply[A, CC[B] <: SeqOps[B, CC, CC[B]]](seq: CC[A], times: Int): CC[A] =
(0 until times).foldLeft(emptied(seq))((acc, _) => acc ++ seq)
private def greaterHalfRange(size: Int): Range =
0 until Math.ceil(size / 2.0).toInt
private def checkReflectionAxis[A, CC[B] <: SeqOps[B, CC, CC[B]]](seq: CC[A], gap: Int): Boolean =
greaterHalfRange(seq.size).forall(j => seq.applyO(j + 1) == seq.applyO(-(j + gap)))
private def hasHeadOnAxis[A, CC[B] <: SeqOps[B, CC, CC[B]]](seq: CC[A]): Boolean =
checkReflectionAxis(seq, 1)
private def hasAxisBetweenHeadAndNext[A, CC[B] <: SeqOps[B, CC, CC[B]]](seq: CC[A]): Boolean =
checkReflectionAxis(seq, 0)
private def findReflectionSymmetry[A, CC[B] <: SeqOps[B, CC, CC[B]]](seq: CC[A]): Option[Index] =
greaterHalfRange(seq.size).find(j => {
val rotation = seq.startAt(j)
hasHeadOnAxis(rotation) || hasAxisBetweenHeadAndNext(rotation)
/** Universal trait providing decorators for a `Seq` considered circular. */
trait RingDecorators[A, CC[B] <: SeqOps[B, CC, CC[B]]] extends Any {
/** The circular sequence */
def ring: CC[A]
private def index(i: IndexO): Index =
floor(i, ring.size)
/** Gets the element at some circular index.
* @param i [[IndexO]]
* @throws java.lang.ArithmeticException if `Seq` is empty
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).applyO(3) // 0}}}
def applyO(i: IndexO): A =
/** Rotate the sequence to the right by some steps.
* @param step the circular distance between each new and old position
* @return a sequence consisting of all elements rotated to the right by ''step'' places.
* If ''step'' is negative the rotation happens to the left.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).rotateRight(1) // Seq(2, 0, 1)}}}
def rotateRight(step: Int): CC[A] =
if (ring.isEmpty) ring
else {
val j: Index = ring.size - index(step)
ring.drop(j) ++ ring.take(j)
/** Rotates the sequence to the left by some steps.
* @param step the circular distance between each old and new position
* @return a sequence consisting of all elements rotated to the left by ''step'' places.
* If ''step'' is negative the rotation happens to the right.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).rotateLeft(1) // Seq(1, 2, 0)}}}
def rotateLeft(step: Int): CC[A] =
/** Rotates the sequence to start at some circular index.
* @param i [[IndexO]]
* @return a sequence consisting of all elements rotated to start at circular index ''i''.
* It is equivalent to [[rotateLeft]].
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).startAt(1) // Seq(1, 2, 0)}}}
def startAt(i: IndexO): CC[A] =
/** Reflects the sequence to start at some circular index.
* @param i [[IndexO]]
* @return a sequence consisting of all elements reversed and rotated to start at circular index ''i''.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).reflectAt() // Seq(0, 2, 1)}}}
def reflectAt(i: IndexO = 0): CC[A] =
startAt(i + 1).reverse
/** Computes the length of the longest segment that starts from some circular index
* and whose elements all satisfy some predicate.
* @param p the predicate used to test elements
* @param from [[IndexO]]
* @return the length of the longest segment of this sequence starting from circular index ''from''
* such that every element of the segment satisfies the predicate ''p''
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).segmentLengthO(_ % 2 == 0, 2) // 2}}}
def segmentLengthO(p: A => Boolean, from: IndexO = 0): Int =
startAt(from).segmentLength(p, 0)
/** Selects an interval of elements.
* @param from [[IndexO]]
* @param until [[IndexO]]
* @return a sequence containing the elements greater than or equal to circular index ''from''
* extending up to (but not including) circular index ''until'' of this sequence.
