gql.relational.QueryAlgebra.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 Valdemar Grange
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package gql.relational
import cats.implicits._
import cats._
import gql.resolver.Resolver
import cats.data._
import cats.mtl._
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
import gql.ast._
import gql.EmptyableArg
import gql.resolver.FieldMeta
trait QueryAlgebra {
type QueryState[G[_], C] = QueryAlgebra.QueryState[Decoder, G, C]
val QueryStateImpl = QueryAlgebra.QueryStateImpl
type Decoder[A]
def optDecoder[A](d: Decoder[A]): Decoder[Option[A]]
implicit def applicativeForDecoder: Applicative[Decoder]
type Frag
def stringToFrag(s: String): Frag
implicit def appliedFragmentMonoid: Monoid[Frag]
type Connection[F[_]]
trait Queryable[F[_]] {
def apply[A](query: Frag, decoder: Decoder[A], connection: Connection[F]): F[List[A]]
def resolveQueryFull[F[_]: Queryable, G[_], H[_], I, B, ArgType](
toplevelArg: EmptyableArg[ArgType],
q: (NonEmptyList[I], ArgType) => Query[G, (Query.Select[I], B)],
connection: Connection[F]
)(implicit F: Applicative[F], H: Reassociateable[H]): Resolver[F, H[I], H[G[QueryContext[B]]]] = {
implicit val T: Traverse[H] = H.traverse
compileToResolver[F, G, H, I, ArgType, Either[String, G[QueryContext[B]]]](toplevelArg) { (xs, at, fm) =>
evalQuery(xs, fm, q(xs, at), connection)
def resolveQuery[F[_]: Queryable: Applicative, G[_], I, B, ArgType](
toplevelArg: EmptyableArg[ArgType],
q: (NonEmptyList[I], ArgType) => Query[G, (Query.Select[I], B)],
connection: Connection[F]
): Resolver[F, I, G[QueryContext[B]]] =
resolveQueryFull[F, G, Id, I, B, ArgType](toplevelArg, q, connection)
def resolveQuerySingle[F[_]: Queryable, G[_], I, B, ArgType](
toplevelArg: EmptyableArg[ArgType],
q: (I, ArgType) => Query[G, B],
connection: Connection[F]
)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): Resolver[F, I, G[QueryContext[B]]] =
compileToResolver[F, G, Id, I, ArgType, Either[String, G[QueryContext[B]]]](toplevelArg) { (xs, at, fm) =>
.traverse { x =>
val baseQuery = q(x, at)
val moddedQuery = baseQuery.map(b => (Applicative[Query.Select].pure(x), b))
evalQuery(NonEmptyList.one(x), fm, moddedQuery, connection)
def evalQuery[F[_], G[_], I, B, ArgType](
xs: NonEmptyList[I],
fm: FieldMeta[F],
query: Query[G, (Query.Select[I], B)],
connection: Connection[F]
)(implicit F: Applicative[F], queryable: Queryable[F]): F[Map[I, Either[String, G[QueryContext[B]]]]] = {
val eff = collapseQuery(query).flatMap { qs =>
val out = compileQueryState(qs.map { case (_, b) => b }, FieldVariant.SubSelection[B](), Eval.later(getNextAttributes(fm.astNode)))
out tupleLeft qs.map { case (sel, _) => sel }.value
val (qc, e) = eff.value.runA(1).run
e match {
case Left(e) => F.pure(xs.toList.tupleRight(Left(e)).toMap)
case Right((sel, done: Done[G, a, QueryContext[B]])) =>
val decoder = (sel.decoder, done.dec).tupled
val qc2 = QueryContent(sel.cols ++ qc.selections, qc.joins)
val frag = renderQuery(qc2)
val result = queryable(frag, decoder, connection)
.map(_.groupMap { case (k, _) => k } { case (_, v) => v })
sealed trait FieldVariant[Q, A]
object FieldVariant {
case class Selection[A]() extends FieldVariant[Query.Select[A], A]
