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io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.DataFetcherUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2020, 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server;
import java.lang.System.Logger.Level;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import io.helidon.graphql.server.ExecutionContext;
import graphql.GraphQLException;
import graphql.schema.DataFetcher;
import graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition;
import graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher;
import graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcherHelper;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.CDI;
import static io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.FormattingHelper.formatDate;
import static io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.FormattingHelper.formatNumber;
import static io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.FormattingHelper.getCorrectDateFormatter;
import static io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.FormattingHelper.getCorrectNumberFormat;
import static io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.SchemaGenerator.isFormatEmpty;
import static io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.SchemaGeneratorHelper.ID;
import static io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.SchemaGeneratorHelper.ensureRuntimeException;
import static io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.SchemaGeneratorHelper.isDateTimeClass;
import static io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.SchemaGeneratorHelper.isPrimitiveArray;
* Utilities for working with {@link DataFetcher}s.
class DataFetcherUtils {
* Logger.
private static final System.Logger LOGGER = System.getLogger(DataFetcherUtils.class.getName());
* Empty format.
private static final String[] EMPTY_FORMAT = new String[] {null, null };
* Map message.
private static final String MAP_MESSAGE = "This implementation does not support using a Map "
+ "as input to a query or mutation";
* Private constructor for utilities class.
private DataFetcherUtils() {
* Create a new {@link DataFetcher} for a {@link Class} and {@link Method} to be executed.
* @param clazz {@link Class} to call
* @param method {@link Method} to call
* @param source defines the source for a @Source annotation - may be null
* @param args optional {@link SchemaArgument}s
* @param schema {@link Schema} that created this {@link DataFetcher}
* @param value type
* @return a new {@link DataFetcher}
static DataFetcher newMethodDataFetcher(Schema schema, Class> clazz, Method method,
String source, SchemaArgument... args) {
// this is an application scoped bean
GraphQlBean bean = CDI.current().select(GraphQlBean.class).get();
return environment -> {
ArrayList listArgumentValues = new ArrayList<>();
// only one @Source annotation should be present and it should be the first argument
if (source != null) {
Class> sourceClazz;
try {
sourceClazz = Class.forName(source);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to find source class " + source);
ExecutionContext executionContext;
// check for a single DataFetchingEnvironment parameter as args will be zero
Parameter[] parameters = method.getParameters();
if (parameters.length == 1 && parameters[0].getType().equals(DataFetchingEnvironment.class)) {
} else if (args.length > 0) {
for (SchemaArgument argument : args) {
if (argument.isDataFetchingEnvironment()) {
} else {
// ensure a Map is not used as an input type
Class> originalType = argument.originalType();
if (originalType != null && Map.class.isAssignableFrom(originalType)) {
ensureRuntimeException(LOGGER, MAP_MESSAGE);
if (argument.isArrayReturnType() && argument.arrayLevels() > 1
&& SchemaGeneratorHelper.isPrimitiveArray(argument.originalType())) {
throw new GraphQlConfigurationException("This implementation does not currently support "
+ "multi-level primitive arrays as arguments. Please use "
+ "List or Collection of Object equivalent. E.g. "
+ "In place of method(int [][] value) use "
+ " method(List> value)");
listArgumentValues.add(generateArgumentValue(schema, argument.argumentType(),
try {
// this is the right place to validate security
return (V) bean.runGraphQl(clazz, method, listArgumentValues.toArray());
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
Throwable targetException = e.getTargetException();
GraphQLException exception = new GraphQLException(e.getTargetException());
if (targetException instanceof org.eclipse.microprofile.graphql.GraphQLException) {
// if we have partial results we need to return those results and they will
// get converted correctly to the format required by GraphQL and the ExecutionContext.execute()
// we ensure this is throw correctly as an error
ExecutionContext context = environment.getContext();
return (V) ((org.eclipse.microprofile.graphql.GraphQLException) targetException).getPartialResults();
throw exception;
* Return a {@link DataFetcher} which converts a {@link Map} to a {@link Collection} of V.
* This assumes that the key for the {@link Map} is contained within the V
* @param propertyName name of the property to apply to
* @param Source of the property
* @param type of the value
* @return a {@link DataFetcher}
static DataFetcher> newMapValuesDataFetcher(String propertyName) {
return environment -> {
S source = environment.getSource();
if (source == null) {
return null;
// retrieve the map and return the collection of V
Map, V> map = (Map, V>) PropertyDataFetcherHelper
.getPropertyValue(propertyName, source, environment.getFieldType(), () -> environment);
return map.values();
* Generate an argument value with the given information. This may be called recursively.
