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= Persistence
:description: Persistence-related support in Helidon MP
:keywords: datasource, helidon, jpa, jta, microprofile, mp
:rootdir: {docdir}/..


== Contents

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== Overview [[Overview]]

Helidon MP comes with deep integration for three
specification-defined, broadly persistence-related technologies that
can be used together or separately:

* <>
* <>
* <>

Each integration's setup, configuration, and usage are described

== Named Data Source Integration [[DS]]

=== Overview

Helidon MP's named data source integration allows you to safely inject
instances that are annotated with
annotations] into your Helidon MP application.
from these data sources will be pooled by your choice of one of two
possible connection pool implementations.

The connections managed by the connection pool will be supplied by
your relational database vendor's JDBC driver.

How you set up Helidon MP's named data source integration differs
depending on which of these two connection pools, which JDBC driver,
and which relational database product you use.

Representative setups are described below.  This list of setups is not

=== Project Setup [[DS-Setup]]

==== Setting Up a Connection Pool [[DS-CP-Project-Setup]]

===== Overview

Helidon MP's named data source integration requires a connection pool

Helidon MP comes with support for two connection


2. link:{oracle-ucp-doc-base-url}/index.html[Oracle Universal
   Connection Pool]

You can choose to use either, but not both.

Details concerning each connection pool's setup are described below.

===== Setting Up the HikariCP Connection Pool [[DS-HikariCP-Project-Setup]]

====== Maven Coordinates (HikariCP) [[DS-HikariCP-Maven-Coordinates]]

To include the[HikariCP
connection pool] in your Helidon MP application:

* xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[Ensure your dependencies are

* Ensure the following `` element is present as a child
  element of your project's `pom.xml` file's `` element:


<1> The `scope` is `runtime`, indicating that the HikariCP integration
    will be available on the runtime classpath.

===== Setting up the Oracle Universal Connection Pool [[DS-UCP-Project-Setup]]

====== Maven Coordinates (Oracle Universal Connection Pool) [[DS-UCP-Maven-Coordinates]]

To include the link:{oracle-ucp-doc-base-url}/index.html[Oracle
Universal Connection Pool] in your Helidon MP application:

* xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[Ensure your dependencies are

* Ensure the following `` element is present as a child
  element of your project's `pom.xml` file's `` element:


<1> The `scope` is `runtime`, indicating that the Oracle
    Universal Connection Pool integration will be available on the
    runtime classpath.

==== Setting Up a Database Driver [[DS-Driver-Project-Setup]]

===== Overview

Regardless of which connection pool you use, at the lowest level, JDBC
database driver classes are what is ultimately responsible for making
any connections to a relational database.  JDBC database driver
classes are database-product-specific.

Once you have decided upon a relational database product to use, and
JDBC driver classes to use to connect to it,
xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[ensure your dependencies are
managed], and then ensure that a `runtime`-scoped ``
element describing your JDBC driver classes is present as a child
element of your project's `pom.xml` file's `` element.

See the
link:{jdk-javadoc-url}/java.sql/java/sql/package-summary.html[JDBC 4.3
Specification] for more information about JDBC.

Representative setups are described below.  This list of setups is not

===== Setting Up H2 [[DS-H2-Driver-Project-Setup]]

====== Maven Coordinates (H2) [[DS-H2-Driver-Maven-Coordinates]]

To include the[H2 JDBC
driver] classes in your Helidon MP application so your application can[connect to
an H2 database] (whether in-memory or persistent):

* xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[Ensure your dependencies are

* Ensure the following `` element is present as a child
  element of your project's `pom.xml` file's `` element:


<1> The `scope` is `runtime`, indicating that the H2
    JDBC driver classes will be available on the runtime classpath.

