io.helidon.config.Config Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2017, 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.helidon.config;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import io.helidon.common.GenericType;
import io.helidon.common.config.ConfigException;
import io.helidon.common.config.GlobalConfig;
import io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigFilter;
import io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapper;
import io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider;
import io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser;
import io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigSource;
import io.helidon.config.spi.MergingStrategy;
import io.helidon.config.spi.OverrideSource;
import io.helidon.service.registry.Service;
* Configuration
* Immutable tree-structured configuration.
* Loading Configuration
* Load the default configuration using the {@link Config#create} method.
* {@code
* Config config = Config.create();
* }
Use {@link Config.Builder} to construct a new {@code Config} instance
* from one or more specific {@link ConfigSource}s using the {@link #builder()}.
* The application can affect the way the system loads configuration by
* implementing interfaces defined in the SPI, by explicitly constructing the
* {@link Builder} which assembles the {@code Config}, and by using other
* classes provided by the config system that influence loading.
* Some Config SPI Interfaces
* Class.Method
* Application-implemented Interface
* Purpose
* {@link ConfigSources#create}
* {@link ConfigSource}
* Loads configuration from a different type of origin. Each
* {@code ConfigSource} implementation handles a type of location. Different
* instances of a given {@code ConfigSource} implementation represent separate
* sources of that location type.
* {@link Builder#addParser}
* {@link ConfigParser}
* Converts one format of config representation into the corresponding
* {@code Config} tree.
* {@link Builder#addFilter}
* {@link ConfigFilter}
* Changes the {@code String} representation of each config value from one
* {@code String} to another as the {@code Config} tree is built from its
* sources.
* {@link OverrideSources}
* Replaces config {@code String} values during loading based on their keys.
* Programs provide overrides in Java property file format on the classpath, at
* a URL, or in a file, or by invoking {@link OverrideSources#create} and passing
* the name-matching expressions and the corresponding replacement value as a
* {@code Map}.
* {@link Builder#addMapper(Class, Function)}
* Implements conversion from a {@code Config} node (typically with
* children) to an application-specific Java type.
* Navigating in a Configuration Tree
* Each loaded configuration is a tree of {@code Config} objects. The
* application can access an arbitrary node in the tree by passing its
* fully-qualified name to {@link Config#get}:
* {@code
* Config greeting = config.get("greeting");
* }
Method {@link #key()} always returns fully-qualified
* {@link Config.Key} of a config node.
* {@code
* assert greeting.key().toString().equals("greeting")
* }
These are equivalent ways of obtaining the same {@code Config}
* instance, and the two assertions will succeed:
* {@code
* Config name1 = config.get("app.services.svc1.name");
* Config name2 = config.get("app").get("services.svc1.name");
* Config name3 = config.get("app.services").get("svc1").get("name");
* Config name4 = config.get("app").get("services").get("svc1").get("name");
* assert name4.key().equals(Key.create("app.services.svc1.name"))
* assert name1 == name2 == name3 == name4
* }
The {@link #get} method always returns a {@code Config} object, even
* if no configuration is present using the corresponding key. The application
* can invoke the {@link #type} method to find out the type of the node,
* represented by one of the {@link Type} enum values. The {@link #exists}
* method tells whether or not the {@code Config} node represents existing
* configuration.
* {@code
* if (!config.get("very.rare.prop42").exists()) {
* // node 'very.rare.prop42' does NOT exist
* }
* }
The {@link #traverse} method visits all nodes in a subtree. This
* example gathers all nodes with keys matching {@code logging.**.level} -- that
* is, all nodes within the "logging" subtree that have a key ending in "level"
* and also has a single value:
* {@code
* Map loggingLevels = config.get("logging") // find "logging" subtree
* .traverse() // traverse through logging' nodes
* .filter(node -> node.isLeaf()) // filter leaf values
* .filter(node -> node.name().equals("level")) // filter key suffix '.level'
* .collect(Collectors.toMap(Config::key, Config::asString));
* }
* To retrieve children of a config node use
* {@link #asNodeList()}
* - on an {@link Type#OBJECT object} node to get all object members,
* - on a {@link Type#LIST list} node to get all list elements.
* To get node value, use {@link #as(Class)} to access this config node as a {@link ConfigValue}
Converting Configuration Values to Types
* Explicit Conversion by the Application
* The interpretation of a configuration node, including what datatype to use,
* is up to the application. To interpret a node's value as a type other than
* {@code String} the application can invoke one of these convenience methods:
* - {@code as
} such as {@code asBoolean, asDouble, asInt}, etc.
* which return {@link ConfigValue} representing Java primitive data values ({@code boolean, double, int}, etc.)
* The {@link ConfigValue} can be used to access the value or use optional style methods.
* The config value provides access to the value in multiple ways.
* See {@link ConfigValue} for reference.
* Basic usages:
* // throws a MissingValueException in case the config node does not exist
* long l1 = config.asLong().get();
* // returns 42 in case the config node does not exist
* long l2 = config.asLong().orElse(42L);
* // invokes the method "timeout(long)" if the value exists
* config.asLong().ifPresent(this::timeout);
* }
* - {@link #as(Class)} to convert the config node to an instance of the specified class, if there is a configured
* mapper present that supports the class.
* // throws a MissingValueException in case the config node does not exist
* // throws a ConfigMappingException in case the config node cannot be converted to Long
* long l1 = config.as(Long.class).get();
* // returns 42 in case the config node does not exist
* // throws a ConfigMappingException in case the config node cannot be converted to Long
* long l2 = config.as(Long.class).orElse(42L);
* // invokes the method "timeout(long)" if the value exists
* // throws a ConfigMappingException in case the config node cannot be converted to Long
* config.as(Long.class).ifPresent(this::timeout);
* }
* - {@link #as(Function)} to convert the config node using the function provided.
