org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.assertions.bpmn.ProcessInstanceAssert Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.assertions.bpmn;
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
import org.assertj.core.api.ListAssert;
import org.assertj.core.api.MapAssert;
import org.assertj.core.util.Lists;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngine;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.externaltask.ExternalTaskQuery;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.*;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.repository.ProcessDefinition;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.repository.ProcessDefinitionQuery;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.*;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.task.TaskQuery;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.util.HistoricActivityInstanceComparator;
import java.util.*;
* Assertions for a {@link ProcessInstance}
* @author Martin Schimak
* @author Rafael Cordones
public class ProcessInstanceAssert extends AbstractProcessAssert {
protected ProcessInstanceAssert(final ProcessEngine engine, final ProcessInstance actual) {
super(engine, actual, ProcessInstanceAssert.class);
protected ProcessInstanceAssert(final ProcessEngine engine, final ProcessInstance actual, Class> selfType) {
super(engine, actual, selfType);
protected static ProcessInstanceAssert assertThat(final ProcessEngine engine, final ProcessInstance actual) {
return new ProcessInstanceAssert(engine, actual);
protected ProcessInstance getCurrent() {
return processInstanceQuery().singleResult();
protected String toString(ProcessInstance processInstance) {
return processInstance != null ?
String.format("%s {" +
"id='%s', " +
"processDefinitionId='%s', " +
: null;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is currently waiting
* at one or more specified activities.
* @param activityIds the id's of the activities the process instance is Expecting to
* be waiting at
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isWaitingAt(final String... activityIds) {
return isWaitingAt(activityIds, true, false);
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is currently NOT waiting
* at one or more specified activities.
* @param activityIds the id's of the activities the process instance is expected
* not to be waiting at
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isNotWaitingAt(final String... activityIds) {
return isWaitingAt(activityIds, false, false);
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is currently waiting
* at exactly one or more specified activities.
* @param activityIds the id's of the activities the process instance is Expecting to
* be waiting at
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isWaitingAtExactly(final String... activityIds) {
return isWaitingAt(activityIds, true, true);
private ProcessInstanceAssert isWaitingAt(final String[] activityIds, boolean isWaitingAt, boolean exactly) {
ProcessInstance current = getExistingCurrent();
.overridingErrorMessage("Expecting list of activityIds not to be null, not to be empty and not to contain null values: %s."
, Lists.newArrayList(activityIds))
final List activeActivityIds = runtimeService().getActiveActivityIds(actual.getId());
final String message = "Expecting %s " +
(isWaitingAt ? "to be waiting at " + (exactly ? "exactly " : "") + "%s, " : "NOT to be waiting at %s, ") +
"but it is actually waiting at %s.";
ListAssert assertion = Assertions.assertThat(activeActivityIds)
if (exactly) {
if (isWaitingAt) {
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// "isNotWaitingAtExactly" is unsupported
} else {
if (isWaitingAt) {
} else {
return this;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is currently waiting
* for one or more specified messages.
* @param messageNames the names of the message the process instance is expected to
* be waiting for
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isWaitingFor(final String... messageNames) {
return isWaitingFor(messageNames, true);
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is currently waiting
* for one or more specified messages.
* @param messageNames the names of the message the process instance is expected to
* be waiting for
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isNotWaitingFor(final String... messageNames) {
return isWaitingFor(messageNames, false);
private ProcessInstanceAssert isWaitingFor(final String[] messageNames, boolean isWaitingFor) {
.overridingErrorMessage("Expecting list of messageNames not to be null, not to be empty and not to contain null values: %s."
, Lists.newArrayList(messageNames))
for (String messageName : messageNames) {
List executions = executionQuery().messageEventSubscriptionName(messageName).list();
ListAssert assertion = Assertions.assertThat(executions).overridingErrorMessage("Expecting %s " +
(isWaitingFor ? "to be waiting for %s, " : "NOT to be waiting for %s, ") +
"but actually did " + (isWaitingFor ? "not " : "") + "find it to be waiting for message [%s].",
actual, Arrays.asList(messageNames), messageName);
if (isWaitingFor) {
} else {
return this;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} has passed one or
* more specified activities.
* @param activityIds the id's of the activities expected to have been passed
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert hasPassed(final String... activityIds) {
return hasPassed(activityIds, true, false);
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} has passed one or
* more specified activities exactly in the given order.
* @param activityIds the id's of the activities expected to have been passed
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert hasPassedInOrder(final String... activityIds) {
return hasPassed(activityIds, true, true);
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} has NOT passed one
* or more specified activities.
