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net.minecraft.server.Blocks Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package net.minecraft.server;

public class Blocks {

  public static final Block AIR;
  public static final Block STONE;
  public static final BlockGrass GRASS;
  public static final Block DIRT;
  public static final Block COBBLESTONE;
  public static final Block PLANKS;
  public static final Block SAPLING;
  public static final Block BEDROCK;
  public static final BlockFlowing FLOWING_WATER;
  public static final BlockStationary WATER;
  public static final BlockFlowing FLOWING_LAVA;
  public static final BlockStationary LAVA;
  public static final BlockSand SAND;
  public static final Block GRAVEL;
  public static final Block GOLD_ORE;
  public static final Block IRON_ORE;
  public static final Block COAL_ORE;
  public static final Block LOG;
  public static final Block LOG2;
  public static final BlockLeaves LEAVES;
  public static final BlockLeaves LEAVES2;
  public static final Block SPONGE;
  public static final Block GLASS;
  public static final Block LAPIS_ORE;
  public static final Block LAPIS_BLOCK;
  public static final Block DISPENSER;
  public static final Block SANDSTONE;
  public static final Block NOTEBLOCK;
  public static final Block BED;
  public static final Block GOLDEN_RAIL;
  public static final Block DETECTOR_RAIL;
  public static final BlockPiston STICKY_PISTON;
  public static final Block WEB;
  public static final BlockLongGrass TALLGRASS;
  public static final BlockDeadBush DEADBUSH;
  public static final BlockPiston PISTON;
  public static final BlockPistonExtension PISTON_HEAD;
  public static final Block WOOL;
  public static final BlockPistonMoving PISTON_EXTENSION;
  public static final BlockFlowers YELLOW_FLOWER;
  public static final BlockFlowers RED_FLOWER;
  public static final BlockPlant BROWN_MUSHROOM;
  public static final BlockPlant RED_MUSHROOM;
  public static final Block GOLD_BLOCK;
  public static final Block IRON_BLOCK;
  public static final BlockStepAbstract DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB;
  public static final BlockStepAbstract STONE_SLAB;
  public static final Block BRICK_BLOCK;
  public static final Block TNT;
  public static final Block BOOKSHELF;
  public static final Block MOSSY_COBBLESTONE;
  public static final Block OBSIDIAN;
  public static final Block TORCH;
  public static final BlockFire FIRE;
  public static final Block MOB_SPAWNER;
  public static final Block OAK_STAIRS;
  public static final BlockChest CHEST;
  public static final BlockRedstoneWire REDSTONE_WIRE;
  public static final Block DIAMOND_ORE;
  public static final Block DIAMOND_BLOCK;
  public static final Block CRAFTING_TABLE;
  public static final Block WHEAT;
  public static final Block FARMLAND;
  public static final Block FURNACE;
  public static final Block LIT_FURNACE;
  public static final Block STANDING_SIGN;
  public static final Block WOODEN_DOOR;
  public static final Block SPRUCE_DOOR;
  public static final Block BIRCH_DOOR;
  public static final Block JUNGLE_DOOR;
  public static final Block ACACIA_DOOR;
  public static final Block DARK_OAK_DOOR;
  public static final Block LADDER;
  public static final Block RAIL;
  public static final Block STONE_STAIRS;
  public static final Block WALL_SIGN;
  public static final Block LEVER;
  public static final Block STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE;
  public static final Block IRON_DOOR;
  public static final Block WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE;
  public static final Block REDSTONE_ORE;
  public static final Block LIT_REDSTONE_ORE;
  public static final Block UNLIT_REDSTONE_TORCH;
  public static final Block REDSTONE_TORCH;
  public static final Block STONE_BUTTON;
  public static final Block SNOW_LAYER;
  public static final Block ICE;
  public static final Block SNOW;
  public static final BlockCactus CACTUS;
  public static final Block CLAY;
  public static final BlockReed REEDS;
  public static final Block JUKEBOX;
  public static final Block FENCE;
  public static final Block SPRUCE_FENCE;
  public static final Block BIRCH_FENCE;
  public static final Block JUNGLE_FENCE;
  public static final Block DARK_OAK_FENCE;
  public static final Block ACACIA_FENCE;
  public static final Block PUMPKIN;
  public static final Block NETHERRACK;
  public static final Block SOUL_SAND;
  public static final Block GLOWSTONE;
  public static final BlockPortal PORTAL;
  public static final Block LIT_PUMPKIN;
  public static final Block CAKE;
  public static final BlockRepeater UNPOWERED_REPEATER;
  public static final BlockRepeater POWERED_REPEATER;
  public static final Block TRAPDOOR;
