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SHAFT is a unified test automation engine. Powered by best-in-class frameworks, SHAFT provides a
wizard-like syntax to drive your automation efficiently, maximize your ROI, and minimize your learning curve.
Stop reinventing the wheel. Upgrade now!
import com.aventstack.extentreports.ExtentReports;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.ExtentTest;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.MediaEntityBuilder;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.markuputils.CodeLanguage;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.markuputils.MarkupHelper;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.reporter.ExtentSparkReporter;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.reporter.configuration.Theme;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.reporter.configuration.ViewName;
import com.shaft.api.RestActions;
import com.shaft.cli.FileActions;
import com.shaft.cli.TerminalActions;
import com.shaft.driver.SHAFT;
import com.shaft.listeners.CucumberFeatureListener;
import io.qameta.allure.Allure;
import io.qameta.allure.Step;
import io.qameta.allure.model.Status;
import io.qameta.allure.model.StatusDetails;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator;
import org.testng.ITestResult;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class ReportManagerHelper {
private static final String TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSSS aaa";
private static final ExtentReports extentReport = new ExtentReports();
private static final String SHAFT_ENGINE_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME = "shaftEngineVersion";
private static final String ALLURE_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME = "allureVersion";
private static final String REPORT_MANAGER_PREFIX = "[ReportManager] ";
private static final String SHAFT_ENGINE_LOGS_ATTACHMENT_TYPE = "SHAFT Engine Logs";
private static final String allureExtractionLocation = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + ".m2"
+ File.separator + "repository" + File.separator + "allure" + File.separator;
private static String issuesLog = "";
private static int issueCounter = 1;
private static boolean discreteLogging = false;
private static int totalNumberOfTests = 0;
private static int testCasesCounter = 0;
private static boolean debugMode = false;
private static int openIssuesForFailedTestsCounter = 0;
private static int openIssuesForPassedTestsCounter = 0;
private static int failedTestsWithoutOpenIssuesCounter = 0;
private static String allureResultsFolderPath = "";
private static String allureBinaryPath = "";
// TODO: refactor to regular class that can be instantiated within the test and
private static List> listOfOpenIssuesForFailedTests = new ArrayList<>();
private static List> listOfOpenIssuesForPassedTests = new ArrayList<>();
private static List> listOfNewIssuesForFailedTests = new ArrayList<>();
private static String featureName = "";
private static String extentReportsFolderPath = "";
private static final ThreadLocal extentTest = new ThreadLocal<>();
private static Logger logger;
private static String extentReportFileName = "";
private static boolean generateExtentReports = true;
private ReportManagerHelper() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class");
public static void setOpenIssuesForFailedTestsCounter(int openIssuesForFailedTestsCounter) {
ReportManagerHelper.openIssuesForFailedTestsCounter = openIssuesForFailedTestsCounter;
public static void setOpenIssuesForPassedTestsCounter(int openIssuesForPassedTestsCounter) {
ReportManagerHelper.openIssuesForPassedTestsCounter = openIssuesForPassedTestsCounter;
public static void setFailedTestsWithoutOpenIssuesCounter(int failedTestsWithoutOpenIssuesCounter) {
ReportManagerHelper.failedTestsWithoutOpenIssuesCounter = failedTestsWithoutOpenIssuesCounter;
public static void setListOfOpenIssuesForFailedTests(List> listOfOpenIssuesForFailedTests) {
ReportManagerHelper.listOfOpenIssuesForFailedTests = listOfOpenIssuesForFailedTests;
public static void setListOfOpenIssuesForPassedTests(List> listOfOpenIssuesForPassedTests) {
ReportManagerHelper.listOfOpenIssuesForPassedTests = listOfOpenIssuesForPassedTests;
public static void setListOfNewIssuesForFailedTests(List> listOfNewIssuesForFailedTests) {
ReportManagerHelper.listOfNewIssuesForFailedTests = listOfNewIssuesForFailedTests;
public static int getIssueCounter() {
return (issueCounter - 1);
public static int getFailedTestsWithoutOpenIssuesCounter() {
return failedTestsWithoutOpenIssuesCounter;
public static int getOpenIssuesForPassedTestsCounter() {
return openIssuesForPassedTestsCounter;
public static int getOpenIssuesForFailedTestsCounters() {
return openIssuesForFailedTestsCounter;
public static void logIssue(String issue) {
if (issuesLog.trim().equals("")) {
issuesLog += issueCounter + ", " + issue.trim();
} else {
issuesLog += System.lineSeparator() + issueCounter + ", " + issue.trim();
public static String prepareIssuesLog() {
if (!listOfNewIssuesForFailedTests.isEmpty()) {