* Let's assume there is a method {@code public static Foo create(Config)} on a class {@code Foo}:
* // throws a MissingValueException in case the config node does not exist
* // throws a ConfigMappingException in case the config node cannot be converted to Foo
* Foo f1 = config.as(Foo::create).get();
* // throws a ConfigMappingException in case the config node cannot be converted to Foo
* Foo f2 = config.as(Foo::create).orElse(Foo.DEFAULT);
* // invokes the method "foo(Foo)" if the value exists
* // throws a ConfigMappingException in case the config node cannot be converted to Foo
* config.as(Foo::create).ifPresent(this::foo);
* }
* - {@link #as(GenericType)} to convert the config node to an instance of the specified generic type, if there is a
* configured mapper present that supports the generic type.
* // throws a MissingValueException in case the config node does not exist
* // throws a ConfigMappingException in case the config node cannot be converted to Map
* Map m1 = config.as(new GenericType
* To deal with application-specific types, the application can provide its own
* mapping logic by:
* - invoking the {@link Config#as(Function)} method variants,
* - adding custom mapping function implementations using the
* {@link Builder#addMapper(Class, Function)} method,
* - add custom mapping function using the {@link Builder#addStringMapper(Class, Function)}
* - registering custom mappers using the Java service loader mechanism. (See
* {@link ConfigMapperProvider} for details.)
* If there is no explicitly registered mapping function in a
* {@link Builder} for converting a given type then the config system
* throws {@link ConfigMappingException}, unless you use the config beans support,
* that can handle classes that fulfill some requirements (see documentation), such as a public constructor,
* static "create(Config)" method etc.
Handling Multiple Configuration
* Sources
* A {@code Config} instance, including the default {@code Config} returned by
* {@link Config#create}, might be associated with multiple {@link ConfigSource}s. The
* config system merges these together so that values from config sources with higher {@link io.helidon.common.Weight weight}
* have priority over values from config sources with lower weight.
public interface Config extends io.helidon.common.config.Config {
* Generic type of configuration.
GenericType GENERIC_TYPE = GenericType.create(Config.class);
* Returns empty instance of {@code Config}.
* @return empty instance of {@code Config}.
static Config empty() {
return BuilderImpl.EmptyConfigHolder.EMPTY;
* Returns a new default {@link Config} loaded using one of the
* configuration files available on the classpath and/or using the runtime
* environment.
* The config system loads the default configuration using a default {@link Builder}
* which loads configuration data as described below. In contrast, the application can
* control how and from where configuration is loaded by explicitly creating and fine-tuning
* one or more {@code Builder} instances itself.
* - Meta-configuration
* Meta-configuration specifies at least one {@link ConfigSource} or
* {@link Config.Builder} from which the system can load configuration. The
* config system searches for at most one of the following
* meta-configuration locations on the classpath, in this order:
* - {@code meta-config.yaml} - meta configuration file in YAML
* format
* - {@code meta-config.conf} - meta configuration file in HOCON
* format
* - {@code meta-config.json} - meta configuration file in JSON
* format
* - {@code meta-config.properties} - meta configuration file in Java
* Properties format
* - Configuration
* In the absence of meta-configuration the config system loads the default
* configuration from all of the following sources:
* - {@link ConfigSources#environmentVariables() environment variables};
* - {@link ConfigSources#systemProperties() system properties}
* - at most one of following locations on the classpath, in this order:
* - {@code application.yaml} - configuration file in YAML format
* - {@code application.conf} - configuration file in HOCON format
* - {@code application.json} - configuration file in JSON format
* - {@code application.properties} - configuration file in Java
* Properties format
* The config system uses only the first {@code application.*} location it
* finds for which it can locate a {@link ConfigParser} that supports the
* corresponding {@link ConfigParser#supportedMediaTypes() media type}.
* When creating the default configuration the config system detects parsers
* that were loaded using the {@link java.util.ServiceLoader} mechanism or,
* if it finds none loaded, a built-in parser provided by the config system.
* Every invocation of this method creates a new {@code Config} instance
* which has neither a {@link PollingStrategies#nop() polling strategy} nor
* a {@link RetryPolicies#justCall() retry policy}. To set up these and other
* behaviors the application should create explicitly a {@code Config.Builder},
* tailor it accordingly, and then use its {@code build} method to create the
* {@code Config} instance as desired.
* @return new instance of {@link Config}
static Config create() {
return builder().metaConfig().build();
* Creates a new {@link Config} loaded from environment variables, system
* properties, and the specified {@link ConfigSource}s.
* The resulting configuration uses the following sources, in order:
* - {@link ConfigSources#environmentVariables() environment variables config source}
* Can disabled by {@link Builder#disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()}
* - {@link ConfigSources#systemProperties() system properties config source}
* Can disabled by {@link Builder#disableSystemPropertiesSource()}
* - Source(s) specified by user in the method.
* See multiple sources for more information.
* @param configSources ordered list of configuration sources
* @return new instance of {@link Config}
* @see #builder(Supplier[])
* @see Builder#sources(List)
* @see Builder#disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()
* @see Builder#disableSystemPropertiesSource()
static Config create(Supplier extends ConfigSource>... configSources) {
return builder(configSources).build();
* Provides a {@link Builder} for creating a {@link Config}
* based on the specified {@link ConfigSource} instances.
* The resulting configuration uses the following sources, in order:
* - {@link ConfigSources#environmentVariables() environment variables}
* Can be disabled by invoking {@link Builder#disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()}
* - {@link ConfigSources#systemProperties() system properties config source}
* Can be disabled by invoking {@link Builder#disableSystemPropertiesSource()}
* - source(s) passed in the method invocation
* See multiple sources for more information.
* @param configSources ordered list of configuration sources
* @return new initialized Builder instance
* @see #builder()
* @see #create(Supplier[])
* @see Builder#sources(List)
* @see Builder#disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()
* @see Builder#disableSystemPropertiesSource()
static Builder builder(Supplier extends ConfigSource>... configSources) {
return builder().sources(List.of(configSources));
* Provides a {@link Builder} for creating a {@link Config} instance.
