locales.en.bird.yml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# START bird_provider_dict
- Bateleur
- Baza
- Besra
- Buzzard
- Eagle
- Goshawk
- Griffon
- Harrier
- Hawk
- Kite
- Osprey
- Secretarybird
- Shikra
- Sparrowhawk
- Vulture
- Brant
- Bufflehead
- Canvasback
- Duck
- Eider
- Gadwall
- Garganey
- Goldeneye
- Goose
- Hardhead
- Mallard
- Merganser
- Pintail
- Pochard
- Redhead
- Scaup
- Scoter
- Screamer
- Shelduck
- Shoveler
- Smew
- Swan
- Teal
- Wigeon
- Kiwi
- Hoopoe
- Hornbill
- Scimitarbill
- Woodhoopoe
- Avocetbill
- Awlbill
- Barbthroat
- Blossomcrown
- Brilliant
- Carib
- Comet
- Coquette
- Coronet
- Daggerbill
- Emerald
- Fairy
- Firecrown
- Frogmouth
- Goldentail
- Goldenthroat
- Helmetcrest
- Hermit
- Hillstar
- Hummingbird
- Inca
- Jacobin
- Jewelfront
- Lancebill
- Mango
- Metaltail
- Mountaineer
- Needletail
- Nighthawk
- Nightjar
- Oilbird
- Pauraque
- Piedtail
- Plovercrest
- Plumeleteer
- Poorwill
- Potoo
- Puffleg
- Ruby
- Sabrewing
- Sapphire
- Sapphirewing
- Sheartail
- Sicklebill
- Snowcap
- Spatuletail
- Spinetail
- Starfrontlet
- Starthroat
- Streamertail
- Sunangel
- Sunbeam
- Sungem
- Swift
- Swiftlet
- Sylph
- Thornbill
- Thorntail
- Topaz
- Trainbearer
- Treeswift
- Velvetbreast
- Violetear
- Visorbearer
- Whitetip
- Woodnymph
- Woodstar
- Seriema
- Cassowary
- Emu
- Condor
- Vulture
- Auk
- Auklet
- Avocet
- Buttonquail
- Courser
- Curlew
- Dotterel
- Dovekie
- Dowitcher
- Dunlin
- Godwit
- Greenshank
- Guillemot
- Gull
- Ibisbill
- Jacana
- Jaeger
- Killdeer
- Kittiwake
- Knot
- Lapwing
- Murre
- Murrelet
- Noddy
- Oystercatcher
- Phalarope
- Plover
- Pratincole
- Puffin
- Razorbill
- Redshank
- Ruff
- Sanderling
- Sandpiper
- Seedsnipe
- Sheathbill
- Skimmer
- Skua
- Snipe
- Stilt
- Stint
- Surfbird
- Tattler
- Tern
- Turnstone
- Whimbrel
- Willet
- Woodcock
- Wrybill
- Yellowlegs
- Adjutant
- Jabiru
- Openbill
- Stork
- Mousebird
- Bronzewing
- Dodo
- Dove
- Pigeon
- Solitaire
- Dollarbird
- Kingfisher
- Kookaburra
- Motmot
- Roller
- Tody
- Ani
- Coua
- Coucal
- Cuckoo
- Koel
- Malkoha
- Roadrunner
- Kagu
- Sunbittern
- Caracara
- Falcon
- Falconet
- Gyrfalcon
- Hobby
- Kestrel
- Merlin
- Jacamar
- Monklet
- Nunbird
- Nunlet
- Puffbird
- Argus
- Bobwhite
- Brushturkey
- Capercaillie
- Chachalaca
- Chukar
- Curassow
- Fireback
- Francolin
- Grouse
- Guan
- Guineafowl
- Junglefowl
- Maleo
- Malleefowl
- Monal
- Partridge
- Peacock
- Peafowl
- Pheasant
- Ptarmigan
- Quail
- Scrubfowl
- Snowcock
- Spurfowl
- Tragopan
- Turkey
- Loon
- Brolga
- Coot
- Crake
- Crane
- Finfoot
- Flufftail
- Gallinule
- Limpkin
- Moorhen
- Nativehen
- Rail
- Sora
- Sungrebe
- Swamphen
- Takahe
- Trumpeter
- Watercock
- Waterhen
- Weka
- Mesite
- Turaco
- Hoatzin
- Bustard
- Florican
- Accentor
- Akalat
- Akekee
- Akepa
- Akialoa
- Akiapolaau
- Akikiki
- Akohekohe
- Alauahio
- Alethe
- Amakihi
- Amaui
- Anianiau
- Antbird
- Antpecker
- Antpipit
- Antpitta
- Antshrike
- Antthrush
- Antvireo
- Antwren
- Apalis
- Apapane
- Apostlebird
- Asity
- Astrapia
- Attila
- Avadavat
- Babax
- Babbler
- Balicassiao
- Bamboowren
- Bananaquit
- Barbtail
- Barwing
- Batis
- Baywing
- Becard
- Bellbird
- Bentbill
- Bernieria
- Berryeater
- Berryhunter
- Berrypecker
- Bishop
- Blackbird
- Blackcap
- Blackstart
- Blackthroat