case class SubSelection[A]() extends FieldVariant[A, QueryContext[A]]
trait AnyQueryAttribute[G[_], A]
trait TableFieldAttribute[G[_], A, B, ArgType, Q] extends FieldAttribute[fs2.Pure] with AnyQueryAttribute[G, B] {
def arg: EmptyableArg[ArgType]
def query(value: A, argument: ArgType): Query[G, Q]
def fieldVariant: FieldVariant[Q, B]
trait UnificationQueryAttribute[A, Q, B]
extends ImplementationAttribute[fs2.Pure]
with VariantAttribute[fs2.Pure]
with AnyQueryAttribute[Option, B] {
def query(value: A): Query[Option, Q]
def fieldVariant: FieldVariant[Q, B]
trait QueryContext[A] {
def read[G[_], B](tfa: AnyQueryAttribute[G, B]): Option[Either[String, G[B]]]
sealed trait Query[G[_], +A] {
def flatMap[H[_], B](f: A => Query[H, B]): Query[λ[X => G[H[X]]], B] =
Query.FlatMap(this, f)
def map[B](f: A => B): Query[G, B] = flatMap[λ[X => X], B](a => Query.pure(f(a)))
def mapK[H[_]](fk: G ~> H): Query[H, A] =
def widen[B >: A]: Query[G, B] = map(a => a)
def compile[B >: A]: Effect[QueryState[G, B]] = collapseQuery(this)
object Query {
case class FlatMap[G[_], H[_], A, B](
fa: Query[G, A],
f: A => Query[H, B]
) extends Query[λ[X => G[H[X]]], B]
case class LiftEffect[G[_], A](fa: Effect[QueryState[G, A]]) extends Query[G, A]
case class Select[A](cols: Chain[Frag], decoder: Decoder[A]) extends Query[λ[X => X], Select[A]]
object Select {
implicit lazy val applicativeForSelect: Applicative[Select] = new Applicative[Select] {
override def pure[A](x: A): Select[A] =
Select(Chain.empty, Applicative[Decoder].pure(x))
override def ap[A, B](ff: Select[A => B])(fa: Select[A]): Select[B] =
Select(ff.cols ++ fa.cols, ff.decoder ap fa.decoder)
def pure[A](a: A): Query[λ[X => X], A] =
liftState[λ[X => X], A](QueryAlgebra.QueryState.pure[Decoder, A](a))
def liftState[G[_], A](state: QueryState[G, A]): Query[G, A] =
liftEffect[G, A](Effect.pure(state))
def liftEffect[G[_], A](effect: Effect[QueryState[G, A]]): Query[G, A] =
def liftF[A](fa: Effect[A]): Query[λ[X => X], A] =
liftEffect(fa.map(QueryAlgebra.QueryState.pure[Decoder, A](_)))
trait Table {
def alias: String
def table: Frag
def tableKey: Query.Select[?]
def aliasedFrag(x: Frag): Frag =
stringToFrag(alias) |+| stringToFrag(".") |+| x
def aliasedSelect[A](name: Frag, dec: Decoder[A]): Query.Select[A] =
Query.Select(Chain(aliasedFrag(name)), dec)
case class PreparedQuery[G[_], A, B, C](
qc: QueryContent,
done: Done[G, A, B],
rootQueryValue: C
def compileToResolver[F[_], G[_], H[_]: Traverse, I, ArgType, O](toplevelArg: EmptyableArg[ArgType])(
compiler: (NonEmptyList[I], ArgType, FieldMeta[F]) => F[Map[I, O]]
)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): Resolver[F, H[I], H[O]] = {
type K[V[_]] = ((ArgType, FieldMeta[F]), V[I])
.meta[F, H[I]]
_.map { case (k, h) => (h.toList tupleLeft k).toSet }
.andThen(Resolver.inlineBatch[F, K[Id], O] { xs =>
val lst = xs.toList
.traverse { nel =>
val rev = nel.map { case (v, k) => k -> v }.toList.toMap
val ((a, fm), _) = nel.head
val inputs = nel.map { case (_, i) => i }
compiler(inputs, a, fm)
.map(_.toList.mapFilter { case (i, o) => rev.get(i).tupleRight(i).tupleRight(o) })
.emap { case (o, (k, h)) =>
h.traverse(i => o.get((k, i)).toRightIor("Could not find query result"))
