org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.ProcessInstanceQuery Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright Camunda Services GmbH and/or licensed to Camunda Services GmbH
* under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Camunda licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime;
import java.util.Set;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineConfiguration;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.query.Query;
* Allows programmatic querying of {@link ProcessInstance}s.
* @author Joram Barrez
* @author Frederik Heremans
* @author Falko Menge
public interface ProcessInstanceQuery extends Query {
/** Select the process instance with the given id */
ProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceId(String processInstanceId);
/** Select process instances whose id is in the given set of ids */
ProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceIds(Set processInstanceIds);
/** Select process instances with the given business key */
ProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKey(String processInstanceBusinessKey);
/** Select process instance with the given business key, unique for the given process definition */
ProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKey(String processInstanceBusinessKey, String processDefinitionKey);
* Select process instances with a business key like the given value.
* @param processInstanceBusinessKeyLike The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express
* like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
ProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceBusinessKeyLike(String processInstanceBusinessKeyLike);
* Select the process instances which are defined by a process definition with
* the given key.
ProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionKey(String processDefinitionKey);
* Select the process instances for any given process definition keys.
ProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionKeyIn(String... processDefinitionKeys);
/** Select historic process instances that don't have a process-definition of which the key is present in the given list */
ProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionKeyNotIn(String... processDefinitionKeys);
* Selects the process instances which are defined by a process definition
* with the given id.
ProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionId(String processDefinitionId);
* Selects the process instances which belong to the given deployment id.
* @since 7.4
ProcessInstanceQuery deploymentId(String deploymentId);
* Select the process instances which are a sub process instance of the given
* super process instance.
ProcessInstanceQuery superProcessInstanceId(String superProcessInstanceId);
* Select the process instance that have as sub process instance the given
* process instance. Note that there will always be maximum only one
* such process instance that can be the result of this query.
ProcessInstanceQuery subProcessInstanceId(String subProcessInstanceId);
* Selects the process instances which are associated with the given case instance id.
ProcessInstanceQuery caseInstanceId(String caseInstanceId);
* Select the process instances which are a sub process instance of the given
* super case instance.
* @since 7.3
ProcessInstanceQuery superCaseInstanceId(String superCaseInstanceId);
* Select the process instance that has as sub case instance the given
* case instance. Note that there will always be at most one
* such process instance that can be the result of this query.
* @since 7.3
ProcessInstanceQuery subCaseInstanceId(String subCaseInstanceId);
* The query will match the names of process-variables in a case-insensitive way.
ProcessInstanceQuery matchVariableNamesIgnoreCase();
* The query will match the values of process-variables in a case-insensitive way.
ProcessInstanceQuery matchVariableValuesIgnoreCase();
* Only select process instances which have a global variable with the given value. The type
* of variable is determined based on the value, using types configured in
* {@link ProcessEngineConfiguration#getVariableSerializers()}.
* Byte-arrays and {@link Serializable} objects (which are not primitive type wrappers)
* are not supported.
* @param name name of the variable, cannot be null.
ProcessInstanceQuery variableValueEquals(String name, Object value);
* Only select process instances which have a global variable with the given name, but
* with a different value than the passed value.
* Byte-arrays and {@link Serializable} objects (which are not primitive type wrappers)
* are not supported.
* @param name name of the variable, cannot be null.
ProcessInstanceQuery variableValueNotEquals(String name, Object value);
* Only select process instances which have a variable value greater than the passed value.
* Booleans, Byte-arrays and {@link Serializable} objects (which are not primitive type wrappers)
* are not supported.
* @param name variable name, cannot be null.
* @param value variable value, cannot be null.
ProcessInstanceQuery variableValueGreaterThan(String name, Object value);
* Only select process instances which have a global variable value greater than or equal to
* the passed value. Booleans, Byte-arrays and {@link Serializable} objects (which
* are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
* @param name variable name, cannot be null.
* @param value variable value, cannot be null.
ProcessInstanceQuery variableValueGreaterThanOrEqual(String name, Object value);
* Only select process instances which have a global variable value less than the passed value.
* Booleans, Byte-arrays and {@link Serializable} objects (which are not primitive type wrappers)
* are not supported.
* @param name variable name, cannot be null.
* @param value variable value, cannot be null.