* @param activityIds the id's of the activities expected NOT to have been passed
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert hasNotPassed(final String... activityIds) {
return hasPassed(activityIds, false, false);
private ProcessInstanceAssert hasPassed(final String[] activityIds, boolean hasPassed, boolean inOrder) {
.overridingErrorMessage("Expecting list of activityIds not to be null, not to be empty and not to contain null values: %s."
, Lists.newArrayList(activityIds))
List finishedInstances = historicActivityInstanceQuery().finished().list();
Collections.sort(finishedInstances, new HistoricActivityInstanceComparator());
List finished = new ArrayList(finishedInstances.size());
for (HistoricActivityInstance instance : finishedInstances) {
final String message = "Expecting %s " +
(hasPassed ? "to have passed activities %s at least once"
+ (inOrder ? " and in order" : "") + ", "
: "NOT to have passed activities %s, ") +
"but actually we instead we found that it passed %s. (Please make sure you have set the history " +
"service of the engine to at least 'activity' or a higher level before making use of this assertion!)";
ListAssert assertion = Assertions.assertThat(finished)
if (hasPassed) {
if (inOrder) {
List remainingFinished = finished;
for (String activityId : activityIds) {
remainingFinished = remainingFinished.subList(remainingFinished.indexOf(activityId) + 1, remainingFinished.size());
} else
return this;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} holds one or
* more process variables with the specified names.
* @param names the names of the process variables expected to exist. In
* case no variable name is given, the existence of at least one
* variable will be verified.
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert hasVariables(final String... names) {
return hasVars(names);
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} holds no
* process variables at all.
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert hasNoVariables() {
return hasVars(null);
private ProcessInstanceAssert hasVars(final String[] names) {
boolean shouldHaveVariables = names != null;
boolean shouldHaveSpecificVariables = names != null && names.length > 0;
Map vars = vars();
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.append("Expecting %s to hold ");
message.append(shouldHaveVariables ? "process variables"
+ (shouldHaveSpecificVariables ? " %s, " : ", ") : "no variables at all, ");
message.append("instead we found it to hold "
+ (vars.isEmpty() ? "no variables at all." : "the variables %s."));
if (vars.isEmpty() && getCurrent() == null)
message.append(" (Please make sure you have set the history " +
"service of the engine to at least 'audit' or a higher level " +
"before making use of this assertion for historic instances!)");
MapAssert assertion = variables()
.overridingErrorMessage(message.toString(), toString(actual),
shouldHaveSpecificVariables ? Arrays.asList(names) : vars.keySet(), vars.keySet());
if (shouldHaveVariables) {
if (shouldHaveSpecificVariables) {
} else {
} else {
return this;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} has the
* given processDefinitionKey.
* @param processDefinitionKey the expected key
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert hasProcessDefinitionKey(String processDefinitionKey) {
final String message = "Expecting %s to have process definition key '%s', " +
"but instead found it to have process definition key '%s'.";
ProcessDefinition processDefinition = processDefinitionQuery().singleResult();
.overridingErrorMessage(message, toString(actual), processDefinitionKey, processDefinition.getKey())
return this;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is ended.
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isEnded() {
final String message = "Expecting %s to be ended, but it is not!. (Please " +
"make sure you have set the history service of the engine to at least " +
"'activity' or a higher level before making use of this assertion!)";
return this;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is currently
* suspended.
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isSuspended() {
ProcessInstance current = getExistingCurrent();
.overridingErrorMessage("Expecting %s to be suspended, but it is not!",
return this;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is not ended.
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isNotEnded() {
ProcessInstance current = getExistingCurrent();
.overridingErrorMessage("Expecting %s not to be ended, but it is!",
return this;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is currently active,
* iow not suspended and not ended.
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isActive() {
ProcessInstance current = getExistingCurrent();
.overridingErrorMessage("Expecting %s not to be suspended, but it is!",
return this;
* Verifies the expectation that the {@link ProcessInstance} is started. This is
* also true, in case the process instance already ended.
* @return this {@link ProcessInstanceAssert}
public ProcessInstanceAssert isStarted() {
Object pi = getCurrent();
if (pi == null) {
pi = historicProcessInstanceQuery().singleResult();
.overridingErrorMessage("Expecting %s to be started, but it is not!",
return this;
* Enter into a chained task assert inspecting the one and mostly
* one task currently available in the context of the process instance
* under test of this ProcessInstanceAssert.
