server.Service.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package zenith.server
import zenith._
import zenith.Logger._
import zenith.Logger.Level._
import zenith.Extensions._
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
import cats._
import org.joda.time.{DateTimeZone, DateTime}
import cats.Monad.ops._
import java.lang.reflect.{Method => ReflectedMethod}
* Encapsulates all of the attributes of an endpoint (those pulled in from @properties).
final case class EndpointAttributes (id: String, description: Option[String], method: HttpMethod, path: String)
* Endpoint
final case class Endpoint[Z[_]: Monad: Async: Logger](parent: Service[Z], fn: ReflectedMethod) {
lazy val attributes: EndpointAttributes = {
val id = fn.getName.splitCamelCase
val annotations = fn.getAnnotations
val description = annotations
.filter (x => x.annotationType == classOf[description])
.map (x => x.asInstanceOf[description].value)
val method = annotations
.filter (x => x.annotationType == classOf[method])
.map (x => x.asInstanceOf[method].value)
.getOrElse (HttpMethod.GET)
val path = {
val resourcePathOpt = parent
.filter (x => x.annotationType == classOf[path])
.map (x => x.asInstanceOf[path].value)
val endpointPathOpt = annotations
.filter (x => x.annotationType == classOf[path])
.map (x => x.asInstanceOf[path].value)
(resourcePathOpt, endpointPathOpt) match {
case (Some (resourcePath), Some (endpointPath)) => resourcePath + endpointPath
case (Some (resourcePath), None) => resourcePath
case (None, Some (endpointPath)) => endpointPath
case _ => throw new Exception ("Endpoint the parent resource and/or the endpoint itself must be tagged with the `Path` annotation.")
EndpointAttributes (id, description, method, path)
def handler = new PartialFunction[HttpRequest, Z[HttpResponse]] {
def isDefinedAt (request: HttpRequest): Boolean = request.method match {
case x if attributes.method.toString == x =>
attributes.path.r.findFirstMatchIn (request.path) match {
case Some (m) => true
case None => false
case _ => false
def apply (request: HttpRequest): Z[HttpResponse] = {
val x = attributes.path.r.findFirstMatchIn (request.path) match {
case Some (m) =>
m.groupCount match {
case 0 => fn.invoke (parent, request)
case n =>
val extraArgs = (1 to n).map (i => (i)).toList
fn.invoke (parent, request :: extraArgs: _*)
case None => new Exception
val a = Try { x.asInstanceOf[Z[HttpResponse]] }.toOption
for {
_ <- Logger[Z].log (ZENITH, DEBUG, s"executing handler for ${request.path}")
result <- a match {
case Some (z) => z
case _ => throw new Exception ("Endpoint signature not supported.")
} yield result
* Encapsulates all of the attributes of the service (those pulled in from @properties).
final case class ServiceAttributes (id: String, description: Option[String], endpoints: List[EndpointAttributes])
* Service
abstract class Service[Z[_]: Monad: Async: Logger] {
def requestPipeline: List[RequestFilter[Z]] = Nil
def responsePipeline: List[ResponseMapper[Z]] = Nil
final def handler: PartialFunction[HttpRequest, Z[HttpResponse]] = (_.handler).reduceLeft (_ orElse _)
def isEndpoint (fn: ReflectedMethod): Boolean = Option (fn.getAnnotation (classOf[endpoint])).isDefined
val endpoints: List[Endpoint[Z]] = super
.map (Option (_))
.collect { case Some (fn) if isEndpoint (fn) => new Endpoint[Z] (this, fn) }
lazy val attributes: ServiceAttributes = {
val id = super.getClass.getSimpleName.splitCamelCase
val description = super
.filter (x => x.annotationType == classOf[description])
.map (x => x.asInstanceOf[description].value)
ServiceAttributes (id, description, (_.attributes))