io.github.selcukes.commons.http.WebResponse Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) Ramesh Babu Prudhvi.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.github.selcukes.commons.http;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import io.github.selcukes.commons.exception.SelcukesException;
import io.github.selcukes.databind.DataMapper;
import io.github.selcukes.databind.utils.JsonUtils;
import io.github.selcukes.databind.xml.XmlMapper;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
* It takes the HTTP response and provides a number of methods to access the
* response body, headers, and status code
public record WebResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) {
* It returns the reason phrase for a given HTTP status code
* @param statusCode The HTTP status code.
* @return The reason phrase for the given status code.
public static String getReasonPhrase(final int statusCode) {
return switch (statusCode) {
case (200) -> "OK";
case (201) -> "Created";
case (202) -> "Accepted";
case (203) -> "Non Authoritative Information";
case (204) -> "No Content";
case (205) -> "Reset Content";
case (206) -> "Partial Content";
case (207) -> "Partial Update OK";
case (300) -> "Mutliple Choices";
case (301) -> "Moved Permanently";
case (302) -> "Moved Temporarily";
case (303) -> "See Other";
case (304) -> "Not Modified";
case (305) -> "Use Proxy";
case (307) -> "Temporary Redirect";
case (400) -> "Bad Request";
case (401) -> "Unauthorized";
case (402) -> "Payment Required";
case (403) -> "Forbidden";
case (404) -> "Not Found";
case (405) -> "Method Not Allowed";
case (406) -> "Not Acceptable";
case (407) -> "Proxy Authentication Required";
case (408) -> "Request Timeout";
case (409) -> "Conflict";
case (410) -> "Gone";
case (411) -> "Length Required";
case (412) -> "Precondition Failed";
case (413) -> "Request Entity Too Large";
case (414) -> "Request-URI Too Long";
case (415) -> "Unsupported Media Type";
case (416) -> "Requested Range Not Satisfiable";
case (417) -> "Expectation Failed";
case (418) -> "Reauthentication Required";
case (419) -> "Proxy Reauthentication Required";
case (422) -> "Unprocessable Entity";
case (423) -> "Locked";
case (424) -> "Failed Dependency";
case (500) -> "Server Error";
case (501) -> "Not Implemented";
case (502) -> "Bad Gateway";
case (503) -> "Service Unavailable";
case (504) -> "Gateway Timeout";
case (505) -> "HTTP Version Not Supported";
case (507) -> "Insufficient Storage";
default -> "";
* It returns a map of all the headers in the response
* @return A map of the headers.
public Map> getHeaders() {
return httpResponse.headers().map();
* > Returns the body of the response as a string
* @return The body of the response.
public String body() {
return httpResponse.body();
* Return a stream of the body as a byte array.
* @return A stream of bytes that represent the body of the response.
public InputStream bodyStream() {
return new ByteArrayInputStream(body().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
* Return the body of the response as an XML document.
* @return A Document object
public Document bodyXml() {
return XmlMapper.parse(bodyStream());
* It takes the body of the HTTP response, converts it to a string, and then
* converts that string to a JSON object
* @return A JsonNode object
public JsonNode bodyJson() {
return JsonUtils.toJson(httpResponse.body());
* "If the response body is a JSON string, parse it into an object of the
* given type."
* The function is generic, so it can be used to parse the response body
* into any type of object
* @param responseType The type of the response body.
* @return The body of the response as a string.
public T bodyAs(final Class responseType) {
return DataMapper.parse(body(), responseType);
* > Returns the status code of the HTTP response
* @return The status code of the response.
public int statusCode() {
return httpResponse.statusCode();
* If the header exists, return it, otherwise return an empty string.
* @param name The name of the header to retrieve.
* @return The value of the header with the given name.
public String header(final String name) {
Optional token = httpResponse.headers().firstValue(name);
return token.orElse("");
void logIfError() {
int responseCode = statusCode();
if (responseCode >= 400) {
throw new SelcukesException(
String.format("Received an unsuccessful HTTP response with status code [%d] [%s]", responseCode,