* @note a slice of a circular sequence can be bigger than the size of the elements in the sequence.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).sliceO(-1, 4) // Seq(2, 0, 1, 2, 0)}}}
def sliceO(from: IndexO, until: IndexO): CC[A] = {
if (ring.isEmpty) ring
else if (from >= until) emptied(ring)
else {
val length = until - from
val times = Math.ceil(length / ring.size).toInt + 1
multiply(startAt(from), times).take(length)
private def growBy(growth: Int): CC[A] =
sliceO(0, ring.size + growth)
/** Tests whether this circular sequence contains a given sequence as a slice.
* @param that the sequence to test
* @return true if this circular sequence contains a slice with the same elements as ''that'',
* otherwise false.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).containsSliceO(Seq(2, 0, 1, 2, 0)) // true}}}
def containsSliceO(that: Seq[A]): Boolean =
growBy(that.size - 1).containsSlice(that)
/** Finds first index after or at a start index where this circular sequence contains a given sequence as a slice.
* @param that the sequence to test
* @param from [[IndexO]]
* @return the first index >= ''from'' such that the elements of this circular sequence starting at this index
* match the elements of sequence ''that'',
* or -1 if no such subsequence exists.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).indexOfSliceO(Seq(2, 0, 1, 2, 0)) // 2}}}
def indexOfSliceO(that: Seq[A], from: IndexO = 0): Index = {
val grown = growBy(that.size - 1)
grown.indexOfSlice(that, floor(from, grown.size))
/** Finds last index before or at a given end index where this circular sequence contains a given sequence as a slice.
* @param that the sequence to test
* @param end [[IndexO]]
* @return the last index <= ''end'' such that the elements of this circular sequence starting at this index
* match the elements of sequence ''that'',
* or -1 if no such subsequence exists.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2).lastIndexOfSliceO(Seq(2, 0)) // 5}}}
def lastIndexOfSliceO(that: Seq[A], end: IndexO = -1): Index = {
val grown = growBy(that.size - 1)
grown.lastIndexOfSlice(that, floor(end, grown.size))
/** Groups elements in fixed size blocks by passing a "sliding window" over them
* @param size the number of elements per group
* @param step the distance between the first elements of successive groups
* @return An iterator producing sequences of size ''size''.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).slidingO(2) // Iterator(Seq(0, 1), Seq(1, 2), Seq(2, 0))}}}
def slidingO(size: Int, step: Int = 1): Iterator[CC[A]] =
sliceO(0, step * (ring.size - 1) + size).sliding(size, step)
private def transformations(f: CC[A] => Iterator[CC[A]]): Iterator[CC[A]] =
if (ring.isEmpty) Iterator(ring) else f(ring)
/** Computes all the rotations of this circular sequence
* @return An iterator producing all the sequences obtained by rotating this circular sequence,
* starting from itself and moving one rotation step to the right,
* or just itself if empty.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).rotations // Iterator(Seq(0, 1, 2), Seq(1, 2, 0), Seq(2, 0, 1))}}}
def rotations: Iterator[CC[A]] =
transformations(r => slidingO(r.size))
/** Computes all the reflections of this circular sequence
* @return An iterator producing the 2 sequences obtained by reflecting this circular sequence,
* starting from itself,
* or just itself if empty.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).reflections // Iterator(Seq(0, 1, 2), Seq(0, 2, 1))}}}
def reflections: Iterator[CC[A]] =
transformations(r => List(r, r.reflectAt()).iterator)
/** Computes all the reversions of this circular sequence
* @return An iterator producing the 2 sequences obtained by reversing this circular sequence,
* starting from itself,
* or just itself if empty.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).reversions // Iterator(Seq(0, 1, 2), Seq(2, 1, 0))}}}
def reversions: Iterator[CC[A]] =
transformations(r => List(r, r.reverse).iterator)
/** Computes all the rotations and reflections of this circular sequence
* @return An iterator producing all the sequences obtained by rotating and reflecting this circular sequence,
* starting from itself and moving one rotation step to the right, then reflecting and doing the same,
* or just itself if empty.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).rotationsAndReflections // Iterator(Seq(0, 1, 2), Seq(1, 2, 0), Seq(2, 0, 1), Seq(0, 2, 1), Seq(2, 1, 0), Seq(1, 0, 2))}}}
def rotationsAndReflections: Iterator[CC[A]] =
private def isTransformationOf(that: CC[A], f: CC[A] => Iterator[CC[A]]): Boolean = {
ring.sizeCompare(that.size) == 0 && f(ring).contains(that)
/** Tests whether this circular sequence is a rotation of a given sequence.