listOfNewIssuesForFailedTests.forEach(issue -> logIssue("Test Method '" + issue.get(0) + "." + issue.get(1)
+ "' failed. Please investigate and open a new Issue if needed.\n"));
if (!listOfOpenIssuesForPassedTests.isEmpty()) {
listOfOpenIssuesForPassedTests.forEach(issue -> {
if (issue.get(3)!=null && !issue.get(3).trim().equals("")) {
logIssue("Test Method '" + issue.get(0) + "." + issue.get(1)
+ "' passed. Please validate and close this open issue '" + issue.get(2) + "': '"
+ issue.get(3) + "'.\n");
} else {
logIssue("Test Method '" + issue.get(0) + "." + issue.get(1)
+ "' passed. Please validate and close this open issue '" + issue.get(2) + "'.\n");
if (!listOfOpenIssuesForFailedTests.isEmpty()) {
listOfOpenIssuesForFailedTests.forEach(issue -> {
if (!issue.get(3).trim().equals("")) {
logIssue("Test Method '" + issue.get(0) + "." + issue.get(1) + "' failed with open issue '"
+ issue.get(2) + "': '" + issue.get(3) + "'.\n");
} else {
logIssue("Test Method '" + issue.get(0) + "." + issue.get(1) + "' failed with open issue '"
+ issue.get(2) + "'.\n");
if (!issuesLog.trim().equals("")) {
return "Issue Summary: Total Issues = " + (issueCounter - 1) + ", New issues for Failed Tests = "
+ failedTestsWithoutOpenIssuesCounter + ", Open issues for Passed Tests = "
+ openIssuesForPassedTestsCounter + ", Open issues for Failed Tests = "
+ openIssuesForFailedTestsCounter + ". Kindly check the attached Issue details.";
} else {
return "";
* @return the discreteLogging
public static boolean getDiscreteLogging() {
return discreteLogging;
* @param discreteLogging the discreteLogging to set
public static void setDiscreteLogging(boolean discreteLogging) {
if (debugMode) {
ReportManager.logDiscrete("Setting discrete logging to: '" + discreteLogging + "'");
ReportManagerHelper.discreteLogging = discreteLogging;
public static int getTotalNumberOfTests() {
return totalNumberOfTests;
public static void setTotalNumberOfTests(int totalNumberOfTests) {
ReportManagerHelper.totalNumberOfTests = totalNumberOfTests;
public static void setDebugMode(Boolean debugMode) {
ReportManagerHelper.debugMode = debugMode;
public static void initializeAllureReportingEnvironment() {
ReportManager.logDiscrete("Initializing Allure Reporting Environment...");
allureResultsFolderPath = SHAFT.Properties.paths.allureResults();
private static void initializeLogger() {
Configurator.initialize(null, PropertyFileManager.getCUSTOM_PROPERTIES_FOLDER_PATH() + "/");
logger = LogManager.getLogger(ReportManager.class.getName());
public static void logEngineVersion() {
if (logger == null) {
System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LogRedirector(logger, Level.INFO)));
System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LogRedirector(logger, Level.WARN)));
String engineVersion = "Powered by " + SHAFT.Properties.internal.shaftEngineVersion();
public static void logEngineClosure() {
String copyrights = "This test run was powered by "
+ SHAFT.Properties.internal.shaftEngineVersion() + "\n"
+ "SHAFT Engine is *and will always be* 100% FREE for commercial and private use\n"
+ "in compliance with the MIT license\n"
+ "";
public static void logTestInformation(String className, String testMethodName,
String testDescription) {
StringBuilder reportMessage = new StringBuilder();
if (totalNumberOfTests > 0) {
reportMessage.append("Starting Execution: ");
reportMessage.append(" out of ");
reportMessage.append("' test cases in the current suite");
} else {
//it should never be ZERO
reportMessage.append("Starting Dynamic Test Suite Execution: ");
reportMessage.append("\nTest Method: '").append(className).append(".").append(testMethodName).append("'");
if (!testDescription.equals("")) {
reportMessage.append("\nTest Description: '").append(testDescription).append("'");
public static void logScenarioInformation(String keyword, String name, String steps) {
createImportantReportEntry("Starting Execution: '" + testCasesCounter + " out of " + totalNumberOfTests
+ "' scenarios in the '" + featureName + "' feature"
+ "\n" + keyword + " Name: '" + name
+ "'\n" + keyword + " Steps:\n" + steps);
public static void logConfigurationMethodInformation(String className, String testMethodName, String configurationMethodType) {
// In TestNG Reporter, this log entry is logged at the end of the previous test
// (or null for the first test)
createImportantReportEntry("Starting execution of " + JavaHelper.convertToSentenceCase(configurationMethodType).toLowerCase() + " configuration method\n'"
+ className + "." + testMethodName + "'");
public static void logExecutionSummary(String total, String passed, String failed, String skipped) {
String copyrights = "Test Execution Summary Results" + "\n"
+ "Total Cases: " + total + " --> Passed: " + passed + " | Failed: " + failed + " | Skipped: " + skipped;
public static String formatStackTraceToLogEntry(Throwable t) {
return formatStackTraceToLogEntry(t, false);
* Adds a new attachment using the input parameters provided. The attachment is
* displayed as a step in the execution report. Used for Screenshots.