- Bluebill
- Bluebird
- Bluetail
- Bluethroat
- Boatbill
- Bobolink
- Bokmakierie
- Boubou
- Bowerbird
- Brambling
- Bristlebill
- Bristlebird
- Bristlefront
- Bristlehead
- Broadbill
- Brownbul
- Brubru
- Brushfinch
- Brushrunner
- Bulbul
- Bullfinch
- Bunting
- Bushbird
- Bushchat
- Bushlark
- Bushshrike
- Bushtit
- Butcherbird
- Cacholote
- Cacique
- Calyptura
- Camaroptera
- Canary
- Canastero
- Capuchinbird
- Cardinal
- Casiornis
- Catbird
- Chaffinch
- Chat
- Chatterer
- Chickadee
- Chiffchaff
- Chilia
- Chlorophonia
- Chlorospingus
- Chough
- Chowchilla
- Cicadabird
- Cinclodes
- Cisticola
- Citril
- Cochoa
- Coleto
- Conebill
- Cordonbleu
- Cotinga
- Cowbird
- Creeper
- Crescentchest
- Crimsonwing
- Crocias
- Crombec
- Crossbill
- Crow
- Cuckooshrike
- Cupwing
- Currawong
- Cutia
- Dacnis
- Dickcissel
- Dipper
- Diucon
- Donacobius
- Doradito
- Drongo
- Dunnock
- Earthcreeper
- Elachura
- Elaenia
- Elepaio
- Emutail
- Emuwren
- Eremomela
- Erpornis
- Euphonia
- Fairywren
- Fantail
- Fernbird
- Fernwren
- Fieldfare
- Fieldwren
- Figbird
- Finch
- Finchbill
- Firecrest
- Firefinch
- Firetail
- Firethroat
- Fiscal
- Flamecrest
- Flatbill
- Flowerpecker
- Flowerpiercer
- Flycatcher
- Flyrobin
- Fody
- Forktail
- Friarbird
- Fruitcrow
- Fruiteater
- Fulvetta
- Gallito
- Geomalia
- Gerygone
- Gnatcatcher
- Gnateater
- Gnatwren
- Goldcrest
- Goldenface
- Goldfinch
- Gonolek
- Grackle
- Grandala
- Grassbird
- Grassquit
- Grasswren
- Graveteiro
- Graytail
- Greenbul
- Greenfinch
- Greenlet
- Grenadier
- Grosbeak
- Groundcreeper
- Hawfinch
- Heathwren
- Helmetshrike
- Hemispingus
- Honeycreeper
- Honeyeater
- Hookbill
- Hornero
- Huia
- Hwamei
- Hylia
- Hyliota
- Hylocitrea
- Hypocolius
- Ibon
- Ifrita
- Iiwi
- Illadopsis
- Indigobird
- Iora
- Jackdaw
- Jay
- Jery
- Junco
- Kakawahie
- Kamao
- Kingbird
- Kinglet
- Kioea
- Kiskadee
- Kokako
- Lark
- Laughingthrush
- Leafbird
- Leaftosser
- Leiothrix
- Linnet
- Liocichla
- Locustfinch
- Logrunner
- Longbill
- Longclaw
- Longspur
- Longtail
- Lophorina
- Lyrebird
- Madanga
- Magpie
- Malia
- Malimbe
- Mamo
- Manakin
- Mannikin
- Manucode
- Mao
- Marshbird
- Martin
- Meadowlark
- Melampitta
- Melidectes
- Meliphaga
- Mesia
- Millerbird
- Miner
- Minivet
- Minla
- Mistletoebird
- Mockingbird
- Monarch
- Monjita
- Morningbird
- Mourner
- Munia
- Myna
- Myza
- Myzomela
- Myzornis
- Negrito
- Newtonia
- Nicator
- Nightingale
- Nigrita
- Niltava
- Nukupuu
- Nutcracker
- Nuthatch
- Odedi
- Oliveback
- Olomao
- Omao
- Oo
- Orangequit
- Oriole
- Oropendola
- Ou
- Ouzel
- Ovenbird
- Oxpecker
- Oxylabes
- Palila
- Palmchat
- Palmcreeper
- Paradigalla
- Pardalote
- Pardusco
- Parisoma
- Parotia
- Parrotbill
- Parrotfinch
- Parula
- Peltops
- Peppershrike
- Pewee
- Phainopepla
- Philentoma
- Phoebe
- Piapiac
- Piha
- Pilotbird
- Pinktail
- Piopio
- Pipipi
- Pipit
- Piprites
- Pitohui
- Pitta
- Plantcutter
- Ploughbill
- Plushcap
- Plushcrown
- Prickletail
- Prinia
- Puaiohi
- Puffback
- Purpletuft
- Pyrrhuloxia
- Pytilia
- Quailfinch
- Quelea
- Raven
- Rayadito
- Recurvebill
- Redpoll
- Redstart
- Redthroat
- Redwing
- Reedhaunter
- Reedling
- Rhabdornis
- Riflebird
- Rifleman
- Robin
- Rockfinch
- Rockfowl
- Rockjumper
- Rockrunner
- Rockwarbler
- Rook
- Rosefinch
- Rubythroat
- Rushbird
- Saddleback
