io.github.slacesa.simpleSwiftClient.SimpleSwiftClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.slacesa.simpleSwiftClient;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import io.github.slacesa.simpleSwiftClient.resources.AuthMessage;
import io.github.slacesa.simpleSwiftClient.resources.SwiftConfig;
import io.github.slacesa.simpleSwiftClient.resources.SwiftFile;
import io.github.slacesa.zipper.Zipper;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Promise;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable;
import io.vertx.core.json.Json;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.web.client.HttpResponse;
import io.vertx.ext.web.client.WebClient;
* Simple Swift Client, used to connect to authenticate, upload, list and download files from cold storage
* typical usage for upload is: retrieveClient() to get a valid client once and then uploadFile() every time you need it.
* @author SLC
* @version 1.0
public class SimpleSwiftClient {
private SwiftConfig config;
private String token;
private DateTime token_expires;
private Vertx vertx;
private WebClient webclient;
private Zipper zipper;
private static SimpleSwiftClient swiftClient;
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SimpleSwiftClient.class.getName());
* Retrieve a singleton simple Swift Client, if already initialized it overwrites previous configuration
* @param config the required config
* @return a future to a simple swift client
public static Future retrieveClient(SwiftConfig config) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
boolean force = (swiftClient != null);
if(force) swiftClient.config = config;
else swiftClient = new SimpleSwiftClient(config);
swiftClient.retrieveToken(force).onComplete(ar -> {
return result.future();
* Retrieve the singleton simple Swift Client, if already initialized, fails otherwise
* @return a future to a simple swift client
public static Future retrieveClient() {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
if(swiftClient != null) result.complete(swiftClient);
else result.fail(new NullPointerException("The client has not been initialized"));
return result.future();
* Retrieves a list of current files, including information on availability (policy_retrieval_state [sealed, unsealing, unsealed] and policy_retrieval_delay)
* @return an array containing a list of files
public Future> getFileList() {
Promise> result = Promise.promise();
getter(null).onComplete(response -> {
try {
if(response.succeeded() && response.result().statusCode() == 200)
result.complete(Arrays.asList(Json.decodeValue(response.result().bodyAsBuffer(), SwiftFile[].class)));
else if(response.succeeded() && response.result().statusCode() == 404)
result.fail(new FileNotFoundException("Container not found"));
catch (Exception e) {
return result.future();
* Unseals a file, retrieves the time when it will be ready
* @param filename the file name to unseal
* @return a future time (in seconds) when the file will be ready
public Future unsealFile(String filename) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
getter(filename).onComplete(response -> {
if(response.succeeded()) {
if(response.result().statusCode() == 429)
else if(response.result().statusCode() == 200)
else if(response.result().statusCode() == 404)
result.fail(new FileNotFoundException("File not found: " + filename));
else result.fail(new Exception("Unknown status code: " + response.result().statusCode()));
else result.fail(response.cause());
return result.future();
* Retrieves a buffer to a file (if the file is unsealed)
* @param filename the file name to retrieve
* @return a future buffer to the file
public Future downloadFile(String filename) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
getter(filename).onComplete(response -> {
if(response.succeeded()) {
if(response.result().statusCode() == 200)
else if(response.result().statusCode() == 429)
result.fail("Not ready, try again in " + response.result().getHeader("Retry-After"));
else if(response.result().statusCode() == 404)
result.fail(new FileNotFoundException("File not found: " + filename));
else result.fail(new Exception("Unknown status code: " + response.result().statusCode()));
else result.fail(response.cause());
return result.future();
* Reads a file from disk and uploads it to default folder
* TODO Maybe allow to choose target folder
* @param filename the source file name
* @return a future boolean to result
public Future uploadFile(String filename) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
localReadFile(filename).compose(fileContent ->
putter(filename, fileContent).onComplete(isSent ->{
result.complete(isSent.succeeded() && isSent.result());
})).otherwise(t1 -> {
result.fail(new NoStackTraceThrowable("File not found"));
return null;
return result.future();
* Uploads a file with target name and target content and stores it to default folder
* TODO Maybe allow to choose target folder
* @param filename the source file name
* @param fileContent the data the new file will contain
* @return a future boolean to result
public Future uploadFile(String filename, Buffer fileContent) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
putter(filename, fileContent).onComplete(isSent ->{
result.complete(isSent.succeeded() && isSent.result());
return result.future();
* Deletes a file
* @param filename the file name to delete
* @return a future true if the file was deleted
public Future deleteFile(String filename) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
deleter(filename).onComplete(isDeleted ->{
result.complete(isDeleted.succeeded() && isDeleted.result());
return result.future();