* @param schema {@link Schema} to introspect if needed
* @param argumentType the type of the argument
* @param originalType if this is non null this means the array was a Collection and this is the type in the collection
* @param originalArrayType the original type of the argument as a class
* @param rawValue raw value of the argument
* @param format argument format
* @return the argument value
* @throws Exception if any errors
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes" })
protected static Object generateArgumentValue(Schema schema, String argumentType, Class> originalType,
Class> originalArrayType,
Object rawValue, String[] format)
throws Exception{
if (rawValue instanceof Map) {
// this means the type is an input type so convert it to the correct class instance
SchemaInputType inputType = schema.getInputTypeByName(argumentType);
// loop through the map and convert each entry
Map map = (Map) rawValue;
Map mapConverted = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
// retrieve the Field Definition
String fdName = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
SchemaFieldDefinition fd = inputType.getFieldDefinitionByName(fdName);
// check to see if the Field Definition return type is an input type
SchemaInputType inputFdInputType = schema.getInputTypeByName(fd.returnType());
if (inputFdInputType != null && value instanceof Map) {
mapConverted.put(fdName, generateArgumentValue(schema,,
value, EMPTY_FORMAT));
} else {
if (fd.isJsonbFormat() || fd.isJsonbProperty()) {
// don't deserialize using formatting as Jsonb will do this for us
mapConverted.put(fdName, value);
} else {
// check it is not a Map
Class> originalFdlType = fd.originalType();
if (originalFdlType != null && originalFdlType.isAssignableFrom(Map.class)) {
ensureRuntimeException(LOGGER, MAP_MESSAGE);
// retrieve the data fetcher and check if the property name is different as this should be used
DataFetcher dataFetcher = fd.dataFetcher();
if (dataFetcher instanceof PropertyDataFetcher) {
fdName = ((PropertyDataFetcher) dataFetcher).getPropertyName();
mapConverted.put(fdName, generateArgumentValue(schema, fd.returnType(), fd.originalType(),
fd.originalArrayType(), value, fd.format()));
return JsonUtils.convertFromJson(JsonUtils.convertMapToJson(mapConverted), originalType);
} else if (rawValue instanceof Collection) {
SchemaInputType inputType = schema.getInputTypeByName(argumentType);
Object colResults = null;
boolean isArray = originalType.isArray();
try {
if (originalType.equals(List.class) || isArray) {
colResults = new ArrayList<>();
} else if (originalType.equals(Set.class) || originalType.equals(Collection.class)) {
colResults = new TreeSet<>();
} else {
Constructor> constructor = originalType.getDeclaredConstructor();
colResults = constructor.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
ensureRuntimeException(LOGGER, "Unable to construct a List of type " + originalType
+ " using Collection constructor", e);
if (inputType != null) {
// handle complex types
for (Object value : (Collection) rawValue) {
((Collection) colResults).add(generateArgumentValue(schema,,
originalArrayType, null,
value, EMPTY_FORMAT));
if (isArray) {
return ((List) colResults).toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(originalType.getComponentType(), 0));
} else {
return colResults;
} else {
// standard type or scalar so ensure we preserve the order and
// convert any values with formats
for (Object value : (Collection) rawValue) {
if (value instanceof Collection) {
((Collection) colResults).add(generateArgumentValue(schema, argumentType,
originalType, originalArrayType, value, format));
} else {
((Collection) colResults).add(parseArgumentValue(originalArrayType, argumentType, value, format));
if (isArray) {
if (isPrimitiveArray(originalType)) {
// array of primitives
return generatePrimitiveArray((List) colResults, originalType, argumentType, format);
} else {
// array of Objects
return ((List) colResults).toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(originalType.getComponentType(), 0));
if (originalType.equals(List.class)) {
return (List) colResults;
if (originalType.equals(Collection.class)) {
return (Collection) colResults;
return colResults;
} else {
return parseArgumentValue(originalType, argumentType, rawValue, format);
* Return an array of primitives of the correct type from the given {@link List} of primitives.