  public static final Block MONSTER_EGG;
  public static final Block STONEBRICK;
  public static final Block BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK;
  public static final Block RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK;
  public static final Block IRON_BARS;
  public static final Block GLASS_PANE;
  public static final Block MELON_BLOCK;
  public static final Block PUMPKIN_STEM;
  public static final Block MELON_STEM;
  public static final Block VINE;
  public static final Block FENCE_GATE;
  public static final Block SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE;
  public static final Block BIRCH_FENCE_GATE;
  public static final Block JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE;
  public static final Block DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE;
  public static final Block ACACIA_FENCE_GATE;
  public static final Block BRICK_STAIRS;
  public static final Block STONE_BRICK_STAIRS;
  public static final BlockMycel MYCELIUM;
  public static final Block WATERLILY;
  public static final Block NETHER_BRICK;
  public static final Block NETHER_BRICK_FENCE;
  public static final Block NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS;
  public static final Block NETHER_WART;
  public static final Block ENCHANTING_TABLE;
  public static final Block BREWING_STAND;
  public static final BlockCauldron cauldron;
  public static final Block END_PORTAL;
  public static final Block END_PORTAL_FRAME;
  public static final Block END_STONE;
  public static final Block DRAGON_EGG;
  public static final Block REDSTONE_LAMP;
  public static final Block LIT_REDSTONE_LAMP;
  public static final BlockStepAbstract DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB;
  public static final BlockStepAbstract WOODEN_SLAB;
  public static final Block COCOA;
  public static final Block SANDSTONE_STAIRS;
  public static final Block EMERALD_ORE;
  public static final Block ENDER_CHEST;
  public static final BlockTripwireHook TRIPWIRE_HOOK;
  public static final Block TRIPWIRE;
  public static final Block EMERALD_BLOCK;
  public static final Block SPRUCE_STAIRS;
  public static final Block BIRCH_STAIRS;
  public static final Block JUNGLE_STAIRS;
  public static final Block COMMAND_BLOCK;
  public static final BlockBeacon BEACON;
  public static final Block COBBLESTONE_WALL;
  public static final Block FLOWER_POT;
  public static final Block CARROTS;
  public static final Block POTATOES;
  public static final Block WOODEN_BUTTON;
  public static final BlockSkull SKULL;
  public static final Block ANVIL;
  public static final Block TRAPPED_CHEST;
  public static final Block LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE;
  public static final Block HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE;
  public static final BlockRedstoneComparator UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR;
  public static final BlockRedstoneComparator POWERED_COMPARATOR;
  public static final BlockDaylightDetector DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR;
  public static final BlockDaylightDetector DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR_INVERTED;
  public static final Block REDSTONE_BLOCK;
  public static final Block QUARTZ_ORE;
  public static final BlockHopper HOPPER;
  public static final Block QUARTZ_BLOCK;
  public static final Block QUARTZ_STAIRS;
  public static final Block ACTIVATOR_RAIL;
  public static final Block DROPPER;
  public static final Block STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY;
  public static final Block BARRIER;
  public static final Block IRON_TRAPDOOR;
  public static final Block HAY_BLOCK;
  public static final Block CARPET;
  public static final Block HARDENED_CLAY;
  public static final Block COAL_BLOCK;
  public static final Block PACKED_ICE;
  public static final Block ACACIA_STAIRS;
  public static final Block DARK_OAK_STAIRS;
  public static final Block SLIME;
  public static final BlockTallPlant DOUBLE_PLANT;
  public static final BlockStainedGlass STAINED_GLASS;
  public static final BlockStainedGlassPane STAINED_GLASS_PANE;
  public static final Block PRISMARINE;
  public static final Block SEA_LANTERN;
  public static final Block STANDING_BANNER;
  public static final Block WALL_BANNER;
  public static final Block RED_SANDSTONE;
  public static final Block RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS;
  public static final BlockStepAbstract DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB2;
  public static final BlockStepAbstract STONE_SLAB2;

  static {
    if (!DispenserRegistry.a()) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Accessed Blocks before Bootstrap!");
