io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultApiException;
import io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRequest;
* Pki Role request and response.
public final class PkiRole {
private PkiRole() {
* Request object. Can be configured with additional headers, query parameters etc.
public static final class Request extends VaultRequest {
private String roleName;
private Request() {
* Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
* The request builder is passed as is, without a build method.
* The equivalent of a build method is {@link #toJson(jakarta.json.JsonBuilderFactory)}
* used by the {@link}.
* @return new request builder
public static Request builder() {
return new Request();
* Specifies the Time To Live value. If not set,
* uses the system default value or the value of {@link #maxTtl(java.time.Duration)}, whichever is shorter.
* @param ttl duration to use
* @return updated request
public Request ttl(Duration ttl) {
return add("ttl", ttl);
* Specifies the maximum Time To Live. If not set, defaults to the system maximum lease TTL.
* @param maxTtl duration to use
* @return updated request
public Request maxTtl(Duration maxTtl) {
return add("max_ttl", maxTtl);
* Specifies if clients can request certificates for localhost as one of the requested common names. This is useful for
* testing and to allow clients on a single host to talk securely.
* @param allowLocalhost whether to allow localhost
* @return updated request
public Request allowLocalhost(boolean allowLocalhost) {
return add("allow_localhost", allowLocalhost);
* When set, allowed_domains may contain templates, as with
* ACL Path Templating.
* @param allowDomainTemplates whether to allow templates in domains
* @return updated request
public Request allowedDomainTemplates(boolean allowDomainTemplates) {
return add("allowed_domain_template", allowDomainTemplates);
* Specifies if clients can request certificates matching the value of the actual domains themselves; e.g. if a configured
* domain set with allowed_domains is, this allows clients to actually request a certificate containing the
* name as one of the DNS values on the final certificate. In some scenarios, this can be considered a security
* risk.
* @param allowBareDomains whether to allow bare domains
* @return updated request
public Request allowBareDomains(boolean allowBareDomains) {
return add("allowed_bare_domains", allowBareDomains);
* Specifies if clients can request certificates with CNs that are subdomains of the CNs allowed by the other role options.
* This includes wildcard subdomains. For example, an allowed_domains value of with this option set to true
* will allow and as well as * This is redundant when using the
* allow_any_name option.
* @param allowSubDomains whether to allow subdomains
* @return updated request
public Request allowSubDomains(boolean allowSubDomains) {
return add("allowed_subdomains", allowSubDomains);
* Allows names specified in allowed_domains to contain glob patterns (e.g. ftp* Clients will be allowed to
* request certificates with names matching the glob patterns.
* @param allowGlobDomains whether to allow glob domains
* @return updated request
public Request allowGlobDomains(boolean allowGlobDomains) {
return add("allowed_glob_domains", allowGlobDomains);
* Specifies if clients can request any CN. Useful in some circumstances, but make sure you understand whether it is
* appropriate for your installation before enabling it.
* @param allowAnyName whether to allow any name
* @return updated request
public Request allowAnyName(boolean allowAnyName) {
return add("allow_any_name", allowAnyName);
* Specifies if only valid host names are allowed for CNs, DNS SANs, and the host part of email addresses.
* @param enforceHostnames whether to enforce hostnames
* @return updated request
public Request enforceHostnames(boolean enforceHostnames) {
return add("enforce_hostnames", enforceHostnames);
* Specifies if clients can request IP Subject Alternative Names. No authorization checking is performed except to verify
* that the given values are valid IP addresses.
* @param allowIpSans whether to allow IP subject alternative names
* @return updated request
public Request allowIpSans(boolean allowIpSans) {
return add("allow_ip_sans", allowIpSans);
* Specifies if certificates are flagged for server use.
* Defaults to {@code true}.
* @param serverFlag whether the certificates are flagged for server use
* @return updated request
public Request serverFlag(boolean serverFlag) {
return add("server_flag", serverFlag);
* Specifies if certificates are flagged for client use.
* Defaults to {@code true}.
* @param clientFlag whether the certificates are flagged for server use
* @return updated request
public Request clientFlag(boolean clientFlag) {
return add("client_flag", clientFlag);
* Specifies if certificates are flagged for code signing use.
* Defaults to {@code false}.