import gql.{preparation => prep}
type Effect[A] = EitherT[StateT[Writer[QueryContent, *], Int, *], String, A]
val Effect = Monad[Effect]
val S = Stateful[Effect, Int]
val T = Tell[Effect, QueryContent]
val R = Raise[Effect, String]
val nextId: Effect[String] = S.get.map(i => s"t${i.toString()}") <* S.modify(_ + 1)
def addJoin(tbl: Frag, pred: Frag): Effect[Unit] =
T.tell(QueryContent(Chain.empty, Chain(QueryJoin(tbl, pred))))
def addSelection(f: Chain[Frag]): Effect[Unit] =
T.tell(QueryContent(f, Chain.empty))
def renderQuery(qc: QueryContent): Frag = {
val selections = qc.selections.intercalate(stringToFrag(", "))
val nl = stringToFrag("\n")
val suffix = NonEmptyChain.fromChain(qc.joins).foldMap { nec =>
val (hd, tl) = nec.uncons
val ys = tl.foldMap { x =>
val p = x.pred
val t = x.tbl
nl |+| stringToFrag("left join ") |+| t |+| stringToFrag(" on ") |+| p
nl |+| stringToFrag("from ") |+| hd.tbl |+|
ys |+| nl |+| stringToFrag("where ") |+| hd.pred
stringToFrag("select ") |+| selections |+| suffix
case class Done[G[_], A, B](
dec: Decoder[A],
reassoc: List[A] => Either[String, G[B]]
def getArg[F[_], ArgType](
pdf: prep.PreparedDataField[F, ?, ?],
a: EmptyableArg[ArgType]
): Effect[ArgType] = a match {
case EmptyableArg.Empty => Effect.unit
case EmptyableArg.Lift(y) =>
pdf.arg(y) match {
case None => R.raise(s"could not find argument for ${pdf.outputName}")
case Some(x) => Effect.pure(x)
def compileNextField[F[_], G[_], A, B, ArgType, Q](
pdf: prep.PreparedDataField[F, ?, ?],
a: A,
tfa: TableFieldAttribute[G, A, B, ArgType, Q]
): Effect[Done[G, ?, B]] =
getArg(pdf, tfa.arg)
.map(tfa.query(a, _))
.flatMap(compileQueryState(_, tfa.fieldVariant, Eval.later(getNextAttributes(pdf))))
def compileNextUnification[F[_], A, Q, B](
attr: UnificationQueryAttribute[A, Q, B],
a: A,
fields: List[prep.PreparedDataField[F, B, ?]]
): Effect[Done[Option, ?, B]] =
compileQueryState[F, Option, B, Q](
def compileQueryState[F[_], G[_], B, Q](
qs: QueryState[G, Q],
variant: FieldVariant[Q, B],
nextTasks: Eval[List[QueryTask[F, ?]]]
): Effect[Done[G, ?, B]] =
variant match {
case _: FieldVariant.Selection[a] =>
val sel: Query.Select[B] = qs.value
addSelection(sel.cols).as {
Done[G, (qs.Key, Option[B]), B](
(qs.decoder, optDecoder(sel.decoder)).tupled,
{ xs =>
val ys = xs.collect { case (k, Some(v)) => k -> v }
.flatMap { gs =>
qs.reassoc.traverse.traverse(gs) {
case x :: _ => Right(x)
case xs => Left(s"Expected 1 element, but got ${xs.size}")
case _: FieldVariant.SubSelection[a] =>
val passthrough: Q = qs.value
val tasks: List[QueryTask[F, ?]] = nextTasks.value
trait TaskResult {
type G[A]
def attr: AnyQueryAttribute[G, ?]
def d: Done[G, ?, ?]
case class TaskResultImpl[G0[_]](attr: AnyQueryAttribute[G0, ?], d: Done[G0, ?, ?]) extends TaskResult {
type G[A] = G0[A]
val taskResults: Effect[List[TaskResult]] = tasks.traverse {
case f: QueryTask.Field[f, g, a] =>
compileNextField(f.v, passthrough.asInstanceOf[a], f.attr)
.map(done => TaskResultImpl[g](f.attr, done))
case f: QueryTask.Unification[F, a, b] =>
compileNextUnification(f.attr, passthrough.asInstanceOf[a], f.fields)
.map(done => TaskResultImpl(f.attr, done))
trait K {
type G[A]
def attr: AnyQueryAttribute[G, ?]