* @param attachmentType the type of this attachment
* @param attachmentName the name of this attachment
* @param attachmentContent the content of this attachment
public static void attach(String attachmentType, String attachmentName, InputStream attachmentContent) {
createAttachment(attachmentType, attachmentName, attachmentContent);
* Adds a new attachment using the input parameters provided. The attachment is
* displayed as a step in the execution report. Used for Screenshots.
* @param attachmentType the type of this attachment
* @param attachmentName the name of this attachment
* @param attachmentContent the content of this attachment
public static void attach(String attachmentType, String attachmentName, String attachmentContent) {
if (!attachmentContent.trim().equals("")) {
createAttachment(attachmentType, attachmentName, new ByteArrayInputStream(attachmentContent.getBytes()));
public static void attach(List screenshot) {
attach((String) screenshot.get(0), (String) screenshot.get(1), (InputStream) screenshot.get(2));
* Returns the log of the current test, and attaches it in the end of the test
* execution report.
* @param currentMethodName name of the current test method to be used in the attachment name
* @param testLog content of the text log to be used as the attachment value
public static void attachTestLog(String currentMethodName, String testLog) {
if (!testLog.isBlank()) {
createAttachment(SHAFT_ENGINE_LOGS_ATTACHMENT_TYPE, "Current Method log: " + currentMethodName,
new ByteArrayInputStream(testLog.getBytes()));
public static void attachEngineLog(String executionEndTimestamp) {
if (!SHAFT.Properties.reporting.disableLogging()) {
String engineLogCreated = "Successfully created attachment '" + SHAFT_ENGINE_LOGS_ATTACHMENT_TYPE + " - "
+ "Execution log" + "'";
var initialLoggingState = ReportManagerHelper.getDiscreteLogging();
createLogEntry(engineLogCreated, true);
byte[] engineLog = new byte[0];
try {
engineLog = FileActions.getInstance().readFileAsByteArray(System.getProperty("appender.file.fileName"));
} catch (Exception throwable) {
createAttachment(SHAFT_ENGINE_LOGS_ATTACHMENT_TYPE, "Execution log: " + executionEndTimestamp,
new ByteArrayInputStream(engineLog));
public static void attachIssuesLog(String executionEndTimestamp) {
String issueSummary = prepareIssuesLog();
if (!issuesLog.trim().equals("")) {
Arrays.asList(SHAFT_ENGINE_LOGS_ATTACHMENT_TYPE, "Issues log CSV: " + executionEndTimestamp,
new ByteArrayInputStream(issuesLog.trim().getBytes()))));
public static void openAllureReportAfterExecution() {
String commandToOpenAllureReport;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(SHAFT.Properties.reporting.openAllureReportAfterExecution())) {
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
commandToOpenAllureReport = ("generate_allure_report.bat");
} else {
commandToOpenAllureReport = ("sh");
TerminalActions.getInstance(true, true).performTerminalCommand(commandToOpenAllureReport);
public static void generateAllureReportArchive() {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(SHAFT.Properties.reporting.generateAllureReportArchive())) {
ReportManager.logDiscrete("Generating Allure Report Archive...");
public static String getCallingMethodFullName() {
StackTraceElement[] callingStack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
var callingMethodFullName = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 1; i < callingStack.length; i++) {
if (!callingStack[i].getClassName().contains("shaft")) {
if (!callingStack[i].getMethodName().isEmpty()) {
return callingMethodFullName.toString();
public static String getTestClassName() {
return Reporter.getCurrentTestResult().getMethod().getTestClass().getName();
public static String getTestMethodName() {
if (Reporter.getCurrentTestResult() != null) {
return Reporter.getCurrentTestResult().getMethod().getMethodName();
} else {
// this happens when running a cucumber feature file directly because there is no testNG Reporter instance
return JavaHelper.removeSpecialCharacters(CucumberFeatureListener.getLastStartedScenarioName());
public static void setTestCaseName(String scenarioName) {
Allure.getLifecycle().updateTestCase(testResult -> testResult.setName(scenarioName));
if (!"".equals(featureName)) {
Allure.getLifecycle().updateTestCase(testResult -> testResult.setFullName(featureName + ": " + scenarioName));
public static void setTestCaseDescription(String scenarioSteps) {
if (scenarioSteps.contains("و")) {
Allure.getLifecycle().updateTestCase(testResult -> testResult.setDescriptionHtml("" + scenarioSteps + "
} else {
Allure.getLifecycle().updateTestCase(testResult -> testResult.setDescriptionHtml("" + scenarioSteps + "
public static Boolean isCurrentTestPassed() {
if (Reporter.getCurrentTestResult() != null) {
