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scouter.server.Configure Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.
* @
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package scouter.server;
import scouter.lang.conf.ConfigDesc;
import scouter.lang.conf.ConfigValueUtil;
import scouter.lang.value.ListValue;
import scouter.lang.value.MapValue;
import scouter.util.DateUtil;
import scouter.util.FileUtil;
import scouter.util.StringEnumer;
import scouter.util.StringKeyLinkedMap;
import scouter.util.StringLinkedSet;
import scouter.util.StringSet;
import scouter.util.StringUtil;
import scouter.util.SysJMX;
import scouter.util.SystemUtil;
import scouter.util.ThreadUtil;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class Configure extends Thread {
private static Configure instance = null;
public final static String CONF_DIR = "./conf/";
public final static synchronized Configure getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Configure();
return instance;
@ConfigDesc("Server ID")
public String server_id = SysJMX.getHostName();
@ConfigDesc("Logging TCP connection related event")
public boolean log_tcp_action_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming MultiPacket")
public boolean log_udp_multipacket = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging expired MultiPacket")
public boolean log_expired_multipacket = true;
@ConfigDesc("Logging all incoming packs")
public boolean log_udp_packet = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming CounterPack")
public boolean log_udp_counter = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming XLogPack")
public boolean log_udp_xlog = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming ProfilePack")
public boolean log_udp_profile = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming TextPack")
public boolean log_udp_text = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming AlertPack")
public boolean log_udp_alert = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming ObjectPack")
public boolean log_udp_object = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming StatusPack")
public boolean log_udp_status = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming StackPack")
public boolean log_udp_stack = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming SummaryPack")
public boolean log_udp_summary = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging incoming BatchPack")
public boolean log_udp_batch = false;
@ConfigDesc("Logging all request handlers in starting")
public boolean log_service_handler_list = false;
@ConfigDesc("Retaining log according to date")
public boolean log_rotation_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("Keeping period of log")
public int log_keep_days = 31;
@ConfigDesc("Logging sql failed to parse")
public boolean log_sql_parsing_fail_enabled = false;
public boolean _trace = false;
@ConfigDesc("UDP Host")
public String net_udp_listen_ip = "";
@ConfigDesc("UDP Port")
public int net_udp_listen_port = NetConstants.SERVER_UDP_PORT;
@ConfigDesc("TCP Host")
public String net_tcp_listen_ip = "";
@ConfigDesc("TCP Port")
public int net_tcp_listen_port = NetConstants.SERVER_TCP_PORT;
@ConfigDesc("Client Socket Timeout(ms)")
public int net_tcp_client_so_timeout_ms = 8000;
@ConfigDesc("Agent Socket Timeout(ms)")
public int net_tcp_agent_so_timeout_ms = 60000;
@ConfigDesc("Transfer period(ms) of KEEP_ALIVE")
public int net_tcp_agent_keepalive_interval_ms = 5000;
@ConfigDesc("Waiting time(ms) for agent session")
public int net_tcp_get_agent_connection_wait_ms = 1000;
@ConfigDesc("UDP Packet Buffer Size")
public int net_udp_packet_buffer_size = 65535;
@ConfigDesc("UDP Receiver Buffer Size")
public int net_udp_so_rcvbuf_size = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
public int _net_udp_worker_thread_count = 3;
@ConfigDesc("TCP Thread Pool Size")
public int net_tcp_service_pool_size = 100;
@ConfigDesc("Activating Http Server")
public boolean net_http_server_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Http Port")
public int net_http_port = 6180;
@ConfigDesc("Store directory of database")
public String db_dir = "./database";
@ConfigDesc("Path to log directory")
public String log_dir = "./logs";
@ConfigDesc("Path to plugin directory")
public String plugin_dir = "./plugin";
@ConfigDesc("Path to client related directory")
public String client_dir = "./client";
@ConfigDesc("Waiting time(ms) until stopped heartbeat of object is determined to be inactive")
public int object_deadtime_ms = 8000;
@ConfigDesc("Activating XLog data in zip file")
public boolean compress_xlog_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Activating profile data in zip file")
public boolean compress_profile_enabled = false;
public int _compress_write_buffer_block_count = 3;
public int _compress_read_cache_block_count = 3;
public long _compress_read_cache_expired_ms = DateUtil.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
public int _compress_dailycount_header_cache_size = 3;
public int _compress_write_thread = 2;
public boolean _auto_5m_sampling = true;
@ConfigDesc("Activating automatic deletion function in the database")
public boolean mgr_purge_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("Condition of disk usage for automatic deletion. if lack, delete profile data first exclude today data.")