* @param results results to process
* @param originalType the original type
* @param argumentType argument type
* @param format format
* @return an array of primitives of the correct type
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
protected static Object generatePrimitiveArray(List results, Class> originalType, String argumentType, String[] format) {
Class> componentType = originalType.getComponentType();
try {
int i = 0;
if (componentType.equals(byte.class)) {
byte[] result = new byte[results.size()];
for (Object value : results) {
result[i++] = Byte.parseByte(value.toString()); // this will come in as an Integer
return result;
} else if (componentType.equals(char.class)) {
char[] result = new char[results.size()];
for (Object value : results) {
result[i++] = value.toString().charAt(0);
return result;
} else if (componentType.equals(boolean.class)) {
boolean[] result = new boolean[results.size()];
for (Object value : results) {
result[i++] = Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString());
return result;
} else if (componentType.equals(short.class)) {
short[] result = new short[results.size()];
for (Object value : results) {
result[i++] = (short) parseArgumentValue(componentType, argumentType, value, format);
return result;
} else if (componentType.equals(float.class)) {
float[] result = new float[results.size()];
for (Object value : results) {
result[i++] = (float) parseArgumentValue(componentType, argumentType, value, format);
return result;
} else if (componentType.equals(int.class)) {
int[] result = new int[results.size()];
for (Object value : results) {
result[i++] = (int) parseArgumentValue(componentType, argumentType, value, format);
return result;
} else if (componentType.equals(long.class)) {
long[] result = new long[results.size()];
for (Object value : results) {
result[i++] = (long) parseArgumentValue(componentType, argumentType, value, format);
return result;
} else if (componentType.equals(double.class)) {
double[] result = new double[results.size()];
for (Object value : results) {
result[i++] = (double) parseArgumentValue(componentType, argumentType, value, format);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
// this exception will get caught by GraphQL and packaged up
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return null;
* Parse the given {@link SchemaArgument} and key and return the correct value to match the method argument.
* @param originalType original type
* @param argumentType argument type
* @param rawValue the raw value
* @param format format
* @return the parsed value or the original value if no change
* @throws Exception if any errors
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
protected static Object parseArgumentValue(Class> originalType, String argumentType, Object rawValue, String[] format)
throws Exception {
if (originalType == null) {
// is array type
originalType = rawValue.getClass();
if (originalType.isEnum()) {
Class extends Enum> enumClass = (Class extends Enum>) originalType;
return Enum.valueOf(enumClass, rawValue.toString());
} else if (argumentType.equals(ID) && rawValue != null) {
// convert back to original data type
return getOriginalIDValue(originalType, rawValue.toString());
} else {
// check the format and convert it from a string to the original format
if (!isFormatEmpty(format)) {
if (rawValue == null) {
return null;
} else {
if (isDateTimeClass(originalType)) {
DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = getCorrectDateFormatter(originalType.getName(),
format[1], format[0]);
if (dateFormatter == null) {
// must be java.util.Date
return new SimpleDateFormat(format[0]).parse(rawValue.toString());
return getOriginalDateTimeValue(originalType, dateFormatter.parse(rawValue.toString()));
} else {
NumberFormat numberFormat = getCorrectNumberFormat(originalType.getName(),
format[1], format[0]);
if (numberFormat != null) {
return getOriginalValue(originalType, numberFormat.parse(rawValue.toString()));
} else {
return rawValue;
} else {
// process value in case we have to convert between say a Double/Float as they are interchangeable
return getOriginalValue(originalType, rawValue);
* An implementation of a {@link PropertyDataFetcher} which returns a formatted number.
static class NumberFormattingDataFetcher extends PropertyDataFetcher {
* {@link NumberFormat} to format with.
private NumberFormat numberFormat;
* Indicates if this is a scalar.
private boolean isScalar;
* Construct a new NumberFormattingDataFetcher.
* @param propertyName property to extract
* @param type GraphQL type of the property
* @param valueFormat formatting value
* @param locale formatting locale
NumberFormattingDataFetcher(String propertyName, String type, String valueFormat, String locale) {
numberFormat = getCorrectNumberFormat(type, locale, valueFormat);
if (numberFormat == null) {
ensureRuntimeException(LOGGER, "Unable to get number format for property '"
+ propertyName + "' and type '" + type + "'");
isScalar = SchemaGeneratorHelper.getScalar(type) != null;
public Object get(GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDefinition, Object source,
Supplier environmentSupplier) throws Exception {
return formatNumber(super.get(environmentSupplier.get()), isScalar, numberFormat);
public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
return formatNumber(super.get(environment), isScalar, numberFormat);
* An implementation of a {@link PropertyDataFetcher} which returns a formatted date.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
static class DateFormattingDataFetcher extends PropertyDataFetcher {
* {@link DateTimeFormatter} to format with.
private DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter;
* {@link SimpleDateFormat} for a {@link Date}.
private SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat;
* Construct a new DateFormattingDataFetcher.
