io.grpc.NameResolver Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 The gRPC Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.grpc;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects.ToStringHelper;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.InlineMe;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
* A pluggable component that resolves a target {@link URI} and return addresses to the caller.
* A {@code NameResolver} uses the URI's scheme to determine whether it can resolve it, and uses
* the components after the scheme for actual resolution.
The addresses and attributes of a target may be changed over time, thus the caller registers a
* {@link Listener} to receive continuous updates.
A {@code NameResolver} does not need to automatically re-resolve on failure. Instead, the
* {@link Listener} is responsible for eventually (after an appropriate backoff period) invoking
* {@link #refresh()}.
Implementations don't need to be thread-safe. All methods are guaranteed to
* be called sequentially. Additionally, all methods that have side-effects, i.e.,
* {@link #start(Listener2)}, {@link #shutdown} and {@link #refresh} are called from the same
* {@link SynchronizationContext} as returned by {@link Args#getSynchronizationContext}. Do
* not block within the synchronization context; blocking I/O and time-consuming tasks
* should be offloaded to a separate thread, generally {@link Args#getOffloadExecutor}.
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract class NameResolver {
* Returns the authority used to authenticate connections to servers. It must be
* from a trusted source, because if the authority is tampered with, RPCs may be sent to the
* attackers which may leak sensitive user data.
An implementation must generate it without blocking, typically in line, and
* must keep it unchanged. {@code NameResolver}s created from the same factory
* with the same argument must return the same authority.
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract String getServiceAuthority();
* Starts the resolution. The method is not supposed to throw any exceptions. That might cause the
* Channel that the name resolver is serving to crash. Errors should be propagated
* through {@link Listener#onError}.
An instance may not be started more than once, by any overload of this method, even after
* an intervening call to {@link #shutdown}.
* @param listener used to receive updates on the target
* @since 1.0.0
public void start(final Listener listener) {
if (listener instanceof Listener2) {
start((Listener2) listener);
} else {
start(new Listener2() {
public void onError(Status error) {
public void onResult(ResolutionResult resolutionResult) {
* Starts the resolution. The method is not supposed to throw any exceptions. That might cause the
* Channel that the name resolver is serving to crash. Errors should be propagated
* through {@link Listener2#onError}.
An instance may not be started more than once, by any overload of this method, even after
* an intervening call to {@link #shutdown}.
* @param listener used to receive updates on the target
* @since 1.21.0
public void start(Listener2 listener) {
start((Listener) listener);
* Stops the resolution. Updates to the Listener will stop.
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract void shutdown();
* Re-resolve the name.
Can only be called after {@link #start} has been called.
This is only a hint. Implementation takes it as a signal but may not start resolution
* immediately. It should never throw.
The default implementation is no-op.
* @since 1.0.0
public void refresh() {}
* Factory that creates {@link NameResolver} instances.
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract static class Factory {
* Creates a {@link NameResolver} for the given target URI, or {@code null} if the given URI
* cannot be resolved by this factory. The decision should be solely based on the scheme of the
* URI.
* @param targetUri the target URI to be resolved, whose scheme must not be {@code null}
* @param args other information that may be useful
* @since 1.21.0
public abstract NameResolver newNameResolver(URI targetUri, final Args args);
* Returns the default scheme, which will be used to construct a URI when {@link
* ManagedChannelBuilder#forTarget(String)} is given an authority string instead of a compliant
* URI.
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract String getDefaultScheme();
* Receives address updates.
All methods are expected to return quickly.
* @since 1.0.0
public interface Listener {
* Handles updates on resolved addresses and attributes.
Implementations will not modify the given {@code servers}.
* @param servers the resolved server addresses. An empty list will trigger {@link #onError}
* @param attributes extra information from naming system.
* @since 1.3.0
void onAddresses(
List servers, @ResolutionResultAttr Attributes attributes);
* Handles an error from the resolver. The listener is responsible for eventually invoking
* {@link #refresh()} to re-attempt resolution.
* @param error a non-OK status
* @since 1.0.0
void onError(Status error);
* Receives address updates.
* All methods are expected to return quickly.
This is a replacement API of {@code Listener}. However, we think this new API may change
* again, so we aren't yet encouraging mass-migration to it. It is fine to use and works.
* @since 1.21.0
public abstract static class Listener2 implements Listener {
* Handles updates on resolved addresses and attributes.