return Reporter.getCurrentTestResult().isSuccess();
} else {
// this happens in case of native cucumber execution without TestNG Test Runner
return CucumberFeatureListener.getIsLastFinishedStepOK();
public static void setFeatureName(String featureName) {
ReportManagerHelper.featureName = featureName;
public static void initializeExtentReportingEnvironment() {
generateExtentReports = SHAFT.Properties.reporting.generateExtentReports();
if (generateExtentReports) {
ReportManager.logDiscrete("Initializing Extent Reporting Environment...");
extentReportsFolderPath = SHAFT.Properties.paths.extentReports();
extentReportFileName = extentReportsFolderPath + "ExtentReports_" + (new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss-SSSS-aaa")).format(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".html";
var spark = new ExtentSparkReporter(extentReportFileName)
.as(new ViewName[]{ViewName.DASHBOARD, ViewName.TEST, ViewName.EXCEPTION, ViewName.LOG})
spark.config().setDocumentTitle("Extent Reports");
spark.config().setReportName("Extent Reports - Powered by SHAFT_Engine");
private static void cleanExtentReportsDirectory() {
if (SHAFT.Properties.reporting.cleanExtentReportsDirectoryBeforeExecution()) {
FileActions.getInstance().deleteFolder(extentReportsFolderPath.substring(0, extentReportsFolderPath.length() - 1));
public static void extentReportsReset() {
public static void extentReportsCreateTest(String testName, String testDescription) {
if (!extentReport.equals(new ExtentReports())) {
if (testDescription.equals("")) {
} else {
public static void extentReportsPass(String message) {
if (generateExtentReports && extentTest.get()!=null) {
public static void extentReportsFail(String message) {
if (generateExtentReports && extentTest.get()!=null) {
public static void extentReportsFail(Throwable t) {
if (generateExtentReports && extentTest.get()!=null) {
public static void extentReportsSkip(String message) {
if (generateExtentReports && extentTest.get()!=null) {
public static void extentReportsSkip(Throwable t) {
if (generateExtentReports && extentTest.get()!=null) {
public static void extentReportsFlush() {
if (generateExtentReports) {
private static String formatStackTraceToLogEntry(Throwable t, boolean isCause) {
var logBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (t != null) {
StackTraceElement[] trace = t.getStackTrace();
if (isCause) {
logBuilder.append(System.lineSeparator()).append("Caused by: ");
logBuilder.append(t.getClass().getName()).append(":").append(" ").append(t.getMessage()).append(System.lineSeparator());
for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : trace) {
logBuilder.append(" ").append(stackTraceElement.toString()).append(System.lineSeparator());
logBuilder.append(formatStackTraceToLogEntry(t.getCause(), true));
return logBuilder.toString();
public static void createLogEntry(String logText, Level loglevel) {
if (SHAFT.Properties.reporting != null && !SHAFT.Properties.reporting.disableLogging()) {
String timestamp = (new SimpleDateFormat(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)).format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
if (logText == null) {
logText = "null";
String log = REPORT_MANAGER_PREFIX + logText.trim() + " @" + timestamp;
Reporter.log(log, false);
if (logger == null) {
logger.log(loglevel, logText.trim());
private static void createLogEntry(String logText, boolean addToConsoleLog) {
if (!SHAFT.Properties.reporting.disableLogging()) {
String timestamp = (new SimpleDateFormat(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)).format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
if (logText == null) {
logText = "null";
String log = REPORT_MANAGER_PREFIX + logText.trim() + " @" + timestamp;
Reporter.log(log, false);
if (extentTest.get() != null && !logText.contains("created attachment") && !logText.contains(" {
var trailingSpacing = "";
var spaces = Math.round((float) (144 - line.trim().length()) / 2);
if (spaces > 0) {
lineByLine.append(" ".repeat(spaces));
trailingSpacing = lineByLine.toString();
lineByLine.delete(0, lineByLine.length());
return augmentedText.toString();
private static String createSeparator(@SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") char ch) {
return String.valueOf(ch).repeat(144);
private static void createImportantReportEntry(String logText) {
boolean initialLoggingStatus = discreteLogging;
setDiscreteLogging(false); // force log even if discrete logging was turned on
String log = System.lineSeparator() +
createSeparator('-') +
addSpacing(logText.trim()) +
createSeparator('-') +
Reporter.log(log, false);
if (logger == null) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, log);
* Formats logText and adds timestamp, then logs it as a step in the execution
* report.