* @return TaskAssert inspecting the only task available. Inspecting a
* 'null' Task in case no such Task is available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more
* than one task is delivered by the query (after being narrowed
* to actual ProcessInstance)
public TaskAssert task() {
return task(taskQuery());
* Enter into a chained task assert inspecting the one and mostly
* one task of the specified task definition key currently available in the
* context of the process instance under test of this ProcessInstanceAssert.
* @param taskDefinitionKey definition key narrowing down the search for
* tasks
* @return TaskAssert inspecting the only task available. Inspecting a
* 'null' Task in case no such Task is available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more than one
* task is delivered by the query (after being narrowed to actual
* ProcessInstance)
public TaskAssert task(String taskDefinitionKey) {
return task(taskQuery().taskDefinitionKey(taskDefinitionKey));
* Enter into a chained extrnal task assert inspecting only external tasks currently
* available in the context of the process instance under test of this
* ProcessInstanceAssert. The query is automatically narrowed down to
* the actual ProcessInstance under test of this assertion.
* @param query ExternalTaskQuery further narrowing down the search for tasks
* The query is automatically narrowed down to the actual
* ProcessInstance under test of this assertion.
* @return ExternalTaskAssert inspecting the only task resulting from the given
* search. Inspecting a 'null' Task in case no such Task is
* available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more than
* one task is delivered by the query (after being narrowed to
* actual ProcessInstance)
public ExternalTaskAssert externalTask(final ExternalTaskQuery query) {
if (query == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal call of externalTask(query = 'null') - but must not be null!");
ExternalTaskQuery narrowed = query.processInstanceId(actual.getId());
return ExternalTaskAssert.assertThat(engine, narrowed.singleResult());
* Enter into a chained task assert inspecting only tasks currently
* available in the context of the process instance under test of this
* ProcessInstanceAssert. The query is automatically narrowed down to
* the actual ProcessInstance under test of this assertion.
* @param query TaskQuery further narrowing down the search for tasks
* The query is automatically narrowed down to the actual
* ProcessInstance under test of this assertion.
* @return TaskAssert inspecting the only task resulting from the given
* search. Inspecting a 'null' Task in case no such Task is
* available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more than
* one task is delivered by the query (after being narrowed to
* actual ProcessInstance)
public TaskAssert task(final TaskQuery query) {
if (query == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal call of task(query = 'null') - but must not be null!");
TaskQuery narrowed = query.processInstanceId(actual.getId());
return TaskAssert.assertThat(engine, narrowed.singleResult());
* Enter into a chained process instance assert inspecting the one and mostly
* one called process instance currently available in the context of the process instance
* under test of this ProcessInstanceAssert.
* @return ProcessInstanceAssert inspecting the only called process instance available. Inspecting a
* 'null' process instance in case no such Task is available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more
* than one process instance is delivered by the query (after being narrowed
* to actual ProcessInstance)
public ProcessInstanceAssert calledProcessInstance() {
return calledProcessInstance(super.processInstanceQuery());
* Enter into a chained process instance assert inspecting the one and mostly
* one called process instance of the specified process definition key currently available in the
* context of the process instance under test of this ProcessInstanceAssert.
* @param processDefinitionKey definition key narrowing down the search for
* process instances
* @return ProcessInstanceAssert inspecting the only such process instance available.
* Inspecting a 'null' ProcessInstance in case no such ProcessInstance is available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more than one
* process instance is delivered by the query (after being narrowed to actual
* ProcessInstance)
public ProcessInstanceAssert calledProcessInstance(String processDefinitionKey) {
return calledProcessInstance(super.processInstanceQuery().processDefinitionKey(processDefinitionKey));
* Enter into a chained process instance assert inspecting a called process instance
* called by and currently available in the context of the process instance under test
* of this ProcessInstanceAssert. The query is automatically narrowed down to the actual
* ProcessInstance under test of this assertion.
* @param query ProcessDefinitionQuery further narrowing down the search for process
* instances. The query is automatically narrowed down to the actual
* ProcessInstance under test of this assertion.
* @return ProcessInstanceAssert inspecting the only such process instance resulting
* from the given search. Inspecting a 'null' ProcessInstance in case no such
* ProcessInstance is available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more than
* one ProcessInstance is delivered by the query (after being narrowed to
* actual ProcessInstance)
public ProcessInstanceAssert calledProcessInstance(ProcessInstanceQuery query) {
if (query == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal call of calledProcessInstance(query = 'null') - but must not be null!");
ProcessInstanceQuery narrowed = query.superProcessInstanceId(actual.getId());
return CalledProcessInstanceAssert.assertThat(engine, narrowed.singleResult());
* Enter into a chained job assert inspecting the one and mostly
* one job currently available in the context of the process
* instance under test of this ProcessInstanceAssert.
