gql.GraphqlWS.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 Valdemar Grange
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package gql.graphqlws
import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
import io.circe._
import io.circe.syntax._
import gql._
import cats.data._
import cats.effect.std._
object GraphqlWS {
type Compiler[F[_]] = CompilerParameters => Resource[F, Compiler.Outcome[F]]
type GetCompiler[F[_]] = Map[String, Json] => F[Either[String, Compiler[F]]]
final case class SubscriptionState[F[_]](
close: F[Unit]
sealed trait State[F[_]]
object State {
final case class Connecting[F[_]]() extends State[F]
final case class Connected[F[_]](
initPayload: Map[String, Json],
compiler: Compiler[F],
subscriptions: Map[String, F[Unit]]
) extends State[F]
final case class Terminating[F[_]](
subscriptions: Map[String, F[Unit]]
) extends State[F]
final case class TechnicalError(
code: Int,
message: String
type Message = Either[TechnicalError, FromServer]
def apply[F[_]](getCompiler: GetCompiler[F])(implicit
F: Async[F]
): Resource[F, (fs2.Stream[F, Either[TechnicalError, FromServer]], fs2.Stream[F, FromClient] => fs2.Stream[F, Unit])] = {
Supervisor[F].evalMap { sup =>
Queue.bounded[F, Message](1024).flatMap { toClient =>
F.ref[State[F]](State.Connecting()).flatMap { state =>
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val timeoutF =
F.sleep(30.seconds) >> toClient.offer(Left(TechnicalError(4408, "Connection initialisation timeout")))
sup.supervise(timeoutF).map { timeoutFiber =>
def send(fc: FromServer): F[Unit] = toClient.offer(fc.asRight)
def err(m: Map[String, F[Unit]], code: Int, message: String): (State.Terminating[F], F[Unit]) =
(State.Terminating(m), toClient.offer(TechnicalError(code, message).asLeft))
def handleMessage(fc: FromClient): F[Unit] =
fc match {
case Bidirectional.Ping(payload) => send(Bidirectional.Pong(payload))
case Bidirectional.Pong(_) => F.unit
case Bidirectional.Complete(id) =>
// If we remove the subscription, we need to close it
// Cancellation can occur between map removal and falttening
.modify[F[Unit]] {
case State.Connecting() => err(Map.empty, 4401, "Unauthorized")
case State.Terminating(m) => (State.Terminating(m), F.unit)
case c @ State.Connected(ip, compiler, m) =>
m.get(id) match {
case None => (c, F.unit)
case Some(close) => (State.Connected(ip, compiler, m - id), close)
case FromClient.Subscribe(id, payload) =>
.modify[F[Unit]] {
case State.Connecting() => err(Map.empty, 4401, "Unauthorized")
case State.Terminating(m) => (State.Terminating(m), F.unit)
case State.Connected(ip, compiler, m) =>
m.get(id) match {
case Some(_) => err(m, 4409, s"Subscriber for $id already exists")
case None =>
// Start out with F.unit
val newState = State.Connected(ip, compiler, m + (id -> F.unit))
val compiled = compiler(payload)
val subscribeF: F[Unit] =
F.uncancelable { _ =>
compiled.allocated.flatMap { case (outcome, release) =>
outcome match {
case Left(err) =>
val j = err match {
case CompilationError.Parse(p) => Chain(p.asGraphQL)
case CompilationError.Preparation(p) => p.toChain.map(_.asGraphQL)
val cleanupF = state.update {
case State.Connected(_, _, m2) => State.Connected(ip, compiler, m2 - id)
case x => x
release >> cleanupF >> send(FromServer.Error(id, j))
case Right(app) =>
val s = app match {
case Application.Query(run) => fs2.Stream.eval(run)
case Application.Mutation(run) => fs2.Stream.eval(run)
case Application.Subscription(run) => run
val cleanupF = state.update {