* Used to backup a folder on our remote swift container using a password protected zip file
* @param folderPath the source file, the last part will be used to generate the zip file name (e.g. ancestor/parent/child becomes child.zip)
* @param password the password used to protect the zip file
* @return a void promise, successful if the folder was zipped, sent and the temp zip was deleted
public Future backupFolder(String folderPath, String password) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
String[] folders = folderPath.split("/");
String zipFileName = folders[folders.length-1]+".zip";
zipper.zipFolder(zipFileName, folderPath, password).compose(v ->
uploadFile(zipFileName).compose(isSent ->
localDeleteFile(zipFileName).onComplete(v2 -> {
if(v2.succeeded()) result.complete();
}))).otherwise(err -> {
return null;
return result.future();
* Closes the client and frees all resources
public void close() {
* A minimal Swift Client
* @param username a Keystone user, with storage rights
* @param password a Keystone password
private SimpleSwiftClient(SwiftConfig config) {
this.config = config;
this.vertx = Vertx.currentContext().owner();
this.webclient = WebClient.create(vertx);
this.zipper = Zipper.getZipper(vertx);
* Retrieve a valid token
* Checks if there is a current valid token, otherwise it retrieves one
* @param force ignores the validity check, retrieves a new token
* @return a future to a valid token
private Future retrieveToken(boolean force) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
if(!force && token != null && token_expires != null && token_expires.isAfterNow()) {
else {
JsonObject authMessage = new AuthMessage(config.getUsername(), config.getPassword()).parse();
.putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
.sendJsonObject(authMessage, ar -> {
if(ar.succeeded() && (ar.result().statusCode() == 200 || ar.result().statusCode() == 201)) {
token = ar.result().getHeader("X-Subject-Token");
log.fine("Token " + token);
JsonObject bodyResponse = ar.result().bodyAsJsonObject();
token_expires = DateTime.parse(bodyResponse.getJsonObject("token").getString("expires_at"));
// Sets a timer to refresh token one hour before expiration
vertx.setTimer(token_expires.minusHours(1).getMillis()-DateTime.now().getMillis(), timer -> {
else {
//Fail, but retry after 1 minute
token = null;
vertx.setTimer(60000, timer -> {
result.fail(ar.succeeded()?new NoStackTraceThrowable("Status Code not 200 OK"):ar.cause());
return result.future();
* Multi purpose getter: can request list of files (filename == null), unseal a file (status code 429) or retrieve a file (status code 200), depending on circustances
* @return an HttpResponse with the result
private Future> getter(String filename) {
Promise> result = Promise.promise();
String extra = (filename == null)? "?policy_extra=true" : "/" + filename;
.putHeader("Accept", "application/json")
.putHeader("X-Auth-Token", token)
.send(response -> {
else result.fail(response.cause());
return result.future();
* Multi purpose deleter: can delete a container if empty (filename == null) or delete a file (returns 204 when successful)
* @return an HttpResponse with the result
private Future deleter(String filename) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
.putHeader("Accept", "application/json")
.putHeader("X-Auth-Token", token)
.send(response -> {
result.complete(response.result().statusCode() == 204);
else result.fail(response.cause());
return result.future();
* Reads target file
* @param filename the file name
* @return a future data buffer to target file
private Future localReadFile(String filename) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
vertx.fileSystem().readFile(filename, ar -> {
if(ar.succeeded()) result.complete(ar.result());
else result.fail(ar.cause());
// log.debug("File length " + ar.result().length());
return result.future();
* Deletes target file
* @param filename the file name
* @return a void future
private Future localDeleteFile(String filename) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
vertx.fileSystem().delete(filename, ar -> {
if(ar.succeeded()) result.complete();
else result.fail(ar.cause());
return result.future();
* Puts a file names filename to default folder containing given fileContent
* TODO Maybe allow to choose target folder
* @param filename the file name
* @param fileContent the data buffer to write
* @return a future boolean to result
private Future putter(String filename, Buffer fileContent) {
Promise result = Promise.promise();
.putHeader("X-Storage-Policy", "PCA")
.putHeader("X-Auth-Token", token)
.putHeader("Content-Length", Integer.toString(fileContent.length()))
.putHeader("Etag", computeMD5(fileContent))
.sendBuffer(fileContent, ar -> {
result.complete(ar.succeeded() && ar.result().statusCode() == 201);
if(!ar.succeeded()) result.fail(ar.cause());
return result.future();
private final static char[] hexArray = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray();
private static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
for ( int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++ ) {
int v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
hexChars[j * 2] = hexArray[v >>> 4];
hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = hexArray[v & 0x0F];
return new String(hexChars);
private String computeMD5(Buffer fileContent) {
String result = null;
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
result = bytesToHex(md.digest(fileContent.getBytes()));
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
return result;
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