io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.bson.collection.BaseDocument.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2008-present MongoDB, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.bson.collection
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.Iterable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Try
import io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.bson.BsonMagnets
import io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.bson.DefaultHelper.*
import io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.bson.*
import io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.bson.conversions.Bson
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry
import org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
/** Base Document trait.
* A strictly typed `Iterable[(String, BsonValue)]` and provides the underlying immutable document behaviour.
* See [[immutable.Document]] or [[mutable.Document]] for the concrete implementations.
* @tparam T The concrete Document implementation
private[bson] trait BaseDocument[T] extends Iterable[(String, BsonValue)] with Bson {
import BsonMagnets.*
/** The underlying bson document
* Restricted access to the underlying BsonDocument
protected[mongodb] val underlying: BsonDocument
/** Create a concrete document instance
* @param underlying the underlying BsonDocument
* @return a concrete document instance
protected[mongodb] def apply(underlying: BsonDocument): T
/** Retrieves the value which is associated with the given key or throws a `NoSuchElementException`.
* @param key the key
* @return the value associated with the given key, or throws `NoSuchElementException`.
def apply[TResult <: BsonValue](
key: String,
)(implicit e: TResult DefaultsTo BsonValue, ct: ClassTag[TResult]): TResult =
get[TResult](key) match {
case Some(value) => value
case None => throw new NoSuchElementException("key not found: " + key) // scalafix:ok
/** Returns the value associated with a key, or a default value if the key is not contained in the map.
* @param key the key.
* @param default The default value in case no binding for `key` is found in the Document.
* This can be any [[BsonValue]] type or any native type that has an implicit [[BsonTransformer]] in scope.
* @tparam B the result type of the default computation.
* @return the value associated with `key` if it exists,
* otherwise the result of the `default` computation.
def getOrElse[B >: BsonValue](key: String, default: CanBeBsonValue): B = get(key) match {
case Some(v) => v
case None => default.value
/** Creates a new document containing a new key/value and all the existing key/values.
* Mapping `kv` will override existing mappings from this document with the same key.
* @param elems the key/value mapping to be added. This can be any valid `(String, BsonValue)` pair that can be transformed into a
* [[BsonElement]] via [[BsonMagnets.CanBeBsonElement]] implicits and any [[BsonTransformer]]s that are in scope.
* @return a new document containing mappings of this document and the mapping `kv`.
def +(elems: CanBeBsonElement*): T = {
val bsonDocument: BsonDocument = copyBsonDocument()
elems.foreach(elem => bsonDocument.put(elem.key, elem.value))
/** Removes one or more elements to this document and returns a new document.
* @param elems the remaining elements to remove.
* @return A new document with the keys removed.
def -(elems: String*): T = --(elems)
/** Removes a number of elements provided by a traversable object and returns a new document without the removed elements.
* @param xs the traversable object consisting of key-value pairs.
* @return a new document with the bindings of this document and those from `xs`.
def --(xs: Iterable[String]): T = {
val keysToIgnore = xs.toList
val newUnderlying = new BsonDocument()
for ((k, v) <- iterator if !keysToIgnore.contains(k))
newUnderlying.put(k, v)
/** Creates a new Document consisting of all key/value pairs of the current document
* plus a new pair of a given key and value.
* @param key The key to add
* @param value The new value
* @return A fresh immutable document with the binding from `key` to `value` added to the new document.
def updated[B](key: String, value: B)(implicit transformer: BsonTransformer[B]): T =
this + ((key, value))
/** Creates a new Document consisting of all key/value pairs of the current document
* plus a new pair of a given key and value.
* @param elems The key/values to add. This can be any valid `(String, BsonValue)` pair that can be transformed into a
* [[BsonElement]] via [[BsonMagnets.CanBeBsonElement]] implicits and any [[BsonTransformer]]s that are in scope.
* @return A fresh immutable document with the binding from `key` to `value` added to the new document.
def updated(elems: CanBeBsonElement*): T = this.+(elems*)
/** Optionally returns the value associated with a key.
* @param key the key we want to lookup
* @return an option value containing the value associated with `key` in this document,
* or `None` if none exists.
def get[TResult <: BsonValue](
key: String,
)(implicit e: TResult DefaultsTo BsonValue, ct: ClassTag[TResult]): Option[TResult] =
underlying.containsKey(key) match {
case true =>
Try(ct.runtimeClass.cast(underlying.get(key))) match {
case Success(v) => Some(v.asInstanceOf[TResult]) // scalafix:ok
case Failure(_) => None
case false => None
/** Creates a new iterator over all key/value pairs in this document
* @return the new iterator
def iterator: Iterator[(String, BsonValue)] = underlying.asScala.iterator
/** Filters this document by retaining only keys satisfying a predicate.
* @param p the predicate used to test keys
* @return a new document consisting only of those key value pairs of this map where the key satisfies
* the predicate `p`.
def filterKeys(p: String => Boolean): T = this -- keys.filterNot(p)
/** Tests whether this map contains a binding for a key
* @param key the key
* @return true if there is a binding for key in this document, false otherwise.
def contains(key: String): Boolean = underlying.containsKey(key)
/** Collects all keys of this document in a set.
* @return a set containing all keys of this document.
def keySet: Set[String] = underlying.keySet().asScala.toSet
/** Collects all keys of this document in an iterable collection.
* @return the keys of this document as an iterable.
def keys: Iterable[String] = keySet
/** Creates an iterator for all keys.
* @return an iterator over all keys.
def keysIterator: Iterator[String] = keySet.iterator
/** Collects all values of this document in an iterable collection.
* @return the values of this document as an iterable.
def values: Iterable[BsonValue] = underlying.values().asScala
/** Creates an iterator for all values in this document.
* @return an iterator over all values that are associated with some key in this document.
def valuesIterator: Iterator[BsonValue] = values.iterator
/** Gets a JSON representation of this document
* @return a JSON representation of this document
def toJson(): String = underlying.toJson
/** Gets a JSON representation of this document using the given `JsonWriterSettings`.
* @param settings the JSON writer settings
* @return a JSON representation of this document
def toJson(settings: JsonWriterSettings): String = underlying.toJson(settings)
override def toBsonDocument: BsonDocument = underlying
override def toBsonDocument[TDocument](
documentClass: Class[TDocument],
codecRegistry: CodecRegistry,
): BsonDocument =
/** Copies the BsonDocument
* @return the copied BsonDocument
private[collection] def copyBsonDocument(): BsonDocument = {
val bsonDocument = BsonDocument()
for (entry <- underlying.entrySet().asScala) bsonDocument.put(entry.getKey, entry.getValue)
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