public int mgr_purge_disk_usage_pct = 80;
@ConfigDesc("Retaining date for automatic deletion. delete profile data first.")
public int mgr_purge_profile_keep_days = 10;
@ConfigDesc("Deprecated : use mgr_purge_profile_keep_days")
public int mgr_purge_keep_days = mgr_purge_profile_keep_days;
@ConfigDesc("Retaining date for automatic deletion.")
public int mgr_purge_xlog_keep_days = 30;
@ConfigDesc("Deprecated : use mgr_purge_xlog_keep_days")
public int mgr_purge_xlog_without_profile_keep_days = mgr_purge_xlog_keep_days;
@ConfigDesc("Retaining date for automatic deletion")
public int mgr_purge_counter_keep_days = 70;
@ConfigDesc("Ignored log ID set")
public StringSet mgr_log_ignore_ids = new StringSet();
@ConfigDesc("true for daily dictionary mode about service name. default value is false that means it's permanent.")
public boolean mgr_text_db_daily_service_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("true for daily dictionary mode about api name. default value is false that means it's permanent.")
public boolean mgr_text_db_daily_api_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("XLog Writer Queue Size")
public int xlog_queue_size = 10000;
@ConfigDesc("Ignored time(ms) in retrieving XLog in real time")
public int xlog_realtime_lower_bound_ms = 0;
@ConfigDesc("Ignored time(ms) in retrieving previous XLog")
public int xlog_pasttime_lower_bound_ms = 0;
// @ConfigDesc("Ignored profile time(ms) without saving")
// public int xlog_profile_save_lower_bound_ms = 0;
@ConfigDesc("Profile Writer Queue Size")
public int profile_queue_size = 1000;
@ConfigDesc("Activating IP-based city/country extraction")
public boolean geoip_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("Path to GeoIP data file")
public String geoip_data_city_file = CONF_DIR + "GeoLiteCity.dat";
@ConfigDesc("Activating table-based SQL compression")
public boolean sql_table_parsing_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("Activating TagCount function")
public boolean tagcnt_enabled = false;
//Service request options from client
@ConfigDesc("search xlog service option - max xlog count to search per request")
public int req_search_xlog_max_count = 500;
//Visitor Hourly
public boolean visitor_hourly_count_enabled = true;
private Configure() {
* @deprecated
private Configure(boolean b) {
private long last_load_time = -1;
public Properties property = new Properties();
private boolean running = true;
public void run() {
while (running) {
private File propertyFile;
public File getPropertyFile() {
if (propertyFile != null) {
return propertyFile;
String s = System.getProperty("scouter.config", CONF_DIR + "scouter.conf");
propertyFile = new File(s.trim());
return propertyFile;
long last_check = 0;
public synchronized boolean reload(boolean force) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (force == false && now < last_check + 3000)
return false;
last_check = now;
File file = getPropertyFile();
if (file.lastModified() == last_load_time) {
return false;
last_load_time = file.lastModified();
Properties temp = new Properties();
if (file.canRead()) {
FileInputStream in = null;
try {
in = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
property = ConfigValueUtil.replaceSysProp(temp);
return true;
public static boolean WORKABLE = true;
private void apply() {
this.xlog_queue_size = getInt("xlog_queue_size", 10000);
this.profile_queue_size = getInt("profile_queue_size", 1000);
this.log_tcp_action_enabled = getBoolean("log_tcp_action_enabled", false);
this.net_udp_listen_ip = getValue("net_udp_listen_ip", "");
this.net_udp_listen_port = getInt("net_udp_listen_port", NetConstants.SERVER_UDP_PORT);
this.net_tcp_listen_ip = getValue("net_tcp_listen_ip", "");
this.net_tcp_listen_port = getInt("net_tcp_listen_port", NetConstants.SERVER_TCP_PORT);
this.net_tcp_client_so_timeout_ms = getInt("net_tcp_client_so_timeout_ms", 8000);
