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* Copyright 2024 Valdemar Grange
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package catcheffect
import cats.effect._
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import org.tpolecat.sourcepos._
import org.typelevel.vault._
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
trait Raise[F[_], E] { self =>
def monad: Monad[F]
def raise[A](e: E)(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A]
def raiseIf[A](e: => E)(
cond: Boolean
)(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[Unit] =
if (cond) monad.void(raise(e)) else monad.unit
def fromOptionF[A](e: => E)(
oa: F[Option[A]]
)(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
def fromOption[A](e: => E)(
oa: Option[A]
)(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
def fromEither[A](ea: Either[E, A])(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
ea.fold(raise[A], monad.pure)
def fromValidated[A](ve: Validated[E, A])(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
ve.fold(raise[A], monad.pure)
def fromEitherT[A](e: EitherT[F, E, A])(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
def contramap[E2](f: E2 => E): Raise[F, E2] = new Raise[F, E2] {
def monad = self.monad
override def raise[A](e: E2)(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
def mapK[G[_]](fk: F ~> G)(implicit G: Monad[G]): Raise[G, E] = new Raise[G, E] {
def monad = G
override def raise[A](e: E)(implicit sp: SourcePos): G[A] =
trait Handle[F[_], E] extends Raise[F, E] {
def handleWith[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => F[A])(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A]
def attempt[A](
fa: F[A]
)(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[Either[E, A]] =
handleWith( Either[E, A]))(e => monad.pure(Left(e)))
def attemptK(implicit sp: SourcePos): F ~> EitherT[F, E, *] =
new (F ~> EitherT[F, E, *]) {
def apply[A](fa: F[A]): EitherT[F, E, A] = EitherT(attempt(fa))
def accumulatingParallelForParallel(implicit P: Parallel[F], S: Semigroup[E]): Parallel.Aux[F, F] = {
implicit val M: Monad[F] = monad
def accumulatingParallelForApplicative(implicit S: Semigroup[E]): Parallel.Aux[F, F] = {
implicit val M: Monad[F] = monad
implicit val P: Parallel.Aux[F, F] = Parallel.identity[F]
object Handle {
implicit def forEitherT[F[_]: Monad, E]: Handle[EitherT[F, E, *], E] =
new Handle[EitherT[F, E, *], E] {
def monad = implicitly
override def raise[A](e: E)(implicit sp: SourcePos): EitherT[F, E, A] =
override def handleWith[A](fa: EitherT[F, E, A])(
f: E => EitherT[F, E, A]
)(implicit sp: SourcePos): EitherT[F, E, A] =
def accumulatingParallel[F[_]: Monad: Parallel, E: Semigroup](H: Handle[F, E]): Parallel.Aux[F, F] = {
type G[A] = F[A]
new Parallel[F] {
type F[A] = G[A]
override def sequential: FunctionK[F, F] =
override def parallel: FunctionK[F, F] =
override def applicative: Applicative[F] = accumulatingApplicative(H)
override def monad: Monad[F] = Parallel[F].monad
def accumulatingApplicative[F[_]: Monad: Parallel, E: Semigroup](H: Handle[F, E]): Applicative[F] =
new Applicative[F] {
override def ap[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B] =
(H.attempt(ff), H.attempt(fa)).parMapN(_ <&> _) >>= H.fromEither
override def pure[A](x: A): F[A] = Monad[F].pure(x)
/** An abstraction that can construct an instance of the [[Handle]] mtl algebra without any constraints.
* [[Catch]] provides the (cap)ability to introduce ad-hoc error channels which compose, like [[]], but with no required
* lifting (and un-lifting).
* [[Catch]], unlike mtl stacks, [[Catch]] does not require introuction of more monad transformers when layering.
* Nested handlers for [[Catch]] are well-defined.
trait Catch[F[_]] { self =>
def monad: Monad[F]
/** A low-level method for requesting a new [[Handle]] instance and allocating a new error channel for any error type.
* This api is low-level and potentially unsafe. Any effect `F` that uses invokes `raise` but is not enclosed in a `handleWith` will lead
* to a runtime error.
* If possible, prefer the safer variant [[use]] instead.
def allocated[E](implicit sp: SourcePos): F[Handle[F, E]]
/** Within the scope of `f`, the use of [[Handle]] is well defined.
* The [[use]] method should be treated like a [[cats.effect.Resource]]'s use.