===== Setting Up Oracle JDBC [[DS-Oracle-Driver-Project-Setup]]

====== Maven Coordinates (Oracle JDBC) [[DS-Oracle-Driver-Maven-Coordinates]]

To include the link:{oracle-jdbc-javadoc-base-url}/index.html[Oracle
JDBC driver classes] in your Helidon MP application so your
application can
to an Oracle database]:

* xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[Ensure your dependencies are

* Read and understand[Developer's
  Guide For Oracle JDBC 21c on Maven Central]

* For a basic setup, ensure the following `` element is
  present as a child element of your project's `pom.xml` file's
  `` element:

<1> See[Developer's
    Guide For Oracle JDBC 21c on Maven Central] for more details.
<2> The `ojdbc11` artifact,JDK14%20and%20JDK15[implements
    relevant parts of the JDBC 4.3 specification], which forms part of
    Java 21, which is the Java version targeted by Helidon 4.
<3> The `scope` is `runtime`, indicating that the Oracle
    JDBC driver classes will be available on the runtime classpath.

=== Configuration [[DS-Configuration]]

==== Overview

Each connection pool supported by Helidon's named data source
integration support is, itself, a `DataSource` that wraps a
_vendor-supplied_ `DataSource` present in the JDBC driver classes you
added to your project.  You must configure both the pool and the
vendor-supplied `DataSource`.

To configure Helidon MP's named data source integration:

1. Decide where each property of the configuration will reside, as
   permitted by xref:config/introduction.adoc[Helidon MP's
   MicroProfile Config implementation]

2. Create configuration suitable for the combination of your selected
   connection pool and your selected vendor-supplied `DataSource`
   implementation in those locations

Helidon MP's named data source integration relies on
xref:config/introduction.adoc[Helidon MP's usage of MicroProfile
Config], so you have many choices for each configuration property when
deciding on your configuration's location in (1) above.

The configuration property values themselves are necessarily specific
to the connection pool you selected, and to the vendor-supplied
`DataSource` responsible for actually connecting to your relational
database.  In general, at a minimum, in your configuration you
typically supply:

* Information so the connection pool knows which vendor-supplied
  `DataSource` implementation to manage

* A JDBC URL specific to the vendor-supplied `DataSource` describing
  where the database is located, so the managed vendor-supplied
  `DataSource` knows how to connect to it

* Information required for the vendor-supplied `DataSource` to
  authenticate to the database and otherwise tailor itself to it

Some examples for representative configurations follow.  This list of
configurations is not exhaustive.

==== Configuration Prefixes [[DS-Configuration-Prefixes]]

All MicroProfile Config-compatible property names for Helidon MP's
named data source integration follow a common pattern:


* The name of a given configuration property always begins with the
  *_objecttype_* portion: a fully-qualified Java class name of the
  object being configured.  Configuration for Helidon MP's named
  data source integration concerns the behavior of
  `javax.sql.DataSource` objects, so Helidon MP's named data source
  integration configuration property names begin with

** A period (`.`) separates the _objecttype_ portion from the rest of
   the property name.

* The *_datasourcename_* portion, the name of the data source being
  configured, comes next.  It cannot contain a period (`.`).

** A period (`.`) separates the _datasourcename_ portion from the rest
   of the property name.

* The *_propertyname_* portion, identifying the connection-pool- or
  vendor-supplied-`DataSource`-specific configuration property name,
  comes last.  It may contain periods (`.`).

As an example, configuration to set an imaginary `` property on
the `test` data source's associated connection pool or vendor-specific
`DataSource` to `baz` looks like this in Java `.properties` format:

---- # <1> <2> <3>
<1> The *_objecttype_* portion of the configuration property name is
<2> The *_datasourcename_* portion of the configuration property name
    is `test`.
<3> The *_propertyname_* portion of the configuration property name is

==== Examples [[DS-Configuration-Examples]]

Here are some examples illustrating general named data source
configuration patterns in various
xref:config/advanced-configuration.adoc[common MicroProfile
Config-compatible locations].