* @return JobAssert inspecting the only job available. Inspecting
* a 'null' Job in case no such Job is available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more
* than one task is delivered by the query (after being narrowed
* to actual ProcessInstance)
public JobAssert job() {
return job(jobQuery());
* Enter into a chained task assert inspecting the one and mostly
* one task of the specified task definition key currently available in the
* context of the process instance under test of this ProcessInstanceAssert.
* @param activityId id narrowing down the search for jobs
* @return JobAssert inspecting the retrieved job. Inspecting a
* 'null' Task in case no such Job is available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more than one
* job is delivered by the query (after being narrowed to actual
* ProcessInstance)
public JobAssert job(String activityId) {
Execution execution = executionQuery().activityId(activityId).active().singleResult();
return JobAssert.assertThat(
execution != null ? jobQuery().executionId(execution.getId()).singleResult() : null
* Enter into a chained job assert inspecting only jobs currently
* available in the context of the process instance under test of this
* ProcessInstanceAssert. The query is automatically narrowed down to
* the actual ProcessInstance under test of this assertion.
* @param query JobQuery further narrowing down the search for
* jobs. The query is automatically narrowed down to the
* actual ProcessInstance under test of this assertion.
* @return JobAssert inspecting the only job resulting from the
* given search. Inspecting a 'null' job in case no such job
* is available.
* @throws org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException in case more
* than one job is delivered by the query (after being narrowed
* to actual ProcessInstance)
public JobAssert job(JobQuery query) {
if (query == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal call of job(query = 'null') - but must not be null!");
JobQuery narrowed = query.processInstanceId(actual.getId());
return JobAssert.assertThat(engine, narrowed.singleResult());
* Enter into a chained map assert inspecting the variables currently
* - or, for finished process instances, historically - available in the
* context of the process instance under test of this ProcessInstanceAssert.
* @return MapAssert inspecting the process variables.
* Inspecting an empty map in case no such variables are available.
public MapAssert variables() {
return Assertions.assertThat(vars());
/* Return variables map - independent of running/historic instance status */
protected Map vars() {
ProcessInstance current = getCurrent();
if (current != null) {
return runtimeService().getVariables(current.getProcessInstanceId());
} else {
List instances = historicVariableInstanceQuery().list();
Map map = new HashMap();
for (HistoricVariableInstance instance : instances) {
map.put(instance.getName(), instance.getValue());
return map;
/* TaskQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected TaskQuery taskQuery() {
return super.taskQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getId());
/* JobQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected JobQuery jobQuery() {
return super.jobQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getId());
/* ProcessInstanceQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected ProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceQuery() {
return super.processInstanceQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getId());
/* ExecutionQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected ExecutionQuery executionQuery() {
return super.executionQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getId());
/* VariableInstanceQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected VariableInstanceQuery variableInstanceQuery() {
return super.variableInstanceQuery().processInstanceIdIn(actual.getId());
/* HistoricActivityInstanceQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected HistoricActivityInstanceQuery historicActivityInstanceQuery() {
return super.historicActivityInstanceQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getId());
/* HistoricDetailQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected HistoricDetailQuery historicDetailQuery() {
return super.historicDetailQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getId());
/* HistoricProcessInstanceQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected HistoricProcessInstanceQuery historicProcessInstanceQuery() {
return super.historicProcessInstanceQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getId());
/* HistoricTaskInstanceQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected HistoricTaskInstanceQuery historicTaskInstanceQuery() {
return super.historicTaskInstanceQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getId());
/* HistoricVariableInstanceQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance} */
protected HistoricVariableInstanceQuery historicVariableInstanceQuery() {
return super.historicVariableInstanceQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getId());
/* ProcessDefinitionQuery, automatically narrowed to {@link ProcessDefinition}
* of actual {@link ProcessInstance}
protected ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionQuery() {
return super.processDefinitionQuery().processDefinitionId(actual.getProcessDefinitionId());
* ExternalTaskQuery, automatically narrowed to actual {@link ProcessInstance}
protected ExternalTaskQuery externalTaskQuery() {
return super.externalTaskQuery().processInstanceId(actual.getProcessInstanceId());
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