* @param logText the text that needs to be logged in this action
// @Step("{logText}")
public static void writeStepToReport(String logText) {
if (!SHAFT.Properties.reporting.disableLogging()) {
createLogEntry(logText, true);
Allure.step(logText, getAllureStepStatus(logText));
private static Status getAllureStepStatus(String logText) {
if (logText != null && logText.toLowerCase().contains("failed")) {
return Status.FAILED;
if (Reporter.getCurrentTestResult() != null) {
var testNgStatus = Reporter.getCurrentTestResult().getStatus();
return switch (testNgStatus) {
case ITestResult.FAILURE -> Status.FAILED;
case ITestResult.SKIP -> Status.SKIPPED;
default -> Status.PASSED;
} else {
return Status.PASSED;
static void writeStepToReport(String logText, List> attachments, CheckpointStatus status) {
createLogEntry(logText, false);
if (attachments != null && !attachments.isEmpty()) {
attachments.forEach(attachment -> {
if (attachment != null && !attachment.isEmpty() && attachment.get(2).getClass().toString().toLowerCase().contains("string")
&& !attachment.get(2).getClass().toString().contains("StringInputStream")) {
if (!attachment.get(2).toString().isEmpty()) {
attach(attachment.get(0).toString(), attachment.get(1).toString(), attachment.get(2).toString());
} else if (attachment != null && !attachment.isEmpty()) {
if (attachment.get(2) instanceof byte[]) {
attach(attachment.get(0).toString(), attachment.get(1).toString(), new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) attachment.get(2)));
} else {
attach(attachment.get(0).toString(), attachment.get(1).toString(), (InputStream) attachment.get(2));
if (status.equals(CheckpointStatus.FAIL)) {
Allure.getLifecycle().updateStep(update -> {
if (attachment != null && !attachment.isEmpty() && attachment.get(2) != null) {
String trace = update.getStatusDetails() == null ? attachment.get(2).toString() : update.getStatusDetails().getTrace() + System.lineSeparator() + attachment.get(2).toString();
StatusDetails details = update.getStatusDetails() == null ? new StatusDetails() : update.getStatusDetails();
private static void createAttachment(String attachmentType, String attachmentName, InputStream attachmentContent) {
if (attachmentContent != null) {
var byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
var error = "Error while creating Attachment";
if (logger == null) {
}, e);
Reporter.log(error, false);
String attachmentDescription = attachmentType + " - " + attachmentName;
attachBasedOnFileType(attachmentType, attachmentName, byteArrayOutputStream, attachmentDescription);
logAttachmentAction(attachmentType, attachmentName, byteArrayOutputStream);
private static void attachBasedOnFileType(String attachmentType, String attachmentName,
ByteArrayOutputStream attachmentContent, String attachmentDescription) {
var content = new ByteArrayInputStream(attachmentContent.toByteArray());
if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("screenshot")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "image/png", content, ".png");
attachImageToExtentReport("image/png", new ByteArrayInputStream(attachmentContent.toByteArray()));
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("recording")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "video/mp4", content, ".mp4");
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("gif")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "image/gif", content, ".gif");
attachImageToExtentReport("image/gif", new ByteArrayInputStream(attachmentContent.toByteArray()));
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("csv") || attachmentName.toLowerCase().contains("csv")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "text/csv", content, ".csv");
attachCodeBlockToExtentReport("text/csv", new ByteArrayInputStream(attachmentContent.toByteArray()));
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("xml") || attachmentName.toLowerCase().contains("xml")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "text/xml", content, ".xml");
attachCodeBlockToExtentReport("text/xml", new ByteArrayInputStream(attachmentContent.toByteArray()));
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("excel") || attachmentName.toLowerCase().contains("excel")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", content, ".xlsx");
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("json") || attachmentName.toLowerCase().contains("json")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "text/json", content, ".json");
attachCodeBlockToExtentReport("text/json", new ByteArrayInputStream(attachmentContent.toByteArray()));
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("properties")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "text/plain", content, ".properties");
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("link")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "text/uri-list", content, ".uri");
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("engine logs")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "text/plain", content, ".txt");
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("page snapshot")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "multipart/related", content, ".mhtml");
} else if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("html")) {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, "text/html", content, ".html");
} else {
Allure.addAttachment(attachmentDescription, content);
private static void logAttachmentAction(String attachmentType, String attachmentName, ByteArrayOutputStream attachmentContent) {
createLogEntry("Successfully created attachment '" + attachmentType + " - " + attachmentName + "'", Level.INFO);
if (debugMode && !attachmentType.contains(SHAFT_ENGINE_LOGS_ATTACHMENT_TYPE)
&& !attachmentType.equalsIgnoreCase("Selenium WebDriver Logs")
&& !attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("screenshot")
&& !attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("recording") && !attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("gif")
&& !attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("engine logs")) {
String timestamp = (new SimpleDateFormat(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)).format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