this.net_tcp_agent_so_timeout_ms = getInt("net_tcp_agent_so_timeout_ms", 60000);
this.net_tcp_agent_keepalive_interval_ms = getInt("net_tcp_agent_keepalive_interval_ms", 5000);
this.net_tcp_get_agent_connection_wait_ms = getInt("net_tcp_get_agent_connection_wait_ms", 1000);
this.net_http_server_enabled = getBoolean("net_http_server_enabled", false);
this.net_http_port = getInt("net_http_port", 6180);
this.server_id = getValue("server_id", SysJMX.getHostName());
this.db_dir = getValue("db_dir", "./database");
this.log_dir = getValue("log_dir", "./logs");
this.plugin_dir = getValue("plugin_dir", "./plugin");
this.client_dir = getValue("client_dir", "./client");
this.object_deadtime_ms = getInt("object_deadtime_ms", 8000);
this.compress_xlog_enabled = getBoolean("compress_xlog_enabled", false);
this.compress_profile_enabled = getBoolean("compress_profile_enabled", false);
this._compress_write_buffer_block_count = getInt("_compress_write_buffer_block_count", 3);
this._compress_dailycount_header_cache_size = getInt("_compress_dailycount_header_cache_size", 3);
this._compress_read_cache_block_count = getInt("_compress_read_cache_block_count", 3);
this._compress_read_cache_expired_ms = getLong("_compress_read_cache_expired_ms", DateUtil.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE);
this._compress_write_thread = getInt("_compress_write_thread", 2);
this.net_udp_packet_buffer_size = getInt("net_udp_packet_buffer_size", 65535);
int default_so_rcvbuf = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
if (SystemUtil.IS_AIX || SystemUtil.IS_HP_UX) {
default_so_rcvbuf = 0;
this.net_udp_so_rcvbuf_size = getInt("net_udp_so_rcvbuf_size", default_so_rcvbuf);
this.log_expired_multipacket = getBoolean("log_expired_multipacket", true);
this.log_udp_multipacket = getBoolean("log_udp_multipacket", false);
this.log_udp_packet = getBoolean("log_udp_packet", false);
this.log_udp_counter = getBoolean("log_udp_counter", false);
this.log_udp_xlog = getBoolean("log_udp_xlog", false);
this.log_udp_profile = getBoolean("log_udp_profile", false);
this.log_udp_text = getBoolean("log_udp_text", false);
this.log_udp_alert = getBoolean("log_udp_alert", false);
this.log_udp_object = getBoolean("log_udp_object", false);
this.log_udp_status = getBoolean("log_udp_status", false);
this.log_udp_stack = getBoolean("log_udp_stack", false);
this.log_udp_summary = getBoolean("log_udp_summary", false);
this.log_udp_batch = getBoolean("log_udp_batch", false);
this.log_service_handler_list = getBoolean("log_service_handler_list", false);
this.log_rotation_enabled = getBoolean("log_rotation_enabled", true);
this.log_keep_days = getInt("log_keep_days", 31);
this.log_sql_parsing_fail_enabled = getBoolean("log_sql_parsing_fail_enabled", false);
this._trace = getBoolean("_trace", false);
this._auto_5m_sampling = getBoolean("_auto_5m_sampling", true);
this.xlog_realtime_lower_bound_ms = getInt("xlog_realtime_lower_bound_ms", 0);
this.xlog_pasttime_lower_bound_ms = getInt("xlog_pasttime_lower_bound_ms", 0);
this.mgr_purge_enabled = getBoolean("mgr_purge_enabled", true);
this.mgr_purge_disk_usage_pct = getInt("mgr_purge_disk_usage_pct", 80);
this.mgr_purge_keep_days = getInt("mgr_purge_keep_days", 10);
this.mgr_purge_profile_keep_days = getInt("mgr_purge_keep_days", 10);
if(mgr_purge_profile_keep_days == 0) mgr_purge_profile_keep_days = this.mgr_purge_keep_days;
this.mgr_purge_xlog_without_profile_keep_days = getInt("mgr_purge_xlog_without_profile_keep_days", mgr_purge_profile_keep_days*3);
this.mgr_purge_xlog_keep_days = getInt("mgr_purge_xlog_keep_days", mgr_purge_profile_keep_days*3);
if(mgr_purge_xlog_keep_days == 0) mgr_purge_xlog_keep_days = this.mgr_purge_xlog_without_profile_keep_days;
this.mgr_purge_counter_keep_days = getInt("mgr_purge_counter_keep_days", mgr_purge_keep_days*7);
this.mgr_text_db_daily_service_enabled = getBoolean("mgr_text_db_daily_service_enabled", false);