===== Example: `META-INF/` Classpath Resource

Here is an example of some named data source configuration as might be
found in a
configuration source:

javax.sql.DataSource.yourDataSourceName.somePropertyOfYourConnectionPoolAndDataSource = itsValue
javax.sql.DataSource.yourDataSourceName.someOtherPropertyOfYourConnectionPoolAndDataSource = anotherValue

===== Example: System Properties Set on the Command Line

Here is an example of some named data source configuration using
system properties on the command line instead:

java \
  -Djavax.sql.DataSource.yourDataSourceName.somePropertyOfYourConnectionPoolAndDataSource=itsValue \
  -Djavax.sql.DataSource.yourDataSourceName.someOtherPropertyOfYourConnectionPoolAndDataSource=anotherValue \
  # ...

===== Example: Environment Variables Set on the Command Line

Here is an example of some named data source configuration using
environment variables as typed directly into a command line shell,
relying on
Config's mapping rules], since many shells will not understand
environment variable names with periods (.)  in them:

java # ...

===== Example: Environment Variables Set By the `env` Command

Here is an example of some named data source configuration using
environment variables as supplied via the[`env`
shell command], thus removing the need for
Config's mapping rules]:

env 'javax.sql.DataSource.yourDataSourceName.somePropertyOfYourConnectionPoolAndDataSource=itsValue' \
  'javax.sql.DataSource.yourDataSourceName.someOtherPropertyOfYourConnectionPoolAndDataSource=anotherValue' \
  java # ...

===== Example: `application.yaml` Classpath Resource

Here is an example of some named data source configuration as might be
found in a `src/main/resources/application.yaml` classpath resource:

        somePropertyOfYourConnectionPoolAndDataSource: itsValue
        someOtherPropertyOfYourConnectionPoolAndDataSource: anotherValue

===== Example: Configuring the Oracle Universal Connection Pool and Oracle JDBC [[DS-Configuration-UCP-Oracle-Example]]

This example presumes you have:

* <>

* <>

This example, in Java properties file format, configures an Oracle
Universal Connection Pool-managed data source named `main` to
to an Oracle Database] on `localhost` port `1521`, using the
`oracle.jdbc.poolOracleDataSource` vendor-supplied `DataSource`, with
a service name of `XE`, a `user` of `scott`, and a `password` of

javax.sql.DataSource.main.connectionFactoryClassName = oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource # <1>
javax.sql.DataSource.main.url = jdbc:oracle:thin://@localhost:1521/XE # <2>
javax.sql.DataSource.main.user = scott
javax.sql.DataSource.main.password = tiger
<1> Why `connectionFactoryClassName`? See
<2> See
    Service Name Syntax].

In general, the properties that can be set on the Oracle Universal
Connection Pool can be inferred from the "setter" methods found in
javadoc for the `PoolDataSourceImpl` class].

In general, the properties that can be set on the
`DataSource` implementation can be inferred from the "setter" methods
found in

NOTE: link:{hikaricp-base-url}/src/main/java/com/zaxxer/hikari/util/[Unlike
HikariCP], the Oracle Universal Connection Pool does not distinguish
cleanly between configuration properties that affect _its_ behavior
and those that affect the behavior of the vendor-supplied `DataSource`
implementation whose connections it pools.  For example, in the
example above it is not possible to tell that
is a property of the Oracle Universal Connection Pool], and
is a property of the `oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource` `DataSource`
implementation].  In some cases, the Oracle Universal Connection Pool
the given property on _both_ the connection pool itself _and_ on the
vendor-supplied `DataSource` it manages].

===== Example: Configuring the HikariCP Connection Pool and H2 [[DS-Configuration-HikariCP-H2-Example]]

This example presumes you have:

* <>

* <>

This example, in Java properties file format, configures a
HikariCP-managed data source named `test` to connect to an in-memory
H2 database named `unit-testing` with a `user` of `sa` and an empty

javax.sql.DataSource.test.dataSourceClassName = org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource # <1>
javax.sql.DataSource.test.dataSource.url = jdbc:h2:mem:unit-testing;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1 # <2> <3>
javax.sql.DataSource.test.dataSource.user = sa
javax.sql.DataSource.test.dataSource.password =
<1> Why `dataSourceClassName`? See[HikariCP's
    configuration documentation] for information about how HikariCP
    separates configuration of the connection pool itself from
    configuration of the vendor-supplied `DataSource`.
<2> Why `dataSource.`? See
    lines 47–49].
<3> See[the
    H2 database's documentation about its URL format].