String theString;
var br = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(attachmentContent.toByteArray()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
theString = br.lines().collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator()));
if (!theString.isEmpty()) {
String logEntry = REPORT_MANAGER_PREFIX + "Debugging Attachment Entry" + " @" + timestamp
+ System.lineSeparator() + theString + System.lineSeparator();
if (logger == null) {
private static void attachCodeBlockToExtentReport(String attachmentType, InputStream attachmentContent) {
if (extentTest.get() !=null) {
try {
var codeBlock = IOUtils.toString(attachmentContent, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
switch (attachmentType) {
case "text/json" -> extentTest.get().info(MarkupHelper.createCodeBlock(codeBlock, CodeLanguage.JSON));
case "text/xml" -> extentTest.get().info(MarkupHelper.createCodeBlock(codeBlock, CodeLanguage.XML));
default -> extentTest.get().info(MarkupHelper.createCodeBlock(codeBlock));
} catch (IOException e) {
ReportManager.logDiscrete("Failed to attach code block to extentReport.");
private static void attachImageToExtentReport(String attachmentType, InputStream attachmentContent) {
if (extentTest.get() !=null) {
try {
var image = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(IOUtils.toByteArray(attachmentContent));
if (attachmentType.toLowerCase().contains("gif")) {
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
ReportManager.logDiscrete("Failed to attach screenshot to extentReport.");
private static void cleanAllureResultsDirectory() {
// clean allure-results directory before execution
if (SHAFT.Properties.reporting.cleanAllureResultsDirectoryBeforeExecution()) {
try {
FileActions.getInstance().deleteFolder(allureResultsFolderPath.substring(0, allureResultsFolderPath.length() - 1));
} catch (Exception t) {
ReportManager.log("Failed to delete allure-results as it is currently open. Kindly restart your device to unlock the directory.");
private static void writeEnvironmentVariablesToAllureResultsDirectory() {
// reads all environment variables and then formats and writes them to be read
// by the Allure report
var props = System.getProperties();
var propertiesFileBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// read properties from any explicit properties files
for (var i = 0; i < props.size(); i++) {
String propertyKey = ((String) (props.keySet().toArray())[i]).trim();
String propertyValue = props.getProperty(propertyKey).trim();
// excluding empty values, system properties (all system properties have "." in
// their names), and any git branch issues
if (!propertyValue.equals("") && !propertyValue.contains("==") && !propertyKey.contains(">>>")
&& !propertyKey.contains("<<<")) {
if (propertyValue.contains("&")) {
propertyValue = propertyValue.replace("&", "&");
String parameter = "" + "" + propertyKey + " " + "" + propertyValue
+ " " + " ";
// there's an open issue, when fixed this will be displayed properly
propertiesFileBuilder.insert(13, parameter);
} else {
propertiesFileBuilder.append(" ");
FileActions.getInstance().writeToFile(SHAFT.Properties.paths.allureResults(), "environment.xml",
private static void downloadAndExtractAllureBinaries() {
// extract allure from jar file to src/main/resources directory if it doesn't
// already exist
String allureVersion = SHAFT.Properties.internal.allureVersion();
allureBinaryPath = allureExtractionLocation + "allure-" + allureVersion + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "allure";
if (!FileActions.getInstance().doesFileExist(allureBinaryPath)) {
try {
} catch (AssertionError e) {
ReportManager.logDiscrete("Couldn't clear the allure extraction directory. Kindly terminate any running java process or restart your machine to fix this issue.");
// download allure binary
URL allureArchive = FileActions.getInstance().downloadFile(
"" + allureVersion
+ "/allure-commandline-" + allureVersion + ".zip",
"target" + File.separator + "");
FileActions.getInstance().unpackArchive(allureArchive, allureExtractionLocation);
// extract allure from SHAFT_Engine jar
URL allureSHAFTConfigArchive = ReportManagerHelper.class.getResource("/resources/allure/");
allureExtractionLocation + "allure-" + allureVersion + File.separator);
if (!SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
// make allure executable on Unix-based shells
TerminalActions.getInstance(false, false).performTerminalCommand("chmod u+x " + allureBinaryPath);
private static void writeGenerateReportShellFilesToProjectDirectory() {
String allureVersion = SHAFT.Properties.internal.allureVersion();
// create or generate_allure_report.bat
List commandsToServeAllureReport;
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
// create windows batch file
commandsToServeAllureReport = Arrays.asList("@echo off",
":: If you already have a valid JAVA_HOME environment variable set, feel free to comment the below two lines",
"set JAVA_HOME=" + System.getProperty("java.home"),
"set path=%JAVA_HOME%\\bin;%path%",
"set path=" + allureExtractionLocation + "allure-" + allureVersion + "\\bin;%path%",
"allure serve " + allureResultsFolderPath.substring(0, allureResultsFolderPath.length() - 1) + " -h localhost",
"pause", "exit");
FileActions.getInstance().writeToFile("", "generate_allure_report.bat", commandsToServeAllureReport);
} else {
// create Unix-based sh file
commandsToServeAllureReport = Arrays
.asList("#!/bin/bash", "parent_path=$( cd \"$(dirname \"${BASH_SOURCE[0]}\")\" ; pwd -P )",
"cd '" + allureExtractionLocation + "allure-" + allureVersion + "/bin/'",
"bash allure serve $parent_path'/"
+ allureResultsFolderPath.substring(0, allureResultsFolderPath.length() - 1) + "'" + " -h localhost",
FileActions.getInstance().writeToFile("", "", commandsToServeAllureReport);
// make allure executable on Unix-based shells
TerminalActions.getInstance(false, false).performTerminalCommand("chmod u+x");
public static boolean isInternalStep() {
var callingMethodName = (new Throwable()).getStackTrace()[2].toString();
return callingMethodName.contains("shaft");
* Adds a new attachment using the input parameters provided. The attachment is
* displayed as a step in the execution report. Used for Screenshots.