- Saltator
- Sapayoa
- Satinbird
- Sawwing
- Schiffornis
- Scrubtit
- Scrubwren
- Scythebill
- Seedcracker
- Seedeater
- Serin
- Shama
- Sharpbill
- Sholakili
- Shortwing
- Shrike
- Shrikebill
- Shrikejay
- Shrikethrush
- Sibia
- Sicklebill
- Silktail
- Silverbill
- Silverbird
- Silvereye
- Sirystes
- Siskin
- Sittella
- Skylark
- Snowfinch
- Softtail
- Solitaire
- Songlark
- Spadebill
- Sparrow
- Speirops
- Spiderhunter
- Spindalis
- Spinebill
- Spinetail
- Spinifexbird
- Starling
- Stipplethroat
- Stitchbird
- Stonechat
- Straightbill
- Streamcreeper
- Stubtail
- Sugarbird
- Sunbird
- Swallow
- Tachuri
- Tailorbird
- Tanager
- Tapaculo
- Tchagra
- Tesia
- Tetraka
- Thamnornis
- Thicketbird
- Thistletail
- Thornbill
- Thornbird
- Thrasher
- Thrush
- Tit
- Titmouse
- Tityra
- Tomtit
- Towhee
- Treecreeper
- Treehunter
- Treepie
- Treerunner
- Trembler
- Triller
- Troupial
- Tuftedcheek
- Tui
- Turca
- Twinspot
- Twistwing
- Twite
- Tyrannulet
- Tyrant
- Umbrellabird
- Vanga
- Veery
- Verdin
- Vireo
- Wagtail
- Wallcreeper
- Warbler
- Waterthrush
- Wattlebird
- Waxbill
- Waxwing
- Weaver
- Wedgebill
- Weebill
- Wheatear
- Whinchat
- Whipbird
- Whistler
- Whiteface
- Whitehead
- Whitethroat
- Whydah
- Widowbird
- Wiretail
- Woodcreeper
- Woodhaunter
- Woodshrike
- Woodswallow
- Wren
- Wrenthrush
- Wrentit
- Xenops
- Xenopsaris
- Yellowhammer
- Yellowhead
- Yellowthroat
- Yuhina
- Bittern
- Egret
- Hamerkop
- Heron
- Ibis
- Pelican
- Shoebill
- Spoonbill
- Tropicbird
- Flamingo
- Aracari
- Barbet
- Flameback
- Flicker
- Honeyguide
- Piculet
- Sapsucker
- Tinkerbird
- Toucan
- Toucanet
- Woodpecker
- Wryneck
- Yellownape
- Grebe
- Albatross
- Fulmar
- Petrel
- Prion
- Shearwater
- Bluebonnet
- Budgerigar
- Cockatiel
- Cockatoo
- Corella
- Galah
- Guaiabero
- Kaka
- Kakapo
- Kea
- Lorikeet
- Lory
- Lovebird
- Macaw
- Parakeet
- Parrot
- Parrotlet
- Ringneck
- Rosella
- Sandgrouse
- Rhea
- Penguin
- Boobook
- Morepork
- Owl
- Owlet
- Ostrich
- Anhinga
- Booby
- Cormorant
- Darter
- Frigatebird
- Gannet
- Shag
- Nothura
- Tinamou
- Quetzal
- Trogon
- back
- beak
- belly
- bill
- breast
- cap
- chin
- collar
- crest
- crown
- eye
- face
- head
- neck
- rump
- shoulder
- tail
- throat
- wing
- backed
- beaked
- bearded
- bellied
- breasted
- capped
- chinned
- collared
- crested
- crowned
- eared
- eyed
- faced
- fronted
- headed
- hooded
- naped
- necked
- rumped
- shouldered
- tailed
- throated
- winged
- African
- American
- Arabian
- Arctic
- Asian
- Atlantic
- Australian
- Baltimore
- Brazilian
- California
- Canada
- Carolina
- Chihuahua
- Chinese
- Congo
- Colombian
- eastern
- Egyptian
- Eurasian
- Inca
- Iranian
- Japanese
- Kentucky
- Madagascar
- Mexican
- Mississippi
- Mongolian
- mountain
- New Zeland
- northern
- Pacific
- Papuan
- prarie
- sandhill
- Savannah
- southern
- Spanish
- swamp
- tropical
- western
- ash
- black
- blue
- bronze
- brown
- cerulean
- chestnut
- dusky
- ferruginous
- fulvous
- gold
- gray
- green
- indigo
- lazuli
- purple
- red
- roze
- roseate
- ruby
- ruddy
- rufous
- smoky
- snooty
- snowy
- tawny
- violet
- white
- yellow
- angry
- aggrieved
- agitated
- anxious
- cantankerous
- demented
- depressed
- flirty
- furious
- gloomy
- gregarious
- irritated
- lonely
- manic
- moody
- morbid
- murderous
