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scala3encoders.derivation.Deserializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scala3encoders.derivation
import scala.compiletime.{constValue, summonInline, erasedValue}
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.objects.NewInstance
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedExtractValue
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.DeserializerBuildHelper.*
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.objects._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.*
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.WalkedTypePath
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GetStructField
trait Deserializer[T]:
def inputType: DataType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression
def nullable: Boolean = true
object Deserializer:
// see ScalaReflection.deserializerFor
inline given deriveOpt[T](using
d: Deserializer[T],
ct: ClassTag[T]
): Deserializer[Option[T]] =
new Deserializer[Option[T]]:
override def inputType: DataType = d.inputType
override def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
val tpe = ScalaReflection.typeBoxedJavaMapping.getOrElse(
WrapOption(d.deserialize(path), ObjectType(tpe))
given Deserializer[Int] with
def inputType: DataType = IntegerType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(path, classOf[java.lang.Integer])
override def nullable: Boolean = false
given Deserializer[java.lang.Integer] with
def inputType: DataType = IntegerType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(path, classOf[java.lang.Integer])
override def nullable: Boolean = false
given Deserializer[Long] with
def inputType: DataType = LongType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(path, classOf[java.lang.Long])
override def nullable: Boolean = false
given Deserializer[Double] with
def inputType: DataType = DoubleType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(path, classOf[java.lang.Double])
override def nullable: Boolean = false
given Deserializer[Float] with
def inputType: DataType = FloatType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(path, classOf[java.lang.Float])
override def nullable: Boolean = false
given Deserializer[Short] with
def inputType: DataType = ShortType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(path, classOf[java.lang.Short])
override def nullable: Boolean = false
given Deserializer[Byte] with
def inputType: DataType = ByteType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(path, classOf[java.lang.Byte])
override def nullable: Boolean = false
given Deserializer[Boolean] with
def inputType: DataType = BooleanType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(path, classOf[java.lang.Boolean])
override def nullable: Boolean = false
given Deserializer[java.time.LocalDate] with
def inputType: DataType = DateType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
given Deserializer[java.sql.Date] with
def inputType: DataType = DateType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
given Deserializer[java.time.Instant] with
def inputType: DataType = TimestampType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
given Deserializer[java.sql.Timestamp] with
def inputType: DataType = TimestampType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
given Deserializer[java.time.Duration] with
def inputType: DataType = DayTimeIntervalType()
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
given Deserializer[java.time.Period] with
def inputType: DataType = YearMonthIntervalType()
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
/*given deriveEnum[T](using d: Deserializer[T], ct: ClassTag[T]): Deserializer[java.lang.Enum[T]] with
def inputType: DataType = StringType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
Invoke(path, "toString", ObjectType(classOf[String]), returnNullable = false),
// TODO !!