* @param attachmentType the type of this attachment
* @param attachmentName the name of this attachment
* @param attachmentContent the content of this attachment
@Step("Attachment: {attachmentType} - {attachmentName}")
public static void attachAsStep(String attachmentType, String attachmentName, InputStream attachmentContent) {
createAttachment(attachmentType, attachmentName, attachmentContent);
private static void writeOpenReportShellFilesToGeneratedDirectory() {
List commandsToOpenAllureReport;
// create Unix-based sh file
commandsToOpenAllureReport = Arrays.asList("#!/bin/bash",
"parent_path=$( cd '$(dirname '${BASH_SOURCE[0]}')' ; pwd -P )",
"cd '$parent_path/allure/allure-" + SHAFT.Properties.internal.allureVersion() + "/bin/'",
"bash allure serve '$parent_path/allure-results'", "exit");
FileActions.getInstance().writeToFile("generatedReport/", "", commandsToOpenAllureReport);
// create windows batch file
commandsToOpenAllureReport = Arrays.asList("@echo off",
":: If you're using a portable Java version, uncomment the below two lines and update them to use the correct path",
":: set JAVA_HOME=" + System.getProperty("java.home"),
":: set path=%JAVA_HOME%\\bin;%path%",
"set path=allure\\allure-" + SHAFT.Properties.internal.allureVersion() + "\\bin;%path%",
"allure serve allure-results", "pause", "exit");
FileActions.getInstance().writeToFile("generatedReport/", "open_allure_report.bat", commandsToOpenAllureReport);
private static void writeAllureReportToGeneratedDirectory() {
// add correct file extension based on target OS
String commandToCreateAllureReport;
allureBinaryPath = allureExtractionLocation + "allure-" + SHAFT.Properties.internal.allureVersion()
+ "/bin/allure";
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
commandToCreateAllureReport = allureBinaryPath + ".bat" + " generate '"
+ allureResultsFolderPath.substring(0, allureResultsFolderPath.length() - 1)
+ "' -o 'generatedReport/allure-report'";
} else {
commandToCreateAllureReport = allureBinaryPath + " generate "
+ allureResultsFolderPath.substring(0, allureResultsFolderPath.length() - 1)
+ " -o generatedReport/allure-report";
TerminalActions.getInstance(false, false).performTerminalCommand(commandToCreateAllureReport);
private static void createAllureReportArchiveAndCleanGeneratedDirectory() {
if (FileActions.getInstance().doesFileExist(allureExtractionLocation)) {
FileActions.getInstance().copyFolder(FileActions.getInstance().getAbsolutePath(allureExtractionLocation), "generatedReport/allure");
FileActions.getInstance().copyFolder("allure-results", "generatedReport/allure-results");
FileActions.getInstance().zipFiles("generatedReport/", "generatedReport_" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss").format(new Date()) + ".zip");
public static void cleanExecutionSummaryReportDirectory() {
if (SHAFT.Properties.reporting.cleanSummaryReportsDirectoryBeforeExecution()) {
String executionSummaryReportFolderPath = SHAFT.Properties.paths.executionSummaryReport();
FileActions.getInstance().deleteFolder(executionSummaryReportFolderPath.substring(0, executionSummaryReportFolderPath.length() - 1));
public static void openExecutionSummaryReportAfterExecution() {
if (SHAFT.Properties.reporting.openExecutionSummaryReportAfterExecution()) {
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
SHAFT.CLI.terminal().performTerminalCommand(".\\" + SHAFT.Properties.paths.executionSummaryReport() + "ExecutionSummaryReport_*.html");
} else {
SHAFT.CLI.terminal().performTerminalCommand("open ./" + SHAFT.Properties.paths.executionSummaryReport() + "ExecutionSummaryReport_*.html");
public static void openExtentReportAfterExecution() {
if (SHAFT.Properties.reporting.openExtentReportAfterExecution()) {
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
SHAFT.CLI.terminal().performTerminalCommand(".\\" + SHAFT.Properties.paths.extentReports() + "ExtentReports_*.html");
} else {
SHAFT.CLI.terminal().performTerminalCommand("open ./" + SHAFT.Properties.paths.extentReports() + "ExtentReports_*.html");
public static void log(String logText, List> attachments) {
if (!SHAFT.Properties.reporting.disableLogging()) {
if (!logText.toLowerCase().contains("failed") && getDiscreteLogging() && isInternalStep()) {
createLogEntry(logText, Level.INFO);
if (attachments != null && !attachments.isEmpty() && (attachments.size() > 1 || (attachments.get(0) != null && !attachments.get(0).isEmpty()))) {
attachments.forEach(attachment -> {
if (attachment != null && !attachment.isEmpty()) {
if (attachment.get(2) instanceof String) {
attachAsStep(attachment.get(0).toString(), attachment.get(1).toString(),
new ByteArrayInputStream(attachment.get(2).toString().getBytes()));
} else {
attachAsStep(attachment.get(0).toString(), attachment.get(1).toString(),
(InputStream) attachment.get(2));
} else {
if (attachments != null && !attachments.isEmpty() && (attachments.size() > 1 || (attachments.get(0) != null && !attachments.get(0).isEmpty()))) {