case class KImpl[G0[_]](attr: AnyQueryAttribute[G0, ?]) extends K {
type G[A] = G0[A]
taskResults.map { dones =>
val decs = dones
.flatTraverse { tr =>
tr.d.dec.map { x => List[(K, Any)](KImpl(tr.attr) -> x) }
val doneMap = dones.map(t => (KImpl(t.attr): K) -> t.d).toMap
val reassocNext = { (xs: List[Map[K, Any]]) =>
val keys = xs.flatMap(_.keySet).toSet
val grouped = keys.toList.map(k => k -> xs.flatMap(_.get(k))).toMap
new QueryContext[Q] {
def read[H[_], X](tfa: AnyQueryAttribute[H, X]): Option[Either[String, H[X]]] = {
val k: K = KImpl(tfa)
doneMap.get(k).flatMap { case (done: Done[H, a, ?] @unchecked) =>
grouped.get(k).map { ys =>
Done[G, (qs.Key, Map[K, Any]), QueryContext[Q]](
(qs.decoder, decs).tupled,
{ (xs: List[(qs.Key, Map[K, Any])]) =>
.map(gs =>
qs.fk {
qs.reassoc.traverse.map(gs) { (xs: List[Map[K, Any]]) =>
sealed trait QueryTask[F[_], A]
object QueryTask {
case class Field[F[_], G[_], A](
v: prep.PreparedDataField[F, QueryContext[A], ?],
attr: TableFieldAttribute[G, A, ?, ?, ?]
) extends QueryTask[F, A]
case class Unification[F[_], A, B](
attr: UnificationQueryAttribute[A, ?, B],
fields: List[prep.PreparedDataField[F, B, ?]]
) extends QueryTask[F, A]
trait PDFField[F[_]] {
type G[A]
def field: QueryTask.Field[F, G, ?]
case class PDFFieldImpl[F[_], G0[_]](field: QueryTask.Field[F, G0, ?]) extends PDFField[F] {
type G[A] = G0[A]
def getPDFField[F[_], A, B](pdf: prep.PreparedDataField[F, A, B]): Option[PDFField[F]] =
.collectFirst { case a: TableFieldAttribute[g, a, ?, ?, ?] @unchecked => a }
.map { case tfa: TableFieldAttribute[g, a, ?, ?, ?] =>
PDFFieldImpl(QueryTask.Field(pdf.asInstanceOf[prep.PreparedDataField[F, QueryContext[a], ?]], tfa))
def makeTasks[F[_], A, B](ps: prep.PreparedSpecification[F, A, B]): List[QueryTask[F, ?]] =
ps.specialization match {
case prep.Specialization.Union(_, v) =>
v.attributes.collectFirst { case vqa: UnificationQueryAttribute[a, q, b] @unchecked =>
QueryTask.Unification[F, a, b](
ps.selection.asInstanceOf[List[prep.PreparedDataField[F, b, ?]]]
case prep.Specialization.Interface(_, i) =>
i.attributes.collectFirst { case vqa: UnificationQueryAttribute[a, q, b] @unchecked =>
QueryTask.Unification[F, a, b](
ps.selection.asInstanceOf[List[prep.PreparedDataField[F, b, ?]]]
case prep.Specialization.Type(_) => ps.selection.mapFilter(getPDFField(_)).map(_.field)
def getNextAttributes[F[_], A, B](pdf: prep.PreparedDataField[F, A, B]): List[QueryTask[F, ?]] = {
val sel = findNextSel(pdf.cont.cont)
val selFields: List[prep.PreparedField[F, ?]] = sel.toList.flatMap(_.fields)
val dataFields: List[prep.PreparedDataField[F, ?, ?]] =
selFields.collect { case pdf: prep.PreparedDataField[F, ?, ?] => pdf }
val specs: List[prep.PreparedSpecification[F, ?, ?]] =
selFields.collect { case ps: prep.PreparedSpecification[F, ?, ?] => ps }
val variants = specs.flatMap[QueryTask[F, ?]](makeTasks(_))
val dataTypeFields = dataFields.mapFilter(getPDFField(_)).map(_.field)
dataTypeFields ++ variants
def findNextSel[F[_], A](p: prep.Prepared[F, A]): Option[prep.Selection[F, ?]] = p match {
case sel: prep.Selection[F, ?] @unchecked => Some(sel)
case prep.PreparedList(of, _) => findNextSel(of.cont)
case po: prep.PreparedOption[F, ?, ?] @unchecked => findNextSel(po.of.cont)
case prep.PreparedLeaf(_, _) => None
case class QueryJoin(
tbl: Frag,
pred: Frag
case class QueryContent(
selections: Chain[Frag],