* Consider the following example usage:
* {{{
* sealed trait AddUsersError
* object AddUsersError {
* case object NoUsers extends AddUsersError
* case class DuplicateUsers extends AddUsersError
* }
* def addUsers[F[_]](users: List[User])(implicit
* R: Raise[F, AddUsersError],
* userRepo: UserRepository[F]
* ): F[Unit] = {
* import AddUsersError._
* for {
* _ <- R.raiseIf(NoUsers)(users.isEmpty)
* userIds =
* // A stream
* _ <- userRepo.getUsers(
* .evalMap(user => R.raiseIf(DuplicateUsers)(userIds.contains(
* .compile.drain
* _ <- R.raiseIf(DuplicateUsers)(userIds.size != users.size)
* _ <- userRepo.add(users)
* } yield ()
* }
* def addUsersRoute[F[_]: Catch](users: List[User])(implicit
* R: Raise[F, AddUsersError],
* userRepo: UserRepository[F]
* ) =
* Catch[F].use[AddUsersError]{ implicit R =>
* addUsers[F](users)
* }.flatMap{
* case Left(AddUsersError.NoUsers) => ???
* case Left(AddUsersError.DuplicateUsers) => ???
* case Right(_) => ???
* }
* }}}
def use[E] = new Catch.PartiallyAppliedUse[F, E](self)
object Catch {
def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Catch[F]): Catch[F] = F
final class PartiallyAppliedUse[F[_], E](private val instance: Catch[F]) {
def apply[A](
f: Handle[F, E] => F[A]
)(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[Either[E, A]] =
instance.monad.flatMap(instance.allocated[E])(h => h.attempt(f(h))(sp))
final case class RaisedWithoutHandler[E](
e: E,
alloc: SourcePos,
caller: SourcePos
) extends RuntimeException {
override def getMessage(): String =
s"""|I think you might have a resource leak.
|You are trying to raise at ${caller},
|but this operation occured outside of the scope of the handler.
|Either widen the scope of your handler or don't leak the algebra.
|The handler was defined at $alloc""".stripMargin
final case class RaisedInUncancellable[E](
e: E,
alloc: SourcePos,
caller: SourcePos
) extends RuntimeException {
override def getMessage(): String =
s"""|"raise" was invoked at ${caller},
|but this operation occured inside of an uncancellable block.
|Catch does not known how to produce a value of type `F[A]` if it cannot cancel the fiber.
|The handler was defined at $alloc""".stripMargin
val ioCatch: IO[Catch[IO]] =
.map(implicit loc => fromLocal[IO])
def kleisli[F[_]: Concurrent]: Catch[Kleisli[F, Vault, *]] =
fromLocal[Kleisli[F, Vault, *]]
/** Implements [[Catch]] via the cancellation of an effect `F`.
* Note that when an instance of [[Catch]] has been constructed like this, invoking any method on [[Handle]] inside an `uncancelable`
* block is considered an error.
* Using cancellation to raise errors has some advantages and disadvantages.
* [[Catch]], unlike [[]], does not have potentially dangerous semantics regarding resource safety (EitherT's left case
* when releasing resources). For reference the default implementation of [[cats.effect.MonadCancel]]'s `guarenteeCase` will not invoke
* the finalizer when you use [[]] and the effect is in the `Left` case.
def fromLocal[F[_]](implicit F: Concurrent[F], L: Local[F, Vault]): Catch[F] = {
new Catch[F] {
override def monad: Monad[F] = F
override def allocated[E](implicit sp0: SourcePos): F[Handle[F, E]] =
Key.newKey[F, E => F[Unit]].map { key =>
new Handle[F, E] {
def monad = F
override def raise[A](e: E)(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
.flatMap(_.lookup(key) match {
case None => F.raiseError(RaisedWithoutHandler(e, sp0, sp))
case Some(f) =>
f(e) *> F.canceled *>
F.raiseError(RaisedInUncancellable(e, sp0, sp))
override def handleWith[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => F[A])(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
F.deferred[E].flatMap { prom =>
val program: F[A] =
L.local(fa)(_.insert(key, (x: E) => prom.complete(x).void))(sp)
F.race(prom.get, program).flatMap(_.fold(f, F.pure(_)))
def fromHandle[F[_]](implicit F: Concurrent[F], H: Handle[F, Vault]): Catch[F] = {
new Catch[F] {
override def monad: Monad[F] = F
override def allocated[E](implicit sp0: SourcePos): F[Handle[F, E]] =
Key.newKey[F, E].map { k =>
new Handle[F, E] {
def monad: Monad[F] = F
override def raise[A](e: E)(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
H.raise(Vault.empty.insert(k, e))(sp)
override def handleWith[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => F[A])(implicit sp: SourcePos): F[A] =
H.handleWith(fa)(v => v.lookup(k).fold[F[A]](H.raise(v)(sp))(f))(sp)
def eitherT[F[_]](implicit F: Concurrent[F]): Catch[EitherT[F, Vault, *]] = {
type G[A] = EitherT[F, Vault, A]
implicit val G = EitherT.catsDataMonadErrorForEitherT[F, Vault](F)
implicit val handle = new Handle[G, Vault] {
def monad: Monad[G] = G
override def raise[A](e: Vault)(implicit sp: SourcePos): G[A] =
override def handleWith[A](fa: G[A])(f: Vault => G[A])(implicit
sp: SourcePos
): G[A] =