CheckpointStatus status = (logText.toLowerCase().contains("passed")) ? CheckpointStatus.PASS : CheckpointStatus.FAIL;
writeStepToReport(logText, attachments, status);
} else {
public static void logNestedSteps(String logText, List customLogMessages, List> attachments) {
CheckpointStatus status = (logText.toLowerCase().contains("passed")) ? CheckpointStatus.PASS : CheckpointStatus.FAIL;
CheckpointType type = (logText.toLowerCase().contains("verification")) ? CheckpointType.VERIFICATION : CheckpointType.ASSERTION;
if (type.equals(CheckpointType.VERIFICATION) && status.equals(CheckpointStatus.FAIL)
|| !SHAFT.Properties.reporting.disableLogging()) {
if (customLogMessages != null && customLogMessages.size() > 0 && !"".equals(customLogMessages.get(0).trim())) {
String customLogText = customLogMessages.get(0);
if (status == CheckpointStatus.PASS) {
customLogText = (type == CheckpointType.VERIFICATION) ? "Verification Passed: " + customLogText : "Assertion Passed: " + customLogText;
} else {
customLogText = (type == CheckpointType.VERIFICATION) ? "Verification Failed: " + customLogText : "Assertion Failed: " + customLogText;
writeNestedStepsToReport(customLogText, attachments);
CheckpointCounter.increment(type, customLogMessages.get(0), status);
} else {
if (attachments != null && !attachments.isEmpty() && !attachments.get(0).isEmpty()) {
writeStepToReport(logText, attachments, status);
} else {
CheckpointCounter.increment(type, logText, status);
public static void logNestedSteps(String logText, List> attachments) {
writeNestedStepsToReport(logText, attachments);
private static void writeNestedStepsToReport(String customLog, List> attachments) {
createLogEntry(customLog, false);
if (attachments != null && !attachments.isEmpty()) {
attachments.forEach(attachment -> {
if (attachment != null && !attachment.isEmpty() && attachment.get(2).getClass().toString().toLowerCase().contains("string")
&& !attachment.get(2).getClass().toString().contains("StringInputStream")) {
if (!attachment.get(2).toString().isEmpty()) {
attach(attachment.get(0).toString(), attachment.get(1).toString(),
} else if (attachment != null && !attachment.isEmpty()) {
if (attachment.get(2) instanceof byte[]) {
attach(attachment.get(0).toString(), attachment.get(1).toString(), new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) attachment.get(2)));
} else {
attach(attachment.get(0).toString(), attachment.get(1).toString(), (InputStream) attachment.get(2));
* Format an exception message and stack trace, and calls attach to add it as a
* log entry.
* @param throwable the throwable (exception or error) that will be logged in this
* action
public static void log(Throwable throwable) {
String logText;
logText = formatStackTraceToLogEntry(throwable);
if (throwable.getMessage() != null) {
log("An Exception Occurred with this Message: " + throwable.getMessage().split("\n")[0].trim() + ".",
Collections.singletonList(Arrays.asList("Exception Stack Trace", throwable.getClass().getName(), logText)));
} else {
log("An Exception Occurred",
Collections.singletonList(Arrays.asList("Exception Stack Trace", throwable.getClass().getName(), logText)));
public static void logDiscrete(Throwable t) {
createLogEntry(formatStackTraceToLogEntry(t), Level.ERROR);
public static void logDiscrete(Throwable t, org.apache.logging.log4j.Level logLevel) {
createLogEntry(formatStackTraceToLogEntry(t), logLevel);
* Creates a custom log entry that will not be added as a step in the execution report, but you can see it in the attached execution log txt file
* @param logText the text that will be logged by action
* @param logLevel Level.ERROR, TRACE, INFO, WARN, DEBUG, FATAL
public static void logDiscrete(String logText, org.apache.logging.log4j.Level logLevel) {
createLogEntry(logText, logLevel);
public static String getExecutionDuration(long startTime, long endTime) {
long durationWithMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(endTime - startTime);
String duration = "";
if (durationWithMillis > 0 && durationWithMillis < 1000) {
duration = durationWithMillis + " millis";
} else if (durationWithMillis >= 1000 && durationWithMillis < 60000) {
duration = String.format("%02d sec, %02d millis",
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(durationWithMillis) - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(durationWithMillis))
} else if (durationWithMillis >= 60000 && durationWithMillis < 3600000) {
duration = String.format("%02d min, %02d sec",
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(durationWithMillis) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(durationWithMillis))
} else if (durationWithMillis >= 3600000) {
duration = String.format("%02d hr, %02d min",
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(durationWithMillis) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(durationWithMillis))
return duration;