sttpbackend.ZSttpGitlabAPI.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.gitlab.mateuszjaje.gitlabclient
package sttpbackend
import apisv2.GitlabApiT
import query.Methods.Get
import query.{GitlabRequest, GitlabResponse}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.{LazyLogging, Logger}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import sttp.client3.*
import sttp.client3.httpclient.zio.HttpClientZioBackend
import zio.{Task, UIO, URLayer, ZIO, ZLayer}
object ZSttpGitlabAPI {
def apply(config: GitlabConfig): ZSttpGitlabAPI =
new ZSttpGitlabAPI(config, GitlabRestAPIConfig(), HttpClientZioBackend())
def apply(config: GitlabConfig, backend: SttpBackend[Task, Any]): ZSttpGitlabAPI =
new ZSttpGitlabAPI(config, GitlabRestAPIConfig(), ZIO.succeed(backend))
val GitlabApiLayer: ZLayer[GitlabConfig & SttpBackend[Task, Any], Nothing, ZSttpGitlabAPI] =
ZLayer.fromFunction(apply(_: GitlabConfig, _: SttpBackend[Task, Any]))
val Default: URLayer[GitlabConfig, ZSttpGitlabAPI] =
ZLayer.fromFunction(apply(_: GitlabConfig))
class ZSttpGitlabAPI(
val config: GitlabConfig,
apiConfig: GitlabRestAPIConfig,
backend: Task[SttpBackend[Task, Any]],
) extends GitlabRestAPIV2[UIO]
with LazyLogging {
implicit override def m: GitlabApiT[UIO] = new GitlabApiT[UIO] {
override def subFlatMap[A, B](fa: UIO[Either[GitlabError, A]])(f: A => Either[GitlabError, B]): UIO[Either[GitlabError, B]] =
fa.flatMap(x => ZIO.succeed(x.flatMap(f)))
override def pure[A](x: A): UIO[Either[GitlabError, A]] = ZIO.right(x)
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: UIO[Either[GitlabError, A]])(f: A => UIO[Either[GitlabError, B]]): UIO[Either[GitlabError, B]] = {
fa.flatMap { (data: Either[GitlabError, A]) =>
err => ZIO.left(err),
// override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => UIO[Either[GitlabError, Either[A, B]]]): UIO[Either[GitlabError, B]] = {
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => UIO[Either[GitlabError, Either[A, B]]]): UIO[Either[GitlabError, B]] = {
flatMap(f(a)) {
case Left(a) => tailRecM(a)(f)
case Right(b) => pure(b)
override def sequence[A](x: Vector[UIO[Either[GitlabError, A]]]): UIO[Either[GitlabError, Vector[A]]] = {
ZIO.foreach(x)(identity).map {
_.foldLeft[Either[GitlabError, Vector[A]]](Right(Vector.empty[A])) {
case (e @ Left(_), _) => e
case (Right(acc), Right(e)) => Right(acc :+ e)
case (_, Left(e)) => Left(e)
if (config.ignoreSslErrors) {
// val backend: Task[SttpBackend[Task, ZioStreams & capabilities.WebSockets]] = HttpClientZioBackend()
private val requestsLogger = Logger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass.getPackage.getName + ".requests"))
private def logRequest[T](request: RequestT[Identity, Either[String, T], Nothing], requestData: GitlabRequest)(implicit
requestId: RequestId,
): Unit = {
if (apiConfig.debug) logger.debug(s"request to send: $request")
if (requestData.method == Get) {
requestsLogger.info(s"Request ID {}, request: {}", requestId, request)
} else {
requestsLogger.info(s"Request ID {}, request: {}, payload:\n{}", requestId, request.body("removed for log"), request.body)
private def execReq[T](
request: RequestT[Identity, Either[String, T], Any],
)(implicit requestId: RequestId): UIO[Either[GitlabError, (Map[String, String], T)]] = {
.mapError[GitlabError](GitlabRequestingError("zio-http-backend-left", requestId.id, _))
.flatMap { response =>
if (apiConfig.debug) logger.debug(s"received response: $response")
val responseContentType = response.header("Content-Type")
val responseLength = response.header("Content-Length").map(_.toInt)
val responseBodyForLog =
if (responseContentType.contains("application/json")) response.body.fold(identity, identity)
else response.body.fold(identity, _ => s"Response has content type $responseContentType and has $responseLength bytes length")
s"Response ID {}, response: {}, payload:\n{}",
response.copy(body = response.body match {
case Left(_) => "There is an error body"
case Right(_) => "There is a success body"
val headers = response.headers.map(x => x.name -> x.value)
.mapError(error => GitlabHttpError(response.code.code, "http-response-error", requestId.id, requestId.kind, Some(error)))
.map(payload => headers.toMap -> payload)
private def createReq(requestData: GitlabRequest) = {
val u = requestData.render
val requestWithoutPayload = basicRequest
.method(requestData.method, uri"$u")
.header(AuthHeaderName, authHeader(requestData))
.map(rawPayload => requestWithoutPayload.body(rawPayload).contentType("application/json"))
override def byteRequest(
requestData: GitlabRequest,
)(implicit requestId: RequestId): UIO[Either[GitlabError, GitlabResponse[Array[Byte]]]] = {
val request = createReq(requestData).response(asByteArray)
logRequest(request, requestData)
execReq(request).map(_.map(x => GitlabResponse(x._1, x._2)))
override def invokeRequestRaw(
requestData: GitlabRequest,
)(implicit requestId: RequestId): UIO[Either[GitlabError, GitlabResponse[String]]] = {
val request = createReq(requestData)
.header("Accept", "application/json")
logRequest(request, requestData)
execReq(request).map(_.map(x => GitlabResponse(x._1, x._2)))
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