ProcessInstanceQuery variableValueLessThan(String name, Object value);
* Only select process instances which have a global variable value less than or equal to the passed value.
* Booleans, Byte-arrays and {@link Serializable} objects (which are not primitive type wrappers)
* are not supported.
* @param name variable name, cannot be null.
* @param value variable value, cannot be null.
ProcessInstanceQuery variableValueLessThanOrEqual(String name, Object value);
* Only select process instances which have a global variable value like the given value.
* This be used on string variables only.
* @param name variable name, cannot be null.
* @param value variable value, cannot be null. The string can include the
* wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy:
* starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
ProcessInstanceQuery variableValueLike(String name, String value);
* Only selects process instances which are suspended, either because the
* process instance itself is suspended or because the corresponding process
* definition is suspended
ProcessInstanceQuery suspended();
* Only selects process instances which are active, which means that
* neither the process instance nor the corresponding process definition
* are suspended.
ProcessInstanceQuery active();
* Only selects process instances with at least one incident.
ProcessInstanceQuery withIncident();
* Only selects process instances with the given incident type.
ProcessInstanceQuery incidentType(String incidentType);
* Only selects process instances with the given incident id.
ProcessInstanceQuery incidentId(String incidentId);
* Only selects process instances with the given incident message.
ProcessInstanceQuery incidentMessage(String incidentMessage);
* Only selects process instances with an incident message like the given.
ProcessInstanceQuery incidentMessageLike(String incidentMessageLike);
/** Only select process instances with one of the given tenant ids. */
ProcessInstanceQuery tenantIdIn(String... tenantIds);
/** Only selects process instances which have no tenant id. */
ProcessInstanceQuery withoutTenantId();
* Only selects process instances with leaf activity instances
* or transition instances (async before, async after) in
* at least one of the given activity ids.
Leaf instance means this filter works for instances
* of a user task is matched, but not the embedded sub process it is
* contained in.
ProcessInstanceQuery activityIdIn(String... activityIds);
/** Only selects process instances which are top level process instances. */
ProcessInstanceQuery rootProcessInstances();
/** Only selects process instances which don't have subprocesses and thus are leaves of the execution tree. */
ProcessInstanceQuery leafProcessInstances();
/** Only selects process instances which process definition has no tenant id. */
ProcessInstanceQuery processDefinitionWithoutTenantId();
//ordering /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** Order by id (needs to be followed by {@link #asc()} or {@link #desc()}). */
ProcessInstanceQuery orderByProcessInstanceId();
/** Order by process definition key (needs to be followed by {@link #asc()} or {@link #desc()}). */
ProcessInstanceQuery orderByProcessDefinitionKey();
/** Order by process definition id (needs to be followed by {@link #asc()} or {@link #desc()}). */
ProcessInstanceQuery orderByProcessDefinitionId();
* Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by {@link #asc()} or {@link #desc()}).
* Note that the ordering of process instances without tenant id is database-specific.
ProcessInstanceQuery orderByTenantId();
/** Order by the business key (needs to be followed by {@link #asc()} or {@link #desc()}). */
ProcessInstanceQuery orderByBusinessKey();
After calling or(), a chain of several filter criteria could follow. Each filter criterion that follows or()
* will be linked together with an OR expression until the OR query is terminated. To terminate the OR query right
* after the last filter criterion was applied, {@link #endOr()} must be invoked.
* @return an object of the type {@link ProcessInstanceQuery} on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria could be applied.
* The several filter criteria will be linked together by an OR expression.
* @throws ProcessEngineException when or() has been invoked directly after or() or after or() and trailing filter
* criteria. To prevent throwing this exception, {@link #endOr()} must be invoked after a chain of filter criteria to
* mark the end of the OR query.
* */
ProcessInstanceQuery or();
* endOr() terminates an OR query on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria were applied. To terminate the
* OR query which has been started by invoking {@link #or()}, endOr() must be invoked. Filter criteria which are
* applied after calling endOr() are linked together by an AND expression.
* @return an object of the type {@link ProcessInstanceQuery} on which an arbitrary amount of filter criteria could be applied.
* The filter criteria will be linked together by an AND expression.
* @throws ProcessEngineException when endOr() has been invoked before {@link #or()} was invoked. To prevent throwing
* this exception, {@link #or()} must be invoked first.
* */
ProcessInstanceQuery endOr();