    } else {
      AIR = get("air");
      STONE = get("stone");
      GRASS = (BlockGrass) get("grass");
      DIRT = get("dirt");
      COBBLESTONE = get("cobblestone");
      PLANKS = get("planks");
      SAPLING = get("sapling");
      BEDROCK = get("bedrock");
      FLOWING_WATER = (BlockFlowing) get("flowing_water");
      WATER = (BlockStationary) get("water");
      FLOWING_LAVA = (BlockFlowing) get("flowing_lava");
      LAVA = (BlockStationary) get("lava");
      SAND = (BlockSand) get("sand");
      GRAVEL = get("gravel");
      GOLD_ORE = get("gold_ore");
      IRON_ORE = get("iron_ore");
      COAL_ORE = get("coal_ore");
      LOG = get("log");
      LOG2 = get("log2");
      LEAVES = (BlockLeaves) get("leaves");
      LEAVES2 = (BlockLeaves) get("leaves2");
      SPONGE = get("sponge");
      GLASS = get("glass");
      LAPIS_ORE = get("lapis_ore");
      LAPIS_BLOCK = get("lapis_block");
      DISPENSER = get("dispenser");
      SANDSTONE = get("sandstone");
      NOTEBLOCK = get("noteblock");
      BED = get("bed");
      GOLDEN_RAIL = get("golden_rail");
      DETECTOR_RAIL = get("detector_rail");
      STICKY_PISTON = (BlockPiston) get("sticky_piston");
      WEB = get("web");
      TALLGRASS = (BlockLongGrass) get("tallgrass");
      DEADBUSH = (BlockDeadBush) get("deadbush");
      PISTON = (BlockPiston) get("piston");
      PISTON_HEAD = (BlockPistonExtension) get("piston_head");
      WOOL = get("wool");
      PISTON_EXTENSION = (BlockPistonMoving) get("piston_extension");
      YELLOW_FLOWER = (BlockFlowers) get("yellow_flower");
      RED_FLOWER = (BlockFlowers) get("red_flower");
      BROWN_MUSHROOM = (BlockPlant) get("brown_mushroom");
      RED_MUSHROOM = (BlockPlant) get("red_mushroom");
      GOLD_BLOCK = get("gold_block");
      IRON_BLOCK = get("iron_block");
      DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB = (BlockStepAbstract) get("double_stone_slab");
      STONE_SLAB = (BlockStepAbstract) get("stone_slab");
      BRICK_BLOCK = get("brick_block");
      TNT = get("tnt");
      BOOKSHELF = get("bookshelf");
      MOSSY_COBBLESTONE = get("mossy_cobblestone");
      OBSIDIAN = get("obsidian");
      TORCH = get("torch");
      FIRE = (BlockFire) get("fire");
      MOB_SPAWNER = get("mob_spawner");
      OAK_STAIRS = get("oak_stairs");
      CHEST = (BlockChest) get("chest");
      REDSTONE_WIRE = (BlockRedstoneWire) get("redstone_wire");
      DIAMOND_ORE = get("diamond_ore");
      DIAMOND_BLOCK = get("diamond_block");
      CRAFTING_TABLE = get("crafting_table");
      WHEAT = get("wheat");
      FARMLAND = get("farmland");
      FURNACE = get("furnace");
      LIT_FURNACE = get("lit_furnace");
      STANDING_SIGN = get("standing_sign");
      WOODEN_DOOR = get("wooden_door");
      SPRUCE_DOOR = get("spruce_door");
      BIRCH_DOOR = get("birch_door");
      JUNGLE_DOOR = get("jungle_door");
      ACACIA_DOOR = get("acacia_door");
      DARK_OAK_DOOR = get("dark_oak_door");
      LADDER = get("ladder");
      RAIL = get("rail");
      STONE_STAIRS = get("stone_stairs");
      WALL_SIGN = get("wall_sign");
      LEVER = get("lever");
      STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE = get("stone_pressure_plate");
      IRON_DOOR = get("iron_door");
      WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE = get("wooden_pressure_plate");
      REDSTONE_ORE = get("redstone_ore");
      LIT_REDSTONE_ORE = get("lit_redstone_ore");
      UNLIT_REDSTONE_TORCH = get("unlit_redstone_torch");
      REDSTONE_TORCH = get("redstone_torch");
      STONE_BUTTON = get("stone_button");
      SNOW_LAYER = get("snow_layer");
      ICE = get("ice");
      SNOW = get("snow");
      CACTUS = (BlockCactus) get("cactus");
      CLAY = get("clay");
      REEDS = (BlockReed) get("reeds");
      JUKEBOX = get("jukebox");
      FENCE = get("fence");
      SPRUCE_FENCE = get("spruce_fence");
      BIRCH_FENCE = get("birch_fence");
      JUNGLE_FENCE = get("jungle_fence");
      DARK_OAK_FENCE = get("dark_oak_fence");
      ACACIA_FENCE = get("acacia_fence");
      PUMPKIN = get("pumpkin");
      NETHERRACK = get("netherrack");
      SOUL_SAND = get("soul_sand");
      GLOWSTONE = get("glowstone");
      PORTAL = (BlockPortal) get("portal");
      LIT_PUMPKIN = get("lit_pumpkin");
      CAKE = get("cake");
      UNPOWERED_REPEATER = (BlockRepeater) get("unpowered_repeater");
      POWERED_REPEATER = (BlockRepeater) get("powered_repeater");
      TRAPDOOR = get("trapdoor");
      MONSTER_EGG = get("monster_egg");
      STONEBRICK = get("stonebrick");
      BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK = get("brown_mushroom_block");
      RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK = get("red_mushroom_block");
