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bot.Action.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* __________ .__ __ .__
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import zenith._
import zenith.client._
import cats._
import cats.std.all._
import cats.Traverse.ops._
import cats.Monad.ops._
import zenith.Extensions._
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
import java.lang.reflect.{Method => ReflectedMethod}
* Action
abstract class Action[Z[_], ClientState] {
def run (httpClient: HttpClient[Z], createStartState: () => ClientState): StateT[Z, ClientState, Result]
abstract class ActionT[Z[_]: Monad: Async: Logger, ClientState, TRequest, TResponse] extends Action [Z, ClientState] {
def requestMapper: ReaderT[Z, TRequest, HttpRequest]
def responseMapper: ReaderT[Z, HttpResponse, Try[TResponse]]
def request: ReaderT[Z, ClientState, TRequest]
def before: Option[ClientState => ClientState] = None
def after: Option[(ClientState, TResponse) => ClientState] = None
def lastly: Option[ClientState => ClientState] = None
def assertions: List[Assertion[Z, ClientState, TRequest, TResponse]] = {
import java.lang.reflect.{Method => ReflectedMethod}
def isAssertion (fn: ReflectedMethod): Boolean = Option { fn.getAnnotation (classOf[assertion]) }.isDefined
.collect { case m if isAssertion (m) => m }
.map (Assertion (this, _))
final val id = super.getClass.getSimpleName.splitCamelCase
final val description: String = super
.filter (x => x.annotationType == classOf[description])
.map (x => x.asInstanceOf[description].value)
.getOrElse ("?")
final def run (httpClient: HttpClient[Z], createStartState: () => ClientState): StateT[Z, ClientState, Result] = (this, httpClient, createStartState)
object ActionT {
private def liftStateT[Z[_]: Monad, S, V] (v: Z[V]): StateT[Z, S, V] =
StateT[Z, S, V] { s => ((s, _)) }
private def liftStateT[Z[_]: Monad, X, V] (r: ReaderT[Z, X, V]): StateT[Z, X, V] = {
val ms = MonadState[StateT[Z, X, ?], X]
for {
s <- ms.get
r <- liftStateT[Z, X, V] ( (s))
} yield r
def run[Z[_]: Monad: Async: Logger, ClientState, TRequest, TResponse](
action: ActionT[Z, ClientState, TRequest, TResponse], httpClient: HttpClient[Z], createStartState: () => ClientState): StateT[Z, ClientState, Result] = {
val ms = MonadState[StateT[Z, ClientState, ?], ClientState]
val async = Async[Z]
val logger = Logger[Z]
def debug (s: String) = liftStateT[Z, ClientState, Unit] (logger.debug (s))
def info (s: String) = liftStateT[Z, ClientState, Unit] ( (s))
def err (s: String) = liftStateT[Z, ClientState, Unit] (logger.error (s))
def runAssertions (action: ActionT[Z, ClientState, TRequest, TResponse], response: TResponse): StateT[Z, ClientState, Result] = {
val assertions = { assertion => for {
r <- liftStateT[Z, ClientState, Result] (
_ <- info (s"$r ${assertion.description}")
} yield r
for {
cs <- ms.get
r <- assertions.sequence[StateT[Z, ClientState, ?], Result].map (Foldable[List].fold (_))
a = action.after
_ <- info (s"Need to apply after action:${a.isDefined}")
newState = (f => f (cs, response))
_ <- info (s"Successfully applied after action:${newState.isDefined}")
_ <- ms.set (newState.getOrElse (cs))
} yield r
lazy val task: StateT[Z, ClientState, Result] = for {
_ <- info (s"${action.description}")
// pull out the initial state
startState <- ms.get
// apply the `before` task if it is defined
beforeState = (f => f (startState)).getOrElse (startState)
// write through the new state
_ <- ms.set (beforeState)
// build the request
typedRequest <- liftStateT (action.request)
// map it to a plain http request
httpRequest <- liftStateT ( (typedRequest))
_ <- debug (httpRequest.toPrettyString)
// send the http request
httpExchange <- liftStateT (httpClient.sendEx (httpRequest))
// handle failed http requests
_ <- httpExchange.result match {
case Left (t) => liftStateT[Z, ClientState, Unit] (async.failure[Unit] (t))
case Right (httpResponse) => debug (httpResponse.toPrettyString)
// run the assertions associated with the action
result <- httpExchange.result match {
case Left (error) => StateT.pure[Z, ClientState, Result] (Failed)
case Right (httpResponse) => for {
typedResponse <- liftStateT(
res <- typedResponse match {
case Failure (e) => for {
fail <- StateT.pure[Z, ClientState, Result] (Failed)
_ <- err (s"Failed to decode response: ${e.getMessage}")
} yield fail
case Success (response) => runAssertions (action, response)
} yield res
// get the state after having run all of the assertions
afterState <- ms.get
// apply the `lastly` task if it is defined
lastlyState = (f => f (afterState)).getOrElse (afterState)
// write the final state
_ <- ms.set (afterState)
} yield result
// Apply context handler.
StateT[Z, ClientState, Result] { cs =>
val r: Z[(ClientState, Result)] = (cs)
val t: (ClientState, = (createStartState(), Failed)
Logger[Z].extract (r)(System.out, t)