* @return new Builder instance
static Builder builder() {
return new BuilderImpl();
* Creates a new {@link Config} loaded from the specified {@link ConfigSource}s.
* No other sources will be included.
* @param configSources ordered list of configuration sources
* @return new instance of {@link Config}
* @see #builder(Supplier[])
static Config just(Supplier extends ConfigSource>... configSources) {
return builder(configSources)
* Either return the registered global config, or create a new config using {@link #create()} and register
* it as global.
* The instance returned may differ from {@link io.helidon.common.config.GlobalConfig#config()} in case the
* global config registered in not an instance of this type.
* @return global config instance, creates one if not yet registered
static Config global() {
if (GlobalConfig.configured()) {
io.helidon.common.config.Config global = GlobalConfig.config();
if (global instanceof Config cfg) {
return cfg;
return BuilderImpl.GlobalConfigHolder.get();
Config config = Config.create();
GlobalConfig.config(() -> config, true);
return config;
* Configure the provided configuration as the global configuration.
* This method registers also {@link io.helidon.common.config.GlobalConfig} instance.
* @param config to configure as global
static void global(Config config) {
GlobalConfig.config(() -> config, true);
* Returns the {@code Context} instance associated with the current
* {@code Config} node that allows the application to access the last loaded
* instance of the node or to request that the entire configuration be
* reloaded.
* @return Context instance associated with specific Config node
default Context context() {
//default implementation does not support changes
return new Context() {
public Instant timestamp() {
return Config.this.timestamp();
public Config last() {
return Config.this;
public Config reload() {
return Config.this;
* Returns when the configuration tree was created.
* Each config node of single Config tree returns same timestamp.
* @return timestamp of created instance of whole configuration tree.
* @see #context()
* @see Context#timestamp()
Instant timestamp();
* Returns the fully-qualified key of the {@code Config} node.
* The fully-qualified key is a sequence of tokens derived from the name of
* each node along the path from the config root to the current node. Tokens
* are separated by {@code .} (the dot character). See {@link #name()} for
* more information on the format of each token.
* @return current config node key
* @see #name()
Key key();
* Returns the last token of the fully-qualified key for the {@code Config}
* node.
* The name of a node is the last token in its fully-qualified key.
* The exact format of the name depends on the {@code Type} of the
* containing node:
* - from a {@link Type#OBJECT} node the token for a child is the
* name of the object member;
* - from a {@link Type#LIST} node the token for a child is a zero-based
* index of the element, an unsigned base-10 integer value
* with no leading zeros.
* The ABNF syntax of config key is:
* config-key = *1( key-token *( "." key-token ) )
* key-token = *( unescaped / escaped )
* unescaped = %x00-2D / %x2F-7D / %x7F-10FFFF
* ; %x2E ('.') and %x7E ('~') are excluded from 'unescaped'
* escaped = "~" ( "0" / "1" )
* ; representing '~' and '.', respectively
* }
* @return current config node key
* @see #key()
* @see Key#name()
default String name() {
return key().name();
* Returns the single sub-node for the specified sub-key.
* The format of the key is described on {@link #key()} method.
* @param key sub-key of requested sub-node
* @return config node for specified sub-key, never returns {@code null}.
* @see #get(Key)
default Config get(String key) {
Objects.requireNonNull(key, "Key argument is null.");
return get(ConfigKeyImpl.of(key));
Config root();
* Returns the single sub-node for the specified sub-key.
* @param key sub-key of requested sub-node
* @return config node for specified sub-key, never returns {@code null}.
* @see #get(String)
Config get(Config.Key key);
* Returns a copy of the {@code Config} node with no parent.
* The returned node acts as a root node for the subtree below it. Its key
* is the empty string; {@code ""}. The original config node is unchanged,
* and the original and the copy point to the same children.
* Consider the following configuration:
* app:
* name: Example 1
* page-size: 20
* logging:
* app.level = INFO
* level = WARNING
* The {@code Config} instances {@code name1} and {@code name2} represents same data and
* in fact refer to the same object:
* Config name1 = config
* .get("app")
* .get("name");
* Config name2 = config
* .get("app")
* .detach() //DETACHED node
* .get("name");
* assert name1.asString() == "Example 1";
* assert name2.asString() == "Example 1"; //DETACHED node
* The only difference is the key each node returns:
* assert name1.key() == "app.name";
* assert name2.key() == "name"; //DETACHED node
* See {@link #asMap()} for example of config detaching.
* @return returns detached Config instance of same config node
Config detach();
* Provides the {@link Type} of the {@code Config} node.
* @return the {@code Type} of the configuration node
Type type();
* Returns {@code true} if the node exists, whether an object, a list, or a
* value node.
* @return {@code true} if the node exists
default boolean exists() {
return type().exists();
* Returns {@code true} if this node exists and is a leaf node (has no
* children).
* A leaf node has no nested configuration subtree and has a single value.
* @return {@code true} if the node is existing leaf node, {@code false}
* otherwise.
default boolean isLeaf() {
return type().isLeaf();
* Returns {@code true} if this node exists and is Type#Object.
* @return {@code true} if the node exists and is Type#Object, {@code false}
* otherwise.
default boolean isObject() {
return (Type.OBJECT == type());
* Returns {@code true} if this node exists and is Type#List.
* @return {@code true} if the node exists and is Type#List, {@code false}
* otherwise.
default boolean isList() {
return (Type.LIST == type());
* Returns {@code true} if this configuration node has a direct value.
* This may be a value node (e.g. a leaf) or object node or a list node
* (e.g. a branch with value). The application can invoke methods such as
* {@link #as(Class)} on nodes that have value.
* @return {@code true} if the node has direct value, {@code false} otherwise.
boolean hasValue();
* Performs the given action with the config node if node
* {@link #exists() exists}, otherwise does nothing.