this.mgr_text_db_daily_api_enabled = getBoolean("mgr_text_db_daily_api_enabled", false);
this._net_udp_worker_thread_count = getInt("_net_udp_worker_thread_count", 3);
this.geoip_data_city_file = getValue("geoip_data_city_file", CONF_DIR + "GeoLiteCity.dat");
this.geoip_enabled = getBoolean("geoip_enabled", true);
//this.xlog_profile_save_lower_bound_ms = getInt("xlog_profile_save_lower_bound_ms", 0);
this.sql_table_parsing_enabled = getBoolean("sql_table_parsing_enabled", true);
this.mgr_log_ignore_ids = getStringSet("mgr_log_ignore_ids", ",");
this.tagcnt_enabled = getBoolean("tagcnt_enabled", false);
this.visitor_hourly_count_enabled = getBoolean("visitor_hourly_count_enabled", true);
this.net_tcp_service_pool_size = getInt("net_tcp_service_pool_size", 100);
this.req_search_xlog_max_count = getInt("req_search_xlog_max_count", 500);
private StringSet getStringSet(String key, String deli) {
StringSet set = new StringSet();
String v = getValue(key);
if (v != null) {
String[] vv = StringUtil.split(v, deli);
for (String x : vv) {
x = StringUtil.trimToEmpty(x);
if (x.length() > 0)
return set;
public String getValue(String key) {
return StringUtil.trim(property.getProperty(key));
public String getValue(String key, String def) {
return StringUtil.trim(property.getProperty(key, def));
public int getInt(String key, int def) {
try {
String v = getValue(key);
if (v != null)
return Integer.parseInt(v);
} catch (Exception e) {
return def;
public long getLong(String key, long def) {
try {
String v = getValue(key);
if (v != null)
return Long.parseLong(v);
} catch (Exception e) {
return def;
public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean def) {
try {
String v = getValue(key);
if (v != null)
return Boolean.parseBoolean(v);
} catch (Exception e) {
return def;
public String loadText() {
File file = getPropertyFile();
InputStream fin = null;
try {
fin = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] buff = FileUtil.readAll(fin);
return new String(buff);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
return null;
public boolean saveText(String text) {
File file = getPropertyFile();
OutputStream out = null;
try {
if (file.getParentFile().exists() == false) {
out = new FileOutputStream(file);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Configure o = new Configure(true);
StringKeyLinkedMap defMap = ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDefault(o);
StringKeyLinkedMap descMap = ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDescMap(o);
StringEnumer enu = defMap.keys();
while (enu.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = enu.nextString();
if (ignoreSet.contains(key))
System.out.println(key + " : " + ConfigValueUtil.toValue(defMap.get(key) + (descMap.containsKey(key) ? " (" + descMap.get(key) + ")" : "")));
private static HashSet ignoreSet = new HashSet();
static {
public MapValue getKeyValueInfo() {
StringKeyLinkedMap defMap = ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDefault(new Configure(true));
StringKeyLinkedMap curMap = ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDefault(this);
MapValue m = new MapValue();
ListValue nameList = m.newList("key");
ListValue valueList = m.newList("value");
ListValue defList = m.newList("default");
StringEnumer enu = defMap.keys();
while (enu.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = enu.nextString();
if (ignoreSet.contains(key))
return m;
public StringKeyLinkedMap getConfigureDesc() {
return ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDescMap(this);
public static StringLinkedSet toOrderSet(String values, String deli) {
StringLinkedSet set = new StringLinkedSet();
StringTokenizer nizer = new StringTokenizer(values, deli);
while (nizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String s = StringUtil.trimToEmpty(nizer.nextToken());
if (s.length() > 0) {
return set;