io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.driver.model.Collation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.driver.model
import com.mongodb.client.model.Collation as JCollation
/** The options regarding collation support in MongoDB 3.4+
* @mongodb.driver.manual reference/method/db.createCollection/ Create Collection
* @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createIndexes Index options
* @mongodb.server.release 3.4
final case class Collation(
locale: Option[String] = None,
caseLevel: Option[Boolean] = None,
caseFirst: Option[CollationCaseFirst] = None,
strength: Option[CollationStrength] = None,
numericOrdering: Option[Boolean] = None,
alternate: Option[CollationAlternate] = None,
maxVariable: Option[CollationMaxVariable] = None,
normalization: Option[Boolean] = None,
backwards: Option[Boolean] = None,
) {
/** Sets the locale
* @param locale the locale
* @see ICU User Guide - Locale
def withLocale(locale: String): Collation = copy(locale = Some(locale))
/** Sets the case level value
* Turns on case sensitivity
* @param caseLevel the case level value
def withCaseLevel(caseLevel: Boolean): Collation = copy(caseLevel = Some(caseLevel))
/** Sets the collation case first value
* Determines if Uppercase or lowercase values should come first
* @param caseFirst the collation case first value
def withCaseFirst(caseFirst: CollationCaseFirst): Collation = copy(caseFirst = Some(caseFirst))
/** Sets the collation strength
* @param strength the strength
def withStrength(strength: CollationStrength): Collation = copy(strength = Some(strength))
/** Sets the numeric ordering
* @param numericOrdering if true will order numbers based on numerical order and not collation order
def withNumericOrdering(numericOrdering: Boolean): Collation =
copy(numericOrdering = Some(numericOrdering))
/** Sets the alternate
* Controls whether spaces and punctuation are considered base characters
* @param alternate the alternate
def withAlternate(alternate: CollationAlternate): Collation = copy(alternate = Some(alternate))
/** Sets the maxVariable
* @param maxVariable the maxVariable
def withMaxVariable(maxVariable: CollationMaxVariable): Collation =
copy(maxVariable = Some(maxVariable))
/** Sets the normalization value
* If true, normalizes text into Unicode NFD.
* @param normalization the normalization value
def withNormalization(normalization: Boolean): Collation =
copy(normalization = Some(normalization))
/** Sets the backwards value
* Causes secondary differences to be considered in reverse order, as it is done in the French language
* @param backwards the backwards value
def withBackwards(backwards: Boolean): Collation = copy(backwards = Some(backwards))
private[driver] def toJava: JCollation = {
val builder = JCollation.builder()
caseFirst.foreach(cf => builder.collationCaseFirst(cf.toJava))
strength.foreach(s => builder.collationStrength(s.toJava))
alternate.foreach(a => builder.collationAlternate(a.toJava))
maxVariable.foreach(v => builder.collationMaxVariable(v.toJava))