* @param action the action to be performed if the node exists
* @see #exists()
* @see #type()
default void ifExists(Consumer action) {
* Iterative deepening depth-first traversal of the node
* and its subtree as a {@code Stream}.
* If the config node does not exist or is a leaf the returned stream is
* empty.
* Depending on the structure of the configuration the returned stream can
* deliver a mix of object, list, and leaf value nodes. The stream will
* include and traverse through object members and list elements.
* @return stream of deepening depth-first sub-nodes
default Stream traverse() {
return traverse((node) -> true);
* Iterative deepening depth-first traversal of the node
* and its subtree as a {@code Stream}, qualified by the specified
* predicate.
* If the config node does not exist or is a leaf the returned stream is
* empty.
* Depending on the structure of the configuration the returned stream can
* deliver a mix of object, list, and leaf value nodes. The stream will
* include and traverse through object members and list elements.
* The traversal continues as long as the specified {@code predicate}
* evaluates to {@code true}. When the predicate evaluates to {@code false}
* the node being traversed and its subtree will be excluded from the
* returned {@code Stream}.
* @param predicate predicate evaluated on each visited {@code Config} node
* to continue or stop visiting the node
* @return stream of deepening depth-first sub nodes
Stream traverse(Predicate predicate);
// instance utility
* Convert a String to a specific type.
* This is a helper method to allow for processing of default values that cannot be typed (e.g. in annotations).
* @param type type of the property
* @param value String value
* @param type
* @return instance of the correct type
* @throws ConfigMappingException in case the String provided cannot be converted to the type expected
* @see Config#as(Class)
T convert(Class type, String value) throws ConfigMappingException;
* The mapper used by this config instance.
* @return configuration mapper
ConfigMapper mapper();
// accessors
* Typed value as a {@link ConfigValue} for a generic type.
* If appropriate mapper exists, returns a properly typed generic instance.
* Example:
* {@code
* ConfigValue> myMapValue = config.as(new GenericType>(){});
* myMapValue.ifPresent(map -> {
* Integer port = map.get("service.port");
* }
* }
* @param genericType a (usually anonymous) instance of generic type to prevent type erasure
* @param type of the returned value
* @return properly typed config value
ConfigValue as(GenericType genericType);
* Typed value as a {@link ConfigValue}.
* @param type type class
* @param type
* @return typed value
* @see ConfigValue#map(Function)
* @see ConfigValue#supplier()
* @see ConfigValue#get()
* @see ConfigValue#orElse(Object)
ConfigValue as(Class type);
* Typed value as a {@link ConfigValue} created from factory method.
* To convert from String, you can use
* {@link #asString() config.asString()}{@link ConfigValue#as(Function) .as(Function)}.
* @param mapper method to create an instance from config
* @param type
* @return typed value
ConfigValue as(Function mapper);
default io.helidon.common.config.ConfigValue map(Function mapper) {
return as(mapper::apply);
// shortcut methods
* Boolean typed value.
* @return typed value
default ConfigValue asBoolean() {
return as(Boolean.class);
* String typed value.
* @return typed value
default ConfigValue asString() {
return as(String.class);
* Integer typed value.
* @return typed value
default ConfigValue asInt() {
return as(Integer.class);
* Long typed value.
* @return typed value
default ConfigValue asLong() {
return as(Long.class);
* Double typed value.
* @return typed value
default ConfigValue asDouble() {
return as(Double.class);
* Returns list of specified type.
* @param type type class
* @param type of list elements
* @return a typed list with values
* @throws ConfigMappingException in case of problem to map property value.
ConfigValue> asList(Class type) throws ConfigMappingException;
* Returns this node as a list converting each list value using the provided mapper.
* @param mapper mapper to convert each list node into a typed value
* @param type of list elements
* @return a typed list with values
* @throws ConfigMappingException in case the mapper fails to map the values
ConfigValue> asList(Function mapper) throws ConfigMappingException;
default io.helidon.common.config.ConfigValue> mapList(Function mapper)
throws ConfigException {
return asList(mapper::apply);
* Returns existing current config node as {@link io.helidon.config.ConfigValue}.
* @return current config node as {@link io.helidon.config.ConfigValue}
default ConfigValue asNode() {
return ConfigValues.create(this,
() -> exists() ? Optional.of(this) : Optional.empty(),
ConfigValue> asNodeList() throws ConfigMappingException;
* Transform all leaf nodes (values) into Map instance.
* Fully qualified key of config node is used as a key in returned Map.
* {@link #detach() Detach} config node before transforming to Map in case you want to cut
* current Config node key prefix.
* Let's say we work with following configuration:
* app:
* name: Example 1
* page-size: 20
* logging:
* app.level = INFO
* level = WARNING
* Map {@code app1} contains two keys: {@code app.name}, {@code app.page-size}.
* {@code
* Map app1 = config.get("app").asMap();
* }
* {@link #detach() Detaching} {@code app} config node returns new Config instance with "reset" local root.
* {@code
* Map app2 = config.get("app").detach().asMap();
* }
* Map {@code app2} contains two keys without {@code app} prefix: {@code name}, {@code page-size}.
* @return new Map instance that contains all config leaf node values
* @throws MissingValueException in case the node is {@link Type#MISSING}.
* @see #traverse()
* @see #detach()
ConfigValue> asMap() throws MissingValueException;
// config changes
* Register a {@link Consumer} that is invoked each time a change occurs on whole Config or on a particular Config node.
* A user can subscribe on root Config node and then will be notified on any change of Configuration.
* You can also subscribe on any sub-node, i.e. you will receive notification events just about sub-configuration.
* No matter how much the sub-configuration has changed you will receive just one notification event that is associated
* with a node you are subscribed on.
* If a user subscribes on older instance of Config and ones has already been published the last one is automatically
* submitted to new-subscriber.
* Note: It does not matter what instance version of Config (related to single {@link Builder} initialization)
* a user subscribes on. It is enough to subscribe just on single (e.g. on the first) Config instance.