joins: Chain[QueryJoin]
implicit lazy val monoidForQueryContent: Monoid[QueryContent] = new Monoid[QueryContent] {
override def combine(x: QueryContent, y: QueryContent): QueryContent =
QueryContent(x.selections ++ y.selections, x.joins ++ y.joins)
override def empty: QueryContent = QueryContent(Chain.empty, Chain.empty)
def collapseQuery[G[_], C](q: Query[G, C]): Effect[QueryState[G, C]] = q match {
case s: Query.Select[a] => Effect.pure(QueryAlgebra.QueryState.pure(s))
case le: Query.LiftEffect[G, C] @unchecked => le.fa
case fm: Query.FlatMap[g, h, a, ?] =>
for {
qsa <- collapseQuery[g, a](fm.fa)
qsb <- collapseQuery[h, C](fm.f(qsa.value))
} yield QueryAlgebra.QueryState.meld[Decoder, g, h, a, C](qsa, qsb)
object QueryAlgebra {
trait QueryState[Decoder[_], G[_], C] { self =>
type Key
type T[_]
def reassoc: Reassoc[T, Key]
def decoder: Decoder[Key]
def value: C
def fk: T ~> G
def map[B](f: C => B): QueryState[Decoder, G, B] =
QueryStateImpl(reassoc, decoder, f(value), fk)
def mapK[H[_]](fk: G ~> H): QueryState[Decoder, H, C] =
QueryStateImpl(reassoc, decoder, value, fk compose self.fk)
object QueryState {
type Aux[Decoder[_], G[_], C, K0, T0[_]] = QueryState[Decoder, G, C] {
type T[A] = T0[A]
type Key = K0
def apply[Decoder[_], G[_], Key, C, T0[_]](
reassoc0: Reassoc[T0, Key],
decoder0: Decoder[Key],
value0: C,
fk0: T0 ~> G
): QueryState.Aux[Decoder, G, C, Key, T0] =
QueryStateImpl(reassoc0, decoder0, value0, fk0)
def pure[Decoder[_]: Applicative, A](c: A): QueryState[Decoder, λ[X => X], A] =
QueryStateImpl(JoinType.One.reassoc[Unit], ().pure[Decoder], c, FunctionK.id[Id])
def meld[Decoder[_]: Applicative, G[_], H[_], A, B](
qsa: QueryState[Decoder, G, A],
qsb: QueryState[Decoder, H, B]
): QueryState[Decoder, λ[X => G[H[X]]], B] = {
type N[C] = qsa.T[qsb.T[C]]
type AK = qsa.Key
type BK = qsb.Key
val reassoc: Reassoc[N, (AK, BK)] = new Reassoc[N, (AK, BK)] {
def traverse = Reassociateable
override def apply[C](fa: List[((AK, BK), C)]): Either[String, N[List[C]]] = {
val ys = fa.map { case ((ak, bk), a) => (ak, (bk, a)) }
qsa.reassoc(ys).flatMap { gs =>
qsa.reassoc.traverse.traverse(gs) { bs =>
val fk = new (λ[X => qsa.T[qsb.T[X]]] ~> λ[X => G[H[X]]]) {
def apply[C](fa: qsa.T[qsb.T[C]]): G[H[C]] =
qsa.fk(qsa.reassoc.traverse.map(fa)(t2 => qsb.fk(t2)))
QueryStateImpl(reassoc, (qsa.decoder, qsb.decoder).tupled, qsb.value, fk)
// Trivial implementation of QueryState
final case class QueryStateImpl[Decoder[_], G[_], I[_], K, C](
reassoc: Reassoc[I, K],
decoder: Decoder[K],
value: C,
fk: I ~> G
) extends QueryState[Decoder, G, C] {
type T[A] = I[A]
type Key = K
// Structure that aids re-construction of hierarchical data from flat data
trait Reassoc[G[_], Key] {
def traverse: Traverse[G]
def apply[A](fa: List[(Key, A)]): Either[String, G[List[A]]]
object Reassoc {
def id: Reassoc[λ[X => X], Unit] = new Reassoc[λ[X => X], Unit] {
def traverse = Traverse[Id]
def apply[A](fa: List[(Unit, A)]): Either[String, Id[List[A]]] = Right(fa.map { case (_, a) => a })
trait ReassocGroup[G[_], Key] extends Reassoc[G, Key] {
def groups[A](fa: List[List[A]]): Either[String, G[List[A]]]
def apply[A](fa: List[(Key, A)]): Either[String, G[List[A]]] = {
val m = fa.zipWithIndex.groupMap { case ((k, _), _) => k } { case ((_, v), i) => (v, i) }
groups(fa.map { case (k, _) => k }.distinct.map(k => m(k).sortBy { case (_, i) => i }.map { case (v, _) => v }))