HikariCP's configuration properties are described[on
its GitHub repository].  Properties that should be forwarded on to the
vendor-supplied `DataSource`
prefixed with `dataSource.`] as seen in the example above.

In general, the properties that can be set on the[`org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource`]
vendor-supplied `DataSource` can be inferred from the "setter" methods
found in[its

==== Usage [[DS-Usage]]

You use Helidon MP's named data source integration in the same way,
regardless of your choices of vendor-supplied `DataSource` and
connection pool.

To use Helidon MP's named data source integration in your application,
once it has been <> and
<>, create an ordinary
injection point in a[Java
class representing a CDI bean] somewhere in your application,
link:{jakarta-inject-javadoc-url}/jakarta/inject/named[annotated with
the name] of the data source you wish to use.

Here is how to define such a field-backed injection point:

include::{sourcedir}/mp/[tag=snippet_1, indent=0]
<1> link:{jakarta-inject-javadoc-url}/jakarta/inject/inject[`@Inject`]
    marks the field as an injection point.  Its behavior is defined by
    the link:{jakarta-inject-spec-url}[Jakarta Dependency Injection
<2> link:{jakarta-inject-javadoc-url}/jakarta/inject/named[`@Named("test")`]
    says to use the data source named `test` (as declared by the
    <> of a named
    data source configuration property).
<3> The field injection point has a type of
    and the field itselfmay be named anything you like.

Here is how to define such a constructor parameter injection point:

include::{sourcedir}/mp/[tag=snippet_2, indent=0]
<1> This is the field whose value will be set in the constructor.
<2> link:{jakarta-inject-javadoc-url}/jakarta/inject/inject[`@Inject`]
    marks the constructor as one containing parameter injection
    points.  Its behavior is defined by the
    link:{jakarta-inject-spec-url}[Jakarta Dependency Injection
<3> link:{jakarta-inject-javadoc-url}/jakarta/inject/named[`@Named("test")`]
    says to use the data source named `test` (as declared by the
    <> of a named
    data source configuration property).  The parameter injection
    point has a type of
    and the parameter itself may be named anything you like.

<4> The injected argument will never be `null`.

== Jakarta Transactions (JTA) Integration [[JTA]]

=== Overview

Helidon MP's Jakarta Transactions integration integrates the[Naryana transaction engine], an
implementation of the link:{jakarta-transactions-base-url}/[Jakarta
Transactions Specification], into Helidon MP.  It lets you use
to declare JTA transactions in your Java code.

=== Maven Coordinates (JTA) [[JTA-Maven-Coordinates]]

To include Helidon's JTA integration in your application:

* xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[Ensure your dependencies are

* Ensure the following `` elements are present as child
  elements of your project's `pom.xml` file's `` element:


<1> The `scope` is `provided`, which ensures that the
    classes required for compilation] are available at compile time.
<2> The implementation of these API classes (provided by[Narayana]) will be available at runtime.

=== Configuration [[JTA-Configuration]]

==== Overview

Helidon MP's Jakarta Transactions integration does not require
configuration, but configuration is possible.  Because configuration
is of the[underlying Narayana transaction
engine], any restrictions are those of the engine, not of Helidon

Narayana, unlike Helidon MP, does not use MicroProfile Config, so its
configuration options are less flexible.

Some common examples of Narayana configuration follow.

==== Configuring the Object Store Directory

Narayana features an object store directory which it uses to store
information about transaction outcomes.  To set its location, you may
set the[`ObjectStoreEnvironmentBean.objectStoreDir`]
system property to the full path of a writeable directory:

java -DObjectStoreEnvironmentBean.objectStoreDir=/var/tmp # ...

the object store location] for more information.