* @param that the sequence to test
* @return true if this circular sequence is a rotation of ''that'',
* otherwise false.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).isRotationOf(Seq(1, 2, 0)) // true}}}
def isRotationOf(that: CC[A]): Boolean =
isTransformationOf(that, _.rotations)
/** Tests whether this circular sequence is a reflection of a given sequence.
* @param that the sequence to test
* @return true if this circular sequence is a reflection of ''that'',
* otherwise false.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).isReflectionOf(Seq(0, 2, 1)) // true}}}
def isReflectionOf(that: CC[A]): Boolean =
isTransformationOf(that, _.reflections)
/** Tests whether this circular sequence is a reversion of a given sequence.
* @param that the sequence to test
* @return true if this circular sequence is a reversion of ''that'',
* otherwise false.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).isReversionOf(Seq(2, 1, 0)) // true}}}
def isReversionOf(that: CC[A]): Boolean =
isTransformationOf(that, _.reversions)
/** Tests whether this circular sequence is a rotation or a reflection of a given sequence.
* @param that the sequence to test
* @return true if this circular sequence is a rotation or a reflection of ''that'',
* otherwise false.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2).isRotationOrReflectionOf(Seq(2, 0, 1)) // true}}}
def isRotationOrReflectionOf(that: CC[A]): Boolean =
isTransformationOf(that, _.rotationsAndReflections)
private def areFoldsSymmetrical: Int => Boolean =
n => rotateRight(ring.size / n) == ring
/** Computes the order of rotational symmetry possessed by this circular sequence.
* @return the number >= 1 of rotations in which this circular sequence looks exactly the same.
* @example {{{Seq(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2).rotationalSymmetry // 2}}}
def rotationalSymmetry: Int = {
val size = ring.size
if (size < 2) 1
else {
val exactFoldsDesc = size +: (size / 2 to 2 by -1).filter(size % _ == 0)
/** Finds the indices of each element of this circular sequence close to an axis of reflectional symmetry.
* @return the indices of each element of this circular sequence close to an axis of reflectional symmetry,
* that is a line of symmetry that splits the sequence in two identical halves.
* @example {{{Seq(2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2).symmetryIndices // List(1, 4, 7, 10)}}}
def symmetryIndices: List[Index] =
if (ring.isEmpty) Nil
else {
val folds = rotationalSymmetry
val foldSize = ring.size / folds
findReflectionSymmetry(ring.take(foldSize)) match {
case None => Nil
case Some(j) => (0 until folds) * foldSize + j)
/** Computes the order of reflectional (mirror) symmetry possessed by this circular sequence.
* @return the number >= 0 of reflections in which this circular sequence looks exactly the same.
* @example {{{Seq(2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2).symmetry // 4}}}
def symmetry: Int =
/** Value class providing methods for a generic `Seq` considered circular. */
implicit class RingSeqEnrichment[A, CC[B] <: SeqOps[B, CC, CC[B]]](val ring: CC[A]) extends AnyVal with RingDecorators[A, CC]
/** Value class providing methods for a `String` considered circular. */
implicit class RingStringEnrichment(private val s: String) extends AnyVal with RingDecorators[Char, Seq] {
/** Converts this string into a circular `Seq`.
* @return the string as a sequence of `Char`.
def ring: Seq[Char] = s.toSeq
/** Value class providing methods for a `StringBuilder` considered circular. */
implicit class RingStringBuilderEnrichment(private val sb: StringBuilder) extends AnyVal with RingDecorators[Char, Seq] {
/** Converts this string builder into a circular `Seq`.
* @return the string builder as a sequence of `Char`.
def ring: Seq[Char] = sb.toSeq
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