* There is no added value to subscribe again on new Config instance.
* @param onChangeConsumer consumer invoked on change
default void onChange(Consumer onChangeConsumer) {
// no-op
* Object represents fully-qualified key of config node.
* Fully-qualified key is list of key tokens separated by {@code .} (dot character).
* Depending on context the key token is evaluated one by one:
* - in {@link Type#OBJECT} node the token represents a name of object member;
* - in {@link Type#LIST} node the token represents an zero-based index of list element,
* an unsigned base-10 integer value, leading zeros are not allowed.
* The ABNF syntax of config key is:
* config-key = *1( key-token *( "." key-token ) )
* key-token = *( unescaped / escaped )
* unescaped = %x00-2D / %x2F-7D / %x7F-10FFFF
* ; %x2E ('.') and %x7E ('~') are excluded from 'unescaped'
* escaped = "~" ( "0" / "1" )
* ; representing '~' and '.', respectively
* }
* @see Config#key()
interface Key extends io.helidon.common.config.Config.Key {
* Returns instance of Key that represents key of parent config node.
* If the key represents root config node it throws an exception.
* @return key that represents key of parent config node.
* @see #isRoot()
* @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException in case you attempt to call this method on a root node
Key parent();
* Create a child key to the current key.
* @param key child key (relative to current key)
* @return a new resolved key
Key child(io.helidon.common.config.Config.Key key);
* Creates new instance of Key for specified {@code key} literal.
* Empty literal means root node.
* Character dot ('.') has special meaning - it separates fully-qualified key by key tokens (node names).
* @param key formatted fully-qualified key.
* @return Key instance representing specified fully-qualified key.
static Key create(String key) {
return ConfigKeyImpl.of(key);
* Escape {@code '~'} to {@code ~0} and {@code '.'} to {@code ~1} in specified name.
* @param name name to be escaped
* @return escaped name
static String escapeName(String name) {
if (!name.contains("~") && !name.contains(".")) {
return name;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char[] chars = name.toCharArray();
for (char ch : chars) {
if (ch == '~') {
} else if (ch == '.') {
} else {
return sb.toString();
* Unescape {@code ~0} to {@code '~'} and {@code ~1} to {@code '.'} in specified escaped name.
* @param escapedName escaped name
* @return unescaped name
static String unescapeName(String escapedName) {
return escapedName.replace("~1", ".")
.replace("~0", "~");
// enum node Type
* Configuration node types.
enum Type {
* Config node is an object of named members
* ({@link #VALUE values}, {@link #LIST lists} or other objects).
OBJECT(true, false),
* Config node is a list of indexed elements
* ({@link #VALUE values}, {@link #OBJECT objects} or other lists).
LIST(true, false),
* Config node is a leaf {@code String}-based single value,
* member of {@link #OBJECT object} or {@link #LIST list} element.
VALUE(true, true),
* Config node does not exists.
MISSING(false, false);
private final boolean exists;
private final boolean isLeaf;
Type(boolean exists, boolean isLeaf) {
this.exists = exists;
this.isLeaf = isLeaf;
* Returns {@code true} if the node exists, either as an object, a list or as a value node.
* @return {@code true} if the node exists
public boolean exists() {
return exists;
* Returns {@code true} if this configuration node is existing a value node.
* Leaf configuration node does not contain any nested configuration sub-trees,
* but only a single associated value.
* @return {@code true} if the node is existing leaf node, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isLeaf() {
return isLeaf;
// interface Builder
* Context associated with specific {@link Config} node that allows to access the last loaded instance of the node
* or to request reloading of whole configuration.
interface Context {
* Returns timestamp of the last loaded configuration.
* @return timestamp of the last loaded configuration.
* @see Config#timestamp()
Instant timestamp();
* Returns instance of Config node related to same Config {@link Config#key() key}
* as original {@link Config#context() node} used to get Context from.
* This method uses the last known value of the node, as provided through change support.
* @return the last instance of Config node associated with same key as original node
* @see Config#context()
Config last();
* Requests reloading of whole configuration and returns new instance of
* Config node related to same Config {@link Config#key() key}
* as original {@link Config#context() node} used to get Context from.
* @return the new instance of Config node associated with same key as original node
* @see Config.Builder
Config reload();
* {@link Config} Builder.
* A factory for a {@code Config} object.
* The application can set the following characteristics:
* - {@code overrides} - instance of {@link OverrideSource override source};
* - {@code sources} - instances of {@link ConfigSource configuration source};
* - {@code mappers} - ordered list of mapper functions.
* It is also possible to {@link #disableMapperServices disable} loading of
* {@link ConfigMapperProvider}s as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}.
* - {@code parsers} - ordered list of {@link ConfigParser configuration content parsers}.
* It is also possible to {@link #disableParserServices disable} loading of
* {@link ConfigParser}s as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}.
* - {@code token reference resolving} - a resolving of reference tokens in a key can be {@link #disableKeyResolving()
* disabled}
* - {@code filters} - ordered list of {@link ConfigFilter configuration value filters}.
* It is also possible to {@link #disableFilterServices disable} loading of
* {@link ConfigFilter}s as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}.
* - {@code caching} - can be elementary configuration value processed by filter cached?
* In case of {@link ConfigMapperProvider}s, if there is no one that could be used to map appropriate {@code type},
* the mapping attempt throws a {@link ConfigMappingException}.
* A more sophisticated approach can be achieved using the "config beans" module, that provides reflection access
* and mapping for static factory methods, constructors, builder patterns and more.
* If a {@link ConfigSource} is not specified, following default config source is used. Same as {@link #create()} uses.