      IRON_BARS = get("iron_bars");
      GLASS_PANE = get("glass_pane");
      MELON_BLOCK = get("melon_block");
      PUMPKIN_STEM = get("pumpkin_stem");
      MELON_STEM = get("melon_stem");
      VINE = get("vine");
      FENCE_GATE = get("fence_gate");
      SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE = get("spruce_fence_gate");
      BIRCH_FENCE_GATE = get("birch_fence_gate");
      JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE = get("jungle_fence_gate");
      DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE = get("dark_oak_fence_gate");
      ACACIA_FENCE_GATE = get("acacia_fence_gate");
      BRICK_STAIRS = get("brick_stairs");
      STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = get("stone_brick_stairs");
      MYCELIUM = (BlockMycel) get("mycelium");
      WATERLILY = get("waterlily");
      NETHER_BRICK = get("nether_brick");
      NETHER_BRICK_FENCE = get("nether_brick_fence");
      NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS = get("nether_brick_stairs");
      NETHER_WART = get("nether_wart");
      ENCHANTING_TABLE = get("enchanting_table");
      BREWING_STAND = get("brewing_stand");
      cauldron = (BlockCauldron) get("cauldron");
      END_PORTAL = get("end_portal");
      END_PORTAL_FRAME = get("end_portal_frame");
      END_STONE = get("end_stone");
      DRAGON_EGG = get("dragon_egg");
      REDSTONE_LAMP = get("redstone_lamp");
      LIT_REDSTONE_LAMP = get("lit_redstone_lamp");
      DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB = (BlockStepAbstract) get("double_wooden_slab");
      WOODEN_SLAB = (BlockStepAbstract) get("wooden_slab");
      COCOA = get("cocoa");
      SANDSTONE_STAIRS = get("sandstone_stairs");
      EMERALD_ORE = get("emerald_ore");
      ENDER_CHEST = get("ender_chest");
      TRIPWIRE_HOOK = (BlockTripwireHook) get("tripwire_hook");
      TRIPWIRE = get("tripwire");
      EMERALD_BLOCK = get("emerald_block");
      SPRUCE_STAIRS = get("spruce_stairs");
      BIRCH_STAIRS = get("birch_stairs");
      JUNGLE_STAIRS = get("jungle_stairs");
      COMMAND_BLOCK = get("command_block");
      BEACON = (BlockBeacon) get("beacon");
      COBBLESTONE_WALL = get("cobblestone_wall");
      FLOWER_POT = get("flower_pot");
      CARROTS = get("carrots");
      POTATOES = get("potatoes");
      WOODEN_BUTTON = get("wooden_button");
      SKULL = (BlockSkull) get("skull");
      ANVIL = get("anvil");
      TRAPPED_CHEST = get("trapped_chest");
      LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = get("light_weighted_pressure_plate");
      HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = get("heavy_weighted_pressure_plate");
      UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR = (BlockRedstoneComparator) get("unpowered_comparator");
      POWERED_COMPARATOR = (BlockRedstoneComparator) get("powered_comparator");
      DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR = (BlockDaylightDetector) get("daylight_detector");
      DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR_INVERTED = (BlockDaylightDetector) get("daylight_detector_inverted");
      REDSTONE_BLOCK = get("redstone_block");
      QUARTZ_ORE = get("quartz_ore");
      HOPPER = (BlockHopper) get("hopper");
      QUARTZ_BLOCK = get("quartz_block");
      QUARTZ_STAIRS = get("quartz_stairs");
      ACTIVATOR_RAIL = get("activator_rail");
      DROPPER = get("dropper");
      STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY = get("stained_hardened_clay");
      BARRIER = get("barrier");
      IRON_TRAPDOOR = get("iron_trapdoor");
      HAY_BLOCK = get("hay_block");
      CARPET = get("carpet");
      HARDENED_CLAY = get("hardened_clay");
      COAL_BLOCK = get("coal_block");
      PACKED_ICE = get("packed_ice");
      ACACIA_STAIRS = get("acacia_stairs");
      DARK_OAK_STAIRS = get("dark_oak_stairs");
      SLIME = get("slime");
      DOUBLE_PLANT = (BlockTallPlant) get("double_plant");
      STAINED_GLASS = (BlockStainedGlass) get("stained_glass");
      STAINED_GLASS_PANE = (BlockStainedGlassPane) get("stained_glass_pane");
      PRISMARINE = get("prismarine");
      SEA_LANTERN = get("sea_lantern");
      STANDING_BANNER = get("standing_banner");
      WALL_BANNER = get("wall_banner");
      RED_SANDSTONE = get("red_sandstone");
      RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = get("red_sandstone_stairs");
      DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB2 = (BlockStepAbstract) get("double_stone_slab2");
      STONE_SLAB2 = (BlockStepAbstract) get("stone_slab2");

  private static Block get(String s) {
    return Block.REGISTRY.get(new MinecraftKey(s));

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