* @deprecated This will be removed in 1.22.0
replacement = "this.onResult(ResolutionResult.newBuilder().setAddressesOrError("
+ "StatusOr.fromValue(servers)).setAttributes(attributes).build())",
imports = {"io.grpc.NameResolver.ResolutionResult", "io.grpc.StatusOr"})
public final void onAddresses(
List servers, @ResolutionResultAttr Attributes attributes) {
// TODO(jihuncho) need to promote Listener2 if we want to use ConfigOrError
// Calling onResult and not onResult2 because onResult2 can only be called from a
// synchronization context.
* Handles updates on resolved addresses and attributes. If
* {@link ResolutionResult#getAddressesOrError()} is empty, {@link #onError(Status)} will be
* called.
* @param resolutionResult the resolved server addresses, attributes, and Service Config.
* @since 1.21.0
public abstract void onResult(ResolutionResult resolutionResult);
* Handles a name resolving error from the resolver. The listener is responsible for eventually
* invoking {@link NameResolver#refresh()} to re-attempt resolution.
* @param error a non-OK status
* @since 1.21.0
public abstract void onError(Status error);
* Handles updates on resolved addresses and attributes.
* @param resolutionResult the resolved server addresses, attributes, and Service Config.
* @since 1.66
public Status onResult2(ResolutionResult resolutionResult) {
return Status.OK;
* Annotation for name resolution result attributes. It follows the annotation semantics defined
* by {@link Attributes}.
public @interface ResolutionResultAttr {}
* Information that a {@link Factory} uses to create a {@link NameResolver}.
* Note this class doesn't override neither {@code equals()} nor {@code hashCode()}.
* @since 1.21.0
public static final class Args {
private final int defaultPort;
private final ProxyDetector proxyDetector;
private final SynchronizationContext syncContext;
private final ServiceConfigParser serviceConfigParser;
@Nullable private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService;
@Nullable private final ChannelLogger channelLogger;
@Nullable private final Executor executor;
@Nullable private final String overrideAuthority;
@Nullable private final MetricRecorder metricRecorder;
private Args(
Integer defaultPort,
ProxyDetector proxyDetector,
SynchronizationContext syncContext,
ServiceConfigParser serviceConfigParser,
@Nullable ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService,
@Nullable ChannelLogger channelLogger,
@Nullable Executor executor,
@Nullable String overrideAuthority,
@Nullable MetricRecorder metricRecorder) {
this.defaultPort = checkNotNull(defaultPort, "defaultPort not set");
this.proxyDetector = checkNotNull(proxyDetector, "proxyDetector not set");
this.syncContext = checkNotNull(syncContext, "syncContext not set");
this.serviceConfigParser = checkNotNull(serviceConfigParser, "serviceConfigParser not set");
this.scheduledExecutorService = scheduledExecutorService;
this.channelLogger = channelLogger;
this.executor = executor;
this.overrideAuthority = overrideAuthority;
this.metricRecorder = metricRecorder;
* The port number used in case the target or the underlying naming system doesn't provide a
* port number.
* @since 1.21.0
public int getDefaultPort() {
return defaultPort;
* If the NameResolver wants to support proxy, it should inquire this {@link ProxyDetector}.
* See documentation on {@link ProxyDetector} about how proxies work in gRPC.
* @since 1.21.0
public ProxyDetector getProxyDetector() {
return proxyDetector;
* Returns the {@link SynchronizationContext} where {@link #start(Listener2)}, {@link #shutdown}
* and {@link #refresh} are run from.
* @since 1.21.0
public SynchronizationContext getSynchronizationContext() {
return syncContext;
* Returns a {@link ScheduledExecutorService} for scheduling delayed tasks.
This service is a shared resource and is only meant for quick tasks. DO NOT block or run
* time-consuming tasks.
The returned service doesn't support {@link ScheduledExecutorService#shutdown shutdown()}
* and {@link ScheduledExecutorService#shutdownNow shutdownNow()}. They will throw if called.
* @since 1.26.0
public ScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutorService() {
if (scheduledExecutorService == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("ScheduledExecutorService not set in Builder");
return scheduledExecutorService;
* Returns the {@link ServiceConfigParser}.
* @since 1.21.0
public ServiceConfigParser getServiceConfigParser() {
return serviceConfigParser;
* Returns the {@link ChannelLogger} for the Channel served by this NameResolver.
* @since 1.26.0
public ChannelLogger getChannelLogger() {
if (channelLogger == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("ChannelLogger is not set in Builder");
return channelLogger;
* Returns the Executor on which this resolver should execute long-running or I/O bound work.
* Null if no Executor was set.