* It builds composite config source from following sources, checked in order:
* - Tries to load configuration from meta one of following meta configuration files on classpath, in order:
* - {@code meta-config.yaml} - meta configuration file in YAML format
* - {@code meta-config.conf} - meta configuration file in HOCON format
* - {@code meta-config.json} - meta configuration file in JSON format
* - {@code meta-config.properties} - meta configuration file in Java Properties format
* - Otherwise, configuration consists of:
* - {@link ConfigSources#environmentVariables() Environment variables};
* - or else {@link ConfigSources#systemProperties() System properties}
* - one of following files on classpath, checked in order:
* - {@code application.yaml} - configuration file in YAML format
* - {@code application.conf} - configuration file in HOCON format
* - {@code application.json} - configuration file in JSON format
* - {@code application.properties} - configuration file in Java Properties format
* It uses the first and only one file that exists and there is a {@link ConfigParser} available
* that supports appropriate {@link ConfigParser#supportedMediaTypes() media type}.
* Available parser means that the parser:
* - is loaded as a service using {@link java.util.ServiceLoader};
* - or if it does not exist, a config core built-in parser is used, if exists.
* @see Config#create()
* @see ConfigSource
* @see ConfigParser
* @see ConfigFilter
interface Builder extends io.helidon.common.Builder {
* Sets ordered list of {@link ConfigSource} instance to be used as single source of configuration
* to be wrapped into {@link Config} API.
* Configuration sources found earlier in the list are considered to have a higher priority than the latter ones. I.e.,
* when resolving a value of a key, the sources are consulted in the order they have been provided and as soon as
* the value is found in a configuration source, the value immediately is returned without consulting any of the remaining
* configuration sources in the prioritized collection.
* Target source is composed of following sources, in order:
* - {@link ConfigSources#environmentVariables() environment variables config source}
* Can disabled by {@link #disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()}
* - {@link ConfigSources#systemProperties() system properties config source}
* Can disabled by {@link #disableSystemPropertiesSource()}
* - Source(s) specified by user in the method.
* @param configSources ordered list of configuration sources
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see #disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()
* @see #disableSystemPropertiesSource()
Builder sources(List> configSources);
* Add a config source to the list of sources.
* @param source to add
* @return updated builder instance
Builder addSource(ConfigSource source);
* Merging Strategy to use when more than one config source is used.
* @param strategy strategy to use, defaults to a strategy where a value for first source wins over values from later
* sources
* @return updated builder instance
Builder mergingStrategy(MergingStrategy strategy);
* Add a single config source to this builder.
* @param source config source to add
* @return updated builder instance
default Builder addSource(Supplier extends ConfigSource> source) {
return addSource(source.get());
* Sets a {@link ConfigSource} instance to be used as a source of configuration to be wrapped into {@link Config} API.
* Target source is composed of {@code configSource} and following sources (unless they are disabled) in order:
* - {@link ConfigSources#environmentVariables() environment variables config source}
* Can disabled by {@link #disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()}
* - {@link ConfigSources#systemProperties() system properties config source}
* Can disabled by {@link #disableSystemPropertiesSource()}
* - Source(s) specified by user in the method.
* @param configSource the only config source
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see Config#create(Supplier...)
* @see #sources(List)
* @see #disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()
* @see #disableSystemPropertiesSource()
default Builder sources(Supplier extends ConfigSource> configSource) {
return this;
* Sets an ordered pair of {@link ConfigSource} instances to be used as single source of configuration
* to be wrapped into {@link Config} API.
* Target source is of from {@code configSource} and following sources (unless they are disabled) in order:
* - {@link ConfigSources#environmentVariables() environment variables config source}
* Can disabled by {@link #disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()}
* - {@link ConfigSources#systemProperties() system properties config source}
* Can disabled by {@link #disableSystemPropertiesSource()}
* - Source(s) specified by user in the method.
* @param configSource the first config source
* @param configSource2 the second config source
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see Config#create(Supplier...)
* @see #sources(List)
* @see #disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()
* @see #disableSystemPropertiesSource()
default Builder sources(Supplier extends ConfigSource> configSource,
Supplier extends ConfigSource> configSource2) {
sources(List.of(configSource, configSource2));
return this;
* Sets an ordered trio of {@link ConfigSource} instances to be used as single source of configuration
* to be wrapped into {@link Config} API.
* Target source is composed of config sources parameters and following sources (unless they are disabled) in order:
* - {@link ConfigSources#environmentVariables() environment variables config source}
* Can disabled by {@link #disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()}
* - {@link ConfigSources#systemProperties() system properties config source}
* Can disabled by {@link #disableSystemPropertiesSource()}
* - Source(s) specified by user in the method.
* @param configSource the first config source
* @param configSource2 the second config source
* @param configSource3 the third config source
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see Config#create(Supplier...)
* @see #sources(List)
* @see #disableEnvironmentVariablesSource()
* @see #disableSystemPropertiesSource()
default Builder sources(Supplier extends ConfigSource> configSource,
Supplier extends ConfigSource> configSource2,
Supplier extends ConfigSource> configSource3) {
sources(List.of(configSource, configSource2, configSource3));
return this;
* Sets the source of an override source.
* The feature allows user to override existing values with other ones, specified by wildcards. Default values might be
* defined with key token references (i.e. {@code $env.$pod.logging.level: INFO}) that might be overridden by a config
* source with a higher {@link io.helidon.common.Weight weight} to identify the current environment
* (i.e. {@code env: test} and {@code pod: qwerty}). The
* overrides are able to redefine values using wildcards (or without them). For example {@code test.*.logging.level =
* FINE} overrides {@code logging.level} for all pods in test environment.
* Override definitions are applied before any {@link ConfigFilter filter}.
* @param overridingSource a source with overriding key patterns and assigned values
* @return an updated builder instance
Builder overrides(Supplier extends OverrideSource> overridingSource);
* Disables any usage of resolving key tokens.
* A key can contain tokens starting with {@code $} (i.e. $host.$port), that are resolved by default and tokens are
* replaced with a value of the key with the token as a key.
