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package io.github.wolfraam.chessgame;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.board.Board;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.board.Piece;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.board.Side;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.board.Square;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.move.IllegalMoveException;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.move.KingState;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.move.Move;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.move.MoveHelper;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.notation.LanguageSettings;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.notation.NotationHelper;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.notation.NotationMapping;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.notation.NotationType;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.opening.ChessOpening;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.opening.ChessOpeningHelper;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.pgn.PGNData;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.pgn.PGNTag;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.result.ChessGameResult;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.result.ChessGameResultType;
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.result.DrawType;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* A Chess Game.
public class ChessGame implements Serializable, Cloneable {
private static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE = "en";
private static final NotationMapping DEFAULT_NOTATION_MAPPING = LanguageSettings.getNotationMapping(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE);
public static final String STANDARD_INITIAL_FEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1";
private final Board board;
private final MoveHelper moveHelper;
private final List moves = new LinkedList<>();
private final PGNData pgnData = new PGNData();
* Constructs a chess game with the initial position.
public ChessGame() {
* Constructs a chess game with the starting position of the fen argument.
public ChessGame(final String fen) {
this(STANDARD_INITIAL_FEN.equals(fen) ? Board.fromInitialPosition() : Board.fromFen(fen));
* Constructs a chess game with the given board.
private ChessGame(final Board board) {
this.board = board;
moveHelper = new MoveHelper(board);
* Clones the chess game.
public ChessGame clone() {
final ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame(board.clone());
return chessGame;
* @return an ascii representation of the board
public String getASCII() {
return board.getASCII();
* @return a set of all the PGN tags available. These are filled when a PGN import has been done.
public Set getAvailablePGNTags() {
return pgnData.getAvailablePGNTags();
* @return a list of all captured pieces in the order in which they were captured.
public List getCapturedPieces() {
final List capturedPieces = new LinkedList<>();
final ChessGame replayChessGame = new ChessGame(getInitialFen());
for (final Move move : moves) {
final Piece capturedPiece = replayChessGame.playMove(move);
if (capturedPiece != null) {
return capturedPieces;
* @return the chess opening for this game.
public ChessOpening getChessOpening() {
return new ChessOpeningHelper().getChessOpening(this);
* @return the current board in FEN notation (Forsyth-Edwards Notation)
public String getFen() {
return board.getFen();
* A shorter version of FEN, without new lines and slashes and which combines empty squares
* across files.
public String getFenSmall() {
return board.getFenSmall();
* The number of the full moves. It starts at 1 and is incremented after Black's move.
public int getFullMoveCount() {
return board.getFullMoveCount();
* The result of the game as determined by the board. This does NOT take the "Result" tag of an PGN import
* into account.
* Returns null if there is no result yet.
public ChessGameResult getGameResult() {
if (moveHelper.getKingState(board.getSideToMove(), true) == KingState.MATE) {
return new ChessGameResult(ChessGameResultType.fromWinningSide(board.getSideToMove().flip()));
} else if (board.isDrawInsufficientMaterial()) {
return new ChessGameResult(ChessGameResultType.DRAW, DrawType.INSUFFICIENT_MATERIAL);
} else if (board.isDrawFiftyMoveRule()) {
return new ChessGameResult(ChessGameResultType.DRAW, DrawType.FIFTY_MOVE_RULE);
} else if (board.isDrawThreefoldRepetition()) {
return new ChessGameResult(ChessGameResultType.DRAW, DrawType.THREEFOLD_REPETITION);
} else if (!moveHelper.hasLegalMoves()) {
return new ChessGameResult(ChessGameResultType.DRAW, DrawType.STALE_MATE);
return null;
* The result of the game as determined by the board. This does NOT take the "Result" tag of an PGN import
* into account.
* Returns null if there is no result yet.
public ChessGameResultType getGameResultType() {
final ChessGameResult chessGameResult = getGameResult();
if (chessGameResult != null) {
return chessGameResult.chessGameResultType;
return null;
* The fen of the board before move 1.
public String getInitialFen() {
return board.getInitialFen();
* The last played move, or null if no moves have been played.
public Move getLastMove() {
if (!moves.isEmpty()) {
return moves.get(moves.size() - 1);
} else {
return null;
* @return all legal moves for the current position.
public Set getLegalMoves() {
return moveHelper.getLegalMoves();
* @return all legal moves for the piece on the square.
public Set getLegalMoves(final Square from) {
return moveHelper.getLegalMoves(from);
* @return the Move parsed by the rules of the notationType
* @throws IllegalMoveException if the notation is not correct
public Move getMove(final NotationType notationType, final String move) throws IllegalMoveException {
return getMove(notationType, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE, move);
* @return the Move parsed by the rules of the notationType and the given language
* @throws IllegalMoveException if the notation is not correct
public Move getMove(final NotationType notationType, final String languageCode, final String move) throws IllegalMoveException {
final NotationMapping notationMapping = getNotationMapping(languageCode);
return new NotationHelper().getMove(notationMapping, board, notationType, move);
* @return all played moves of this game.
