Download io.github.theangrydev JAR files with all dependencies
yatspec-fluent from group io.github.theangrydev (version 1.4.0)
A plugin for the yatspec acceptance test library used to write acceptance tests in a fluent way, reusing givens, whens and thens.
business-flows from group io.github.theangrydev (version 10.3.0)
A combination of the Try monad and the Either monad, to help tame complex business flows.
yatspec-fluent from group io.github.theangrydev (version 5.0.2)
A plugin for the yatspec acceptance test library used to write acceptance tests in a fluent way, reusing givens, whens and thens.
domain-enforcer from group io.github.theangrydev (version 1.1.1)
Enforce dependencies between packages in a unit test!
singleton-enforcer from group io.github.theangrydev (version 2.1.0)
Enforce singletons really are singletons!
yatspec-zohhak-plugin from group io.github.theangrydev (version 1.1.1)
A plugin for the yatspec acceptance test library that allows the parameter coercion from zohhak to be applied to @Table tests in yatspec
zohhak from group io.github.theangrydev (version 2.0.1)
Fork of http://piotrturski.github.io/zohhak that exposes the backend API
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