* @since 1.25.0
public Executor getOffloadExecutor() {
return executor;
* Returns the overrideAuthority from channel {@link ManagedChannelBuilder#overrideAuthority}.
* Overrides the host name for L7 HTTP virtual host matching. Almost all name resolvers should
* not use this.
* @since 1.49.0
public String getOverrideAuthority() {
return overrideAuthority;
* Returns the {@link MetricRecorder} that the channel uses to record metrics.
public MetricRecorder getMetricRecorder() {
return metricRecorder;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("defaultPort", defaultPort)
.add("proxyDetector", proxyDetector)
.add("syncContext", syncContext)
.add("serviceConfigParser", serviceConfigParser)
.add("scheduledExecutorService", scheduledExecutorService)
.add("channelLogger", channelLogger)
.add("executor", executor)
.add("overrideAuthority", overrideAuthority)
.add("metricRecorder", metricRecorder)
* Returns a builder with the same initial values as this object.
* @since 1.21.0
public Builder toBuilder() {
Builder builder = new Builder();
return builder;
* Creates a new builder.
* @since 1.21.0
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
* Builder for {@link Args}.
* @since 1.21.0
public static final class Builder {
private Integer defaultPort;
private ProxyDetector proxyDetector;
private SynchronizationContext syncContext;
private ServiceConfigParser serviceConfigParser;
private ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService;
private ChannelLogger channelLogger;
private Executor executor;
private String overrideAuthority;
private MetricRecorder metricRecorder;
Builder() {
* See {@link Args#getDefaultPort}. This is a required field.
* @since 1.21.0
public Builder setDefaultPort(int defaultPort) {
this.defaultPort = defaultPort;
return this;
* See {@link Args#getProxyDetector}. This is required field.
* @since 1.21.0
public Builder setProxyDetector(ProxyDetector proxyDetector) {
this.proxyDetector = checkNotNull(proxyDetector);
return this;
* See {@link Args#getSynchronizationContext}. This is a required field.
* @since 1.21.0
public Builder setSynchronizationContext(SynchronizationContext syncContext) {
this.syncContext = checkNotNull(syncContext);
return this;
* See {@link Args#getScheduledExecutorService}.
public Builder setScheduledExecutorService(
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService) {
this.scheduledExecutorService = checkNotNull(scheduledExecutorService);
return this;
* See {@link Args#getServiceConfigParser}. This is a required field.
* @since 1.21.0
public Builder setServiceConfigParser(ServiceConfigParser parser) {
this.serviceConfigParser = checkNotNull(parser);
return this;
* See {@link Args#getChannelLogger}.
* @since 1.26.0
public Builder setChannelLogger(ChannelLogger channelLogger) {
this.channelLogger = checkNotNull(channelLogger);
return this;
* See {@link Args#getOffloadExecutor}. This is an optional field.
* @since 1.25.0
public Builder setOffloadExecutor(Executor executor) {
this.executor = executor;
return this;
* See {@link Args#getOverrideAuthority()}. This is an optional field.
* @since 1.49.0
public Builder setOverrideAuthority(String authority) {
this.overrideAuthority = authority;
return this;
* See {@link Args#getMetricRecorder()}. This is an optional field.
public Builder setMetricRecorder(MetricRecorder metricRecorder) {
this.metricRecorder = metricRecorder;
return this;
* Builds an {@link Args}.
* @since 1.21.0
public Args build() {
new Args(
defaultPort, proxyDetector, syncContext, serviceConfigParser,
scheduledExecutorService, channelLogger, executor, overrideAuthority,
* Parses and validates service configuration.
* @since 1.21.0
public abstract static class ServiceConfigParser {
* Parses and validates the service configuration chosen by the name resolver. This will
* return a {@link ConfigOrError} which contains either the successfully parsed config, or the
* {@link Status} representing the failure to parse. Implementations are expected to not throw
* exceptions but return a Status representing the failure. The value inside the
* {@link ConfigOrError} should implement {@code equals()} and {@code hashCode()}.
* @param rawServiceConfig The {@link Map} representation of the service config
* @return a tuple of the fully parsed and validated channel configuration, else the Status.
* @since 1.21.0
public abstract ConfigOrError parseServiceConfig(Map rawServiceConfig);
* Represents the results from a Name Resolver.
