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package ru.casperix.math.intersection.float64
import ru.casperix.math.axis_aligned.float64.Box2d
import ru.casperix.math.geometry.float64.Geometry2Double.calculateDeterminant
import ru.casperix.math.geometry.float64.Geometry2Double.distPointToLine
import ru.casperix.math.geometry.float64.Geometry2Double.distPointToSegment
import ru.casperix.math.geometry.*
import ru.casperix.math.intersection.ConvexHullIntersection
import ru.casperix.math.intersection.IntersectionApi
import ru.casperix.math.intersection.float32.Intersection2Float
import ru.casperix.math.vector.float64.Vector2d
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
object Intersection2Double : IntersectionApi {
val EPSILON = 0.000001
fun hasBoxWithBox(A: Box2d, B: Box2d): Boolean {
if (A.max.y - B.min.y <= 0.0) return false
if (B.max.y - A.min.y <= 0.0) return false
if (A.max.x - B.min.x <= 0.0) return false
if (B.max.x - A.min.x <= 0.0) return false
return true
override fun hasPointWithTriangle(P: Vector2d, triangle: Triangle2d): Boolean {
// Compute vectors
val v0 = triangle.v2 - triangle.v0
val v1 = triangle.v1 - triangle.v0
val v2 = P - triangle.v0
// Compute dot products
val dot00 =
val dot01 =
val dot02 =
val dot11 =
val dot12 =
// Compute barycentric coordinates
val invDenom = 1.0 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01)
val u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom
val v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom
// Check if point is in triangle
return (u >= 0) && (v >= 0) && (u + v <= 1.0)
override fun hasPointWithPolygon(P: Vector2d, polygon: Polygon): Boolean {
val vertices = polygon.getVertices()
if (vertices.isEmpty()) return false
if (vertices.size == 1) return P == vertices[0]
if (vertices.size == 2) return Intersection2Double.hasPointWithLine(P, vertices[0], vertices[1])
repeat(polygon.getTriangleAmount()) { index ->
if (hasPointWithTriangle(P, polygon.getTriangle(index))) return true
return false
override fun hasTriangleWithTriangle(a: Triangle2d, b: Triangle2d): Boolean {
val listA = doubleArrayOf(a.v0.x, a.v0.y, a.v1.x, a.v1.y, a.v2.x, a.v2.y)
val listB = doubleArrayOf(b.v0.x, b.v0.y, b.v1.x, b.v1.y, b.v2.x, b.v2.y)
return ConvexHullIntersection.hasIntersection(listA, listA.size, listB, listB.size)
override fun hasQuadWithQuad(a: Quad2d, b: Quad2d): Boolean {
val listA = doubleArrayOf(a.v0.x, a.v0.y, a.v1.x, a.v1.y, a.v2.x, a.v2.y, a.v3.x, a.v3.y)
val listB = doubleArrayOf(b.v0.x, b.v0.y, b.v1.x, b.v1.y, b.v2.x, b.v2.y, b.v3.x, b.v3.y)
return ConvexHullIntersection.hasIntersection(listA, listA.size, listB, listB.size)
override fun hasQuadWithTriangle(a: Quad2d, b: Triangle2d): Boolean {
val listA = doubleArrayOf(b.v0.x, b.v0.y, b.v1.x, b.v1.y, b.v2.x, b.v2.y)
val listB = doubleArrayOf(a.v0.x, a.v0.y, a.v1.x, a.v1.y, a.v2.x, a.v2.y, a.v3.x, a.v3.y)
return ConvexHullIntersection.hasIntersection(listA, listA.size, listB, listB.size)
override fun getSegmentWithSegment(S: Line2d, T: Line2d): Vector2d? {
return intersectSegments(S.v0.x, S.v0.y, S.v1.x, S.v1.y, T.v0.x, T.v0.y, T.v1.x, T.v1.y)
override fun getLineWithLine(S: Line2d, T: Line2d): Vector2d? {
return intersectInfinityLines(S.v0.x, S.v0.y, S.v1.x, S.v1.y, T.v0.x, T.v0.y, T.v1.x, T.v1.y)
override fun hasPointWithLine(P: Vector2d, T: Line2d): Boolean {
return distPointToLine(
) < EPSILON && (P.distTo(T.v0) + P.distTo(T.v1) - T.v0.distTo(T.v1)).absoluteValue < EPSILON
override fun hasPointWithSegment(P: Vector2d, T: Line2d): Boolean {
return distPointToSegment(P, T) < EPSILON
* Calculate intersect for two line segments.
* Ignore collinear segments
internal fun intersectSegments(
x1: Double,
y1: Double,
x2: Double,
y2: Double,
x3: Double,
y3: Double,
x4: Double,
y4: Double
): Vector2d? {
val d = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1)
if (d == 0.0) return null
val yd = y1 - y3
val xd = x1 - x3
val ua = ((x4 - x3) * yd - (y4 - y3) * xd) / d
if (ua < 0 || ua > 1) return null
val ub = ((x2 - x1) * yd - (y2 - y1) * xd) / d
if (ub < 0 || ub > 1) return null
return Vector2d(x1 + (x2 - x1) * ua, y1 + (y2 - y1) * ua)
internal fun intersectInfinityLines(
x1: Double,
y1: Double,
x2: Double,
y2: Double,
x3: Double,
y3: Double,
x4: Double,
y4: Double
): Vector2d? {
val d = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1)
if (d == 0.0) return null
val a = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2
val b = x3 * y4 - y3 * x4
val px = (a * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * b) / d
val py = (a * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * b) / d
return Vector2d(px, py)
override fun hasPointWithQuad(point: Vector2d, value: Quad2d): Boolean {
val ccw = calculateDeterminant(value.v0, value.v1, value.v2)
val factor = if (ccw >= 0) 1f else -1f
val e0 = calculateDeterminant(value.v0, value.v1, point)
if (e0 * factor < 0) return false
val e1 = calculateDeterminant(value.v1, value.v2, point)
if (e1 * factor < 0) return false
val e2 = calculateDeterminant(value.v2, value.v3, point)
if (e2 * factor < 0) return false
val e3 = calculateDeterminant(value.v3, value.v0, point)
if (e3 * factor < 0) return false
return true