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package io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.driver
import io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.bson.codecs.Codec
import io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.driver.aggregates.Aggregation.*
import io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.driver.aggregates.accumulators.Accumulator
import io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.driver.filters.Filter
import io.github.zeal18.zio.mongodb.driver.projections.Projection
import org.bson.BsonDocument
import org.bson.conversions.Bson
package object aggregates {
/** Creates a `\$count` pipeline stage using the field name "count" to store the result
* @return the `\$count` pipeline stage
* @see [[ \$count]]
* @note Requires MongoDB 3.4 or greater
def count(): Count = Count("count")
/** Creates a `\$count` pipeline stage using the named field to store the result
* @param field the field in which to store the count
* @return the `\$count` pipeline stage
* @see [[ \$count]]
* @note Requires MongoDB 3.4 or greater
def count(field: String): Count = Count(field)
/** Creates a `\$match` pipeline stage for the specified filter
* @param filter the filter to match
* @return the `\$match` pipeline stage
* @see Filters
* @see [[ \$match]]
def `match`(filter: Filter): Match = Match(filter)
/** Creates a `\$match` pipeline stage for the specified filter
* A friendly alias for the `match` method.
* @param filter the filter to match against
* @return the `\$match` pipeline stage
* @see Filters
* @see [[ \$match]]
def filter(filter: Filter): Match = Match(filter)
/** Creates a `\$facet` pipeline stage
* @param facets the facets to use
* @return the new pipeline stage
* @see [[ \$facet]]
* @note Requires MongoDB 3.4 or greater
def facet(facets: Facet*): Facets = Facets(facets)
/** Creates a `\$limit` pipeline stage for the specified filter
* @param limit the limit
* @return the `\$limit` pipeline stage
* @see [[ \$limit]]
def limit(limit: Int): Limit = Limit(limit)
/** Creates a `\$group` pipeline stage for the specified filter
* @param id the id expression for the group
* @param fieldAccumulators zero or more field accumulator pairs
* @tparam TExpression the expression type
* @return the `\$group` pipeline stage
* @see [[ \$group]]
* @see [[ Expressions]]
def group[A](id: A, fieldAccumulators: Accumulator*)(implicit c: Codec[A]): Group[A] =
Group(id, fieldAccumulators, c)
/** Creates a `\$lookup` pipeline stage for the specified filter
* @param from the name of the collection in the same database to perform the join with.
* @param localField specifies the field from the local collection to match values against.
* @param foreignField specifies the field in the from collection to match values against.
* @param as the name of the new array field to add to the input documents.
* @return the `\$lookup` pipeline stage
* @see [[ \$lookup]]
* @note Requires MongoDB 3.2 or greater
def lookup(from: String, localField: String, foreignField: String, as: String): Lookup =
Lookup(from, localField, foreignField, as)
/** Creates a `\$lookup` pipeline stage, joining the current collection with the one specified in from using the given pipeline
* @param from the name of the collection in the same database to perform the join with.
* @param pipeline the pipeline to run on the joined collection.
* @param as the name of the new array field to add to the input documents.
* @return the `\$lookup` pipeline stage:
* @see [[ \$lookup]]
* @note Requires MongoDB 3.6 or greater
def lookup(from: String, pipeline: Seq[Aggregation], as: String): LookupPipeline =
LookupPipeline(from, let = Seq.empty, pipeline, as)
/** Creates a `\$lookup` pipeline stage, joining the current collection with the one specified in from using the given pipeline
* @param from the name of the collection in the same database to perform the join with.
* @param let the variables to use in the pipeline field stages.
* @param pipeline the pipeline to run on the joined collection.
* @param as the name of the new array field to add to the input documents.
* @return the `\$lookup` pipeline stage
* @see [[ \$lookup]]
* @note Requires MongoDB 3.6 or greater
def lookup(
from: String,
let: Seq[Variable[?]],
pipeline: Seq[Aggregation],
as: String,
): LookupPipeline =
LookupPipeline(from, let, pipeline, as)
/** Creates a `\$project` pipeline stage for the specified projection
* @param projection the projection
* @return the `\$project` pipeline stage
* @see Projections
* @see [[ \$project]]
def project(projection: Projection): Project = Project(projection)
/** Creates a `\$unwind` pipeline stage for the specified field name, which must be prefixed by a `\$` sign.
* @param fieldName the field name, prefixed by a `\$` sign
* @return the `\$unwind` pipeline stage
* @see [[ \$unwind]]
def unwind(fieldName: String): Unwind = Unwind(fieldName, UnwindOptions())
/** Creates a `\$unwind` pipeline stage for the specified field name, which must be prefixed by a `\$` sign.
* @param fieldName the field name, prefixed by a `\$` sign
* @return the `\$unwind` pipeline stage
* @see [[ \$unwind]]
def unwind(fieldName: String, unwindOptions: UnwindOptions): Unwind =
Unwind(fieldName, unwindOptions)
/** Creates a `\$sort` pipeline stage for the specified sort specification
* @param sort the sort specification
* @see Sorts
* @see [[ \$sort]]
def sort(sort: sorts.Sort): Aggregation.Sort = Aggregation.Sort(sort)
/** Creates a pipeline from a raw Bson.
* It is less type safe but useful when you want to use a pipeline that is not yet supported by this library.
* @param pipeline the raw Bson
* @see [[ Aggregation Pipeline Stages]]
def raw(pipeline: Bson): Raw = Raw(pipeline)
/** Creates a pipeline from a raw extended Json.
* It is less type safe but useful when you want to use a pipeline that is not yet supported by this library.
* @param json the raw extended Json
* @see [[ Aggregation Pipeline Stages]]
* @see [[ MongoDB Extended JSON]]
def raw(json: String): Raw = Raw(BsonDocument.parse(json))