* @return an updated builder instance
Builder disableKeyResolving();
* When key resolving is enabled and a reference cannot be resolved, should we fail, or use the key verbatim.
* Defaults to {@code false}, so key resolving does not fail when a reference is missing.
* @param shouldFail whether to fail when key reference cannot be resolved
* @return updated builder
* @see #disableKeyResolving()
Builder failOnMissingKeyReference(boolean shouldFail);
* Disables any usage of resolving value tokens.
* A value can contain tokens enclosed in {@code ${}} (i.e. ${name}), that are resolved by default and tokens are replaced
* with a value of the key with the token as a key.
* By default, a value resolving filter is added to configuration. When this method is called, the filter will
* not be added and value resolving will be disabled
* @return an updated builder instance
Builder disableValueResolving();
* When value resolving is enabled and a reference cannot be resolved, should we fail, or use the value verbatim.
* Defaults to {@code false}, so value resolving does not fail when a reference is missing.
* @param shouldFail whether to fail when value reference cannot be resolved
* @return updated builder
* @see #disableValueResolving()
Builder failOnMissingValueReference(boolean shouldFail);
* Disables use of {@link ConfigSources#environmentVariables() environment variables config source}.
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see ConfigSources#environmentVariables()
Builder disableEnvironmentVariablesSource();
* Disables use of {@link ConfigSources#systemProperties() system properties config source}.
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see ConfigSources#systemProperties()
Builder disableSystemPropertiesSource();
* Registers mapping function for specified {@code type}.
* The last registration of same {@code type} overwrites previous one.
* Programmatically registered mappers have priority over other options.
* As another option, mappers are loaded automatically as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}
* via {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider} SPI unless it is {@link #disableMapperServices() disabled}.
* And the last option, {@link ConfigMappers built-in mappers} are registered.
* @param type class of type the {@code mapper} is registered for
* @param mapper mapping function
* @param type the {@code mapper} is registered for
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see #addStringMapper(Class, Function)
* @see #addMapper(ConfigMapperProvider)
* @see #disableMapperServices
Builder addMapper(Class type, Function mapper);
* Register a mapping function for specified {@link GenericType}.
* This is useful for mappers that support specifically typed generics, such as {@code Map}
* or {@code Set>}.
* To support mappers that can map any type (e.g. all cases of {@code Map}),
* use {@link #addMapper(ConfigMapperProvider)} as it gives you full control over which types are supported, through
* {@link ConfigMapperProvider#mapper(GenericType)}.
* @param type generic type to register a mapper for
* @param mapper mapping function
* @param type of the result
* @return updated builder instance
Builder addMapper(GenericType type, Function mapper);
* Registers simple {@link Function} from {@code String} for specified {@code type}.
* The last registration of same {@code type} overwrites previous one.
* Programmatically registered mappers have priority over other options.
* As another option, mappers are loaded automatically as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}
* via {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider} SPI, if not {@link #disableMapperServices() disabled}.
* And the last option, {@link ConfigMappers built-in mappers} are registered.
* @param type class of type the {@code mapper} is registered for
* @param mapper mapper instance
* @param type the {@code mapper} is registered for
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see #addMapper(ConfigMapperProvider)
* @see ConfigMappers
* @see #disableMapperServices
Builder addStringMapper(Class type, Function mapper);
* Registers a {@link ConfigMapperProvider} with a map of {@code String} to specified {@code type}.
* The last registration of same {@code type} overwrites previous one.
* Programmatically registered mappers have priority over other options.
* As another option, mappers are loaded automatically as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}
* via {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider} SPI, if not {@link #disableMapperServices() disabled}.
* And the last option, {@link ConfigMappers built-in mappers} are registered.
* @param configMapperProvider mapper provider instance
* @return modified builder instance
* @see #addStringMapper(Class, Function)
* @see ConfigMappers
* @see #disableMapperServices
Builder addMapper(ConfigMapperProvider configMapperProvider);
* Disables automatic registration of mappers via {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider} SPI
* loaded as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}.
* Order of configuration mapper providers loaded as a service
* is defined by {@link io.helidon.common.Weight} annotation.
* Automatic registration of mappers as a service is enabled by default.
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider
Builder disableMapperServices();
* Registers a {@link ConfigParser} instance that can be used by config system to parse
* {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content} of {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ParsableSource}.
* Parsers {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser#supportedMediaTypes()} is queried
* in same order as was registered by this method.
* Programmatically registered parsers have priority over other options.
* As another option, parsers are loaded automatically as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}, if not
* {@link #disableParserServices() disabled}.
* @param configParser parser instance
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see #disableParserServices
Builder addParser(ConfigParser configParser);
* Disables automatic registration of parsers loaded as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}.
* Order of configuration parsers loaded as a service is defined by {@link io.helidon.common.Weight} annotation.
* Automatic registration of parsers as a service is enabled by default.
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see ConfigParser
Builder disableParserServices();
* Registers a {@link ConfigFilter} instance that will be used by {@link Config} to
* filter elementary value before it is returned to a user.
* Filters are applied in same order as was registered by this method, {@link
* #addFilter(Function)} or {@link #addFilter(Supplier)} method.
* {@link ConfigFilter} is actually a {@link java.util.function.BiFunction}<{@link String},{@link String},{@link
* String}> where the first input parameter is the config key, the second is the original value and the result is the
* new value. So the filter can be added as simply as:
* Config.builder()
* .addFilter((key, originalValue) -> originalValue.toUpperCase())
* .build();
* The config system will automatically load filters defined as a
* {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}, unless
* {@link #disableFilterServices() disabled}.
* @param configFilter filter instance
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see #addFilter(Function)
* @see #addFilter(Supplier)
Builder addFilter(ConfigFilter configFilter);
* Registers a {@link ConfigFilter} provider as a {@link Function}<{@link Config}, {@link ConfigFilter}>. An
* obtained filter will be used by {@link Config} to filter elementary value before it is returned to a user.