given Deserializer[String] with
def inputType: DataType = StringType
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForString(path, false)
given Deserializer[BigDecimal] with
def inputType: DataType =
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForJavaBigDecimal(path, returnNullable = false)
given Deserializer[java.math.BigInteger] with
def inputType: DataType =
DecimalType(38, 0) // .BigIntDecimal is private
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
createDeserializerForJavaBigInteger(path, returnNullable = false)
given Deserializer[scala.math.BigInt] with
def inputType: DataType =
DecimalType(38, 0) // .BigIntDecimal is private
def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
inline given deriveArray[T](using
d: Deserializer[T],
ct: ClassTag[T]
): Deserializer[Array[T]] =
// TODO: nullable. walked
new Deserializer[Array[T]]:
override def inputType: DataType = ArrayType(d.inputType)
override def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
val mapFunction: Expression => Expression = el =>
(casted, _) => d.deserialize(casted)
val arrayClass = ObjectType(ct.newArray(0).getClass)
val arrayData = UnresolvedMapObjects(mapFunction, path)
val methodName = d.inputType match
case IntegerType => "toIntArray"
case LongType => "toLongArray"
case DoubleType => "toDoubleArray"
case FloatType => "toFloatArray"
case ShortType => "toShortArray"
case ByteType => "toByteArray"
case BooleanType => "toBooleanArray"
// non-primitive
case _ => "array"
Invoke(arrayData, methodName, arrayClass, returnNullable = true)
inline given deriveSeq[F[_], T](using d: Deserializer[T], ct: ClassTag[T])(
using F[T] <:< Seq[T]
): Deserializer[F[T]] =
// TODO: Nullable
new Deserializer[F[T]]:
override def inputType: DataType = ArrayType(d.inputType)
override def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
val mapFunction: Expression => Expression = element =>
nullable = true,
(casted, _) => d.deserialize(casted)
UnresolvedMapObjects(mapFunction, path, Some(classOf[Seq[T]]))
inline given derivedSet[T: Deserializer: ClassTag]: Deserializer[Set[T]] =
val forSeq = deriveSeq[List, T]
new Deserializer[Set[T]]:
override def inputType: DataType = forSeq.inputType
override def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
val res = forSeq.deserialize(path).asInstanceOf[UnresolvedMapObjects]
UnresolvedMapObjects(res.function, res.child, Some(classOf[Set[T]]))
inline given derivedMap[K, V](using
kd: Deserializer[K],
vd: Deserializer[V],
ct: ClassTag[Map[K, V]]
): Deserializer[Map[K, V]] =
new Deserializer[Map[K, V]]:
override def inputType: DataType = MapType(kd.inputType, vd.inputType)
override def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
// inspired by
inline given derivedProduct[T](using
mirror: Mirror.ProductOf[T],
classTag: ClassTag[T]
): Deserializer[T] =
val elems = summonAll[mirror.MirroredElemLabels, mirror.MirroredElemTypes]
lazy val fields = elems
.map((label, deserializer) =>
StructField(label, deserializer.inputType, deserializer.nullable)
def cls = classTag.runtimeClass
def isTuple = cls.getName.startsWith("scala.Tuple")
new Deserializer[T]:
override def inputType: DataType = StructType(fields)
override def deserialize(path: Expression): Expression =
val arguments = {
case ((label, deserializer), i) =>
val newPath =
if (isTuple) then GetStructField(path, i)
else UnresolvedExtractValue(path, Literal(label))
NewInstance(cls, arguments, ObjectType(cls), false)
private inline def summonAll[T <: Tuple, U <: Tuple]
: List[(String, Deserializer[?])] =
inline (erasedValue[T], erasedValue[U]) match
// same bulk processing as in Serializer to prevent stackoverflow on summoning decoders for large case classes
case _: (
t1 *: t2 *: t3 *: t4 *: t5 *: t6 *: t7 *: t8 *: t9 *: t10 *:
t11 *: t12 *: t13 *: t14 *: t15 *: t16 *: ts,
u1 *: u2 *: u3 *: u4 *: u5 *: u6 *: u7 *: u8 *: u9 *: u10 *:
u11 *: u12 *: u13 *: u14 *: u15 *: u16 *: us
) =>
(constValue[t1].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u1]]),
(constValue[t2].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u2]]),
(constValue[t3].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u3]]),
(constValue[t4].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u4]]),
(constValue[t5].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u5]]),
(constValue[t6].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u6]]),
(constValue[t7].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u7]]),
(constValue[t8].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u8]]),
(constValue[t9].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u9]]),
(constValue[t10].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u10]]),
(constValue[t11].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u11]]),
(constValue[t12].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u12]]),
(constValue[t13].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u13]]),
(constValue[t14].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u14]]),
(constValue[t15].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u15]]),
(constValue[t16].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u16]])
::: summonAll[ts, us]
case _: ((t *: ts), (u *: us)) =>
(constValue[t].toString, summonInline[Deserializer[u]]) :: summonAll[
case _ => Nil