ldbc.codegen.TableModelGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 by Takahiko Tominaga
* This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
* For more information see LICENSE or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
package ldbc.codegen
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Files
import scala.io.Codec
import ldbc.query.builder.formatter.Naming
import ldbc.codegen.model.*
import ldbc.codegen.parser.yml.Parser
import ldbc.codegen.builder.ColumnCodeBuilder
* An object for generating a model about Table.
private[ldbc] object TableModelGenerator:
* Methods for generating models.
* @param database
* Name of the database in which the Table is stored.
* @param statement
* Model generated by parsing a Create table statement.
* @param classNameFormatter
* Value for formatting Class name.
* @param propertyNameFormatter
* Value for formatting Property name.
* @param sourceManaged
* The file to which the model will be generated.
* @param customParser
* Value to customize the code to be generated.
* @param packageName
* A value to specify the package name of the generated file.
* @return
* A file containing the generated table model.
def generate(
database: String,
statement: Table.CreateStatement,
classNameFormatter: Naming,
propertyNameFormatter: Naming,
sourceManaged: File,
customParser: Option[Seq[Parser.Table]],
packageName: String
): File =
val custom = customParser.flatMap(_.find(_.name == statement.tableName))
val className = classNameFormatter.format(statement.tableName)
val properties = statement.columnDefinitions.map(column =>
val objects =
statement.columnDefinitions.flatMap(column =>
enumGenerator(column, classNameFormatter)
)(_ => None)
val directory = sourceManaged.toPath.resolve(database)
val output = if !directory.toFile.exists() then
else directory
val outputFile = new File(output.toFile, s"$className.scala")
if !outputFile.exists() then
val keyDefinitions = statement.keyDefinitions.map(key =>
s".keySet(table => ${ key.toCode("table", classNameFormatter, propertyNameFormatter) })"
val tableOptions = statement.options.fold("")(
_.map(option => s".setOption(${ Table.buildTableOptionCode(option) })").mkString("\n ")
val builder = ColumnCodeBuilder(classNameFormatter)
val columns =
statement.columnDefinitions.map(column => builder.build(column, custom.flatMap(_.findColumn(column.name))))
val classExtends = custom.flatMap(_.`class`.map(_.`extends`.mkString(", "))).fold("")(str => s" extends $str")
val objectExtends = custom.flatMap(_.`object`.map(_.`extends`.mkString(", "))).fold("")(str => s" extends $str")
val scalaSource =
|package ${ if database.nonEmpty then s"$packageName.$database" else packageName }
|import ldbc.schema.*
|case class $className(
| ${ properties.mkString(",\n ") }
|object $className$objectExtends:
| ${ objects.mkString("\n ") }
| val table: Table[$className] = Table[$className]("${ statement.tableName }")(
| ${ columns.mkString(",\n ") }
| )
| ${ keyDefinitions.mkString("\n ") }
| $tableOptions
Files.write(outputFile.toPath, scalaSource.getBytes(summon[Codec].name))
private def propertyGenerator(
className: String,
column: ColumnDefinition,
propertyNameFormatter: Naming,
classNameFormatter: Naming,
custom: Option[Parser.Column]
): String =
val scalaType = custom.fold(
column.dataType.scalaType match
case _: ScalaType.Enum => s"$className.${ classNameFormatter.format(column.name) }"
case _ => column.dataType.scalaType.code
val `type` = (column.isOptional, column.dataType) match
case (_, _: DataType.SERIAL) => scalaType
case (true, _) => s"Option[$scalaType]"
case (false, _) => scalaType
s"${ propertyNameFormatter.format(column.name) }: ${ `type` }"
private def enumGenerator(column: ColumnDefinition, formatter: Naming): Option[String] =
column.dataType.scalaType match
case ScalaType.Enum(types) =>
val enumName = formatter.format(column.name)
Some(s"""enum $enumName extends model.Enum:
| case ${ types.mkString(", ") }
| object $enumName extends model.EnumDataType[$enumName]
case _ => None