public List getMoves() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(moves);
* @return the notation of the move in the given notationType
public String getNotation(final NotationType notationType, final Move move) {
return getNotation(notationType, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE, move);
* @return the notation of the move in the given notationType and language
public String getNotation(final NotationType notationType, final String languageCode, final Move move) {
final NotationMapping notationMapping = getNotationMapping(languageCode);
return new NotationHelper().getMoveNotation(notationMapping, board, notationType, move);
* @return all played moves of this game in the given notationType
public List getNotationList(final NotationType notationType) {
return getNotationList(notationType, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE);
* @return all played moves of this game in the given notationType and language
public List getNotationList(final NotationType notationType, final String languageCode) {
final List list = new LinkedList<>();
final NotationMapping notationMapping = getNotationMapping(languageCode);
final ChessGame replayChessGame = new ChessGame(getInitialFen());
final NotationHelper notationHelper = new NotationHelper();
for (final Move move : moves) {
list.add(notationHelper.getMoveNotation(notationMapping, replayChessGame.board, notationType, move));
return list;
* @return the occupied squares of the current board
public Set getOccupiedSquares() {
return board.getOccupiedSquares();
* @return the PGNData.
public PGNData getPGNData() {
return pgnData;
* @return piece on the square of the current board.
public Piece getPiece(final Square square) {
return board.getPiece(square);
* The current score. Returns a positive integer when white has captured more, negative when black has captured more
* and 0 when black and white have captured the same. pawn = 1, knight = 3, bishop = 3, rook = 5, queen = 9
public int getScore() {
int white = 0;
int black = 0;
for (final Square square : getOccupiedSquares()) {
final Piece piece = getPiece(square);
switch (piece) {
white += 3;
white += 5;
white += 9;
black += 3;
black += 5;
black += 9;
return white - black;
* @return the side whose turn it is to move.
public Side getSideToMove() {
return board.getSideToMove();
* @return all the squares where the given piece is on the board
public Set getSquares(final Piece piece) {
return board.getSquares(piece);
* @return all the squares of pieces which are checking the opposing king
public Set getSquaresAttackingKing() {
return moveHelper.getSquaresAttackingKing(getSideToMove());
* @return a new chess game which a subset of the moves of this game.
public ChessGame getSubset(final int moveCount) {
final ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame(getInitialFen());
int i = 0;
for (final Move move : getMoves()) {
if (i >= moveCount) {
return chessGame;
* @return is the king checked?
public boolean isKingAttacked() {
return moveHelper.getKingState(board.getSideToMove(), false) == KingState.CHECK;
* @return whether the move is legal.
public boolean isLegalMove(final Move move) {
return moveHelper.isLegalMove(move);
* @return plays the move. Does NOT check whether the move is legal.
public Piece playMove(final Move move) {
final Piece capturedPiece = board.playMove(move.from,, move.promotion, true);
return capturedPiece;
* Plays the move given in the notation type.
* @throws IllegalMoveException if the notation is not correct
public void playMove(final NotationType notationType, final String move) throws IllegalMoveException {
playMove(notationType, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE, move);
* Plays the move given in the language and notation type.
* @throws IllegalMoveException if the notation is not correct
public void playMove(final NotationType notationType, final String languageCode, final String move) throws IllegalMoveException {
playMove(getMove(notationType, languageCode, move));
* Plays the moves given in notation type.
* @param movesArgument the moves space or comma seperated
* @throws IllegalMoveException if a notation is not correct
public void playMoves(final NotationType notationType, final String movesArgument) throws IllegalMoveException {
playMoves(notationType, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE, movesArgument);
* Plays the moves given in the notation type.
* @throws IllegalMoveException if a notation is not correct
public void playMoves(final NotationType notationType, final List moveList) throws IllegalMoveException {
playMoves(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE, notationType, moveList);
* Plays the moves given in the notation type and language.
* @param movesArgument the moves space or comma seperated
* @throws IllegalMoveException if a notation is not correct
public void playMoves(final NotationType notationType, final String languageCode, final String movesArgument) throws IllegalMoveException {
playMoves(languageCode, notationType, stringToList(movesArgument));
* Plays the moves given in the notation type and language.
* @throws IllegalMoveException if a notation is not correct
public void playMoves(final String languageCode, final NotationType notationType, final List moveList) throws IllegalMoveException {
for (final String move : moveList) {
playMove(notationType, languageCode, move);
private NotationMapping getNotationMapping(final String languageCode) {
if (languageCode.equals(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE)) {
NotationMapping notationMapping = LanguageSettings.getNotationMapping(languageCode);
if (notationMapping == null) {
return notationMapping;
private List stringToList(final String movesArgument) {
final List list = new LinkedList<>();
final StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(movesArgument, " ,");
while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
return list;