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package ru.casperix.math.quaternion.float64
import ru.casperix.math.quad_matrix.float64.Matrix4d
import ru.casperix.math.vector.float64.Vector3d
import ru.casperix.misc.toPrecision
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlin.math.*
* source:
data class QuaternionDouble(val x: Double, val y: Double, val z: Double, val w: Double) {
constructor(): this (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Q(x=${x.toPrecision(2)}, y=${y.toPrecision(2)}, z=${z.toPrecision(2)}, W=${w.toPrecision(2)})"
fun magnitude(): Double {
return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w)
fun length(): Double {
return magnitude()
fun lengthSquared(): Double {
return (x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w)
fun norm(): Double {
return lengthSquared()
fun conjugate(): QuaternionDouble {
return QuaternionDouble(-x, -y, -z, w)
operator fun plus(other: QuaternionDouble): QuaternionDouble {
return QuaternionDouble(x + other.x, y + other.y, z + other.z, w + other.w)
operator fun minus(other: QuaternionDouble): QuaternionDouble {
return QuaternionDouble(x - other.x, y - other.y, z - other.z, w - other.w)
operator fun div(value: Double): QuaternionDouble {
return QuaternionDouble(x / value, y / value, z / value, w / value)
operator fun times(value: Double): QuaternionDouble {
return QuaternionDouble(x * value, y * value, z * value, w * value)
operator fun times(other: QuaternionDouble): QuaternionDouble {
val dot = (this.x * other.x + this.y * other.y + this.z * other.z)
val crossX = this.y * other.z - this.z * other.y
val crossY = this.z * other.x - this.x * other.z
val crossZ = this.x * other.y - this.y * other.x
val addX = this.w * other.x + other.w * this.x
val addY = this.w * other.y + other.w * this.y
val addZ = this.w * other.z + other.w * this.z
val W = w * other.w - dot
return QuaternionDouble(crossX + addX, crossY + addY, crossZ + addZ, W)
fun getVector3d(): Vector3d {
return Vector3d(x, y, z)
operator fun unaryMinus(): QuaternionDouble {
return this * (-1.0)
fun toPrecision(precision: Int): String {
return "${x.toPrecision(precision)}; ${y.toPrecision(precision)}; ${z.toPrecision(precision)}; s=${w.toPrecision(precision)}"
fun transform(value: Vector3d): Vector3d {
return (this * value.getQuaternion() * inverse()).getVector3d()
fun toEuler(): Vector3d {
// roll (x-axis rotation)
val sinr_cosp = 2 * (this.w * this.x + this.y * this.z)
val cosr_cosp = 1 - 2 * (this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y)
val roll = atan2(sinr_cosp, cosr_cosp);
// pitch (y-axis rotation)
val sinp = 2 * (this.w * this.y - this.z * this.x);
val pitch = if (abs(sinp) >= 1)
(PI / 2.0).withSign(sinp)
// yaw (z-axis rotation)
val siny_cosp = 2 * (this.w * this.z + this.x * this.y);
val cosy_cosp = 1 - 2 * (this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z);
val yaw = atan2(siny_cosp, cosy_cosp);
return Vector3d(roll, pitch, yaw);
fun dot(other: QuaternionDouble): Double {
return this.x * other.x + this.y * other.y + this.z * other.z + this.w * other.w
fun inverse(): QuaternionDouble {
return conjugate() / norm()
fun normalize(): QuaternionDouble {
val len = length()
if (len == 0.0) {
return this
return this / len
fun isFinite(): Boolean {
return x.isFinite() && y.isFinite() && z.isFinite() && w.isFinite()
companion object {
val IDENTITY = QuaternionDouble(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
fun fromAxisAnge(axis: Vector3d, angle: Double): QuaternionDouble {
val s = sin(angle / 2.0)
return QuaternionDouble(
axis.x * s,
axis.y * s,
axis.z * s,
cos(angle / 2.0))
fun getAngle(q1: QuaternionDouble, q2: QuaternionDouble): Double {
val cos = / q1.magnitude() / q2.magnitude()
return acos(cos)
fun getRotation2(source: Vector3d, target: Vector3d): QuaternionDouble {
val angle = ru.casperix.math.vector.getAngle(source, target)
if (angle < 0.000001) return fromAxisAnge(source, 0.0)
return fromAxisAnge(source.cross(target).normalize(), angle)
fun getRotation(v1: Vector3d, v2: Vector3d): QuaternionDouble {
val d =
val axis = v1.cross(v2)
val qw = sqrt(v1.lengthSquared() * v2.lengthSquared()) + d
if (qw < 0.0001) { // vectors are 180 degrees apart
return QuaternionDouble(-v1.z, v1.y, v1.x, 0.0)
return QuaternionDouble(axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, qw)
fun fromEulerAngles(xyz: Vector3d): QuaternionDouble /* yaw (Z), pitch (Y), roll (X)*/ {
return fromEulerAngles(xyz.z, xyz.y, xyz.x)
fun fromEulerAngles(yaw: Double, pitch: Double, roll: Double): QuaternionDouble /* yaw (Z), pitch (Y), roll (X)*/ {
// Abbreviations for the various angular functions
val sinYaw = sin(yaw * 0.5)
val cosYaw = cos(yaw * 0.5)
val sinPitch = sin(pitch * 0.5)
val cosPitch = cos(pitch * 0.5)
val sinRoll = sin(roll * 0.5)
val cosRoll = cos(roll * 0.5)
return QuaternionDouble(
sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw,
cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw,
cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw,
cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw)
fun fromXZ(xAxis: Vector3d, zAxis: Vector3d): QuaternionDouble {
val yAxis = zAxis.cross(xAxis)
val matrix = Matrix4d.createByAxis(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)
return fromMatrix(matrix)
fun fromYZ(yAxis: Vector3d, zAxis: Vector3d): QuaternionDouble {
val xAxis = yAxis.cross(zAxis)
val matrix = Matrix4d.createByAxis(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)
return fromMatrix(matrix)
fun fromAxis(xAxis: Vector3d, yAxis: Vector3d, zAxis: Vector3d): QuaternionDouble {
val matrix = Matrix4d.createByAxis(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)
return fromMatrix(matrix)
fun fromMatrix(m: Matrix4d): QuaternionDouble {
val q = mutableListOf(.0, .0, .0, .0)
val nxt = arrayOf(1, 2, 0)
val tr = m[0, 0] + m[1, 1] + m[2, 2]
if (tr > 0.0) {
val s = sqrt(tr + 1.0)
val t = 0.5 / s
return QuaternionDouble(
(m[1, 2] - m[2, 1]) * t,
(m[2, 0] - m[0, 2]) * t,
(m[0, 1] - m[1, 0]) * t,
s / 2.0)
} else {
var i = 0;
if (m[1, 1] > m[0, 0]) i = 1
if (m[2, 2] > m[i, i]) i = 2
val j = nxt[i]
val k = nxt[j]
var s = sqrt((m[i, i] - (m[j, j] + m[k, k])) + 1.0)
q[i] = s * 0.5;
if (s != 0.0) s = 0.5 / s;
q[3] = (m[j, k] - m[k, j]) * s
q[j] = (m[i, j] + m[j, i]) * s
q[k] = (m[i, k] + m[k, i]) * s
return QuaternionDouble(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3])