* @since 1.21.0
public static final class ResolutionResult {
private final StatusOr> addressesOrError;
private final Attributes attributes;
private final ConfigOrError serviceConfig;
StatusOr> addressesOrError,
@ResolutionResultAttr Attributes attributes,
ConfigOrError serviceConfig) {
this.addressesOrError = addressesOrError;
this.attributes = checkNotNull(attributes, "attributes");
this.serviceConfig = serviceConfig;
* Constructs a new builder of a name resolution result.
* @since 1.21.0
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
* Converts these results back to a builder.
* @since 1.21.0
public Builder toBuilder() {
return newBuilder()
* Gets the addresses resolved by name resolution.
* @since 1.21.0
* @deprecated Will be superseded by getAddressesOrError
public List getAddresses() {
return addressesOrError.getValue();
* Gets the addresses resolved by name resolution or the error in doing so.
* @since 1.65.0
public StatusOr> getAddressesOrError() {
return addressesOrError;
* Gets the attributes associated with the addresses resolved by name resolution. If there are
* no attributes, {@link Attributes#EMPTY} will be returned.
* @since 1.21.0
public Attributes getAttributes() {
return attributes;
* Gets the Service Config parsed by {@link Args#getServiceConfigParser}.
* @since 1.21.0
public ConfigOrError getServiceConfig() {
return serviceConfig;
public String toString() {
ToStringHelper stringHelper = MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this);
stringHelper.add("addressesOrError", addressesOrError.toString());
stringHelper.add("attributes", attributes);
stringHelper.add("serviceConfigOrError", serviceConfig);
return stringHelper.toString();
* Useful for testing. May be slow to calculate.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof ResolutionResult)) {
return false;
ResolutionResult that = (ResolutionResult) obj;
return Objects.equal(this.addressesOrError, that.addressesOrError)
&& Objects.equal(this.attributes, that.attributes)
&& Objects.equal(this.serviceConfig, that.serviceConfig);
* Useful for testing. May be slow to calculate.
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(addressesOrError, attributes, serviceConfig);
* A builder for {@link ResolutionResult}.
* @since 1.21.0
public static final class Builder {
private StatusOr> addresses =
private Attributes attributes = Attributes.EMPTY;
private ConfigOrError serviceConfig;
// Make sure to update #toBuilder above!
Builder() {}
* Sets the addresses resolved by name resolution. This field is required.
* @since 1.21.0
* @deprecated Will be superseded by setAddressesOrError
public Builder setAddresses(List addresses) {
return this;
* Sets the addresses resolved by name resolution or the error in doing so. This field is
* required.
* @param addresses Resolved addresses or an error in resolving addresses
public Builder setAddressesOrError(StatusOr> addresses) {
this.addresses = checkNotNull(addresses, "StatusOr addresses cannot be null.");
return this;
* Sets the attributes for the addresses resolved by name resolution. If unset,
* {@link Attributes#EMPTY} will be used as a default.
* @since 1.21.0
public Builder setAttributes(Attributes attributes) {
this.attributes = attributes;
return this;
* Sets the Service Config parsed by {@link Args#getServiceConfigParser}.
* This field is optional.
* @since 1.21.0
public Builder setServiceConfig(@Nullable ConfigOrError serviceConfig) {
this.serviceConfig = serviceConfig;
return this;
* Constructs a new {@link ResolutionResult} from this builder.
* @since 1.21.0
public ResolutionResult build() {
return new ResolutionResult(addresses, attributes, serviceConfig);
* Represents either a successfully parsed service config, containing all necessary parts to be
* later applied by the channel, or a Status containing the error encountered while parsing.
* @since 1.20.0
public static final class ConfigOrError {
* Returns a {@link ConfigOrError} for the successfully parsed config.
public static ConfigOrError fromConfig(Object config) {
return new ConfigOrError(config);
* Returns a {@link ConfigOrError} for the failure to parse the config.
* @param status a non-OK status
public static ConfigOrError fromError(Status status) {
return new ConfigOrError(status);
private final Status status;
private final Object config;
private ConfigOrError(Object config) {
this.config = checkNotNull(config, "config");
this.status = null;
private ConfigOrError(Status status) {
this.config = null;
this.status = checkNotNull(status, "status");
checkArgument(!status.isOk(), "cannot use OK status: %s", status);
* Returns config if exists, otherwise null.
public Object getConfig() {
return config;
* Returns error status if exists, otherwise null.
public Status getError() {
return status;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
ConfigOrError that = (ConfigOrError) o;
return Objects.equal(status, that.status) && Objects.equal(config, that.config);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(status, config);
public String toString() {
if (config != null) {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("config", config)
} else {
assert status != null;
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("error", status)