case State.Connected(_, _, m2) => State.Connected(ip, compiler, m2 - id)
case x => x
val bgFiber =
sup.supervise {
s.map(x => Right(FromServer.Next(id, x))) ++
fs2.Stream(Right(Bidirectional.Complete(id))) ++
bgFiber.flatMap { fib =>
state.modify {
case State.Connected(ip, compiler, m) =>
(State.Connected(ip, compiler, m + (id -> fib.cancel)), F.unit)
case x => (x, fib.cancel)
(newState, subscribeF)
case FromClient.ConnectionInit(payload) =>
timeoutFiber.cancel >>
getCompiler(payload).flatMap { ce =>
.modify[F[Unit]] {
case State.Terminating(m) => (State.Terminating(m), F.unit)
case State.Connected(_, _, m) => err(m, 4429, "Too many initialization requests")
case State.Connecting() =>
ce match {
case Left(x) => err(Map.empty, 4441, x)
case Right(compiler) =>
(State.Connected(payload, compiler, Map.empty), send(FromServer.ConnectionAck(Map.empty)))
val dequeue =
.takeWhile(_.isRight, takeFailure = true)
val handle: fs2.Pipe[F, FromClient, Unit] = _.evalMap(handleMessage)
(dequeue, handle)
sealed trait Bidirectional extends FromClient with FromServer
object Bidirectional {
final case class Ping(payload: Map[String, Json]) extends Bidirectional
final case class Pong(payload: Map[String, Json]) extends Bidirectional
final case class Complete(id: String) extends Bidirectional
implicit lazy val enc: Encoder[Bidirectional] = {
case Ping(payload) => Json.obj("type" -> "ping".asJson, "payload" -> payload.asJson)
case Pong(payload) => Json.obj("type" -> "pong".asJson, "payload" -> payload.asJson)
case Complete(id) => Json.obj("type" -> "complete".asJson, "id" -> id.asJson)
implicit lazy val dec: Decoder[Bidirectional] = Decoder.instance[Bidirectional] { c =>
lazy val payload = c.downField("payload").as[Option[Map[String, Json]]].map(_.getOrElse(Map.empty))
c.downField("type").as[String].flatMap {
case "ping" => payload.map(Ping.apply)
case "pong" => payload.map(Pong.apply)
case "complete" => c.downField("id").as[String].map(Complete.apply)
case other => Left(DecodingFailure(s"unknown type $other", c.history))
sealed trait FromClient
object FromClient {
final case class ConnectionInit(payload: Map[String, Json]) extends FromClient
final case class Subscribe(id: String, payload: CompilerParameters) extends FromClient
implicit lazy val compilerParamsDec: Decoder[CompilerParameters] = Decoder.instance[CompilerParameters] { c =>
c.downField("variables").as[Option[Map[String, Json]]],
implicit lazy val dec: Decoder[FromClient] = Decoder.instance[FromClient] { c =>
c.downField("type").as[String].flatMap {
case "connection_init" => c.downField("payload").as[Option[Map[String, Json]]].map(m => ConnectionInit(m.getOrElse(Map.empty)))
case "subscribe" =>
).mapN(Subscribe(_, _))
case _ => c.as[Bidirectional]
sealed trait FromServer
object FromServer {
final case class ConnectionAck(payload: Map[String, Json]) extends FromServer
final case class Next(id: String, payload: QueryResult) extends FromServer
final case class Error(id: String, payload: Chain[JsonObject]) extends FromServer
implicit lazy val enc: Encoder[FromServer] = {
case ConnectionAck(payload) => Json.obj("type" -> "connection_ack".asJson, "payload" -> payload.asJson)
case Next(id, payload) => Json.obj("type" -> "next".asJson, "id" -> id.asJson, "payload" -> payload.asGraphQL.asJson)
case Error(id, payload) =>
"type" -> "error".asJson,
"id" -> id.asJson,
"payload" -> payload.asJson
case b: Bidirectional => b.asJson
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