==== Configuring the Default Transaction Manager Timeout

To configure Narayana's[default
transaction manager timeout], set the
`com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.defaultTimeout` system property to
an integral value in seconds:

java -Dcom.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.defaultTimeout=60 # ...

For more on configuring Narayana, see[Setting
Properties] in the Naryana documentation.

=== Usage [[JTA-Usage]]

To use Helidon MP's Jakarta Transactions integration, annotate a
method with the

include::{sourcedir}/mp/[tag=snippet_3, indent=0]
<1> The
    annotation] indicates that this method should be invoked in the
    scope of a JTA transaction.  **The object on which the method is
    invoked must be one that Helidon MP's CDI container has created**,
    i.e. it must be managed.
    (link:{jakarta-cdi-spec-url}#implementation[CDI beans are
    managed], as are
    link:{jakarta-jaxrs-spec-url}#resource-classes[Jakarta RESTful Web
    Services resource classes].)
<2> For
    to have any effect, whatever is used inside the method must be
    JTA-aware (such as a link:{jakarta-persistence-base-url}/[Jakarta
    Persistence] object like a managed

== Jakarta Persistence (JPA) [[JPA]]

=== Overview

Helidon MP's link:{jakarta-persistence-base-url}/[Jakarta Persistence]
integration allows you to interact with Jakarta Persistence (JPA)
objects as if your code were running in an application server,
handling automatic creation and management of objects such as
`EntityManager` and `EntityManagerFactory` instances.

More pragmatically, it allows you to inject managed
instances using the

Jakarta Persistence is a Jakarta EE specification that describes,
among other things, how its implementations:

1. Map Java objects to relational database tables

2. Manage such persistent Java objects

3. Interact with <>

4. Interact with <>

Jakarta Persistence may be used in an entirely application-managed
manner, which requires no integration at all.  This
application-managed mode places the burden of error handling, thread
safety, transaction management, and other concerns on the user.
**This documentation does _not_ cover application-managed mode JPA.**

Jakarta Persistence may also (preferably) be used in a fully
container-managed manner, which requires that a container, like
Helidon MP, handle error management, thread safety and transaction
management on behalf of the user.  **This documentation covers this
container-managed mode of JPA exclusively.**

Helidon MP's Jakarta Persistence integration comes with support for
two JPA implementations, known as _JPA providers_:

1. link:{hibernate-doc-base-url}[Hibernate ORM]


In any given project, you use one or the other, but not both.

How you set up Helidon MP's Jakarta Persistence integration differs
depending on which of these JPA providers you choose to use.

Jakarta Persistence requires <> and makes
use of <>, so as you set up your project you
will need to understand:

* <>

* <>

=== Project Setup [[JPA-Setup]]

==== Setting Up a JPA Provider

===== Overview

While the Jakarta Persistence specification standardizes many aspects
around programming and usage, it deliberately leaves many required
setup and configuration aspects up to the JPA provider.  You will need
to set up your project differently depending on which JPA provider you

To set up Helidon MP's Jakarta Persistence integration in your
application to work with your chosen JPA provider, you must:

1. <>

2. <>

3. Include the proper Jakarta Persistence-related dependencies

4. Set up your project to generate and compile the
   link:{jakarta-persistence-spec-url}#a6933[static metamodel]

5. Set up your project for _static weaving_

Details and examples for each supported JPA provider are below.

===== Maven Coordinates (Common) [[JPA-Maven-Coordinates]]

To include the Jakarta Persistence APIs that you will need and to
include the core of Helidon's Jakarta Persistence integration:

* xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[Ensure your dependencies
  are managed]

* <>

* <>

* Ensure the following `` elements are present as child
  elements of your project's `pom.xml` file's `` element:


<1> The `scope` is `provided`, which ensures that the
    classes required for compilation] are available at compile time.
<2> The `scope` is `runtime`, which ensures that Helidon's core,
    provider-independent Jakarta Persistence integration is available at

These `` elements do not set up a JPA provider.  See
details below for the JPA provider you have chosen to use.