* @param codeSigningFlag whether the certificates are flagged for code signing use
* @return updated request
public Request codeSigningFlag(boolean codeSigningFlag) {
return add("code_signing_flag", codeSigningFlag);
* Specifies if certificates are flagged for email protection use.
* Defaults to {@code false}.
* @param emailProtectionFlag whether the certificates are flagged for email protection use
* @return updated request
public Request emailProtectionFlag(boolean emailProtectionFlag) {
return add("email_protection_flag", emailProtectionFlag);
* Specifies the type of key to generate for generated private keys and the type of key expected for submitted CSRs.
* Currently, rsa and ec are supported, or when signing CSRs any can be specified to allow keys of either type and with any
* bit size (subject to > 1024 bits for RSA keys).
* Defaults to {@value PkiSecretsRx#KEY_TYPE_RSA}.
* @param keyType key type
* @return updated request
* @see PkiSecretsRx#KEY_TYPE_RSA
* @see PkiSecretsRx#KEY_TYPE_EC
public Request keyType(String keyType) {
return add("key_type", keyType);
* Specifies the number of bits to use for the generated keys.
* This will need to be changed for {@code ec} keys, e.g., {@code 224}, {@code 256}, {@code 384} or {@code 521}.
* Defaults to {@code 2048}.
* @param keyBits number of bits to use
* @return updated request
public Request keyBits(int keyBits) {
return add("key_bits", keyBits);
* Configure list of usages.
* Specifies the allowed key usage constraint on issued certificates. Valid values can be found at
* Key Usage
* - simply drop the KeyUsage part of the value. Values are not case-sensitive. To specify
* no key usage constraints, set this to an empty list.
* Defaults to {@code ["DigitalSignature", "KeyAgreement", "KeyEncipherment"]}.
* @param keyUsage list of usages
* @return updated request
public Request keyUsage(List keyUsage) {
if (keyUsage.isEmpty()) {
} else {
keyUsage.forEach(it -> addToArray("key_usage", it));
return this;
* When used with the CSR signing endpoint, the common name in the CSR will be used instead of taken from the JSON data.
* This does not include any requested SANs in the CSR; use {@link #useCsrSans(boolean)} for that.
* Defaults to {@code true}.
* @param useCsrCommonName whether to use the CSR common name
* @return updated request
public Request useCsrCommonName(boolean useCsrCommonName) {
return add("use_csr_common_name", useCsrCommonName);
* When used with the CSR signing endpoint, the subject alternate names in the CSR will be used instead of taken from the
* JSON data. This does not include the common name in the CSR; use {@link #useCsrCommonName(boolean)} for that.
* Defaults to {@code true}.
* @param useCsrSans whether to use the CSR subject alternative names
* @return updated request
public Request useCsrSans(boolean useCsrSans) {
return add("use_csr_sans", useCsrSans);
* Specifies the Serial Number, if any. Otherwise Vault will generate a random serial for you.
* If you want more than one, specify alternative names using OID
* @param serialNumber serial number to use
* @return updated request
public Request serialNumber(String serialNumber) {
return add("serial_number", serialNumber);
* Specifies if certificates issued/signed against this role will have Vault leases attached to them. Certificates can be
* added to the CRL by vault revoke {@code lease_id} when certificates are associated with leases. It can also be done
* using the pki/revoke endpoint. However, when lease generation is disabled, invoking pki/revoke would be the only way to
* add the certificates to the CRL.
* Defaults to {@code false}.
* @param generateLease whether Vault leases are attached to generated certificates
* @return updated request
public Request generateLease(boolean generateLease) {
return add("generate_lease", generateLease);
* If set, certificates issued/signed against this role will not be stored in the storage backend. This can improve
* performance when issuing large numbers of certificates. However, certificates issued in this way cannot be enumerated or
* revoked, so this option is recommended only for certificates that are non-sensitive, or extremely short-lived. This
* option implies a value of false for {@link #generateLease(boolean)}.
* Defaults to {@code false}.
* @param noStore if set to {@code true}, certificates are not stored in Vault
* @return updated request
public Request noStore(boolean noStore) {
return add("no_store", noStore);
* If set to false, makes the common name field optional while generating a certificate.
* Defaults to {@code true}.
* @param requireCn set to {@code false} to make common name optional
* @return updated request
public Request requireCn(boolean requireCn) {
return add("require_cn", requireCn);
* Mark Basic Constraints valid when issuing non-CA certificates.