* Filters are applied in same order as was registered by the {@link #addFilter(ConfigFilter)}, this method,
* or {@link #addFilter(Supplier)} method.
* Registered provider's {@link Function#apply(Object)} method is called every time the new Config is created. E.g. when
* this builder's {@link #build} method creates the {@link Config} or when the new
* {@link Config#onChange(java.util.function.Consumer)} is fired with new Config instance with its own filter instance
* is created.
* @param configFilterProvider a config filter provider as a function of {@link Config} to {@link ConfigFilter}
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see #addFilter(ConfigFilter)
* @see #addFilter(Supplier)
Builder addFilter(Function configFilterProvider);
* Registers a {@link ConfigFilter} provider as a {@link Supplier}<{@link Function}<{@link Config}, {@link
* ConfigFilter}>>. An obtained filter will be used by {@link Config} to filter elementary value before it is
* returned to a user.
* Filters are applied in same order as was registered by the {@link #addFilter(ConfigFilter)}, {@link
* #addFilter(Function)}, or this method.
* Registered provider's {@link Function#apply(Object)} method is called every time the new Config is created. E.g. when
* this builder's {@link #build} method creates the {@link Config} or when the new
* {@link Config#onChange(java.util.function.Consumer)} change event
* is fired with new Config instance with its own filter instance is created.
* @param configFilterSupplier a config filter provider as a supplier of a function of {@link Config} to {@link
* ConfigFilter}
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see #addFilter(ConfigFilter)
* @see #addFilter(Function)
Builder addFilter(Supplier> configFilterSupplier);
* Disables automatic registration of filters loaded as a {@link java.util.ServiceLoader service}.
* Order of configuration filters loaded as a service is defined by {@link io.helidon.common.Weight} annotation.
* Automatic registration of filters as a service is enabled by default.
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see ConfigFilter
Builder disableFilterServices();
* Disables caching of elementary configuration values on {@link Config} side.
* Caching is about {@link ConfigFilter}s. With disabled caching, registered filters are applied always you
* access elementary configuration value. With enabled caching, registered filters are applied just once per
* unique config node (key). Repeated access of already filtered key directly returns already cached value.
* Caching is enabled by default.
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see #addFilter(ConfigFilter)
Builder disableCaching();
* Specifies "observe-on" {@link Executor} to be used by {@link Config#onChange(java.util.function.Consumer)} to deliver
* new Config instance.
* Executor is also used to process reloading of config from appropriate {@link ConfigSource source}.
* By default, dedicated thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but
* will reuse previously constructed threads when they are available is used.
* @param changesExecutor the executor to use for async delivery of {@link Config#onChange(java.util.function.Consumer)}
* @return an updated builder instance
* @see Config#onChange(java.util.function.Consumer)
Builder changesExecutor(Executor changesExecutor);
* Builds new instance of {@link Config}.
* @return new instance of {@link Config}.
Config build();
* Check if meta configuration is present and if so, update this builder using
* the meta configuration.
* @return updated builder instance
* @see #config(Config)
default Builder metaConfig() {
return this;
* Configure this config builder from meta configuration.
* The following configuration options are supported in a meta configuration file:
* Meta configuration
* key
* default value
* description
* reference
* caching.enabled
* {@code true}
* Enable or disable caching of results of filters.
* {@link #disableCaching()}
* key-resolving.enabled
* {@code true}
* Enable or disable resolving of placeholders in keys.
* {@link #disableKeyResolving()}
* value-resolving.enabled
* {@code true}
* Enable or disable resolving of placeholders in values.
* {@link #disableValueResolving()}
* parsers.enabled
* {@code true}
* Enable or disable parser services.
* {@link #disableParserServices()}
* mappers.enabled
* {@code true}
* Enable or disable mapper services.
* {@link #disableMapperServices()}
* override-source
* none
* Configure an override source. Same as config source configuration (see below)
* {@link #overrides(java.util.function.Supplier)}
* sources
* Default config sources are prefixed {@code application}, and suffix is the first available of
* {@code yaml, conf, json, properties}
* Configure config sources to be used by the application. This node contains the array of objects defining
* config sources
* {@link #addSource(io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigSource)}
* Config source configuration options:
* Config source
* key
* default value
* description
* reference
* type
* Type of a config source - a string supported by a provider.
* {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigSourceProvider#create(String, Config)}
* multi-source
* {@code false}
* If set to true, the provider creates more than one config source to be added
* {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigSourceProvider#createMulti(String, Config)}
* properties
* Configuration options to configure the config source (meta configuration of a source)
* {@link io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigSourceProvider#create(String, Config)},
* {@link MetaConfig#configSource(Config)}
* properties.optional
* false
* Config sources can be configured to be optional
* {@link io.helidon.config.spi.Source#optional()}
* properties.polling-strategy
* Some config sources can have a polling strategy defined
* {@link io.helidon.config.spi.PollableSource.Builder#pollingStrategy(io.helidon.config.spi.PollingStrategy)},
* {@link MetaConfig#pollingStrategy(Config)}
* properties.change-watcher
* Some config sources can have a change watcher defined
* {@link io.helidon.config.spi.WatchableSource.Builder#changeWatcher(io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeWatcher)},
* {@link MetaConfig#changeWatcher(Config)}
* properties.retry-policy
* Config sources can have a retry policy defined
* {@link io.helidon.config.spi.Source#retryPolicy()},
* {@link MetaConfig#retryPolicy(Config)}
* Full meta configuration example:
* sources:
* - type: "system-properties"
* - type: "environment-variables"
* - type: "file"
* properties:
* optional: true
* path: "conf/dev-application.yaml"
* polling-strategy:
* type: "regular"
* retry-policy:
* type: "repeat"
* properties:
* retries: 5
* - type: "classpath"
* properties:
* optional: true
* resource: "application.yaml"
* @param metaConfig meta configuration to set this builder up
* @return updated builder from meta configuration
Builder config(Config metaConfig);