===== Setting Up Static Metamodel Generation [[JPA-MetaModel]]

To generate and compile the Jakarta Persistence static metamodel for
your application, regardless of whether you are using Hibernate ORM or
Eclipselink, xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[ensure your
dependencies are managed], and then make sure the `` element
in the following code snippet is present as a child element of the
`` element sequence as shown below:







<1> This adds the `hibernate-jpamodelgen` jar, which contains a
    annotation processor that generates the static metamodel source
    code], to the Java compiler's annotation processor path so that it
    is active at compile time.
<2> Because your xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[dependencies
    are managed], this will resolve to the currently supported version
    of Hibernate ORM.

For more on the Hibernate ORM `hibernate-jpamodelgen` annotation
processor, see[Hibernate
Metamodel Generator] in Hibernate ORM's documentation.

NOTE: Many parts of Hibernate ORM's documentation of this feature are

===== Maven Coordinates (Hibernate ORM) [[JPA-Hibernate-Maven-Coordinates]]

To include Helidon's Jakarta Persistence-related integration for
Hibernate ORM:

* xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[Ensure your dependencies are

* <>

* Ensure the following `` elements are present as child
  elements of your project's `pom.xml` file's ``


<1> The `scope` is `runtime`, which ensures that Helidon MP's
    Hibernate ORM integration is available at runtime.

===== Setting Up Static Weaving (Hibernate ORM) [[JPA-Hibernate-Weaving]]

Hibernate ORM can alter your classes' bytecode at build time to keep
track of changes made to objects participating in Jakarta Persistence

To set up this required static weaving for Hibernate ORM, ensure that
the following `` element is present as a child element of your
project's `pom.xml` file's `` element:


            Statically enhance JPA entities for Hibernate


For more on the `hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin` in particular, see

For more on Hibernate ORM's bytecode enhancement (weaving) in general,
Enhancement] in Hibernate ORM's documentation.

For more on bytecode enhancement properties, see
Enhancement Properties] in Hibernate ORM's documentation.

===== Maven Coordinates (Eclipselink) [[JPA-Eclipselink-Maven-Coordinates]]

To include Helidon's Jakarta Persistence-related integration for

* xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[Ensure your dependencies are

* <>

* Ensure the following `` elements are present as child
  elements of your project's `pom.xml` file's ``


<1> The `scope` is `runtime`, which ensures that Helidon MP's
    Eclipselink integration is available at runtime.

===== Setting Up Static Weaving (Eclipselink) [[JPA-Eclipselink-Weaving]]

Eclipselink can alter your classes' bytecode at build time to keep
track of changes made to objects participating in Jakarta Persistence

To set up this required static weaving for Eclipselink, ensure that
the following `` element is present as a child element of your
project's `pom.xml` file's `` element:



<1> Always check[Maven
    Central] for up-to-date versions.

For more on the Eclipselink static weaving command-line utility, see[Static
Weaving] in the Eclipselink documentation.

=== Configuration [[JPA-Configuration]]

To configure Helidon MP's Jakarta Persistence integration, you author
file].  It contains a mix of standardized elements and JPA
provider-specific properties.

If you are writing a component or a library, then you place this in
your Maven project's `src/test/resources` directory (because a library
or component is not itself an application, and by definition can be
included in many applications, so it is inappropriate to put
application-level configuration in your component).  If you are
working on a project that contains the `main` method (or similar) that
starts your application, then and only then do you place a
`META-INF/persistence.xml` in your persistence-oriented Maven
project's `src/main/resources` directory.

For details about the structure and syntax of the
`META-INF/persistence.xml` file, see
file] in the Jakarta Persistence specification.

==== Use Only One `META-INF/persistence.xml` Per Application

Like any configuration, a `META-INF/persistence.xml` file is normally
an _application-level_ concern, not a _component-level_ concern. In
other words, your Java application, made up of various components, or
libraries, some of which you may have written, and many of which you
have not, should normally have exactly one `META-INF/persistence.xml`
on its classpath, describing the persistence-related aspects of the
application in its particular environment. There are very few use
cases where multiple `META-INF/persistence.xml` classpath resources
are called for.