- needy
- nervous
- ornery
- panicked
- quizzical
- sad
- sleepy
- terrified
- anarchist
- bloated
- communist
- conservative
- dangerous
- drunk
- dumb
- enchanted
- flatulent
- idiotic
- impotent
- incompotent
- insufferable
- liberal
- Masonic
- noxious
- obnoxious
- pansexual
- racist
- sexist
- silly
- vegan
- banded
- common
- dwarf
- giant
- great
- greater
- lesser
- lined
- painted
- rough
- smooth
- spotted
plausible_common_names: # NB! some functional calls are fixed since they had incorrect names
- "#{Name.last_name}'s #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.adjectives} #{Bird.anatomy} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.adjectives}-#{Bird.anatomy_past_tense} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.colors}-#{Bird.anatomy_past_tense} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.adjectives} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.geo} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.geo} #{Bird.colors} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
implausible_common_names: # NB! some functional calls are fixed since they had incorrect names
- "#{Name.last_name}'s #{Bird.emotional_adjectives} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Name.last_name}'s #{Bird.silly_adjectives} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.adjectives} #{Bird.silly_adjectives} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.adjectives} #{Bird.emotional_adjectives} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.geo} #{Bird.silly_adjectives} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.geo} #{Bird.emotional_adjectives} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.colors}-#{Bird.anatomy_past_tense} #{Bird.silly_adjectives} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- "#{Bird.colors}-#{Bird.anatomy_past_tense} #{Bird.emotional_adjectives} #{Bird.common_family_name}"
- Accentors
- African Barbets
- African Warblers
- African and Green Broadbills
- Albatrosses
- Anhingas
- Antpittas
- Antthrushes
- Asian Barbets
- Asian and Grauer's Broadbills
- Asities
- Auks, Murres, and Puffins
- Australasian Robins
- Australasian Treecreepers
- Australo-Papuan Bellbirds
- Barn-Owls
- Bearded Reedling
- Bee-eaters
- Berrypeckers and Longbills
- Birds-of-Paradise
- Boatbills
- Boobies and Gannets
- Bowerbirds
- Bristlebirds
- Bristlehead
- Bulbuls
- Bush Warblers and Allies
- Bushshrikes and Allies
- Bustards
- Buttonquail
- Cardinals and Allies
- Cassowaries and Emu
- Chat-Tanagers
- Cisticolas and Allies
- Cockatoos
- Cormorants and Shags
- Cotingas
- Crab-Plover
- Cranes
- Crescentchests
- Crested Shrikejay
- Crows, Jays, and Magpies
- Cuban Warblers
- Cuckoo-roller
- Cuckoos
- Cuckooshrikes
- Cupwings
- Dapple-throat and Allies
- Dippers
- Donacobius
- Drongos
- Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl
- Egyptian Plover
- Fairy Flycatchers
- Fairy-bluebirds
- Fairywrens
- Falcons and Caracaras
- Fantails
- Finches, Euphonias, and Allies
- Finfoots
- Flamingos
- Flowerpeckers
- Flufftails
- Frigatebirds
- Frogmouths
- Gnatcatchers
- Gnateaters
- Grassbirds and Allies
- Grebes
- Ground Babblers and Allies
- Ground-Hornbills
- Ground-Rollers
- Guans, Chachalacas, and Curassows
- Guineafowl
- Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
