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* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 by Takahiko Tominaga
* This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
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package ldbc.dsl
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.compiletime.erasedValue
import cats.syntax.all.*
import cats.effect.Temporal
import ldbc.sql.*
import ldbc.dsl.codec.Decoder
* A model with a query string and parameters to be bound to the query string that is executed by PreparedStatement,
* etc.
* @param statement
* an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders
* @param params
* statement has '?' that the statement has.
* @tparam F
* The effect type
case class Mysql[F[_]: Temporal](statement: String, params: List[Parameter.Dynamic]) extends SQL:
override def ++(sql: SQL): Mysql[F] =
Mysql[F](statement ++ sql.statement, params ++ sql.params)
* A method to convert a query to a [[ldbc.dsl.Query]].
* {{{
* sql"SELECT `name` FROM user".query[String]
* }}}
* @return
* A [[ldbc.dsl.Query]] instance
inline def query[T](using decoder: Decoder.Elem[T]): Query[F, T] =
Query.Impl[F, T](statement, params,[T])
* A method to convert a query to a [[ldbc.dsl.Query]].
* {{{
* sql"SELECT `name`, `age` FROM user".query[User]
* }}}
* @return
* A [[ldbc.dsl.Query]] instance
inline def query[P <: Product](using mirror: Mirror.ProductOf[P]): Query[F, P] =
inline erasedValue[P] match
case _: Tuple => Query.Impl[F, P](statement, params, Decoder.derivedTuple(mirror))
case _ => Query.Impl[F, P](statement, params, Decoder.derivedProduct(mirror))
* A method to execute an update operation against the MySQL server.
* {{{
* sql"UPDATE user SET `name` = ${"Alice"} WHERE `id` = ${1L}".update
* }}}
* @return
* The number of rows updated
def update: Executor[F, Int] =
Executor.Impl[F, Int](
connection =>
prepareStatement <- connection.prepareStatement(statement)
result <- params.zipWithIndex.traverse {
case (param, index) => param.bind(prepareStatement, index + 1)
} >> prepareStatement.executeUpdate() <* prepareStatement.close()
yield result
* A method to execute an insert operation against the MySQL server.
* {{{
* sql"INSERT INTO user (`name`, `age`) VALUES (${("Alice", 20)})".returning[Long]
* }}}
* @tparam T
* The type of the primary key
* @return
* The primary key value
def returning[T <: String | Int | Long](using decoder: Decoder.Elem[T]): Executor[F, T] =
given Decoder[T] =[T]
Executor.Impl[F, T](
connection =>
prepareStatement <- connection.prepareStatement(statement, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS)
resultSet <- params.zipWithIndex.traverse {
case (param, index) => param.bind(prepareStatement, index + 1)
} >> prepareStatement.executeUpdate() >> prepareStatement.getGeneratedKeys()
result <- summon[ResultSetConsumer[F, T]].consume(resultSet) <* prepareStatement.close()
yield result