A common mistake is to write a component or library—by
definition intended for use in possibly more than one
application—and include a
`src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml` in its Maven project.
If two components or libraries containing `META-INF/persistence.xml`
classpath resources like this are deployed as part of an application,
it can make for a confusing state of affairs at application runtime,
and may lead to exceptions indicating more _persistence units_ are
present than are expected.

Most library projects that work with JPA artifacts should probably
have a `src/test/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml` in their Maven
projects instead. This allows you to test your JPA-centric work
against a test configuration, rather than a "main" or production one,
which is almost certainly what you want in nearly all cases.

==== Persistence Units

Fundamentally, a `META-INF/persistence.xml` file contains a collection
of _persistence units_.  A persistence unit represents a collection of
entities in a relational database loosely coupled to a <> that knows how to connect to it.

Your `META-INF/persistence.xml` file must begin
(and end) with the following XML:



<1> Helidon MP's Jakarta Persistence integration supports
    link:{jakarta-persistence-base-url}/[Jakarta Persistence version
<2> ` elements are listed here.

==== Persistence Unit

You list your application's persistence units as
`` child elements of the enclosing ``
element.  Each `` element identifies a named
persistence unit that will correspond to an `EntityManager` in your
code, and represents a collection of entities in a relational database.

===== Example: Persistence Unit Skeleton

Here is a partial example of a persistence unit named `test` with a
helpful description:


    A testing database


<1> Because Helidon MP's JPA integration is for container-managed JPA,
    the link:{jakarta-persistence-spec-url}#a12296[`transaction-type`
    attribute] must in practice always be set to `JTA`.
<2> The order of subsequent child elements is significant and governed
    by the

NOTE: In most microservices, there will be only one persistence unit.

TIP: A `` is represented in Jakarta Persistence as
an instance of the

===== JTA Data Source [[JPA-JTA-Data-Source]]

A persistence unit is always associated with exactly one <>.

Because Helidon MP's Jakarta Persistence integration provides support
for container-managed JPA, and because container-managed JPA requires
Jakarta Transactions (JTA), the kind of named data source a
persistence unit is associated with is always a <> data
source.  The `` element, a child of the
`` element, is how you link a persistence unit to a
<> you previously <>.

====== Example: Persistence Unit with JTA Data Source

Here is a partial example of a persistence unit named `test`, with a
helpful description, linked with a JTA data source named `main`:


    A testing database


<1> This links this persistence unit to a <> named
    `main`, whose <> can
    be found in a MicroProfile-Config-compatible location, as detailed
    in the <> section
<2> Other persistence unit characteristics go here.

===== Classes

A persistence unit lists the classes that should be managed and that
will take part in Jakarta Persistence workflows.  You must list:

1. link:{jakarta-persistence-spec-url}#a18[Entity classes]

2. link:{jakarta-persistence-spec-url}#a487[Embeddable classes]

3. link:{jakarta-persistence-spec-url}#mapped-superclasses[Mapped

4. link:{jakarta-persistence-spec-url}#a2999[Converter classes]

You use a
of `` elements] to do this.  Each `` element contains
the fully-qualified class name of one of the types of managed classes
listed above.

NOTE: There are link:{jakarta-persistence-spec-url}#a12305[other
mechanisms that can be used in a `META-INF/persistence.xml` file to
describe managed classes], but they may or may not be honored by a
given JPA provider.

====== Example: Persistence Unit with Class Elements

Here is a partial example of a persistence unit named `test`, with a
helpful description, linked with a JTA data source named `main`,
containing two entity classes:


    A testing database


<1> Each entity class is listed with a separate `` element, and
    there is no containing `` element or similar.
<2> Other persistence unit characteristics go here.

===== Properties

Persistence units can have simple properties attached to them to
further configure the backing JPA provider.  You use the
element] to specify them.