* @param propertyName property to extract
* @param type GraphQL type of the property
* @param valueFormat formatting value
* @param locale formatting locale
DateFormattingDataFetcher(String propertyName, String type, String valueFormat, String locale) {
dateTimeFormatter = getCorrectDateFormatter(type, locale, valueFormat);
if (dateTimeFormatter == null) {
// must be java.util.Date
simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(valueFormat);
public Object get(GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDefinition, Object source,
Supplier environmentSupplier) throws Exception {
return dateTimeFormatter != null
? formatDate(super.get(environmentSupplier.get()), dateTimeFormatter)
: formatDate(super.get(environmentSupplier.get()), simpleDateFormat);
public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
return dateTimeFormatter != null
? formatDate(super.get(environment), dateTimeFormatter)
: formatDate(super.get(environment), simpleDateFormat);
* Convert the ID type back to the original type for the method call.
* @param originalType original type
* @param key the key value passed in
* @return the value as the original type
private static Object getOriginalIDValue(Class> originalType, String key) {
if (originalType.equals(Long.class) || originalType.equals(long.class)) {
return Long.parseLong(key);
} else if (originalType.equals(Integer.class) || originalType.equals(int.class)) {
return Integer.parseInt(key);
} else if (originalType.equals(java.util.UUID.class)) {
return UUID.fromString(key);
} else {
return key;
* Convert the Object back to the original type for the method call.
* @param originalType original type
* @param key the key value passed in
* @return the value as the original type
private static Object getOriginalValue(Class> originalType, Object key) {
Number numberKey = null;
if (key instanceof Number) {
// is a number that has been un-formatted
numberKey = (Number) key;
} else if (key instanceof String && originalType.isAssignableFrom(Number.class)) {
// Is a number that has had no format
try {
Constructor> constructor = originalType.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class);
numberKey = (Number) constructor.newInstance(key);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException
| InvocationTargetException eIgnore) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot find constructor with String arg for class " + originalType.getName());
if (numberKey != null) {
return originalType.equals(Float.class) ? Float.valueOf(numberKey.floatValue())
: originalType.equals(float.class) ? numberKey.floatValue()
: originalType.equals(Integer.class) ? Integer.valueOf(numberKey.intValue())
: originalType.equals(int.class) ? numberKey.intValue()
: originalType.equals(Long.class) ? Long.valueOf(numberKey.longValue())
: originalType.equals(long.class) ? numberKey.longValue()
: originalType.equals(Double.class) ? Double.valueOf(numberKey.doubleValue())
: originalType.equals(double.class) ? numberKey.doubleValue()
: originalType.equals(Byte.class) ? Byte.valueOf(numberKey.byteValue())
: originalType.equals(byte.class) ? numberKey.byteValue()
: originalType.equals(Short.class) ? Short.valueOf(numberKey.shortValue())
: originalType.equals(short.class) ? numberKey.shortValue()
: originalType.equals(BigDecimal.class) ? BigDecimal.valueOf(numberKey.doubleValue())
: originalType.equals(BigInteger.class) ? BigInteger.valueOf(numberKey.longValue())
: key;
if (originalType.equals(Float.class) || originalType.equals(float.class)) {
return (Float) key;
} else if (originalType.equals(Long.class) || originalType.equals(long.class)) {
return Long.valueOf(key.toString());
return key;
* Return the original date/time value.
* @param originalType original type
* @param value the {@link TemporalAccessor} value
* @return the original date/time value
private static TemporalAccessor getOriginalDateTimeValue(Class> originalType, TemporalAccessor value) {
if (originalType.equals(LocalDateTime.class)) {
return LocalDateTime.from(value);
} else if (originalType.equals(LocalDate.class)) {
return LocalDate.from(value);
} else if (originalType.equals(ZonedDateTime.class)) {
return ZonedDateTime.from(value);
} else if (originalType.equals(OffsetDateTime.class)) {
return OffsetDateTime.from(value);
} else if (originalType.equals(LocalTime.class)) {
return LocalTime.from(value);
} else {
return null;