case class ReassocOpt[G[_], Key](reassoc: Reassoc[G, Key]) extends Reassoc[G, Option[Key]] {
def traverse = reassoc.traverse
def apply[A](fa: List[(Option[Key], A)]): Either[String, G[List[A]]] =
reassoc(fa.collect { case (Some(k), v) => (k, v) })
// A convinient structure where you can request a result re-association for a given G (List, Option, Id)
sealed trait JoinType[G[_]] {
def reassoc[Key]: Reassoc[G, Key]
object JoinType extends LowPrioJoinTypeImplicits1 {
// A => A instead of Id since scala doesn't want reduce Id to A => A, and Id is noisy
case object One extends JoinType[λ[A => A]] {
def reassoc[Key]: Reassoc[λ[A => A], Key] = new ReassocGroup[λ[X => X], Key] {
def traverse = Traverse[λ[X => X]]
override def groups[A](fa: List[List[A]]): Either[String, List[A]] = {
fa match {
case x :: Nil => Right(x)
case _ => Left(s"Expected 1 element, but found ${fa.size}")
case object Opt extends JoinType[Option] {
def reassoc[Key]: Reassoc[Option, Key] = new ReassocGroup[Option, Key] {
def traverse = Traverse[Option]
override def groups[A](fa: List[List[A]]): Either[String, Option[List[A]]] = {
fa match {
case x :: Nil => Right(Some(x))
case Nil => Right(None)
case _ => Left("Expected 0 or 1 element, but found more")
case class Many[G[_]](
fromListFK: List ~> λ[X => Either[String, G[X]]],
traverse: Traverse[G]
) extends JoinType[G] {
def traverse0 = traverse
def reassoc[Key]: Reassoc[G, Key] = new ReassocGroup[G, Key] {
def traverse = traverse0
def groups[A](fa: List[List[A]]): Either[String, G[List[A]]] =
implicit lazy val joinTypeOne: JoinType[λ[A => A]] = JoinType.One
trait LowPrioJoinTypeImplicits1 extends LowPrioJoinTypeImplicits2 {
implicit lazy val joinTypeOpt: JoinType[Option] = JoinType.Opt
trait LowPrioJoinTypeImplicits2 {
def make[G[_]](fromList: List ~> λ[X => Either[String, G[X]]])(implicit G: Traverse[G]): JoinType[G] =
JoinType.Many(fromList, G)
implicit lazy val joinTypeList: JoinType[List] = make {
new (List ~> λ[X => Either[String, List[X]]]) {
override def apply[A](fa: List[A]): Either[String, List[A]] = Right(fa)
// A typeclass that exists for any traversable which is subject to derivation for nested effects
trait Reassociateable[F[_]] {
def traverse: Traverse[F]
object Reassociateable extends ReassociateableLowPrio1 {
implicit def reassociateStep[F[_], G[_]](implicit F: Reassociateable[F], G: Reassociateable[G]): Reassociateable[λ[X => F[G[X]]]] = {
type H[A] = F[G[A]]
new Reassociateable[H] {
val instance = Nested.catsDataTraverseForNested(F.traverse, G.traverse)
def traverse = new Traverse[H] {
override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: H[A], b: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
instance.foldLeft(Nested(fa), b)(f)
override def foldRight[A, B](fa: H[A], lb: Eval[B])(f: (A, Eval[B]) => Eval[B]): Eval[B] =
instance.foldRight(Nested(fa), lb)(f)
override def traverse[K[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: H[A])(f: A => K[B]): K[H[B]] =
trait ReassociateableLowPrio1 extends ReassociateableLowPrio2 {
implicit lazy val reassociateForId: Reassociateable[Id] = new Reassociateable[Id] {
def traverse = Traverse[Id]
trait ReassociateableLowPrio2 {
implicit def reassocaiteForAnyTraverse[F[_]](implicit F: Traverse[F]): Reassociateable[F] = new Reassociateable[F] {
def traverse = F
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