includes.metrics.metrics-shared.adoc Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// tag::overview[]
ifndef::rootdir[:rootdir: {docdir}/../..]
ifndef::flavor-lc[:flavor-lc: se]
:description: Helidon metrics
:keywords: helidon, metrics
:writing-code-content: code which explicitly invokes the metrics API to register {metrics}, retrieve previously-registered {metrics}, and update {metric} values.
* a unified way for
servers to export monitoring data--telemetry--to management agents, and
* a unified Java API which all application programmers can use to register and update {metrics} to expose telemetry data from their services.
* support for metrics-related annotations.
Learn more about the{version-lib-microprofile-metrics-api}[MicroProfile Metrics specification].
Metrics is one of the Helidon observability features.
// end::overview[]
// tag::usage-body[]
=== Instrumenting Your Service
You add {metrics} to your service
by writing {writing-code-content}
in these ways:
* Annotate bean methods--typically your REST resource endpoint methods (the Java code that receives incoming REST requests); Helidon automatically registers these {metrics} and updates them when the annotated methods are invoked via CDI.
* Write {writing-code-content}
* Configure some simple `REST.request` {metrics} which Helidon automatically registers and updates for all REST resource endpoints.
Later sections of this document describe how to do
ifdef::mp-flavor[each of these.]
=== Categorizing Types of {Metrics_uc}
Helidon distinguishes among _scopes_, or types, of
ifdef::mp-flavor[{metrics} as described in the link:{microprofile-metrics-spec-url}[MP metrics specification].]
Helidon includes {metrics} in the built-in scopes described below.
Applications often register their own {metrics} in the `application` scope but can create their own scopes and register {metrics} within them.
.Built-in {metric} scopes
| Built-in Scope | Typical Usage
| `base`
| OS or Java runtime measurements (available heap, disk space, etc.).
ifdef::mp-flavor[Mandated by the MP metrics specification]
| `vendor`
| Implemented by vendors, including the `REST.request` metrics and other key performance indicator measurements (described in later sections).
| `application`
| Declared via annotations or programmatically registered by your service code.
ifdef::mp-flavor[When you add metrics annotations to your service code, Helidon registers the resulting metrics in the `application` scope.]
When an application creates a new {meter} it can specify which scope the {meter} belongs to. If the application does not specify a scope for a new {meter}, the default scope is `application`.
// end::usage-body[]
// tag::usage-retrieving[]
=== Retrieving Metrics Reports from your Service
When you add the
ifdef::mp-flavor[metrics dependency]
ifdef::se-flavor[`helidon-webserver-observe-metrics` dependency]
to your project, Helidon automatically provides a built-in REST endpoint `{metrics-endpoint}` which responds with a report of the registered {metrics} and their values.
Clients can request a particular output format.
.Formats for `{metrics-endpoint}` output
| Format | Requested by
| OpenMetrics (Prometheus) | default (`text/plain`)
| JSON | Header `Accept: application/json`
Clients can also limit the report by specifying the scope as a query parameter in the request URL:
* `{metrics-endpoint}?scope=base`
* `{metrics-endpoint}?scope=vendor`
* `{metrics-endpoint}?scope=application`
Further, clients can narrow down to a specific metric name by adding the name as another query parameter, such as `{metrics-endpoint}?scope=application&name=myCount`.
.Example Reporting: Prometheus format
curl -s -H 'Accept: text/plain' -X GET http://localhost:8080{metrics-endpoint}
# TYPE base:classloader_total_loaded_class_count counter
# HELP base:classloader_total_loaded_class_count Displays the total number of classes that have been loaded since the Java virtual machine has started execution.
base:classloader_total_loaded_class_count 3157
.Example Reporting: JSON format
curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json' -X GET http://localhost:8080{metrics-endpoint}
.JSON response:
"base" : {
"memory.maxHeap" : 3817865216,
"memory.committedHeap" : 335544320
In addition to your application {metrics}, the reports contain other
{metrics} of interest such as system and VM information.
// end::usage-retrieving[]
// tag::metric-registry-api[]
=== The `MetricRegistry` API
To register or look up {metrics} programmatically, your service code uses the link:{microprofile-metrics-javadoc-url}/org/eclipse/microprofile/metrics/MetricRegistry.html[`MetricRegistry`] instance for the scope of interest: `base`, `vendor`, `application`, or a custom scope.
Either of the following techniques gets a `MetricRegistry` reference.
Remember that injection works only if the class is a bean so CDI can inject into it.
* `@Inject MetricRegistry`, optionally using link:{microprofile-metrics-javadoc-annotation-url}/RegistryScope.html[`@RegistryScope`] to indicate the registry scope.
.Injecting the default `MetricRegistry` (for the application scope)
include::{sourcedir}/includes/metrics/[tag=snippet_1, indent=0]
.Injecting a non-default `MetricRegistry`
include::{sourcedir}/includes/metrics/[tag=snippet_2, indent=0]
* Get a Helidon link:{metrics-mp-javadoc-base-url}/io/helidon/microprofile/metrics/RegistryFactory.html[`RegistryFactory`] instance and invoke its `getRegistry` method.
Obtain the `RegistryFactory` using either of the following techniques:
** `@Inject RegistryFactory`.
.Getting the `RegistryFactory` using injection
include::{sourcedir}/includes/metrics/[tag=snippet_3, indent=0]
** Invoke the static `getInstance()` method on the `RegistryFactory` class.
.Getting the `RegistryFactory` programmatically
include::{sourcedir}/includes/metrics/[tag=snippet_4, indent=0]
Once it has a reference to a `MetricRegistry` your code can use the reference to register new metrics, look up previously-registered metrics, and remove metrics.
// end::metric-registry-api[]
// tag::example-apps[]
Helidon {flavor-uc} includes several pre-written example applications illustrating aspects of metrics:
* link:{helidon-github-tree-url}/examples/metrics/filtering/{flavor-lc}[Enabling/disabling {metrics}] using
ifdef::se-flavor[`MetricsObserver` and `MetricsConfig`]
* link:{helidon-github-tree-url}/examples/metrics/kpi[Controlling key performance indicator metrics] using configuration and `KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings`.
// end::example-apps[]
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