net.minecraft.server.EntitySquid Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.minecraft.server;
import org.bukkit.entity.Squid;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public class EntitySquid extends EntityWaterAnimal {
public float a;
public float b;
public float c;
public float bk;
public float bl;
public float bm;
public float bn;
public float bo;
private float bp;
private float bq;
private float br;
private float bs;
private float bt;
private float bu;
public Squid getEntity() {
return (Squid) super.getEntity();
public EntitySquid(World world) {
this.setSize(0.95F, 0.95F);
this.random.setSeed(1 + this.getId());
this.bq = 1.0F / (this.random.nextFloat() + 1.0F) * 0.2F;
this.goalSelector.a(0, new EntitySquid.PathfinderGoalSquid(this));
protected void initAttributes() {
public float getHeadHeight() {
return this.length * 0.5F;
protected String z() {
return null;
protected String bo() {
return null;
protected String bp() {
return null;
protected float bB() {
return 0.4F;
protected Item getLoot() {
return null;
protected boolean s_() {
return false;
protected void dropDeathLoot(boolean flag, int i) {
int j = this.random.nextInt(3 + i) + 1;
for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k) {
this.a(new ItemStack(Items.DYE, 1, EnumColor.BLACK.getInvColorIndex()), 0.0F);
/* CraftBukkit start - Delegate to Entity to use existing inWater value
public boolean V() {
return this.world.a(this.getBoundingBox().grow(0.0D, -0.6000000238418579D, 0.0D), Material.WATER, (Entity) this);
// CraftBukkit end */
public void m() {
this.b = this.a;
this.bk = this.c;
this.bm = this.bl;
this.bo = this.bn;
this.bl += this.bq;
if ((double) this.bl > 6.283185307179586D) {
if (this.world.isClientSide) {
this.bl = 6.2831855F;
} else {
this.bl = (float) ((double) this.bl - 6.283185307179586D);
if (this.random.nextInt(10) == 0) {
this.bq = 1.0F / (this.random.nextFloat() + 1.0F) * 0.2F;
this.world.broadcastEntityEffect(this, (byte) 19);
if (this.inWater) {
float f;
if (this.bl < 3.1415927F) {
f = this.bl / 3.1415927F;
this.bn = MathHelper.sin(f * f * 3.1415927F) * 3.1415927F * 0.25F;
if ((double) f > 0.75D) {
this.bp = 1.0F;
this.br = 1.0F;
} else {
this.br *= 0.8F;
} else {
this.bn = 0.0F;
this.bp *= 0.9F;
this.br *= 0.99F;
if (!this.world.isClientSide) {
this.motX = this.bs * this.bp;
this.motY = this.bt * this.bp;
this.motZ = this.bu * this.bp;
f = MathHelper.sqrt(this.motX * this.motX + this.motZ * this.motZ);
this.aI += (-((float) MathHelper.b(this.motX, this.motZ)) * 180.0F / 3.1415927F - this.aI) * 0.1F;
this.yaw = this.aI;
this.c = (float) ((double) this.c + 3.141592653589793D * (double) this.br * 1.5D);
this.a += (-((float) MathHelper.b(f, this.motY)) * 180.0F / 3.1415927F - this.a) * 0.1F;
} else {
this.bn = MathHelper.e(MathHelper.sin(this.bl)) * 3.1415927F * 0.25F;
if (!this.world.isClientSide) {
this.motX = 0.0D;
this.motY -= 0.08D;
this.motY *= 0.9800000190734863D;
this.motZ = 0.0D;
this.a = (float) ((double) this.a + (double) (-90.0F - this.a) * 0.02D);
public void g(float f, float f1) {
this.move(this.motX, this.motY, this.motZ);
public boolean bR() {
return this.locY > 45.0D && this.locY < (double) this.world.F() && super.bR();
public void b(float f, float f1, float f2) {
this.bs = f;
this.bt = f1;
this.bu = f2;
public boolean n() {
return this.bs != 0.0F || this.bt != 0.0F || this.bu != 0.0F;
static class PathfinderGoalSquid extends PathfinderGoal {
private final EntitySquid a;
public PathfinderGoalSquid(EntitySquid entitysquid) {
this.a = entitysquid;
public boolean a() {
return true;
public void e() {
int i = this.a.bh();
if (i > 100) {
this.a.b(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
} else if (this.a.bc().nextInt(50) == 0 || !this.a.inWater || !this.a.n()) {
float f = this.a.bc().nextFloat() * 3.1415927F * 2.0F;
float f1 = MathHelper.cos(f) * 0.2F;
float f2 = -0.1F + this.a.bc().nextFloat() * 0.2F;
float f3 = MathHelper.sin(f) * 0.2F;
this.a.b(f1, f2, f3);
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