* @param basicConstraintsValidForNonCa defaults to {@code false}
* @return updated builder
public Request basicConstraintsValidForNonCa(boolean basicConstraintsValidForNonCa) {
return add("basic_constraints_valid_for_non_ca", basicConstraintsValidForNonCa);
* Specifies the duration by which to backdate the NotBefore property.
* @param notBeforeDuration duration
* @return updated builder
public Request notBeforeDuration(Duration notBeforeDuration) {
return add("not_before_duration", notBeforeDuration);
* Specifies the domains of the role. This is used with the {@link #allowBareDomains} and {@link #allowSubDomains} options.
* @param domain domain
* @return updated request
public Request addAllowedDomain(String domain) {
return addToArray("allowed_domains", domain);
* Defines allowed URI Subject Alternative Names. No authorization checking is performed except to verify that the given
* values are valid URIs. This can be a comma-delimited list or a JSON string slice. Values can contain glob patterns (e.g.
* spiffe://hostname/*).
* @param subjectAlternativeName san
* @return updated request
public Request addAllowedUriSan(String subjectAlternativeName) {
return addToArray("allowed_uri_sans", subjectAlternativeName);
* Defines allowed custom OID/UTF8-string SANs. This can be a comma-delimited list or a JSON string slice, where each
* element has the same format as OpenSSL: {@code ;:}, but the only valid type is UTF8 or UTF-8.
* The value part of an element may be a {@code *} to allow any value with that OID.
* Alternatively, specifying a single {@code *} will allow any other_sans input.
* @param subjectAlternativeName san
* @return updated request
public Request addAllowedOtherSan(String subjectAlternativeName) {
return addToArray("allowed_other_sans", subjectAlternativeName);
* Specifies the allowed extended key usage constraint on issued certificates. Valid values can be found at
* Ext Key usage
* - simply drop the ExtKeyUsage part of the value. Values are not case-sensitive.
* @param extKeyUsage key usage
* @return updated request
public Request addExtKeyUsage(String extKeyUsage) {
return addToArray("ext_key_usage", extKeyUsage);
* Add an extended usage OID.
* @param extKeyUsageOid OID of an ext key usage
* @return updated request
public Request addExtKeyUsageOid(String extKeyUsageOid) {
return addToArray("ext_key_usage_oids", extKeyUsageOid);
* Adds an OU (OrganizationalUnit) value in the subject field of issued certificates.
* @param orgUnit organization unit to add
* @return updated request
public Request addOrgUnit(String orgUnit) {
return addToArray("ou", orgUnit);
* Adds an O (Organization) value in the subject field of issued certificates.
* @param org organization unit to add
* @return updated request
public Request addOrg(String org) {
return addToArray("organization", org);
* Adds the C (Country) value in the subject field of issued certificates.
* @param country country to add
* @return updated request
public Request addCountry(String country) {
return addToArray("country", country);
* Adds the L (Locality) value in the subject field of issued certificates.
* @param locality locality to add
* @return updated request
public Request addLocality(String locality) {
return addToArray("locality", locality);
* Adds the ST (Province) values in the subject field of issued certificates.
* @param province province to add
* @return updated request
public Request addProvince(String province) {
return addToArray("province", province);
* Adds a Street Address values in the subject field of issued certificates.
* @param streetAddress street address to add
* @return updated request
public Request addStreetAddress(String streetAddress) {
return addToArray("street_address", streetAddress);
* Adds a Postal Code values in the subject field of issued certificates.
* @param postalCode postalCode address to add
* @return updated request
public Request addPostalCode(String postalCode) {
return addToArray("postal_code", postalCode);
* Add a policy identifier OID.
* @param policyIdentifierOid policy identifier OID
* @return updated request
public Request addPolicyIdentifier(String policyIdentifierOid) {
return addToArray("policy_identifiers", policyIdentifierOid);
* Configure role name.
* @param roleName name of the role
* @return updated request
public Request roleName(String roleName) {
this.roleName = roleName;
return this;
String roleName() {
if (roleName == null) {
throw new VaultApiException("PkiRole.Request role must be defined");
return roleName;
* Response object parsed from JSON returned by the {@link}.
public static final class Response extends ApiResponse {
private Response(Builder builder) {
static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
static final class Builder extends ApiResponse.Builder {
private Builder() {
public Response build() {
return new Response(this);