NOTE: Helidon MP's Jakarta Persistence integration is for
container-managed JPA, so the vendor-independent properties
in the specification] directly concerned with database connectivity
information, such as `jakarta.persistence.jdbc.url`, **do not apply**
and will be ignored if present.  See <> section above for how a persistence unit is linked to a

====== Example: Persistence Unit with Properties

Here is a partial exmaple of a persistence unit named `test`, with a
helpful description, linked with a JTA data source named `sample`,
containing two entity classes, configuring a Hibernate ORM-specific


    A testing database

<1> The name identifies a name present in the
    <>.  There is no need for any kind of
    reserved prefix (like `java:comp/env`).
<2> This is a Hibernate ORM-specific property and will be properly
    ignored if the JPA provider you have <> is
    Eclipselink.  See
    logging and statistics] in the Hibernate ORM documentation for
    more details about the `hibernate.show_sql` property.
<3> This is an Eclipselink-specific property (and (a) is required and
    (b) must be set to `false` if you are using Eclipselink), and will
    be properly ignored if the JPA provider you have <> is Hibernate ORM.  See
    in the Eclipselink documentation for more details about the
    `eclipselink.weaving` property.

TIP: For an exhaustive list of Hibernate ORM-specific properties, see
in the Hibernate ORM documentation.

TIP: For an exhaustive list of Eclipselink-specific properties, see
Property Extensions Reference] in the Eclipselink documentation.

=== Usage [[JPA-Usage]]

To use Helidon MP's Jakarta Persistence integration, once you have
<> and <> your
project, you use the Jakarta Persistence APIs in almost the same
manner as if your project were deployed to a Jakarta EE application

Specifically, you:

1. Annotate your managed classes (entities, mapped superclasses, etc.)
   appropriately (using
   and similar annotations)

2. Inject
   instances appropriately with the

3. Use an injected
   to work with your managed objects

In addition, you <> to
declare transactional boundaries where appropriate.

A full tutorial of Jakarta Persistence is _well_ beyond the scope of
this documentation.  Consult
specification] for details on how to map your entity classes to
relational database tables, and how to perform other related tasks.

=== Examples [[JPA-Examples]]

* link:{helidon-github-tree-url}/examples/integrations/cdi/pokemons[JPA
  Pokemons Example]

== References [[References]]

* xref:../about/managing-dependencies.adoc[Managing Dependencies in Helidon MP]

* xref:config/introduction.adoc[MicroProfile Config in Helidon MP]

* link:{jdk-javadoc-url}/java.sql/java/sql/package-summary.html[JDBC
  4.3 Specification]

* link:{hikaricp-base-url}#readme[HikariCP {version-lib-hikaricp}

  Guide For Oracle JDBC 21c on Maven Central]

* link:{oracle-ucp-doc-base-url}/index.html[Oracle® Universal
  Connection Pool Developer's Guide, Release 21c]

* link:{oracle-ucp-javadoc-base-url}/index.html#[Oracle® Universal
  Connection Pool Java API Reference, Release 21c]

* link:{oracle-jdbc-doc-base-url}/index.html[Oracle® Database JDBC
  Developer's Guide and Reference, Release 21c]

* link:{oracle-jdbc-javadoc-base-url}/index.html[Oracle® Database JDBC
  Java API Reference, Release 21c]

*[H2 Database Engine documentation]

* link:{jakarta-transactions-spec-url}[Jakarta Transactions
  {version-lib-jakarta-transaction-api} Specification]

* link:{jakarta-transactions-javadoc-url}/[Jakarta Transactions
  {version-lib-jakarta-transaction-api} API Reference]

*[Narayana Project Documentation]

*[Narayana API Reference]

* link:{jakarta-persistence-spec-url}[Jakarta Persistence
  {version-lib-jakarta-persistence-api} Specification]

* link:{jakarta-persistence-javadoc-url}/[Jakarta Persistence
  {version-lib-jakarta-persistence-api} API Reference]

* link:{hibernate-doc-jboss-url}/userguide/html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html[Hibernate
  ORM User Guide]

*[Eclipselink documentation]

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