- Hamerkop
- Hawaiian Honeyeaters
- Hawks, Eagles, and Kites
- Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns
- Hispaniolan Tanagers
- Hoatzin
- Honeyeaters
- Honeyguides
- Hoopoes
- Hornbills
- Hummingbirds
- Hyliotas
- Hylocitrea
- Hypocolius
- Ibisbill
- Ibises and Spoonbills
- Ifrita
- Indigobirds
- Ioras
- Jacamars
- Jacanas
- Kagu
- Kingfishers
- Kinglets
- Kiwis
- Larks
- Laughingthrushes and Allies
- Leaf Warblers
- Leafbirds
- Limpkin
- Logrunners
- Long-tailed Tits
- Longspurs and Snow Buntings
- Loons
- Lyrebirds
- Magellanic Plover
- Magpie Goose
- Malagasy Warblers
- Manakins
- Megapodes
- Melampittas
- Mesites
- Mitrospingid Tanagers
- Mockingbirds and Thrashers
- Monarch Flycatchers
- Motmots
- Mottled Berryhunter
- Mousebirds
- New World Barbets
- New World Quail
- New World Sparrows
- New World Vultures
- New World Warblers
- New World and African Parrots
- New Zealand Parrots
- New Zealand Wrens
- Nicators
- Nightjars and Allies
- Northern Storm-Petrels
- Nuthatches
- Oilbird
- Old World Buntings
- Old World Flycatchers
- Old World Orioles
- Old World Parrots
- Old World Sparrows
- Olive Warbler
- Osprey
- Ostriches
- Ovenbirds and Woodcreepers
- Owlet-nightjars
- Owls
- Oxpeckers
- Oystercatchers
- Painted-Snipes
- Palmchat
- Pardalotes
- Pelicans
- Penduline-Tits
- Penguins
- Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies
- Pigeons and Doves
- Pittas
- Plains-wanderer
- Ploughbill
- Plovers and Lapwings
- Potoos
- Pratincoles and Coursers
- Przevalski's Pinktail
- Pseudo-Babblers
- Puerto Rican Tanager
- Puffbirds
- Quail-thrushes and Jewel-babblers
- Rail-babbler
- Rails, Gallinules, and Coots
- Reed Warblers and Allies
- Rheas
- Rockfowl
- Rockjumpers
- Rollers
- Sandgrouse
- Sandpipers and Allies
- Sapayoa
- Satinbirds
- Screamers
- Scrub-birds
- Secretarybird
- Seedsnipes
- Seriemas
- Sharpbill, Royal Flycatcher, and Allies
- Shearwaters and Petrels
- Sheathbills
- Shoebill
- Shrike-tit
- Shrikes
- Silky-flycatchers
- Sittellas
- Skuas and Jaegers
- Southern Storm-Petrels
- Spindalises
- Spotted Elachura
- Starlings
- Stilts and Avocets
- Stitchbird
- Storks
- Sugarbirds
- Sunbirds and Spiderhunters
- Sunbittern
- Swallows
- Swifts
- Sylviid Warblers, Parrotbills, and Allies
- Tanagers and Allies
- Tapaculos
- Thick-knees
- Thornbills and Allies
- Thrush-Tanager
- Thrushes and Allies
- Tinamous
- Tit Berrypecker and Crested Berrypecker
- Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice
- Tityras and Allies
- Todies
- Toucan-Barbets
- Toucans
- Tree-Babblers, Scimitar-Babblers, and Allies
- Treecreepers
- Treeswifts
- Trogons
- Tropicbirds
- Troupials and Allies
- Trumpeters
- Turacos
- Typical Antbirds
- Tyrant Flycatchers
- Vangas, Helmetshrikes, and Allies
- Vireos, Shrike-Babblers, and Erpornis
- Wagtails and Pipits
- Wallcreeper
- Wattle-eyes and Batises
- Wattlebirds
- Waxbills and Allies
- Waxwings
- Weavers and Allies
- Whipbirds and Wedgebills
- Whistlers and Allies
- White-eyes, Yuhinas, and Allies
- White-winged Chough and Apostlebird
- Whiteheads
- Woodhoopoes and Scimitarbills
- Woodpeckers
- Woodswallows, Bellmagpies, and Allies
- Wrens
- Wrenthrush
- Yellow-breasted Chat
# END bird_provider_dict
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